I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 153

Chakra's control is obviously much worse, but if you want to activate your own body cells, you only need to concentrate a little energy, but you can try to do it!

Text 285. In prisonNext

Until now, only Water Tree and Fengshen Thor were left, and the rest of the prisoners were either knocked down or controlled by the prison guards who rushed over.

But at this time, the ring has just arrived at the most interesting place.Needless to say about the strength of Fengshen and Thor.The last time they escaped from prison, they had beaten Yurihong and Sarutobi Asma, and they were at least two high-level ninjas.

"Is Shang Ren's strength?" There was no fear on Mizuki's face. After all, she hadn't beaten Shang Ren, it was an example of her being killed again.Putting on his attacking posture, he hooked his hands and said to Fengshen Lei Shen, "Come here! Be obedient, or you will have no food tonight!"

This pair of idiot brothers, apart from their brute force, has no specialties, and only eats in their minds.Hearing that there is no food to eat, he can fall into a state of anger.

He rushed up with a fist. Mizuki crossed his hands to defend against him. His body could resist damage, but he couldn't block his strength. He was shot and flew out in an instant, and incidentally, he smashed a wall.

Fengshen and Lei Shen rushed together, and attacked again with their fists, Mizuki's hands again ran across, and the vicious force made her retreat for a few steps before reluctantly removing the impact.

"Is this a weird force?"

Their power reminded Mizuki to think of Tsunade, and it was also the signature strange power, enough to achieve the effect of breaking through with force.No wonder that even Yurihong and Sarutobi Asma were defeated by these two guys.

In this case, the water tree can't underestimate the enemy: "Explosive!"

Spend a certain amount of energy to accumulate chakras, and forcefully use explosive gas to activate your cells and improve your muscle strength.In the face of Fengshen and Thor, she shook her fist again. Instead of choosing defense, she also punched her own fist.


One-on-two, Mizuki's body shook, and even the floor under his feet burst on the spot.If it weren't for the explosive state, the strength would be greatly improved, I am afraid it would really be unstoppable.

Feng Shen Lei Shen shouted, squeezing his fists with both hands and continuing to hit, Mizuki used his hands to defend and blocked their attack. This violent attack caused her feet to sink into the ground three points.

"Asshole!" Mizuki gritted his teeth and roared: "The tiger does not show off his might, when I am a sick cat?"

Grasping a person's arm with both hands and one hand, through the method of borrowing force, make a whirling movement, throwing Fengshen and Thor separately.

One man smashed the wall of the prison, another smashed a table and fell to the ground.

Such scenes are rare. You must know that in this prison, Fengshen Thor is a prisoner, but this is an idiot brother who even the warden dare not provoke!

The reason is that there is no need to say anything, and only Tsunade-sama can shake it off. I didn't expect to be thrown out by a little girl now.

But let's not say here, fortunately this is Fengshen Thor, who is not afraid to fight with thick skin.It didn't take a while to get up, the two of them were full of hideous expressions: "How dare you be disrespectful to our Fengshen and Thor brothers? I want to kill you!"

These two guys got angry, but it was very scary.The brute force of a body is greater than that of a cow, and few people can control it.The reason for their imprisonment was that they killed their companions without eating, and the people around them spent a lot of effort to capture them reluctantly.

Fengshen and Lei Shen joined forces together, slammed their fists to make a lingering fist and the wind whistling, this power is enough to interrupt the thick tree on the adult waist!

Of course, Mizuki couldn't ignore it, crossed his hands to protect his chest and resisted their punch.However, the powerful force knocked her into the air, not to mention the wall that was crashed, and even a corner of the prison collapsed.

Fortunately, Mizuki's physical defenses were strong enough, and at the moment when they were hit by the two of them, he added "Angel's Barrier" to strengthen his defense, otherwise, even if he couldn't kill him, he might be crippled.But even so, I still feel a sweetness in my throat, knowing that a mouthful of blood is inevitable.

He spit out a mouthful of blood foam and wiped his mouth fiercely. Because of the pain on his body, a hideous expression appeared on his face: "Yes, very good strength. If you lie down well, it will make you more comfortable, but now It really made me angry!"

From the collapsed wall, Mizuki stood up and exhaled a deep breath, squeezing his fist and began to accumulate strength.

Originally, she didn't want to use nirvana, but she was really angered. She was already suffocated by the previous bullying, and she vented all the fights!

Check the chakras of the body. Because of the sealing technique, not only is it more difficult to use chakras, but the amount of chakras is also obviously restricted.

Obviously, it was less than one-fifth of the previous amount, and then I opened my eyes and exploded just now, which was a little bit more expensive.Judging from the current Chakra, if you want to play your own nirvana, the damage that can be caused does not seem to be too much.

This can be considered a good thing. Now she is still serving her sentence, and fighting is already a violation of the regulations. You can't do too much, otherwise it will really not end.

Refining all the chakras, blessing them on his fist, Mizuki put on an attacking posture, ready to release his nirvana-Asura Bahuang Fist!!

At the same time, Fengshen and Thor didn't hesitate either. Seeing that Shuishu hadn't been killed by them, they rushed furiously.At this time, the warden and the guards on the side could no longer stop them. They could only watch as these two crazy guys rushed towards the water tree.

But at this time, Mizuki uttered a soft voice: "——A! Xiu! Luo! Ba! Huang! Fist!"

The power of thunder burst out from her body, stimulating all her muscle cells and exerting the greatest strength.When this fist was thrown out, there was an obvious air shock wave in the fist, forming extremely strong pressure.

With such a terrifying power, the people watching were dumbfounded, and could not imagine that such a little girl could explode with such terrible power.Dare to fight against Fengshen and Thor on the front!

But if someone here, if they can notice, they can still find that the water tree's arm, the shielding part of the seal technique, has been broken a little by the scarlet vine, but under the control of the seal technique spell, he is forced to retreat again.This is an instinctive reaction to the Chakra of Water Tree.

Of course, no one here has noticed this subtle and instantaneous change.Instead, he saw Mizuki cast a terrifying punch, hitting Fengshen and Thunder God, and then saw the pair of idiot brothers being beaten out by a punch!This is the end of this chaos.

Body 286. Prison Queen

The cause of this chaos is a bit weird, it was only triggered by knocking over the table and food, but this ending is the same, after the melee, everyone fell, only the seemingly weakest little girl turned out to be standing The winner in the end.Especially the last amazing punch, it really convinced everyone!

"I'm convinced, right?" The warden lowered his hands and looked at the messy scene, not to mention the anger.He said fiercely: "You have only been here for a few days? You made such a big mess, and the whole prison was almost demolished by you!"

The person who is preaching by the warden is undoubtedly Mizuki.The cause of the incident has been roughly ascertained, although it was said that it was the previous guy, who reluctantly bullied her again.

But who is not good enough to provoke, must provoke the god of wind and thunder, how many prisoners who can be kept in this prison are good things?As a result, the entire prison was in chaos.

Fortunately, there was a lesson learned last time, and the security of the prison has been improved so that it can suppress the unrest.Otherwise, God knows if the prison will be overturned!?

Mizuki is also full of grievances here. Originally, he wanted to be a good girl. How good is it to fight for a leniency?MMP, obviously was bullied first!With a very crying expression, he said, "This matter can't be blamed on the Lun family. It was originally a good meal, but that guy bullied the Lun family first!"

A girl who is just over ten years old, with an expression full of grievances, is really pitiful.

This made the warden also a little bit difficult: "It's really troublesome, if it wasn't for Mute Lord, who had specially confessed, I really want you to transfer out!"

No way, who called Mizuki is a ninja, ordinary prisons for criminals, definitely can't detain her.And considering taking her identity, but not too far away, can only stay in the prison controlled by Konoha.

But this is not the case, because the imprisonment environment here, where there are very few women, let alone a little girl?It seems that there is only one way: "I can report to Master Naruto, if this continues, I don't know how to manage it!"

The duty of the prison director is to manage the prison, and this kind of obstructive management must be reported to the above.

However, what the warden said, but the frightened Mizuki's face paled. If he knew that he had just been imprisoned and caused such a big incident, might Tsunade-sama be angry?

Mizuki hurriedly said: "My lord prison, this, this, this report to Tsunade-sama, can you slow down? Then you said, as long as you manage it well? Do you want me to help? Everything is well managed for the adults!"

"Oh? Is there any way you can do it?" When the warden saw Mizuki, the little girl who was only a dozen dared to say something like this, he was quite interested: "Tell me!"

Seeing a show?Mizuki was overjoyed in his heart, but he wanted to say what he could do, and thought it would be better not to say it for now.He just promised: "As long as you agree and the report is delayed, I will give you a satisfactory result!"

I don't know what a good way Shui Shu has, but the warden chose to agree.Anyway, there is no loss to him, just want to see, such a little girl, what is the ability to manage a prison?We must know that the criminals held here are the worst murderers, and it is not easy to manage them.

Of course, he gave a condition here, that is, after this chaos, some parts of the prison were destroyed, the walls were punctured and more collapsed, and it must be repaired.By the way, this task was also given to Mizuki to see how she would complete it?

Mizuki patted his chest confidently: "Don't worry, just leave it to me! Guarantee to complete the task!"

Because Mizuki is the little cook of the entire prison, he has a unique privilege here, which is to take charge of the food in the entire prison.

Don't underestimate this right. You must know that people are iron rice or steel, and you will panic if you don't eat a meal.So using the power in her hands, she summoned all the prisoners and announced a rule: "From now on, there are 810 people in the prison besides me. They must obey orders and comply with all regulations before they are allowed to eat!"

In order to prevent anyone from dissatisfied, the water tree hit the ground with a fist, and the cracked ground gave all the prisoners a deterrent.Even if there is dissatisfaction in my heart, I can only hold it in my heart!

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