I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 139

With such a big fog, ordinary naked eyes couldn't see the environment clearly. Mizuki and Ning Ci opened their eyes to detect the enemy's situation at the first time.However, it is strange that no trace of the enemy was seen. Could it be that it was not around?

If it is really an enemy, it doesn't matter, but at this moment, thunder and lightning sounded inexplicably in the sky, and a thunderbolt in the sky happened to strike.


Fortunately, everyone's response was quick and not slow.Hidden his body and looked around carefully: "The enemy does exist, but why can't I see it?"

In theory, there shouldn't be a ninjutsu that can't be solved with a blank eye. After all, this is the blood inheritance boundary inherited from Kaguya Ji in ancient times.

Of course, it cannot be completely ruled out. Is there any way to deceive Baiyan.It's like the shadow avatar art, because it is a created avatar. Although it is not the body, it is the same as Chakra, so it is troublesome to distinguish.

Such a conjecture was quickly confirmed.

Because they were hiding in the dark, both Mizuki and Ningci saw it, and there were several figures outside.But when he rushed out and attacked, he found nothing?

But the stranger place is actually in the white eyes, there is still a human figure here, and even the flow of the meridians and chakras are all clearly seen.

This is troublesome, is the human meridian simulated?And there are Chakras, it's unimaginable, with such terrifying ability!

Simulating the meridians and chakras, the water tree fell into a moment of thinking, is it because the enemy deliberately did it?In this case, does the other party have information with a blank eye?Or is there a ninja who has enemies and sentient beings?

This idea was just born, Mizuki wanted to say it, but before he had time to say it, I saw another powerful current hitting it.

Body 263.

The water tree is a chakra with thunder-dance attributes, yes, but this does not mean that it can be immune to a blow.And even if her King Kong is not bad, it is only used to defend against physical strikes, but the resistance to ninjutsu is relatively poor.It turned out to be stunningly stunned!

Fortunately, during the time she was stunned, Li's muscle skills that appeared during training were brought into full play.In the face of an enemy's attack, the muscles can react on their own. This will buy everyone some time.

I don't know how long I was fainted, but I waited for Mizuki to wake up and get up from the ground.Naruto, who woke up first, has already competed with the other party: "I heard that you are one of the seven Ninja swords, you should know Taodi No longer cut and dried persimmon ghost shark?"

"So what?" Lei Ya didn't care: "I hate those guys, how can I think of them? And I hate you too!"

The other party didn't seem to want to answer, and directly attacked Naruto.The two used their weapons to fight against each other. Naruto was only holding an ordinary kunai, and Lei Ya's hand was one of the seven knives. The battle between the two was obviously unfair.

But Naruto's trick was to use the shadow clone to attract the other party. When Thunder tooth discovered the problem, Naruto had already put Kuma on his neck.

But what has been said here is that this battle is not fair, Thunder Fang's weapons can release electrical energy.Naruto was caught off guard: "Raiden!!"

Mizuki could hear the sound of fighting, but he didn't pay attention, because she is watching now, there is a strange big burden?Every day he asked: "What's the matter with this bag?"

From the outside, it’s just a big bag, eh, a sleeping bag to be precise?But when Mizuki and Neji looked at the inside with white eyes, they could clearly see that there was a person inside!

The guy in it seems to be able to simulate the meridians of the human body, combined with the conjecture of the water tree just now, it really is like this.The ability to confuse your eyes should also be a bloody boundary, right?

Now that there is no ability for the insider, there is only Thunder Fang, one of the seven Ninja swords.Mizuki's white eyes are looking for the past, and there is no need to do it, because the fog seems to have subsided.

"I'm going to help!" Mizuki said to Ning Ci, and got his nod of agreement, and instantly walked to Naruto's side, and said to Naruto: "Are you okay? Can you still use the shadow clone?"

Naruto glanced at Mizuki, nodded reluctantly, and then said, "But the shadow clone just now—"

"It's okay, this guy's'eyes' are gone."

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen seem to have no perception type, but now is a good time.

Naruto knots his hands and uses the technique of shadowing clone!Mizuki also made seals on both hands, and there were a few more shadow clones around him, which surrounded Thunder Fang with Naruto's shadow clones.

The weapons in Lei Ya's hand crossed, releasing the energy of thunder and lightning, but this was obviously chaotic, and as expected, all the hits were shadow clones.It seems that there is nothing wrong, this guy is able to judge the positions of several people only by relying on the people inside.

Without this perception now, Lei Ya doesn't know what to do!

The main body is not moving temporarily, let the shadow clone go up first, consuming the opponent's Chakra.To release such lightning, too many times will not work.Especially in the face of the siege of multiple shadow clones, more chakras must be used to cause widespread damage.

Perceiving his chakra, I am afraid it will be difficult to hold it for too long.

Lei Ya inserted his weapon into the ground, led out the lightning and launched an attack, forcibly breaking through a hole.Then rushed out from this breach. Is this trying to escape?


Naruto's shadow clone chased it out first, and Mizuki's followed suit.

But at this moment, Mizuki's eyes seemed to see that the other party was Jieyin: "Rockslide!!"

When crushing the cliff, a large amount of rubble poured down, and a large number of shadow clones of Naruto were exploded.Even Mizuki's shadow clone will disappear after being hit.

Seeing that the other party was going to the top of the mountain, thinking of the other party's ninjutsu and the effect of the weapon in his hand, Mizuki said without saying: "Bow body bullet shadow!!"

One step ahead, appeared by his side.

He greeted him with a fist, and the weapons in Lei Ya's hand were superimposed, parrying and resisting the attack of the water tree.


Although Mizuki's fist was blocked, there was still a back hand. Naruto and his shadow clone had already rolled out the spiral pill and appeared.

Because Thunder Fang just blocked Mizuki's attack, there was no way to free his hands to defend against Naruto's Helix Maru.It happened to be hit in the abdomen, and he was directly knocked out, and then watched him fall off the cliff.

Falling from such a high position, I am afraid that the King Kong will not be broken, and I will be thrown to death.Even if the opponent is one of the Seven Ninjas, it shouldn't be invincible, right?

"Poor supporting actor, did you just take the lunch box?" Mizuki thought this way, but realized something was wrong. If this guy dies, Naruto finds Sasuke's clue, isn't it broken again?

Oh, forget it, let him ask for his own blessings!

Go back down and meet Ning Ci and others, looking back at this sleeping bag?Naruto thought it was an eyeball because he didn't see it with his eyes.

But it's actually a person. After opening the bag, there is a child about the same age as them.This surprised everyone?

Of course, if you want to talk about the surprise to this child, it should be more of some kind of emotional sustenance that he and Lei Ya have had?This child has no way to move, and usually can only be carried by Lei Ya, who is Lei Ya's eyes again.

This kind of relationship is a bit like, will Tao Di not cut the relationship with Bai?Obviously it was only used and used, but it turned out to be a friend and most important companion.

He wanted to accompany Lei Ya to die, but none of them did so: "Our task is to drive the black hoes out of the village. Without Lei Ya, the village is no longer threatened."

The next thing to do is to drive out all the black hoes so that they can return to Konoha quickly.

But here to talk about it, these recalcitrant members of the black hoes are still thinking about ambush?It's a pity that all of this has been seen through.

The only regret is that the fellow Xingzi did bad things without repentance.If it's not the last, Li will help out and intercede, even if Mizuki doesn't beat him, I'm afraid it's the villagers here, I'll show him something!

After doing all this, the task should be considered complete.In this case, only that one is still there?What can I do with this?

Text 264. Things that should have ended

The name of this child following Lei Ya is: Lan Wan.

Almost like Bai, he is also a poor man.Because my body was weak since I was young, I could only live in my own house and couldn't go anywhere.

There is no way to go out, but to observe the outside world with one's own ability.However, the ignorant villagers who have no concept of Ranmaru's ability have no goodwill except for fear.

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