I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 155

Fengshen and Thor, who came with Mizuki, didn't react to the surrounding situation at all.Because for them, nothing is more important than filling their stomachs.

Fengshen and Thor, patted their stomachs, and said pitifully, "My Lady Queen, when can I have dinner?"

Speechless, the two guys who really lost the chain, if it weren't for their strength, I really wanted to replace them.

But after thinking about it, it was indeed a meal, and Mizuki agreed: "Well, let's go find a store and get something to eat."

The law and order here is terrible. Fortunately, there are not many stores that should exist.I found a restaurant to eat and opened the door directly.

The store looks a bit deserted. There are only twos and threes of customers in the huge store, and it doesn't seem to be eating.Just after the water tree came in, he kept looking at it, but there was no movement.

Of course, this is the villain's island, and few people who live here will be good.But Mizuki didn't care, she just came to eat, and as long as it was not someone else's initiative to make trouble, she didn't bother to care.

Originally, there was no problem with all of this. Water tree and Fengshen Thor wanted some food, but they were comfortable eating.But when he finished eating and wanted to pay the bill, Mizuki was stunned by the bill: "152,000! Why don't you grab it!"

Jay!This thing that could only be seen in the news, I didn't expect it to happen to me.

The surprised reaction on Mizuki's face seemed to be expected by the store. It seemed that this was not the first time, and he even said confidently: "If you don't have money, you dare to come to eat? Do you want to eat Bawang's meal?"

The shop owner was very unkind. As soon as his voice fell, all the diners in the shop stood up and pulled out their weapons. The shop door was immediately closed.It seems that this is more than just slaughtering a guest?It turned out to be a black shop!

No wonder, these diners did not eat, because they are all thugs.People who enter this store have already been targeted by them.If they are forced to hand over the money when checking out, they will be murdered and overwhelmed.If they cannot pay, they will become traffickers.

This kind of thing has never been seen a lot in the villain's island, and it can be said that it happens every day.Unexpectedly, after eating a meal, I was met.

"Is it an after-dinner show?" Seeing these fierce guys, Mizuki smiled coldly: "I will be disadvantaged if I look down on me like this!"

I'm too lazy to talk nonsense, knowing that this is a black shop, there is no problem.

The shop owner is also holding a machete, and he doesn't take Mizuki's threat to his heart very much: "Little sister, I advise you to get rid of it! For the sake of your cuteness, we won't hurt you."

Hehe, it sounds better than singing?

Of course Mizuki is not a fool. How could he believe his words, snap his fingers, and command: "Fengshen and Lei Shen, after eating, I have to move!"

Fengshen and Thundershen listened to the orders, their muscles swelled suddenly, and the bulging meridians appeared like earthworms.Their strange power is amazing, and they have power no weaker than shadows. Even the water tree can only be stronger than them by using big moves.

The thugs of this black shop are just ordinary people, not even ninjas.Even if Aeolus Thunder God didn't use weapons, they couldn't resist it with fists.

Fengshen punched a fist and hit a thug's chest. He immediately saw it sinking in, fearing that the ribs on his chest were broken. Incidentally, he smashed a table and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood with scum. He died.

Thor slammed a fist out, hitting a thug in the head, watching it collapse on the spot, his face was distorted and smashed, he smashed a chair, his appearance was terrible, he was bleeding when he watched the Qiqiao!

This is the case with the terrifying strange power, even if it hits the ground, the earth will shatter.If it's a ninja, it's better to say something, all year round of exercise is strong, but if you are an ordinary person, it is difficult to resist a fist.

This is not the most terrifying. The strange powers of Fengshen and Thor are terrifying, and their bodies are similar to the defenses of water trees. The blades of them will be rebounded from their bodies. Is it really too thick?

"MD, give it to me! Give it to me!" The shop owner scolded, urging his thugs to rush up to see, but seeing the things in his shop were broken, he cried out for his loss: "Oh, my Pear Flower Chair, my peach table—!"

But if that's the case, it's fine, but seeing Fengshen and Thor, they were even cut by a knife, and nothing happened.In an instant the shop owner realized that he might have hit the iron plate.

A group of more than a dozen thugs, almost one fist, fell to the ground in less than half a minute.Either they were killed on the spot, or they fell to the ground crippled and screamed, but no one came to rescue them.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the shop owner thought of running away.His store had a back door, which was used to save life, but before he ran a few steps, he was stopped by a water tree.

Shui Shu's white eyes have opened, and the swelling meridians around the eyes have the ability to see through everything.But what is even more weird comes from a cold smile: "Run? Hey, this is your store, where do you want to go?"

From this guy's proficiency, Mizuki could tell at a glance that it was not the first time he had done such a thing.I don't know how many victims were there before the water tree?

Clamping his neck with one hand, applying a slight force, before he had time to struggle twice, the guy's head tilted and he was already dead and could not die again.

When I first came to Villain’s Island, I saw that it was amazing. It was an eye-opener!

Body 290. Occupy

Killing is of course not a good thing, the smelly blood plasma is nauseating, which also makes Mizuki very disgusted.But she is also not a Virgin, if she dares to put her ideas on her, it is absolutely impossible to be forgiven!

Originally, after the shop owner and his thugs were killed, Mizuki planned to leave directly.But if you think about it, this is the island of the wicked, and it may not be good to go to other places.Simply occupy this store altogether, even as a temporary foothold.

Mizuki ordered Fengshen and Thor, and said, "You two throw all the corpses out, and then rinse the ground with water."

This is not good for the idiot brothers' brains, but they still do these simple things.He acted quickly, threw all the corpses out, and found water to wash the ground.

While they were working, Mizuki sat on the boss chair and began to think about what the task should be.According to the mission instructions given by Tsunade-sama, the information that came out of that thing only knew that it was on this villain island.The team sent in front was to find it, but failed because of the exposure of their identity.

Therefore, the intelligence in Shuishu's hands only has a general indication, knowing that it should be in the island of the villain.But where it is, whether it is just a piece of news, or whether there is a baby, it is completely unclear.

However, Mizuki analyzed it in his heart and thought that the treasure should be on the island of villains!As for the reason, Tsunade has already said: "The treasures of the Warring States period have disappeared in a war."

It should be said what this treasure looks like, no one has seen it after the Warring States period.But judging from the information obtained, it can be said that there are noses and eyes, and it is rumored to be on the island of the villain.It's not difficult to guess, has anyone actually seen this thing on Alcatraz?

Of course, these are all conjectures. Without sufficient evidence, there is no way to be confirmed.So we still need to think about it long-term!

Thinking of the water tree here, he couldn't help but let out a lament: "Collecting intelligence is the most annoying!"

Now there is no clue, not even a breakthrough, if you want to find it, she will be the only one to go.After all, Fengshen and Raytheon’s IQs are worrying, and they are okay to deal with ordinary trivial matters and fights, but to do this kind of technical work is definitely not enough to take on this important task.

It's when I'm upset thinking about how to do the task.There was a commotion outside, and it sounded like it was at the door.And soon I heard the violent roar of Fengshen and Thor, the two brothers, and then the jingle of fighting came in.Needless to say, it is probably someone who provokes them!

Mizuki walked out and saw that the two brothers, Fengshen and Thor, were fighting a few fierce guys.A few were already lying on the ground, the wounded were groaning on the ground, some had fallen to the ground, and there was still a pool of blood under them.Although I don't know what happened, he still ordered Feng Shen Lei Shen: "Stop!"

Seeing that it was Mizuki coming, and hearing her order, the two men resigned unwillingly.

Through the understanding of Fengshen and Thor at these times, Mizuki knew that they would only appear violent instincts when they were hungry.But I just finished eating. Obviously, it wasn't the reason for the hunger. It should be caused by irritation.

Seeing Fengshen and Thor retreating to his side, Mizuki regained his gaze at the troublemakers and said to them, "Who are you? We don't seem to have met each other?"

Regarding what Mizuki said, these troublemakers did not directly answer, but instead answered what they had asked: "Where is the black household? Today is going to pay the rent, let him get out!"

Who are they talking about?Shuishu must not know him.

But seeing the looks of these people, it seems that this is not the first time to come to this store.Could it be that the black household they were talking about was the original owner of this store?Hearing this name, I seem to understand why this is a black shop.

Guessing this possibility, Mizuki directly replied: "What you said is not the owner of this store, right?"

"Do you know him?" These people looked at Mizuki up and down, thinking that she looked quite strange, and the wind god Thunder standing beside him, but killed and injured his brother, said: "Look at your face, newcomer ?"

The villain’s island is a gathering place for bad guys. Every day they escape from the country’s chase, so it’s not surprising that they often see people in front of them.It's just a little girl like Mizuki, it may not be very common.

Hearing what they said, Mizuki understood a little bit. It seemed that these people really knew the black household, and he was the shop owner who was killed by himself.They said they came to collect rent, is it the legendary "protection fee"?Leng Hun replied: "Yes, the owner of this shop wanted to slaughter me. He has been killed. Now this shop is mine!"

This matter is a fact, there is no need to hide it.And Mizuki also needs to see, how did these people react?

But I might be a little disappointed, because killing is just the most common thing in the villain's island.Without the ability to survive here, in the end there is only the fate of being killed.

When the visitor heard these words, although there was a look of astonishment, he quickly recovered.He just said: "If that's the case, will you ask for the tenant of this store in the future?"

These people don't care about the change of ownership of the store, as long as someone pays them rent, it doesn't matter.

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