I Transmigrated with Nano Combat Suit

Chapter 27 - 27: A Sneak Attack.

"Are you sure they would be attracted to the spiritual fluctuations?"

At this time Ye Jingyi, Hui Ying, and a bald bear were hiding under a bush near the cliff of the small mountain.

At this moment they were looking at the foot of the mountain from the cliff. This question was asked by Ye Jingyi.

"Sensing spiritual fluctuations is the basic skill that every Cultivator has. As long as the spiritual fluctuations are large enough they should be able to sense it from a distance." Hui Ying said confidently.

"Then I am relieved!" Ye Jingyi nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the radar in his hand. One grey dot was not far away from them.

Previously when the bear had brought the emerald root there was a big change in the plan. As there is a sample Ye Jingyi could easily record the fluctuations around the Emerald Root.

In this way, he has recorded the spiritual fluctuations in a numerical form. With some adjustments and with the assistance of some Nanoparticles he made a device that could imitate Spiritual fluctuations.

With this, he can produce artificial spiritual fluctuations on a large scale though it cost him much as most of the Nanoparticles were used to make it.

Now the progress of the Nano Combat suit has been brought down to 8%, that device has a tracker and a small gift. On the tree, there is a nebulizer which is usually used by patients. 

As long as the assassin is near the tree the nebulizer would start working and turn the liquid medicine inside into aerosol that would be inhaled by the assassin. But spreading the gas would take some time so he would activate it before even Assassin arrives.

And why will assassins come here? Because of the artificial spiritual fluctuations!

"Okay, then I am starting." Ye Jingyi nodded at Hui Ying and bear and gave instructions to Lynx to start.

Then he looked below the cliff. There was a big tree where he had asked Bear to bury the device. The nebulizer is placed at the trunk hole.

After receiving the instructions Lynx started the device buried in the ground. Ye Jingyi looked up and asked, "How is it? Do you feel fluctuations?"

Hui Ying's mouth was wide open as she looked at the ground with a daze, "How is this possible? There are spiritual fluctuations but it's weak…"

"Then I will increase the intensity!" Knowing that she could feel the spiritual fluctuations, Ye Jingyi increased the intensity excitedly. 

If she can sense it then other cultivators can do the same, As long as they are baited then hehehe~

Ye Jingyi had a creepy smile on his face and both Hui Ying and the bear shivered as they felt this guy is up to no good.

"Look! Look! It's coming!" The bear pointed at the radar excitedly.


"Are you announcing our location? Be quiet?" Ye Jingyi slapped the back of the bear's head with a black face. 

The bear held his head with an aggrieved expression. I was only reminding you as you were busy thinking about some perverted stuff…

But he didn't say this but looked at the radar obediently.

After chiding the bear, Ye Jingyi looked at the radar and saw one grey dot was moving toward the 'X' mark on the map.

This 'X' mark is the place where the device and the trap are located.

Not long after a man in black appeared at the foot of the cliff. This is the scout of the Black Hawk organization. He came here because of the spiritual fluctuations.

But he had a strange expression because although the spiritual fluctuations here are very high there is no spiritual energy present? Why is that?

What's with this strange situation? Although puzzled there is no harm in checking the situation right? 

Who knows maybe he will discover some treasure after all this is a forbidden land a situation like this is not impossible.

Thinking about this the assassin had a look of glee on his face.

He sneakily went to the tree and started to search for the source of the spiritual fluctuations.

Suddenly his nose twitched, "sniff sniff, What's this smell? Hmm, it seems like excrement. Maybe this place is the den of some beasts? And the treasure here is his collection? Hehe, didn't it mean that the beast is out and I got lucky?"


As the assassin was thinking about this he stepped on something soft and mushy that was hidden under the grass.

He looked down and his movements stiffened.


Yes, it's shit! The face of the assassin under the mask became purple and blue due to anger and disgust.

"Damn beast! Don't you dare to come back otherwise I will peel you alive?" The assassin jumped back in fright and rubbed his foot on the ground to make it clean.

He was looking for treasure but he stepped on the shit? Such bad luck! I have to be more careful.

As he was working hard to remove the shit the medicine was also working hard to remove him from the game. Nebulizer has already started working and the aerosol has already spread into the surrounding area. 

I have to say Bald bear helped in this plan, Although the medicine can be converted into aerosol it's not odorless. If the assassin is vigilant he would have stopped breathing, Spoiling the plan but with the contribution of the bald bear, he attributed that weird smell to excrement which inadvertently helped in the success of the plan.

I have already said it, the bald bear is the portal through which my luck is used. Ye Jingyi thought to himself as he looked at the bear with a pleased expression.

Since coming to this world this bear is the one who has helped him the most.

"Good Job! You have contributed a lot." 

The bald bear scratched his bald head shyly, At that time pressure was huge so he just followed the trend and did it~ 

If I knew that it would help then I would have done that a few more times~


"What are you doing here in a daze? Go and collect the corpse! Remember not to damage anything." Ye Jingyi slapped the bear again and said.

The bear was dumbfounded as he looked at Ye Jingyi with confusion. Just now you praised me? Now you are beating me? Hah~ such a moody human!

"Why don't you go?" The bear felt he needed to revolt otherwise he would lose his bear rights.

"If I go there then who will protect her?" Ye Jingyi pointed at Hui Ying and said.

"I can!" The bear patted his chest and said confidently.

"You? You are so weak that you can't even beat me! Go and take the role of errand boy, I have the right and responsibility to protect her." Ye Jingyi looked at the bear disdainfully and said while kicking him.

The bear had a black face but he could not refute his words. He is indeed a defeated bear.

"Take this! Give one shot to one assassin and it would numb his brain." Ye Jingyi tossed three injections to the bear and said. This is for the insurance, although the medicine could knock out the man it won't be for long so an extra dose is required.

The bear with a black face left to pick up the corpse.

"Snicker~ You like to bully the bear! But don't bully him too much after all he can be considered as a comrade in arms." Hui Ying laughed after the bear left and said to Ye Jingyi. During the whole time either she is sleeping or she is watching the conversation between the bear and human.

As her body is filled with injuries she could not help much. 

Hui Ying looked at Ye Jingyi with a different color in her eyes.

Previously when Ye Jingyi said that it's his responsibility to protect her heart thumped for some reason. Though she does not know if he can protect her or not, his words and intentions are enough to make her happy.

"Tsk" Ye Jingyi wanted to say something but from the corner of his eyes, he saw a shadow pouncing at Hui Ying from behind her. His pupil shrank, with no time to think he pulled Hui Ying who was on his left in his arm and turned his back toward the dark shadow. 

Hui Ying was startled after seeing the development. But as she saw Balck shadow behind Ye Jingyi her face changed.

A sneak attack? But why didn't I notice it? No! In this way, he would directly be exposed to the attack. With no cultivation, this attack would be lethal to him. 

Hui Ying wanted to intercept the shadow but it was already too late.

As Hui Ying was out of the way the Balck shadow collided with Ye Jingyi causing him to roll on the ground with Hui Ying and there was a burst of pain in his back.

Hiss! Damn it! Why didn't those sensors I placed before work?

[Today's chapter with 1500 words.

I know that the release rate is low and 6 bonus chapters for Christmas even are remaining but these days I don't have any extra time on my hand so writing more chapters is very difficult. Though this trend would not remain for long as college work is almost finished and at that time I will pull an all-nighter and write chapters to clear the bonus chapters (^_^)]

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