I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 159

Here, according to the power of the water tree, it is not a strange thing to throw an adult man out.Moreover, Murayama was thrown out. It was actually his experience. He knew that he would definitely be hurt if he resisted with strength. Following the direction of strength, if he didn't resist, he could reduce the damage to himself to the minimum.

It was when he was thrown out, Murayama's hand moved the silk thread and the stitches in Mizuki's hand.Because the sword body of the stitch is similar to Chibon's appearance, it was not accidentally pulled out and he regained his hand.

Seeing the stitches in Murayama's hands, Mizuki had to be alert.Although she didn't know how this person got the stitches Murayama got, each of the seven knives had its own special abilities.For example, the shark muscle can swallow Chakra, the decapitation knife can restore bloodthirsty, the thunder knife can control the power of lightning and so on.

The ability of this stitch is said to pierce everything and stitch together.I just don’t know if it’s not bad to face your own King Kong. Will the story of spear and shield happen again?

Mizuki squeezed his fist, and the crisp sound of bones represented a powerful force: "I heard that the ninja of the water country, the seven weapons of the seven ninjas, have different abilities. I have seen thunder before. Knife, let me see your stitches now!"

The force at the foot is like an arrow from the string, rushing to Murayama without a word, it is a direct punch!

Of course, for an attack like this, Murayama couldn't have no defense, holding the weapon in both hands and blocking Mizuki's fist.Then he made a stab to fight back, Mizuki dexterously dodged sideways, and then slammed his dominant punch.

With great luck, Murayama used a back-jump to avoid the fist of Mizuki. Looking at the ground where he was just now, he was punched in a crack and wiped his sweat secretly: "If you get hit, It must be troublesome, right?"

At this time, the water tree, without any hesitation, hit again with his fists.

Because of his awe of power, Murayama knew that he could not resist hard, otherwise he would be easily hurt, so he chose the most correct method, which is to control the stitches to attack.

When anyone sees an attack, the instinctive best response is definitely to avoid it. Mizuki is self-sustaining and strong in defense, but seeing the peculiarities of this weapon, he still chooses to avoid it.

But Mizuki here has also seen it before. Just now Murayama defeated Ji Jiu's trick, knowing that he can't look at it and avoid it.Trying to grab this weapon and avoid entanglement with silk thread.

"Hey, scrupulous about this?" Murayama snorted coldly, adjusting the flying trajectory of the stitches, and making a turn.

Seeing this situation, Mizuki was a little surprised secretly, he could actually add stitches, just like moving his body, this guy obviously got stitches, it has been a long time.Combining the skills of operation, it seems that Ji Jiu was defeated just now, not without this reason.

As a person who likes to hit people with his fists, Mizuki's weapon is his fist, and he wore gloves on his hands.No blade is the most helpful, if it is entangled with silk thread, it will definitely be very troublesome.

Naturally, when I saw the stitches turning, I sensed the other party's intentions. If I wanted to wrap her body, I definitely couldn't let her succeed.Before she surrounded her, she cleverly used her body skills to get out of trouble.

But why doesn't Murayama understand?Seeing Mizuki's movements, he understood: "If you think that you can escape, it is really naive. Otherwise, do you think that guy Ji Jiu wants to learn swordsmanship?"

The trouble is here, don't watch the water tree cleverly come out, but at this time, Murayama adjusted the flying trajectory of the stitches, and at the same time his body moved.

It feels like a fisherman casts a net. The net must be opened first. Only in this way can he catch more fish.This is the current situation. Adjusting the flight of weapons and your own actions is the opening of the big net!

Seeing such a situation, Mizuki quickly understood this sentence.Why did Ji Jiu learn to use the ninja sword even if he even learned the fascination of Hyuga's family.The purpose should be like this. If you have a knife in your hand, you can open the stitches and avoid fishing like this.

The water tree currently has no weapons in his hands, and may not use it even if he does.Only his own fist, if you grab it with your hands, you will inevitably be moved by Murayama, wrapping the silk thread around your body.

The net has been opened, what should the water tree do?From a blank glance, it is clear that the other party controls the stitches and has its own high speed. If you want to get out of the encirclement by speed alone, the hope may be quite slim.

There was no other way, Mizuki used: "Bow body shot!"

With the help of his skills, he can teleport out of the encirclement set by the enemy.

"Oh? What a great instant technique!" The fishing plan failed. Murayama didn't frustrate. On the contrary, he was quite surprised at Mizuki's instantaneous: "Yes, it looks like I just saved Jijiu, so it should be. Do you use this?"

The instant ability of the arched shadow can move wherever it can be seen.If used well, it should be a weapon that can restrain the opponent: stitches.

The water tree stretched a distance to avoid entering the danger again.Aim with the magical power of your finger, and a projectile was ejected, like a bullet.

"Can you make Chakra concrete?" He dodged his thrilling sideways, and saw that a wall behind him was pierced on the spot, and he couldn't help being a little cautious: "At a young age, there is a powerful instantaneous technique, and such Long-distance ninjutsu, it looks like you are more troublesome than I thought! I can't keep you!"

The greater the threat, the more unable to stay.

This time it was replaced by Murayama, who took the initiative to attack.The weapon in his hand has no blades, only pointed needles, so it is attacked in the form of thorns.

Seizing this opportunity, Mizuki also faced each other, she was not afraid of even bladed weapons, not to mention that she didn't even have blades.As long as she can catch it again, she can definitely take the stitches!

But this move is very risky. You must know that Murayama is forbearance anyway. Even if the individual's combat effectiveness is not weaker than the opponent, it is impossible to guarantee that he will not be defeated by any means.

In fact, this is really the case. The use of stitches for many years has already made him proficient in penetration.Just when he rushed up, he threw out the stitches again and controlled the flight trajectory, using an indeterminate "S" shape to attack the water tree.

It seems that he also understands that Mizuki might think of grabbing stitches, so with this kind of flight trajectory, trouble can be avoided.The more important reason is that it can pull out a longer line, so that the next step can be carried out!

Text 298. Fighting Next

When the two met again, Mizuki still fisted, of course, but watching the stitches flying in, in order to prevent the risk of being entangled, he avoided the risk of being entangled.

But don't be small, because Murayama's control over the stitches even followed her to stab her.Mizuki had no choice but to defend it tentatively. He had arm armors on his fist gloves to resist sharp collisions.

I saw metal sparks and harsh rubbing sounds, leaving traces on the arm armor.This is still hit on the metal armor, if it stabbed the human body, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Cut, do you think you are arrogant, relying on weapons?" Mizuki's fist was thrilled to block the blow, "hard fist is the last word!"

How powerful is Mizuki's fist? The pit hit by the fist just now is still there.Murayama is not a fool, and of course he would not choose to resist, otherwise he would definitely be hurt.

Here he uses a fighting technique, which is to hit water directly with a fist.He cleverly used a "push" technique to pull out the fist that was swung over.

Very beautiful four or two strokes of Qianjin, obviously his physical skills should not be as bad as imagined.It is possible that in the battle with Ji Jiu, he also improved his physical skills invisibly, and got the training here.

Unfortunately, this punch was empty, and another fist was quickly punched, but this time Mizuki used an uppercut instead of the straight punch just now.I won't be pushed aside by the method just now!

Encountered with such a fist, Murayama couldn't use the technique of moving, and it was too late to react and avoid.As long as you use one hand to defensively and resist, after blocking the attack of your fist, you did not choose the strength to resist the water tree, but consciously flew away, weakening the damage received.

The pain must be terribly painful, but Murayama did not yell out, but turned the pain into a hideous fist: "A terrible fist, I admit you are very powerful, but unfortunately you are too young!"

Murayama's fist was not in vain, because he reached his goal and the line of release was long enough.

The water tree here is not stupid, he understands what is going on in an instant, and he blurts out: "Damn, forget that special one!"

It's a pity that I understand, but when I reacted, I regretted that my body was completely restrained by the tightened silk thread.

These threads are all steel wires, which are very tensile. It does not mean that you can break free if you want to break free. What's more, the silk threads are quite slender. I am afraid that even if you use break free, you might cut your body first.

As soon as Mizuki was restrained, he had already figured out a way to save himself, trying to struggle a few times first, trying to break the rope with brute force.But for one thing, the steel wire is too strong, and it's a bit more difficult to break it because of how entangled it is.And the slender steel wire was strangled, and the pain was enough to gnash your teeth.

"Don't waste your efforts. There is no exception for those who are trapped." Murayama sneered, looking at the trapped "prey" and said: "You also have white eyes. It should be the same as Jijiu, Konoha Hinata. People of the same family?"

White eyes are a characteristic of the Hyuga clan, and this is no secret in the Ninja world.

Mizuki struggled, and then made a cut. However, he didn't answer Murayama's question because it was a clear question.Instead of chatting with him, it is better to find a way to get out of trouble!

Seeing such a situation, Murayama said lightly: "Struggling, it will only get tighter!"

The stitches have returned to his hands at this time, and now he controls the silk thread to tighten the water tree tightly.The clothes were all cut open, even if the defense power of King Kong was not bad, the flesh and blood body was a bit overwhelming.

Struggling is useless, the wire is very resistant to pulling, it is extremely difficult to break through brute force, and the body may not be able to stand it.So this is not going to work, other methods must be used!

After gritting his teeth, the water tree used: "Bow body shot!"

In the past, she had never tried to use the slingshot when she was trapped, but the current situation is not optimistic. She can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Fortunately, being a water tree is the best and one of the most commonly used skills. I am very familiar with this skill.

Her figure suddenly disappeared, and the steel wire that was holding her body just now.It fell like an instant loss of power, and was quickly recovered by Murayama.

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