I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 92 - [Bonus ]A Surprise Attack

Meanwhile, Rutger was in Abbot Eurico's office. It was dark and the heavy clouds still covered the sky. It looked like a new storm was approaching, the noise of clashing steel was well heard even through the massive stone walls.

The demons and the few holy knights stationed at the Abbey were still fighting in the corridors, the demons just seemed to want to play as they attacked and then fled hiding in the dark corners. 

"I received a reply from the capital, a unit of holy knights will be sent out in the morning, along with two investigators."

A man with white hair as sea foam and warm light brown eyes that clashed with his black priest's robe, he spoke to some relief upon receiving the communication from the capital. 

"Brother Carlos, where is the Abbot?" Rutger asked, watching the abbot's office. Father Carlos was one of the Abbot's trusted men, so he was responsible for communication between Abbey Matteo and the Capital Church of the Kingdom of Dawn. 

The wrinkles in his eyes and at the corners of his mouth showed how much Father Carlos, different from other priests and most of the clergy, was a good-humored and smiling person; he had that aura of a good person and almost a sacred glow around him.

What somehow was irritating to Rutger as it showed how dark his own heart was, he disdained Father Carlos who was not an exorcist but sucked from the "tits" of power being a loyal dog of Abbot Eurico. 

"Abbot Eurico is protecting the sacred items" Father Carlos, even noticing Rutger's disdain, paid him no attention and responded cordially. 

Rutger kept his expression grim at the answer, but inside he was mocking how an old man who could barely walk could be protecting the holy relics. The abbot was keeping close to the strongest holy knights who were protecting the relics.

"Does Brother Rutger have any important business with the abbot? Maybe I can help if the brother is willing to broach the subject with me." 

"It's nothing very important, I just wanted to know about a particular novice. He seems to be quite talented, but very lonely." Rutger's tone and expression seemed to have softened, coupled with his handsome blond appearance, it almost seemed genuine with concern. 

"Would Brother Rutger like to be godfather to this novice?"

The issue of sponsorship (godfather) was very common within the clergy, the novices who are sponsored have a much easier life within the church or in the abbey, in addition, they can inherit networks of contacts from their godparents and of course, the glory of the godfather reflects on the sponsored the exchange is also made if sponsored is successful the sponsor benefits from the success.

"If possible I would like to be the godfather and tutor of the young man, I believe he has a great talent to be an exorcist," Rutger said, still keeping a light and gentle expression as if that person was someone important to him. 

In a way it was true, despite the obscurity that Rutger's warm words concealed, the kind of importance was the kind of vile debauchery that would surprise Father Carlos if he knew the sweet words were just a pretty, colorful poison. 

"I didn't think there would be anyone in this little abbey who would like Brother Rutger so much. What is the novice's name?" Father Carlos spoke happily, this meant that one of his novices would have support to grow and could achieve much more, that novice's success would also illuminate the Abbey Matteo. 

"Giovanni D'Lucas" 

On the other hand, Giovanni woke up and noticed that Emery was not beside him, which was quite strange and made him question Bishop Darcy's whereabouts. 

"Do you want to go out looking?" Yani questioned seeing the young Giovanni's concern. 

"Things are a mess out there…" Giovanni wanted to go out, but he also didn't have the confidence to explore on his outside. 

It was still dark outside and he was still afraid of the dark, just remembering what happened in the dark and damp cold of that kitchen, he felt his heart race and the sticky fear embrace him. 

However, thinking that Emery could not be seen and had disappeared without saying anything, he also remembered hours ago when he was in the man's embrace and the fear was subdued for a moment, he felt a little brave to venture there. out and look for Bishop Darcy. 

"Woof! Woof!" The little red dog from earlier excitedly jumped onto the bed and hanging from its leash was a rolled-up paper.

The red puppy couldn't walk straight and trip over the bed because of the paper, which made him even more adorable. 

Bao: (...)

This is a difficult body! 

Giovanni picked up the puppy and placed it in his lap, taking the rolled-up paper. There was a brief message from Emery:

"Giovanni, I'm going out on a quick mission that called me in the middle of the night. It's dangerous out there, so if you're going out, take Bao with you for safety. I hope to be back in the morning. Stay safe. Sincerely Bishop Darcy"

Emery: (...)

Hey, the message was supposed to be something like don't leave the room so you don't get hurt!

Azarphy: (...)

Oh, really?  >=)

Emery: (...)

If Emery had known what Azarphy had written he would have vomited some blood, he was doing everything to keep Giovanni safe and the damn fallen angel leaves a message that almost asks Giovanni to leave the room and risk life. 

"So, are you going out?" Yani asked, now that they knew Emery was on a mission, they didn't need to go out anymore. 

Before Giovanni could respond, they heard a loud noise near the bedroom door and the sound of a muffled scream. 

Giovanni was scared for a moment, freezing in bed until he felt the puppy's warm breath on his face, then felt a warm tongue touching his cheek. 

Bao: (...)

Human you can't die, my master will be unhappy!

"No need to worry, I'm here too," Yani said watching as the puppy gave Giovanni two more licks as if to show he was there too. 

Giovanni felt a little better and got out of bed, he didn't know if he should open the door, so more crying noises and sounds like someone begging sounded near the door. 

The young novice almost had déjà vu and the fear grew stronger, but the urge to see what was happening and to stop this atrocity suppressed the fear. Deep down, he knew very well what he would find there and that is what impelled him to open the door. 

The scene was not exactly as he imagined, there was a knight with slightly damaged armor and his pants down, a novice had his tunic raised and was in a position similar to horses. 

Eyes swollen with tears, mouth sore and smothered with tissue, hands bloody, despair in the gaze that fixed on the open door and the light that illuminated a body, but which the novice on the floor could not distinguish beyond a dark silhouette.

Yes, that's what Giovanni had been hoping for, the only thing out of the ordinary was the ruby-bright eyes that didn't look human that glared at him. 

Was that how Rutger was too when he did this to him?

Giovanni raised his hand almost as if on instinct and energy without form, color or appearance exploded against the holy knight knocking him against the wall, the muffled sound of a moan being heard very faintly thanks to the strong winds that came in through the vaults of the corridors. 

He didn't realize it was cold outside, he was too hot, the power covered him, the rage warmed him and the hatred looked like a red-hot larva that kept him from feeling cold. 

The power that was just intangible and that he had no idea how to use now he could feel, there was a weight under his head that gave him a feeling of carrying a rock on his head, but the pleasure of the satisfaction of having power and the heat of anger clouds anything other than putting his power to end that worm. 

The holy knight who should have fainted from such an attack stood up awkwardly and began to laugh madly, startling the novice who cringed on the ground and awakening Giovanni from his reverie of power. 

Bao ran through the door and started grunting at the holy knight, the holy knight's red eyes stared at the cub, but he only took an item out of his breastplate. 

The item was the size of a dagger, round and red with black veins almost like a black heart. 

"A demonic relic" Yani warned Giovanni to back off and enter the room. This type of item can only be fought with either stronger demonic energy or holy energy, Giovanni didn't have any of them. 

Of course, if Giovanni were a powerful Warlock would be nothing more than a toy, as Mana is a neutral element and can handle anything, the problem is that Giovanni's weak Mana couldn't handle a demonic relic right now.

Bao looked at the demonic relic and looked at the demon that possessed the body of the human, he realized there was someone who had control over the demons and could control them, which meant that there was a demonic relic of high rank to control them. 

Just that thought it was scary left Bao stunned, what else was Matteo Abbey hiding? 

The possessed human looked at everyone hungrily and he was happily laughing as the demonic relic began to glow, Bao stepped in front of Giovanni and he was slowly releasing his true form to fight this reckless demon. 

"I'll take over here," Yani said and Giovanni allowed it, after all, he had never fought against… Well, against anything. 

"Blessed and beloved water that feeds the earth, calms the fire, unites with the wind, water spirit I ask for your help to rid me of these invaders" Yani sang a spell, and the stormwater that drenched the earth seemed to slowly rise around Yani. 

"Wave" Yani uttered and the water looked like a violent wave from an ocean storm, lashing out at the possessed human.

Once again the possessed human's body was thrown only farther away, that was enough time for them to run into the room, they thought that, but black roots came out of the ground and grabbed Yani and the novice's leg, which was trembling in the floor.

Bao bit the roots freeing Yani's leg, he didn't help the other novice, after all, his mission was to keep Giovanni safe, other people wouldn't be taken into account. However, Yani went to help the novice either out of empathy or just to find out who this possessed person was and get the necessary information for such an incident. 

In the meantime the possessed human got up and started laughing again, soon more black roots came out of the ground to attack the two humans and the puppy.

Yani thought it would be a bitter battle and that he would end up harming Giovanni's body in the process, but before he could use any more powers a sphere of light passed through them burning the black roots and hitting the demonic relic with certainty. 

"You are making a lot of noise!" The voice that couldn't be pinpointed was male and strong, the sheer power of this mysterious person undeniable. 

The possessed human began to scream and white fire covered his body until he passed out with severe burns all over his body. 

"An angel!" Yani said bewildered.

He could feel the sacred, vibrant presence around him, but he couldn't see anyone with them.

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