I Transmigrated with Nano Combat Suit

Chapter 34 - Phantom.beast

Ye Jingyi has 'O' shaped mouth as he saw Blacky picking up the stone with the diameter of one meter.

Since when Black bears have become so strong? Is this something a bear can do? Or is this the effect of cultivation?

"You said he has the lowest level of cultivation?" Thinking of this, Ye Jingyi looked at Hui Ying in shock.

Seeing his shocked face Hui Ying said with a smile, "Yes, he has the lowest level of cultivation as he is just a little more powerful than a normal beast."

Is this a little? Ye Jingyi gulped. This time he finally knew the horror of this Universe and the 'Cultivation'.

It turns out that beasts in this world are perverts…

And after cultivating they become more perverted…

If normal ones are so terrifying then what about the abnormal ones…? And the strongest ones?

Ye Jingyi's face became dignified just thinking about this, Even the awakeners in the scientific universe were not so terrifying at the early stages.

Except for some special awakeners with special abilities.

After seeing this scene Ye Jingyi is sure of one thing, that the high-end combat power of individual humans of the Scientific universe is not comparable to the Cultivation universe.

In this regard both of the universe have a big gap which cannot be filled with normal means….

Although startled, Ye Jingyi is not afraid after seeing this display. Although he could not display the same power, don't forget that he has an arsenal of equipment and scientific weapons which can help him.

And he can Cultivate in the near future too which can make him stronger.

"Baldy, how can you do such a rough job? Don't you know that rabbits have more than one hole that leads to their house? Such a violent attack must have alerted them."

"Not to mention that the spiritual herb inside might be damaged." Ye Jingyi said to Black bear which caused later to blush with shame.

"Forget it, I will do the rest of the job." Ye Jingyi didn't scold Black bear anymore as tentacles made from Nanoparticles seeped into the ground like snakes and headed toward the place where the rabbit lives.

A screen appeared on the back of his palm which showed the image of the underground. 

The small den of the rabbits had already collapsed as those rabbits were huddled together with a frightened expression as they covered the spiritual herb with their body.

Seeing this Ye Jingyi breathed a sigh of relief. At Least the spiritual herb is safe otherwise it would be a waste of effort.

"At least the herb is safe." Hui Ying also looked at the screen and said with a relieved expression.

Hearing this the Black bear finally relaxed and said, "I controlled my strength well so of course it would not break."

To his sentence Ye Jingyi just rolled his eyes. As he controlled tentacles to capture the rabbit along with the spiritual herb.

Then he pulled the spiritual herb carefully trying not to damage it.

After one minute Ye Jingyi finally pulled out the spiritual herb along with the rabbits. 

"Here take it, Hui Ying." Ye Jingyi gave the herb to Hui Ying and then threw the rabbits to Black bear.

"Thank you." Hui Ying thanked them as she took the herb in her hand and examined it carefully.

'There is no damage to it.' Hui Ying looked at it and concluded then a wide smile appeared on her face.

The Black bear was similarly happy as he held rabbits in his hand as saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth.

'Finally some decent food…'

"Let's go." Ye Jingyi said to Hui Ying and Black bear.

"Hmm, let's go! I need to absorb the spiritual herb." Hui Ying agreed with him.

"Yes, Since we got the food let's go. I am hungry." The Black bear touched it's round belly and said.

"What are you guys talking about? We are not going back." Ye Jingyi looked at them and said calmly, "Since we are out, let's find more herbs and a new den for us." 

"What?" Both of them were shocked after listening to Ye Jingyi.

"No way, I have been hungry for a long time and we don't need to be in a hurry, right?" The Black bear didn't want to continue the exploration as he was hungry.


"We can't go out again and again as we will inevitably leave some traces. So we need to maximise the benefit now." Ye Jingyi said while pointing at the huge crack on the ground.

"And this place is near our temporary shelter. If the Assassin comes here then they can easily find us, So it's time to change the place."

Hearing him both of them were silent as Hui Ying said, "Ye Jingyi is right, We need to utilise the time to the maximum." 

Since both of them want to go and they have valid reasons, the Black bear did not oppose him and said, "Okay…"

So Ye Jingyi and others moved toward the next location to find the spiritual herbs by following the radar.

On the other hand Assassins who were knocked unconscious because of the bomb were fianlly awake as they were healing their injuries by applying ointment.

"Goddammit! Those idiots are so annoying. How dare they leave us alone like this." Assassin A shouted viciously as he applied ointment on the back of Assassin B.

"Humph! It must be because of that idiot with the surname Ke!" Assassin B said with an unhappy face.

From his tone it seems that both parties have some beef.

"Keep it down for both of you. It would be troublesome if he hears us." The Assassin C said with a cautious face, "We were sent here to make sure that Hui Ying dies and we need his strength to achieve this."

"Humph, He is just a little stronger than us. If we use that skill then we can …." 

"Shut up!" Assassin A scolded him before he could finish his sentence, "Do you want to reveal our trump card? You dumbass!"


Hearing this, the three of them became alert as they turned to the right abruptly and weapons appeared in their hands.

They saw a creature emerging from the shadow like a phantom.

This creature has the size of a tiger as his body was covered with black shiny hair. It's eyes were ruby as it has sharp teeths.

And this creature has a cultivation base of the Core Formation realm…

Seeing this creature the pupil of three assassin shrunk to the size of needle as one name surfaced in their mind.

Phantom beast! 

This beast turned out to be a phantom beast but compared to that ugly cat it's still very beautiful and elegant.


The Phantom beast let out a roar as he looked at three assassins with scarlet eyes and opened its mouth.

"You… human?... Where… my ….kin...ugly?...." The Phantom beast actually spoke human language although he is not proficient.

"Fellow daoist, We don't know about your kin." The Assassin A doesn't seem to be surprised by the fact that phantom beasts can speak as he replied to him.

Phantom beasts are one of the troublesome creatures inside the Beast Paradise. Their number is not large but they have a disgusting skill.

Return of darkness! 

With this skill they can easily merge in darkness as a Cultivator cannot find them with their existence with spiritual sense.

They are assassins of the wild! And these phantom beasts are very protective to their kins and are brainless fools. Once they have decided on something then no one can change their mind.

If someone kills their kin then the whole tribe would move out to avenge them. No matter how high their cultivation is ….

And the higher the strength of phantom beasts he higher their concealment ability. So people with higher cultivation cannot escape their claws.

This is the reason why three assassins felt so heavy after listening to the Phantom beasts. Although they are not afraid of these beasts, they can't spare any manpower in order to deal with them. Not to mention this guy is itself a trouble because it has the cultivation base of the Core Formation realm.

So the best course of action is to clarify things. And these phantom beasts are very stupid and they are very easy to fool. They just need to make sure that this phantom beast does not suspect them.

"Human… Your… words...true?" The Phantom beast said doubtfully.

"Yes, Your excellency! We would never dare to lay hands on noble species like yourself." Assassin A opened his mouth and said this without any shame.

"Yes, it's a blessing of a lifetime that we can see your noble self." Assassin B said as he flattered.

"You… human …. Very good …" The phantom beasts said with a smile on its face which looked very scary.

Sure enough! It's very easy to fool this guy.

Assassin 3 doesn't want to be outdone by the other two so he also started his own performance.


Therefore he directly kneeled on the ground which startled the three in the field.

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