I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 171

Hearing the little girl Hua Huo, she dared to complain about herself in person, and Mizuki touched the little loli's head: "Well, you little girl, you dare to say that your sister is an idiot? Do you know what an idiot is?"

How should Mizuki treat fireworks?Kind of like a big brother, loving his little sister.It’s almost like this, but it’s a bit hard to say. Maybe it’s still a bit like parents discipline their children, right?After all, Mizuki's inner age is completely enough.

However, the Hinata here is indeed the sister who loves her sister.The battle between the two girls that year didn't seem to be obvious, but Mizuki knew that Hinata wouldn't really fight fireworks, and it was just an unintentional contest.

Of course, when I heard Huahuo here, Mizuki's mind had an instinct: "Huahuo, you said Hinata likes Naruto so much. What is your evaluation of Naruto?"

Speaking of it, Hinata and Naruto will get married sooner or later in the future, isn't Huahuo just Naruto's sister-in-law?So it's okay to listen to her evaluation of Naruto first.

If only from the outside, Huahuo's evaluation of Naruto is actually not that high.Think he is stupid and stupid, as if he is not smart enough, how handsome is he?I can't talk about this.Moreover, Hinata expressed his admiration in this way, and he didn't even feel it at all. It was obvious that he was a complete fool.

But that's what I said, but Huahuo's evaluation of Naruto is not completely one-sided.She watched during the Zhongnin exam, Naruto's perseverance and perseverance had to make Huahuo admire.

He clearly saw that Naruto was not Neji's opponent, but no matter how many times he was defeated, he still got up from the ground and did not succumb to the so-called fate.So that the last person standing on the game field was actually this big fool who looked dumb and stupid, not smart enough.

This has made Huahuo understand why his sister, Hinata, would like him: "That guy is stupid and stupid. Although I don't want to admit it, his perseverance is really attractive."

Yes, when Naruto rushed out of the ground at the end of the Zhongnin exam, he was really attracted to the fireworks when Naruto rushed out of the ground and dropped Neji with a punch.

Maybe if Naruto defeated Payne to become the hero of Konoha, if you pushed it back a few years, Huahuo's evaluation of Naruto would definitely be even higher?

"Is it attractive?" Mizuki chuckled lightly, then grabbed the fireworks and whispered in her ear: "Hey, you said that if it's the future, Naruto-kun will marry your sister Hinata—— "

Mizuki's words to the fireworks were very soft, but they could not be covered up, so Hinata could hear them clearly.

Hearing that my sister and younger sister were talking about their marriage with Naruto-kun—how could I say something that blushed after thinking about it!

Seeing Hinata's shy look, Mizuki is my favorite, and I can't help but want to hug and kiss him. It's really cute.

Seeing this scene, Huahuo complained: "Sister nympho!"

Fortunately, the three of them are all blood-related sisters, and the intimate behavior between girls is not as good as that of men.What's more, it is impossible for Mizuki to have evil thoughts in his heart for his sister.

While playing, the door of the ward was pushed open. The person who came was Sakura: "Mizuki, we are going to change the dressing."

The medicine is not changed every day, but once the medicine is changed, it will be a problem, because the wound on the back of the water tree will cause pain even if it is a big move to get up.

Hinata asked, "Sakura, can I help?"

One more person, one more helper, this is no problem.

Because it is to change the dressing, I must take off my clothes and remove the old bandage.The fresh body is exposed to the air, and the picture is not to mention how fragrant.

Maybe the water tree has no feeling for his body. After all, this is his body. I have seen it countless times before, and the original freshness has long been gone.

However, in the eyes of others, the physical development of the water tree has begun to exceed that of his peers.It was not long since I saw it last time, but it was not much bigger than a poached egg.Now it is bigger than the palm of your hand, and it has become more swollen, like a pair of cute little buns.

Body 319. Naruto's intrusion

The clothes were stripped off, the straps were taken off, and the delicate body was exposed to the air. Fortunately, everyone in the ward was all girls, so there was nothing to be shy about.

Sakura is still a little better, she has helped change the dressing these times, so she has already seen it.However, Hinata hadn't met Mizuki for a while, and when he suddenly saw this developed place, he still subconsciously took a few more glances.

Perceiving Hinata's gaze, she sometimes looked at herself. Mizuki smiled and stood up with her twin peaks. He said jokingly: "Hinata, how about it, bigger than yours!"

I remember that when I took a bath with Hinata in the past, Mizuki used her figure as a metaphor, saying that women with better figures are more likely to attract attention.

Now you can see that the well-developed figure of the water tree is indeed to attract more people.Don't think it's not very big now, but you have to know that the water tree is only thirteen years old now.This age is just the stage of accelerating development. It doesn't take a few years for her figure to become more perfect.

The place that had already developed, being like this by Shui Shu, suddenly became even more conspicuous.Hinata was a little bit shy when I saw it. When I lowered my head, I just saw myself. It is inevitable that I would think: "This place of my own will definitely grow up, right?"

I like to see Hinata shy. Mizuki let out a scream of excitement, and hugged his sister in his arms for a while, and then kissed again.

Seeing her excitement, Hinata habitually turned into a doll at the mercy of a doll, and Sakura looked at the two sisters with her forehead slightly raised.As for the youngest fireworks standing on the side, they are consciously holding their hands, holding their own development as the beginning, and then squeezing them tentatively.

The result of such frequent squabbles is that the medicine that should have been changed in a few minutes has been delayed until now.If it's just such a situation, it's okay, the one afraid is an accident--!

The reckless Naruto, upon learning that Mizuki was injured, ran to the hospital to visit.I just heard the sound of Mizuki and Sakura in the ward, but he didn't know what was going on, and he broke into the ward without knocking at the door.

At this time, Mizuki was still playing around with his sister, and the change of medicine had just entered the stage of applying medicine.Not to mention the clothes, even the new bandages were not put on, the whole body was completely naked, and there was no preparation at all.

As a result, this mortal fellow broke in, waiting for Mizuki to detect and react, only to protect his body with his hands, accompanied by a harsh scream!

The sudden situation in front of me made Sakura on the side angrily and fisted, "Naruto! You perverted mad-go to hell!"

At this time, Sakura had already started to learn from Tsunade. Although she hadn't mastered the terrifying power, her fist was also very powerful, and Naruto was blown away with one fist.

It's really maddening, you know that this is a female ward, don't you say that you will reject the opposite sex?But as a male Naruto, how could he not even knock on the door!

A beating must be inevitable, and then Naruto was thrown out of the ward, until he helped Mizuki get a good medicine, he called this guy in again.

"I really don't understand things, this is a women's ward, how can you break in without knocking at the door?!" Mizuki preached this guy.

Originally, he looked pitiful when he was beaten all over his head, but when he thought of this guy, he actually broke in without knocking at the door. At that time, he was still naked, and only a stomach was left after thinking about it. Angry!

However, Naruto at this time has also realized his mistake and expressed a very sincere apology: "I'm sorry, this is my fault, because I heard the news of your injury, but I forgot to knock on the door and broke in. Nothing. I thought~ you are changing your dressing."

It sounds sincere to apologize, but the last sentence is obviously a little evasive?Mizuki immediately realized what this guy might see!

Of course, even though Mizuki had guessed it, there are also Sakura and Hinata here, so she won't be able to name them anymore.It was only at the end that he was warned to enter the ward again, and he had to knock on the door and get permission before he could walk in, because it was a matter of politeness.

Mizuki still has injuries on his body. It is not convenient now. He beckoned to let Naruto come over. Looking at the bag on his head, he felt a little pain: "Sakura's shot is so heavy, isn't it painful?"

"This big fool, who told him not to knock at the door!"

Sakura is still merciful, after all, this is a hospital, and it is impossible to really use all his strength.

But these were nothing. Mizuki stretched out a hand near the chakra, touched Naruto's bag, and quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Water tree has "healing technique" and "healing technique". The former is a healing skill, and the latter is to remove an abnormal state. As long as it is combined with many diseases, it can be cured.

Touching the painful bag on his head, he recovered in this way, making Naruto very happy: "Mizuki, you are really amazing!"

Such a small injury is very simple to treat.In the past, when the water tree exercised its strength, it often suffered injuries, such as being broken by a boulder. That treatment was troublesome.

Kozakura tidied up her things: "I have something else, can you talk about it first? But remember to rest more."

With a final reminder, he left.

Knowing that Sakura is studying, she has a lot of things to do.

After waiting for Sakura to leave, Naruto said to Mizuki, "I asked Granny Tsunade, and she said that you have already got it and you can go back to the village to do the task."

It seems that Naruto, this guy, should have found Tsunade first.Just don't know what to do?

Later, according to Naruto's account, it turned out that this guy was looking for Tsunade, but he still wanted to go to Sasuke. After all, this was a knot he couldn't let go of.

Originally there was nothing wrong with this, but Sasuke was by Oshemaru. Naruto is going to go, isn't it going to die?So Tsunade refused naturally.

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