I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 119

Sure enough, at this moment Hinata blushed again, and didn't know how to put his fingers.She also seemed to know that her heart would beat wildly every time she saw Naruto.

The appearance of Hinata is really cute.Mizuki couldn't help but hug her and kissed her again.

But at this time, Mizuki's eyes rolled and a "bad" idea appeared.She seduced and said: "Sister, you can't do this! You know that Naruto and Sakura have done missions together not long ago, and they are both in class 7. There is a saying: "You get the moon before the water tower." Do you want to see Naruto-kun being snatched by Sakura?"

The Naruto in the original book liked Sakura from the beginning.So using this to attract Hinata is of course very ideal.

Of course, perhaps Hinata's character might not be shown, but this does not mean, does she have any thoughts in her heart?

Hinata stirred her fingers. She looked at her sister for a while and knew that Mizuki and Naruto-kun had a very good relationship.This kept her for a long time, but she had been envious.Seeing her saying this, he asked Mizuki, "But what should I do? Naruto-kun, he—"

Hehe, it looks like he is finally hooked.Mizuki's heart was ecstatic, but she resisted her expression and continued: "If you want to get Naruto's attention, you must have more contact with Naruto-kun. At least you can't faint as soon as you meet. Right?"

When he saw Naruto's face, Hinata would become shy and nervous, and then couldn't even speak.Hinata herself should know this, but she can't help it!

However, regarding her question, Mizuki is still "happy" to help: "Don't be afraid, let's have a special training!"

Text 234. [Ghost Test Chapter]

"Special training?"

Hinata didn't understand what special training his sister was talking about.

The Mizuki here explained: "Of course it is to let you see Naruto's special training to prevent fainting!"

Every time Hinata saw Naruto, he blushed shyly, and then fainted.I have a natural personality, but I don’t know how to express it in front of people I like.

When he said this, Mizuki smiled badly, and then he sealed his hands: "Change!!"

A boy with yellow hair appeared in front of Hinata.Looking at the familiar person, Hinata's face turned red again.

"Hey, don't faint!" Mizuki hurriedly supported Hinata, don't faint again. I learned a lesson last time.Said: "Look at you, so you can't even say a word, how can you contact Naruto?"

Hinata no longer speaks, finger flicking restlessly, watching the water tree change intentionally or unintentionally.

Every time I saw this look of Hinata, it was too cute to say anything, Mizuki screamed in excitement.He hugged her again, kissed her fiercely, and rubbed her face again: "Hinata, you are so cute!"

Mizuki's transformation technique is not as "sharp" as Naruto's, but at least it is qualified, becoming Naruto's appearance, looks really vivid, even the voice is the same, as if Naruto himself is here.

They hugged, kissed, rubbed their faces, and the voice was exactly the same.Even if he knew the Naruto in front of him, it was his sister's change, but the direct stimulation of the senses still confused Hinata's thinking.Thinking this was really Naruto, made these intimate actions to her.

Hinata's face turned redder, and he appeared to faint again.Fortunately, I was hugged by a water tree, otherwise I fell directly to the ground, which would be troublesome.

Seeing that Hinata was about to faint again, Mizuki quickly changed back, and then said to her: "Look, you can't even say a word, you will faint. If this continues, Naruto will be snatched by Sakura. Up!"

Haruno Sakura liked Sasuke, and finally married Sasuke. Of course, this Mizuki knew.But taking this as an example now, it seems like how Naruto and Sakura are.

This is obviously to stimulate Hinata. Although Hinata's character may not be directly exposed, in the heart of the girl, of course, she still hopes that the person she likes is that he likes herself.

Okay, so much is said, but in fact it is just for special training!!

This is a "special training" for Hinata to see Naruto without blushing or fainting.But who can say that this is not the "conspiracy" of the water tree?

Mizuki's identity is Hinata's own sister, and she has bullied Hinata since she was a child, and pinched tofu.But everyone thinks of the same girls, sometimes playing like this, always feel a little boring.

Because of his original age and experience, Mizuki is usually very smart.Now there are countless ghost ideas in her mind.

Hinata hesitated at this time, but was quickly led away by Mizuki: "It's not wrong to be reserved as a girl, but being reserved does not mean not taking the initiative. Learn to show yourself in front of boys!"

Go to your room, open the closet and look for it for a while.

Find a super kawaii pink bear underwear and a bear hat in one set.I remember that this was when Mizuki was about nine years old, she was punished by sister Hanako for doing something wrong and put on this cute clothes.

"Come on, put this on!"

These are clothes from a few years ago, and it must be small now, but fortunately, Hinata's figure has not changed much since then. It is still petite, and it shouldn't be a problem to wear it.

Of course, Hinata definitely refused at the beginning, but couldn't stand the help of the water tree, so he put it on under the orderly guidance.

But in the process of changing clothes, the water tree will not be idle, it is really a feast for the eyes.Although the figure of Hinata now is far less popular than that of later, he is also getting fuller.

Originally Mizuki was also a girl, and there should be no need to avoid it when changing clothes, but this aggressive sight made Hinata very shy: "Sister, can I change alone?"

"What are you afraid of? I am your sister!" Mizuki vetoed it, but after thinking about it, he said: "If you are shy, how about I stay with you?"

Because there were only Mizuki and Hinata in the room, Mizuki had nothing to worry about and naturally took off his coat.

By the way, the water tree subconsciously took a look at his chest, where the adolescent girl is developing, don’t look at it now is not big enough, but as time goes by, water tree knows that if nothing happens, it should become very stalwart. ?

Seeing her sister's unscrupulous expression, Hinata felt that he was too sensitive.When they were young, the two of them never took a shower together. What's weird about changing clothes now?

At the same time, Mizuki's words also dispelled Hinata's concerns.Here it is said: "This step of training is for you to adapt to the shy environment. We are my dear sisters. You are all twitching like this, but it hurts my sister!"

Yes, Mizuki and Hinata are both girls and sisters.It's just a change of clothes, which doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Although Hinata was still twitching, her blushing face was really cute.But she still chose to follow her sister's words.

Of course, Hinata chose to deviate from Mizuki to make her feel more secure.But this is only a psychological effect, don't forget here, the water tree also has a blinding eye!

Hinata's petite body, developed breasts, and jade-white skin looked so wonderful.Watching and watching, the throat is dry, and he spit out, "I can't help it at all!"

Just as Hinata was concentrating on changing clothes, a crisp "bang" suddenly came from behind him.Then he saw two hands, holding his arms around his waist from behind him, with one hand going up to capture the mountain peak, and the other hand down to capture the valley.

At this time, Hinata reacted immediately and exclaimed, "Sister, no!"

The two have been in a good relationship since they were young, and for this reason, Mizuki had a close relationship with Hinata and Hinata, but such a move without consent can not be said to be completely absent, but there are not many.Because Mizuki respects Hinata's will, her love will not be adulterated!

But just when Hinata was about to resist, the people behind pressed her ears, and there was a tingling wind blowing.He bit her ear and said, "Hinata, I love you——"

Text 235. Follow-up to the previous task

the next day.

When she woke up in the morning, Mizuki found Hinata and found that this cute little cat was still snoozing on the bed.Reluctantly shook his head: "Did you play it yesterday?"

Last night, he suddenly transformed into Naruto-kun and acted like that.Hinata, who was unprepared, let out a scream on the spot, and then fainted gloriously.

Thinking of yourself, did you do too much?Although it was a special training to let Hinata see Naruto without blushing and fainting.But it should also be gradual, rather than playing excitement as soon as it comes up.

As a result, last night, not only was there nothing to play.Later, the family ninja who came to follow the sound almost misunderstood that she would be beaten up. Fortunately, Mizuki's reaction speed was fast, and he quickly turned back to resolve the crisis.

Of course, this kind of thing was also reported to the Japanese football sir. He personally found Mizuki to talk about it, so that she would never be allowed to do such a thing in the future.

"Damn it, did the [Hinata Strategy Operation] fail?"

Mizuki was a little unwilling to squeeze his fist, but if he thought about it, he could only give up in the end.Because she has also noticed that Hinata's character cannot be reversed in a short time.

It should still need to be done step by step, and the ringer needs to be tied to the ring.Hinata's feelings for Naruto still need to be changed by Naruto's influence.

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