I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 106

Early the next morning, everyone gathered at the entrance of the village and set off together!

Because it was not a time-critical task, I was not in a hurry on the road. As a result, it took one day longer than expected.

Fortunately, nothing happened along the way.In order to carry out the task, incidentally, I also probed and heard some relevant information from the mouths of past business travelers.I probably know, this robber who exists between the country of fire and the country of Sichuan.It is just these few months!

Counting this way, it should have been in the village of Konoha, not long after the attack.It is estimated that these robbers also saw problems in the country of fire, so they thought of coming to robbery, right?

Of course, these robbers are not really short-sighted. It is said that their lair is in the country of Sichuan, a forest bordering the country of fire.

It seems that this task may be a bit circumstantial.You know that the environment in this world is extremely good, and the forest is often too big to imagine. Even if the water tree has white eyes, it is impossible to go to the forest and look for it without clues?

The border between the country of fire and the country of Sichuan

Shuishu and his team came to a nearby small town, temporarily using it as a foothold.Can those who try come to think of any ways to accomplish this task?Otherwise, do you really have to rely on the white eyes of the water tree to search the entire forest?

"If this task is just to suppress bandits, it shouldn't be too difficult. The troublesome thing is to find." In addition, here is another point: "It is best to be able to wipe out all the bandits at once, so as not to cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will blow again. !"

At the same time, it is already known here that the robber group to be eliminated by this mission is located somewhere in the forest on the side of the country of the river.However, most acts of robbery occurred in the country of fire,

Obviously, the leader of this bandit group is also a very brainy person.They are in the country of Sichuan, but they commit crimes in the country of fire.

If the ninja of the country of fire crosses the border into the country of Sichuan without authorization, it will inevitably cause problems at the national level.But to enter the country of Sichuan through formal channels.Presumably, this bandit group will definitely have eyeliners. Is it impossible to guarantee that they won't be surprised?

The three people spread out all the problems and thought it was indeed a bit troublesome.One is to find the robber’s lair, and the other is to consider how to avoid the troubles and avoid the opposition of other countries.

Needless to say, Li here, if it is just a matter of brainstorming for him to fight, this passionate young man will have no IQ.

Tian Tian is smarter than Li, but the method she thinks of is not particularly good: "Can we choose to follow a caravan to the country of Sichuan and kill these robbers when we encounter them!?"

I can’t say it wrong, but Mizuki thought for a while, and said, “If you just want to fight once, this is a good way. But if you can’t get rid of the robber’s nest, how is this different from killing the grass and scared snakes? Maybe it will make the robbers stop. For a period of time, but at some point, it will still make a comeback."

The trouble is here, after all, the robber is blocking the road and robbing.As long as there are enough people, you can be king and hegemony by occupying a hill.

What's more, in the world of Hokage, how many years have passed since the last war?Moreover, it is a state of many countries, small countries sandwiched between large countries.robber?Ronin?Could it be less?

The water tree here did not think of a good way for a while.Just analyze the current intelligence, and discussed with Li He Tiantian: "This is a town near the border, very close to the country of Sichuan. Maybe you can find more useful information!"

After thinking about it, for the time being, it is still focused on collecting intelligence. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win the battle.

Li He Tiantian has no objection.

Mizuki said again: "The way I go to the forest, there are only a few roads leading to the country of Sichuan. Let me see if I can stand by and wait for it?"

"Sounds great!" said Tiantian: "This way I go to the market, where there are many merchants."

By the way, what I said here, remember that Tiantian’s future seems to have opened a ninja shop, right?It’s good now. I can get in touch with businessmen more and learn how to operate.

Xiao Li here doesn't know what to do.Shui Shu helped him think for a while: "I heard that some robberies took place. Li, can you find some clues?"

Body 212. Clue

Just do it!

Mizuki acted on the same day. She and Xiao Li went out of the town together to the border area between the country of fire and the country of Sichuan, in a very lush forest.

This is the forest connected to the country of the river. It is said that the lair of this band of robbers is hiding on the side of the country of the river.The frequent looting activities are also near this forest.

"Li, clue collection, you should know how?" Mizuki said to Li, "There is a place nearby where a business trip was robbed by robbers last time. See if you can find any clues."

Li patted his chest: "Don't worry, this is on my body!"

Seeing his confident look, Mizuki was barely relieved.After all, Li's strength is not bad, and there will be no accidents.

"Well, I'll go and take a look in the forest. We will gather here in an hour."

Abandoning this sentence, Mizuki left immediately.

The area of ​​this forest is not small, even if you want to inspect the entire forest, even if it is a water tree with white eyes, it is absolutely impossible to look at it in a few months.And this is an extremely waste of time!

So the best way, Mizuki thought was from the commanding heights.It is best to be able to clearly see that the caravan passes a certain high place on the road, because this is the most likely place to find clues.

What Mizuki uses here is an empathy approach, that is to say, if she is the leader of the robber, how should she ensure that her lair will not be discovered by outsiders?

The first thing she thought of was the secret base of Class Nine.In order to avoid the people in the village from approaching the secret base, the concealment of the site selection is certainly needless to say.However, the convenience of returning to the village must be ensured, and the distance cannot be too far.

So it is in a place in the back mountain, where there is no value.Ordinary people will not go to the vicinity of the base boringly, which ensures relative privacy.

The idea of ​​changing to a robber is the same. In order to avoid being wiped out, the location of the lair must be ensured that no one can find it.However, in order to facilitate the selection of prey, the necessary good vision is also required.Of course, there is defensibility, and the places that are easy to defend and difficult to attack are certain.

Combining these ideas, look at this issue again.The water tree probably locked the target area on the nearby mountain or the corner of the mountain stream.

Reduce the scope to be explored, and the water tree immediately began to act.

Cross the border of the country of fire and enter the country of the river.Speaking of the country of the river, the country sandwiched between the country of fire and the valley of the wind is somewhat similar to the country of grass that I visited before.

The geographical environment here is superior, many places are surrounded by nature, as if isolated from the world.It is very suitable for the establishment of secret bases, and has quite natural advantages.If I remember that there is nothing wrong, the recapture of the wind and shadow a few years later will happen in this country!

Go to a nearby mountain first and stand on the highest point of the top of the mountain.Mizuki opened her eyes and looked down at the entire forest. Everything in her eyes was unobstructed, but unfortunately there was nothing she wanted to see.

Yes, there is not even a ghost, and occasionally a few small animals in the forest can be seen, but there is nothing unusual.

"Cut, it's really troublesome. Collecting information and looking for clues really bothered."

I didn't see any of them here, and I quickly left and came to the top of the next mountain. I looked at it with my eyes, but unfortunately I still got nothing.

In the third dimension, every time you play an online game, there will always be a "task reminder" coordinate when you do a task, and maybe there is an automatic way-guide function.

But now to find the robber's nest, there is no task prompt, let alone automatic guidance.

When doing the task in the country of grass, Mizuki asked the two of you to do it for you, but now there is no help, so I can only find it myself.

Recall some of the intelligence-gathering knowledge I learned in the Ninja School.If you are looking for clues, what should you do?

Mizuki thought for a while: "I heard that this robber group has at least dozens of people in every robbery. So many people want to eat and drink. It's impossible not to leave a trace?"

If you are hungry, if you are in the forest, you can pick wild fruits or hunt prey, and you can find food everywhere.But when it comes to drinking water, it should only be provided by mountain springs and streams, right?If you think about it this way, can you start from this aspect?

Do it if you think about it.

Observing with a blind eye, a suspicious clue was soon discovered.It was in a forest, around a flowing stream, that a simple bamboo tube was found?

Judging from the knowledge learned in the school, the opening of this bamboo tube is very flat. It is obviously cut by a very sharp blade. It is definitely not a natural result.It's just a pity that it looks very old. It is estimated that it has been used for a while, and it has been abandoned for a long time.

However, finding this simple bamboo tube proved from the side.There have been people around here, although it may have been a long time ago.

Of course, it is difficult to tell whether this thing was abandoned by robbers or was abandoned by local hunters?These should all need to be evaluated.

Body 213. No gain

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