After Emery enchanted some clothes for Yani's size, of course, he missed the SMALL SIZE spell a few times, using the BIG SIZE spell to correct the errors, after a few tries everything went fine. This made Emery realize that he didn't need to give the magic time to recover, as with the INVISIBLE spell.

Now that he thought about it, the CLEAN spell also didn't have to wait any time for the words to mess with mana again.

"What are you thinking?" asked Yani, as they were hiding in a room that was used to store clothes for the novices. There were several brown and black tunics piled around it, with a few seats for the workers. The SILENCE and INVISIBLE spell had already ended and needed half an hour to work again.

The ground floor was full of priests, novices and knights circling and keeping watch in the corridors, thanks to Bao and the little demons everyone was very alert which made it difficult for Yani and Emery to navigate more smoothly through the corridors of Matteo Abbey.

Yani was surprised that Emery didn't say anything for a long time, he looked like he was looking into the beyond with deep thought.

"I was just thinking about the spells and loading times for each. Isn't it strange that CLEAN and SMALL SIZE don't need to load time, but spells like INVISIBLE and SILENCE need time to get back to work?" asked Emery feeling a little disturbed about it, of course, a little amazed, after all, this was all magic.

To Emery who came from a world where there was no magic, anything related to magic seemed very special to his eyes.

"CLEAN turns dirt into mana as soon as it recharges itself. The SMALL SIZE and the BIG SIZE spells, on the other hand, work on an object and are used in a few seconds. That is, the amount of mana that these spells need to operate is not considered very large, so the mana cooldown is negligible."

Yani didn't notice how his countenance changed, becoming more confident as he spoke, which was very different from the shy 18-year-old Giovanni who spent most of his life inside an abbey.

"INVISIBLE and SILENCE, on the other hand, are spells that are activated continuously, which takes the spell to wear out, therefore it is necessary to allow time for the words to recharge with mana to be able to cast the spell again..." Yani continued to speak naturally because he had studied magic for so many years to talk about a subject as simple as breathing and blinking.

"So all spells that have a longer duration of time do they need to recharge? Does the water whip spell fall into this category? Because I could only use this spell for a few seconds or I can use this spell for a few minutes or even longer. How would that category of time be adjusted for each spell?" Emery asked Yani with curious eyes.

Emery looked pretty excited, but inside he was suspicious. He knew all that Yani was telling him, because of the memories inherited from the previous owner that part of life studies magic. He was suspicious because of the confident and thoughtful attitude "Giovanni" showed him, which was quite different from the shy and slightly fearful attitude of the Giovanni he had rescued two days ago.

The change was too radical for a short period of time, considering how shy Giovanni behaved in front of him earlier, plus the current Giovanni shouldn't be so versed in magic, as he only studies superficially before entering the abbey and become a novice. At least that was in keeping with the original plot of the book Emery had read in the past life.

"Well, elemental-bound spells have different rules than elemental-free spells. The spells linked to the elements depend on the purity and amount of MANA to show their strength and become more prolonged. As long as the Wizard doesn't run out of MANA it's hard to say how long an element spell would continue to exist," said Yani very naturally. He used a simple fireball spell.

FIREBALL is actually considered a very advanced spell for Giovanni level, which is only Student level. However, for Yani who was an ancient soul and who lived studying the way of the Warlock, this spell was nothing too big.

But the MANA he had in Giovanni's body wasn't very high, but with Yani's precise control over the amount of MANA to be spent and of course, the size of the FIREBALL reduced, he managed to cast a spell that could be considered level Wizard Professor.

A small red ball that gave off heat appeared in Yani's hand, the ball seemed to glow in the darkness of the room. This red ball looked just like an ordinary ball that Emery saw in pet shop stores from his past life, of course, he as a School-level Wizard could feel the energy of MANA and the force behind this "harmless" fireball.

"Your family isn't very smart about getting you into a church. With that talent, you could be a new power in the Realm of Dawn," Emery said in a warm voice as if speaking to some great genius of her world.

"What my father wants is the honor of the family. Besides, my older brothers weren't bad with magic either. Soon I could be dropped," Yani said with a shrug as if this matter was someone else's and not his.

"Well, it's too bad for the Kingdom of Dawn. Luckily, I found you," Emery said very pleasedly and self-assured, he took Yani's free hand and squeezed it lightly. This was a way of comforting the young man who was discarded at the abbey by his family.

Of course, his true thought was actually that the Kingdom of Dawn was very poor now that he was going to take the world's MC to the Aurore Empire.

Yani for some reason felt embarrassed by Emery's words, so he stopped talking and looked around. The fireball had already disappeared, but he felt his face quite hot, he didn't understand the reason for this heat.

While Yani felt shy, he didn't see Emery's sharp gaze.

The time to reload the INVISIBLE and SILENCE spells had passed, so the two and the little dog Bao walked back to the building that housed the clerics' quarters.

The corridors were packed with Priests and Novices, some were quite excited while others were scared. However, everyone remained in the hallways and gardens, even though it was still drizzling, they thought it was better than staying in the rooms at the risk of more demons showing up.

Although the weather had cooled from the rain, the novices wore thick clothes, which were uncomfortable in summer but very good in winter. The priests, on the other hand, wore long coats over their black tunics, the material of the priests' clothing was lighter and fresher as well as more refined.

The priests kept an eye on the novices, who were more vulnerable to demonic possession and as there were still demons prowling the garden, it was not uncommon to see a novice act strangely and laugh madly in the rain, which caused the priests to run. to take the novice and begin a purge of the mischievous demon who dared to possess a human.

Only the god of light knew what would happen next to the novices who were possessed, as after the purges the novices were taken to the dungeons just in case the demons came back to steal their bodies again.

It should be noted that once possessed by a demon it would open a type of entrance to the body so that other demons could also possess the individual. Long-term treatment was needed to close the entrance, often in the name of vigorous "treatment" that included whipping and immersion in icy water, the person could end up dying.

Of course, Emery didn't know that, if he knew maybe he'd feel bad for letting the demons run wild in the abbey.

In short, the outside was a chaotic mess.

This all made it a little more complicated for Emery and Yani to sneak into the third-floor room. Luckily from the second floor onwards, there were no people, as they all seemed to gather on the first floor and on the ground floor, they were probably afraid that if something happened they would have to jump through the arches of the corridors.

It wouldn't be fun to jump off the second-floor arch, someone could break their neck or get a pretty nasty injury. Considering how weak the bodies of clergy people in general are, staying closer to the ground was a wise decision.

Lucky the second floor was empty, as the spells had just reached their limit. They hurried to the third floor when they saw people holding an object of illumination approaching, apparently holy knights who were making their rounds at this exceptional moment.

Holy Knights don't usually do this sort of thing, but as they heard some footsteps in the hallways that should have been empty, they hurried to see. After all, these noises could be from more demons than they knew.

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