I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 57 - The Bigger Demon - Manticore

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These ten seals were called the Ten Paths of Condemnation. The first seal represented the "earth", which meant that whoever was performing this set of stamps was someone of the human dimension. The second seal represented "will", which meant that the inhabitant of the human dimension was using his energy to repel an invader. The third seal represented "strength", which meant that the person was using his (mental) willpower to resist the invader.

The fourth seal was "Vigilance", the fifth seal was "Handcuffs", the sixth seal was "Confinement", the seventh seal was "Silence", the eighth seal was "Weakening", the ninth seal was "Judgment" and the Decimo seal was the "Condemnation".

By completing the ten seals at least a dozen times the demons would be greatly weakened, which would facilitate the task of exorcism.

Of course, one priest against ten or more demons wouldn't be any way to make the ten seals work. However, a large number of priests could at least keep the demons trapped in the room.

The song was a page from the holy book named Song of Condemnation. This song served to affirm that the inhabitants of the human dimension condemned the invader for disturbing the laws of the human dimension, which made the human dimension reject the existence of these beings. What causes invaders to lose 50% of their powers, moreover, they would have to deal with the strong pressure that the rejection of the human dimension will exert on them.

Emery was very much emerging in the experience with the sacred energy that forgot the time, he made each of the stamps very quickly and sang the song as if it were a piece of modern music.

His voice was firm and stable, there was something a little supernatural in his voice, but Emery could not realize it. He had his eyes closed like the other priests and did not realize that his whole body had become a great focal point of light.

Emery Darcy seemed to shine like a gemstone in the sun, it was very beautiful, but also a little blinding.

"Quod anima tua, purgatur et illuminatur, in opinione eorum ablue peccata tua, et mitte in domum suam. Delens quod producat mala omnia in hunc mundum. (May your soul be purified and enlightened, may the condemnation wash away your sins, and send it to your home. Obliterating all the evil you brought to this world.)" Emery intoned with his captivating and firm voice.

Emery felt the sacred energy stir at the end of the song that he will eventually finish for the first time when he finished performing the sacred energy seal in his body expanded and began to encompass the whole place.

The canteen was not a small place, but the pure energy that shone in various colors as the aurora borealis managed to extend throughout the place. The priests felt deep and sacred energy around them, they opened their frightened eyes to see such power spreading through the canteen.

The priests seemed very shocked to see that the person who eats stake in the sacred energy was a person who looked like a priest like them.

"This is a powerfull exorcist" a priest murmured surprised, so he had to close his eyes because the luminosity of the sacred energy was too much for his eyes.

The other priests agreed with the priest who had spoken, but they were still surprised by so much power.

Of course, the biggest surprise was that this Exorcist was performing the most basic of stamps and not using his instrument to exorcise. Well, by the way, the sacred energy was behaving, there would be no difference between this Exorcist using his weapon or performing the chant with the ten seals.

Emery felt the energy expanding, the energy delineated the whole environment, he could feel the chairs, he could feel the tables, the butchers, plates, and glasses. It was as if he could "see" all this with his sacred energy, so he could also see the demons they were up to.

There were 10 smaller demons up to speed, while a great demon was lying next to it looking at everything with indifference. The 10 demons were very similar, they are small and blue, with long pointed ears and transparent dragonfly wings. In his small, thin hands were some kind of item that Emery could not identify, these items looked like flutes and he could see the little winged beings blowing on these flutes.

Every time they blew these flutes, there was no sound, but it trembling energy waves of demonic energy that made the chairs and tables flying.

"Those are imps, " thought Emery suddenly. The memory of the original Emery Darcy crossed his mind. It was one of several contents of the study of novices, on the type's demons and spirits, hierarchies, and powers of these supernatural beings.

Imps were similar to the bad version of fairies, they were small, hairy, ugly, and blue. They loved to get ready and fool beings of the human dimension. He scared small children and animals as they laid on the backs of adults.

The Imps are at the lowest hierarchical level of demons, they were like a kind of pet for the larger demons.

Demons are divided by status, however, before they reach a level to have a status, they are divided into three types, smaller demons, medium demons, and larger demons.

Then they are divided into statuses, such as Pawn, Knight, Baron, Viscount, Count, Marquis, Duke, Archduke, and Demon King. The name of the God who controls the dimension of hell is called Satan.

Generally, demons that have no status have their abstract and different physical form, while demons with status have a more robust physical form and stronger powers. Status is like the titles that angels acquire, each status gives a new gain of power. Among these gains of powers has the power of body transformation, manipulation of the mind, and control over other demons of inferior status.

For example, a demon with count status can control demons with the status of viscount, baron, knights, and pawns.

It should be remembered that the higher the demon's status, the less chance he can invade the human dimension. Unless it's the apocalypse. Demons like marquis Arabeth were very rare.

Emery was a little fascinated to see the imps having fun, of course, the fun was over when they felt the sacred energy surrounding them. The imps began to talk to each other quickly and in a language that Emery did not understand.

Emery's attention focused on something else, as he reached a particularly strong demon. Bishop Darcy cannot help but shudder to "see" that big, fierce figure.

"A Manticore!" said Emery surprised to see this figure that reminded him greatly of the legendary chimeras told in the books on Greek/Roman legends.

The lion's head, tiger's body, dragon paws, crow wings, antelope horns, and scorpion tail.

Manticore's golden gaze was full of indifference and the aura around his elicit danger, his lion's mane was not normal, as it seemed to be on fire.

"So that's the cause of the blue fire," thought Emery curiously looking at this legendary greatest demon.

Emery recalled that in the original novel, Giovanni summons a Manticore when he was fighting a noble despot who was jealous of Giovanni. Well, he summoned a Manticore using a baby's soul. This baby had been aborted and was the result of a ****, whose rapist was the noble despot who was threatening Giovanni.

Of course, this kind of thing upset Emery a lot, because he felt sorry for the baby and the child's mother, but he had more empathy for the baby, who was not to blame for anything and ended up dying so horrible.

The manticores can only be summoned by sacrificing souls to be brought into the human dimension unless a direct portal to hell is opened. However, to open the portal of hell was extremely laborious and long, what Father Lattanzio did can not be copied until so soon.

This person had years to work on the construction of this portal at Matteo Abbey, probably he wanted to make a contract with some demon of high status to realize his dream of becoming a Warlock.

That would explain the arrival of Marquis Arabeth in the human dimension. Emery didn't want to think about it too much, as there would have to be many sacrifices of human lives or sacred items to open a portal capable of letting the demonic Marquis move into the human dimension.

This showed that Father Lattanzio was not as good as the book made him look!

"Human... All so hateful" a thick voice sounded in the environment making the little imp's shudder. As they were smaller demons, they were very afraid of larger demons like the Manticore.

"You talk like it's something nice!" Emery scoffed at his mind. Normally a Manticore could only come into the human dimension if it consumed lives.

"Can you hear me?" Manticore spoke a little incredulously, his golden eyes focused on Emery.

"What's the matter?" asked Emery in a defiant tone, despite feeling his knees become weak as he saw this 5-foot-tall Manticore slowly approaching him.

"Do you want to make a contract?" asked Manticore away from Emery by five yards away. He didn't want to get too close to the human wouldn't feel too threatened.

Emery was surprised and didn't know what to answer that sudden question. He thought he'd have to fight for his life in a fierce battle against this greater demon. However, this greater demon wanted to make a contract with him?

Emery: (...)

Hey, I may not look like it, but I'm a Bishop!

Can't you see I'm about to exorcise you?

These confused thoughts passed through Emery's mind, who seemed a little foolish with his pretty mouth a little open. Yes, he had a jaw dropped because of that very weird proposal.

He wouldn't have been so shocked if Arabeth was the only one to propose this type of agreement ... no, that would be even more strange, in the book the demons didn't like to bond with humans without having something very great as a benefit, as the soul of this human or maybe some human sacrifices, or items that can be very rare, in short, such a direct proposal was shocking.

Also, did he have the face of a person who would throw his soul away or who would kill people?

Did the manticore see that he was rich and came after the money?

Emery thought of many things as his sacred energy expanded and made the little elfin run for their lives fleeing quickly, of course, some were not so lucky and were directly obliterated.

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