I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 101

I don't know if it is because of the water temperature or intimate skin contact. Looking at Hinata's small face, it shows a beautiful matte.Mizuki couldn't bear it more and more.

It was when Hinata massaged her shoulders, hugged her body with a small means, and then kissed her delicate lips accidentally.

[Close relative, Lily, brother who said this, come out!

Body 201.

"My sister, it's so kawaii!" I kissed Hinata's little mouth and successfully grabbed a kiss, aftertaste the smoothness of the lips, it is really touching!

Fortunately, Mizuki is also the reason for the girls, so this behavior, in the eyes of others, is just the relationship between the two sisters.If you say that you are a boy when you change to the water tree, this situation might not happen, right?

After being caught off guard by Mizuki, Hinata's lovely face was clearly pink.A scream of excitement: "My sister, it's so cute, no more! No more! Let me kiss you again!"

When the two were young, there was no less intimacy like this!The reason is clear to everyone. Mizuki was an otaku in his life, and now there is a super cute sister Loli, how can he waste resources?And girls often do extremely intimate things, touching each other's body, kissing, is nothing.

Of course, this can only prove that the relationship between the two people is quite deep.What's more, Mizuki and Hinata are the closest sisters. Even if they are a little uncomfortable, the feelings are understandable.

Feeling his face, he was kissed fiercely by his sister again.Hinata's face became more red and tender, and a little hotter: "Don't~ do this, sister, don't do this! There are so many people~!"

"Well~ don't stand in the way, what are you afraid of, I'm your sister." After finally getting cheap, how can it end like this?Mizuki said unwillingly: "You have to be bolder, how can you get Naruto's attention based on your appearance?"

Mizuki knew that Hinata had always been secretly in love with Naruto, and if he really looked at her like this, it was almost anxious to death.Although speaking of the final result, if nothing happens, the two will definitely get married and enter the palace of a beautiful marriage.But when I think of these two people, I always don't catch my eyes, and when I don't call, I really want to get drunk.

When talking about this, in order to increase his credibility, Mizuki also pointed to the sister just now and said: "Look, where did you first notice this sister?"

There is no doubt that the answer is naturally the upright part.

But the purpose here is very obvious. In fact, it's just Mizuki's personal desires. It's just the young shoots that Hinata sister wants to rub.I want to witness that in a few years, this will transform into a treasure land of two fairy mountains.

Her pressing was succeeded, because Hinata was not too wary of his sister.Anyway, she is her own sister after all, so what do you guys fear?And looking at Mizuki's chest, the place that has also begun to take shape, is also shown in front of his own eyes, so there is not much shyness.

Borrowing the name of a "massage", Mizuki actually touched it.It's just a pity that this refreshing feeling will not last long.Because always going home!

Of course, Mizuki would not give up easily, and would always find excuses to exchange feelings with Hinata.

According to the truth, they are already more than ten years old, and they already have their own rooms.But Mizuki was still reluctant, and often wanted to sleep with Hinata.

When practicing during the day, two people fight against each other in order to have more physical contact.Is it really painstaking?!

Probably that was the case, a few days later.

Mizuki got news that Naruto, this guy, came back after completing the task. He heard that he had achieved good results, but he even defeated a Shangnin?

Mizuki here doesn't feel that, after all, the last Naruto is a man who wants to become a god.What is a supreme forbearance?Moreover, it is said that it is a high level of forbearance. In fact, it is a problem to be able to have a level of forbearance.It's just a bonus with props!

But Hinata here, after hearing the news, behaved very happy.It seems that Hinata is really worried about Naruto, even if he only knows about him, his emotions will change.

Every time I saw this place, Mizuki didn't really think that if he were Naruto, it would be great.There is such a girl who can be happy for her own happiness and sad for her sadness.

Thinking of this, Mizuki found an opportunity and said to Hinata: "Sister, if you want to see him, should we find some time and go to Naruto to play? Uh, today’s weather is good, but it’s a bit late. . How about tomorrow?"

[Half of writing, I suddenly discovered: Lily is untouchable, poisonous!I wrote it, I can't stop!

Body 202.

Time came to the next day.

Because I heard that when Naruto was doing the task, there was a little accident, it is said that there was also a thing of falling off the cliff.Although there is nothing left, Sasuke-kun is hospitalized.

Thinking of Naruto and Sasuke's enemies, you don't have to think about it, you must have gone to the hospital.

But here is a small thing. It was good to go to Naruto with Hinata.But this lovely sister is too shy.When she was about to go out, she was forced to stay still, and it seemed that she had no choice but to find Naruto by herself.

Alas, what should I do with this shy character!Isn't she going to confess her courage when Payne attacks the village again?

Forget it, find a fruit stand and go to the hospital. Always order noodles, right?After thinking about it: "Just buy some fruit?"

After buying fruit, walk into the hospital.

Ask the nurse at the front desk to find Sasuke's ward.But before entering the door, I heard quarrels in the ward.Mizuki is still a bit strange, how come Naruto and Sasuke seem to have a quarrel?

Just wanted to open the door to enter, check the situation.

As a result, the door to the ward was opened first.The first thing I saw was Sasuke with a writing wheel?Naruto followed.They just saw Mizuki and left her silently.

"What happened to this?" Mizuki obviously noticed something was wrong, but when he saw them, they had already left first.

Only Sakura was left in a daze. Mizuki stepped forward and asked her, "Sakura, how are you? Hey, your expression~what happened to them?"

When Kozakura saw the visiting Mizuki, she seemed a little unresponsive, and then she remembered something and said, "It's not good, they, the two of them, have to go one-on-one!"

"Heads-up? Isn't it just a test?" Just as he said this, he suddenly felt something was wrong?

He hugged Kozakura's shoulders, and continued to ask her: "What happened? How come you want to single out inexplicably?"

At this time, Sakura looked unsure, just said: "I don't know too much, but Sasuke-kun suddenly said that he wants to go head-to-head with Naruto, and then Naruto agreed—"

Seeing Sakura's bewildered expression and her hesitation, Mizuki roughly understood what was going to happen next?It seems that he has caught up with the plot again.

"Go, let's follow up!"

Mizuki pulled Sakura and hurried to the top of the building.

But what I saw were two people who had already started fighting. They didn't seem to be a match between two friends at all. On the contrary, they were more like venting or knocking down each other?The fist thrown was quite hard.

"The technique of multiple shadow clones!!"

Naruto changed into countless shadow clones, swarming towards Sasuke and punching out his fists.However, Sasuke's response was great, and his physical skills were quite adequate. He rushed to attack his shadow clone, all of which were directly blown up.

At the same time, his body style is also quite good, facing more rushing shadow clones, his avoidance is quite perfect.

If it was just a battle of physical skills, even if it was defeated, it was just a physical injury.But the subsequent development speed quickly surpassed the one-side competition.

I just saw Zuo assistant Zhong Jieyin: "Huo Dun: The Art of Fireball!!"

"This is for real!" Seeing that even this kind of ninjutsu is used, it is obvious that this is the rhythm of killing people.

Mizuki has to think about it. Should we rush to stop the fighting between the two sides?But after thinking about it, I decided to follow the development of the plot.And there is a saying, it’s called no fight, no acquaintance, two boys always have to fight to recognize each other.

But the plan is not as fast as the change. At this time, Naruto had spiral pills in his hands.At the same time, Sasuke also appeared Chidori in his hands.

Seeing Mizuki frowned, "It's really messy, A-level ninjutsu, is it used like this?"

I don't know if I heard it, but Mizuki was talking about A-level ninjutsu.Or if you see two people, someone will be injured immediately.Sakura, who was in a hurry, rushed over!

Faint, Chidori and Helix Wan, can you stop this if you rush over?

It was in such an emergency that a figure suddenly appeared, grabbing Naruto with one hand and Sasuke with the other, throwing them out.

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