I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 94 - This Is The Work Of The Lord Of The Plague.

Yani and Naill had walked in silence until they reached the second floor, strangely enough, the holy knights who were supposed to be on watch on the second and third floors could not be seen.

"There must be more demons that possessed some humans," Azarphy said to the humans, he could feel the weak sinister energy of the demons.

"Your Excellency, should we do something?" Naill asked a little hesitantly. Despite being afraid of what happened to him earlier, he had great faith in the God of Light that would help him overcome everything and wanted to reward the goodness that

God had given him by helping others to make up for the world.

Perhaps that was one of the most irritating things Azarphy thought of humans, Emery was just the same as a weak human who wants to help another weak human putting his life at risk.

"Forget it, he helped a demon by putting his life at risk... That human has already transcended the concept of helping everyone without looking at whom" Azarphy couldn't think bitterly.

"You two are weak, let's just leave you where you should be. Don't get involved in complicated things," Azarphy said irritably. If the two humans got involved with the problems, he would have to clean up the mess.

Naill and Yani continued walking until they heard moans and grunts coming from one of the second-floor doors, they could feel a strong sinister energy. However, just as Azarphy said they kept walking, but it seemed that whatever was inside didn't want to let them go in peace.

"Shit!" Azarphy grunted angrily as the door opened to reveal two supposedly holy knights possessed by demons. On the ground were two bodies of former companions of these men, there was blood everywhere and a look of horror on the two corpses.

"Hey... Hey... Boy Feather, is there something going on with you?" Arabeth tried to call Azarphy telepathically, he could also feel the various points of demonic energy rising inside the abbey, which would be quite strange since the sun was almost rising over the horizon, which meant that the demons would be weaker from the light.

However, with Bao bringing a demonic relic it meant that the demons weren't acting alone and were most likely being forced to act so carelessly.

This had happened too quickly, someone was taking advantage of the mess Emery and Bao had made to unleash a sordid plot of murder and possession of Matteo Abbey's few holy knights.

Azarphy hesitated for a moment whether to intervene or not, Yani didn't think the angel had any obligation to protect him, in his heart there was the thought that this was Bishop Darcy's angel, that angel's only obligation was to protect Emery, anyone else human are little insects to them.

"Oh, fire spirit that cleanses all the wickedness of the world, help me to cleanse these bodies that have been possessed by evil invaders. Grant me the power of purification, Wave of Fire!"

Yani chanted a spell calling once more to an elemental spirit, small flames of fire formed around him, peculiar red energy was visible around the young man's thin body.

Soon the red energy seemed to join the young man's body gaining a golden hue and quick as a blink of an eye this energy as small waves moved away from Yani's body and attacked the two fallen knights.

"Oh, an elementist?" Azarphy thought a little surprised. The path to the wizard is varied the most common were those who studied the world and combat, but there were variations such as Warlock, Elementists, and Witches.

"Agh! Agh! Help me... Help..." one of the holy knights began to beg as the cleansing fire seemed to burn his soul too.

Naill watched with fascination what happened until he heard the screams of the knights, he felt anguished, after all, those were human beings burning.

"Don't worry I'm just casting out the demons" Yani assured with a slightly pale face, he had exerted a lot of power to summon two elemental spirits.

In the current state of Giovanni's body, it was impossible for Yani to use magic to fight demons directly, so he resorted to asking the elementals for help. Everyone thinks that the magician's path has to be divided into several paths, but for Yani who lived for centuries, he had time to study and practice the various paths.

Of course, he couldn't peak the Elementist's path, but he could use the basics. The advantage elementalists had is that they used very little Mana, but a lot of mental power to call the elemental spirits to borrow their powers.

"What do you want to talk about? Has the human's health deteriorated?" Azarphy spoke to Arabeth after seeing that Yani had taken care of the problem.

"He's already fine. His body is recovering frighteningly well. The power of his nature seems to have increased, but I didn't see anything that could have done that..."

"I'll be back quickly, just let me know if something goes wrong" Azarphy interrupted Arabeth, he was curious too, but he better finish delivering the human child to where he belonged and then he would see what Emery had up to one more turn.

"I get it, are you a nanny now?" Arabeth could not resist and mocked the angel shamelessly.

"I'm more of a janitor since this is a mess of that human." Azarphy didn't get angry, he just found it funny, he was already thinking about how he would charge Emery for such favors he was doing.

"On the demonic relic belongs to the Lord of Plague"

"That useless old man?"

"Not so useless after all, the human world has just gone through a pandemic which means the Plague Lord's power is quite great now." Arabeth had to disagree with Azarphy, of course, he was weak to the Plague Lord in a one-on-one fight, but to the archangel of war, the Plague Lord was a little cockroach he could step on at any moment.

The title of Lord was given to unique demons and with special powers, The Plague is one of those special demons that had special treatments in hell.

In hell earning a noble title means they can have an army, followers, and special weapons. Arabeth as Marquis had a large army of his own.

Of course, the army could not pass through a common portal, it took a lot of preparation for an army to embrace the human dimension.

Arabeth's idea was not to bring his army, he was only interested in Giovanni and became obsessed with the human's soul until things started to get weird, and here he was now serving another human with complicated feelings.

The Lords did not have an army made up of demons, generally, their army was made up of bodies captured from other races.

"I see, is he trying to assemble an army of his own by capturing Holy Knights? Is this old man making fun of the God of Light?" Azarphy said with cold indignation.

"Tsk, the angels with a blind love for the God of Light... If humans were not corruptible and had no sins to profit from they would not be possessed..."

"That's the weak excuse you use to invade... With a demonic relic, it is not necessary for humans to be corrupt" Azarphy cut Arabeth's conversation right away, he well knew that this was what demons said to other races to justify their heinous actions.

"Believe what you want, anyway if you're the Plague Lord these attacks are just a light test..."

"The human said he was leaving..."

"In a few days, he will leave..."

"Then let's not get involved with this," Azarphy concluded quickly and Arabeth agreed to that.

They felt that if Emery knew this and got involved, he would only get in trouble.

Of course, their desire couldn't interfere with Emery's fate.

"They're alive," Naill said seeing the almost intact bodies of the holy knights, although there was still a kind of black smoke coming out of their heads.

"This is a purification fire, demons are weak and can be purified by the fire element, but if they were more powerful demons only holy energy could help" Yani explained to both Naill and Giovanni who was also curious.

They thought everything was fine, so they heard a thin cry like a cat dying in agony, in the back of the room a big thing moved there with several tentacles, the appearance as it approached and was illuminated by the dim magical light of the room. it was that of a tall, fat man, but tentacles protruding from his back, his color also wrong with a cadaverous pallor and black veins sticking out of his neck and arms.

"Father Ricardo?" Naill said in surprise. This was the priest who usually devoted himself to physically abusing the novices with the excuse of discipline, he was much feared by the novices.

"Father Ricardo" roared, spitting black goo all over the place and the tentacles attacked them, Yani was going to use another spell, but he felt a great pain in his chest. The heart of this body was damaged by the excessive use of Mana, it ended up coughing and expelling blood.

Naill tried to hold Yani's body, which slumped to the side, but before that, light energy touched Yani's body and held him up.

"Weak human one step back I'll take care of it," Azarphy told Naill who didn't hesitate to hide behind Yani.

Azarphy just cast a small sphere of light on the possessed priest and burned everything in the room, including the holy knights who should have been purified.

"If they lived they only caused more problems… Besides, they would not be forgiven and they would be tortured and then killed as they were corrupted by demons" Azarphy told the stunned Naill and the suspicious Yani.

Everything turned to dust and the existence of the few humans was extinguished.

"Let's continue," Azarphy said, helping to restore Yani's wounded body.

The Angels were pretty cruel.

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