I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 174

Seeing that success was about to come, the two people who were nervous and frightened jumped with a sudden voice behind them.It turned out to be Sister Mute. She was about to find Mizuki and was about to call for the final physical examination. If there were no problems, she could be ready to be discharged at any time.

But she didn't come at the right time, she just almost saw it, but because of her voice, Mizuki and Sakura, who were concentrating on them, were shocked.The two girls screamed in shock, but such a big movement had obviously failed the plan.

There is no way for the two people at this time to quickly find a way to round up: "We just went out for a walk, didn't we?", "Yes, we just walked."

The movements of Mizuki and Sakura just now seemed silent, but she didn't say anything.I just nodded pretendingly: "Okay, I get it, I'm just here to remind, prepare to check, wait a while and come over."

Seeing Silent leave, Mizuki and Sakura let out a long sigh.

However, the movement in the room has shown that the plan has failed.

Hinata, who was lying on the bed in the ward, let out a harsh scream, because Naruto's amplitude was a bit big, and he was about to kiss him.Seeing that it was Naruto who wanted to kiss herself, Hinata had no mental preparation at all.

Alas, I was almost done when I saw it, but an accident happened halfway and I failed. I was really angry!

The scene was a bit embarrassing. Hinata was already blushing and speechless. Naruto’s situation was similar, but he was still confused about what had happened: "Mizuki, how are you~"

Because the appearance of Mizuki and Hinata is almost the same, it is really easy to be mistaken if you don't look carefully.

Naruto just now had always treated Hinata lying on the bed as a water tree, but now that the real water tree appeared, he didn't react at all.

The failure of the plan made Mizuki feel very bad, and looked at Naruto coldly: "I went for a walk with Sakura, what are you and my sister doing?"

Seeing the Mizuki appearing here, thinking of his motive just now, Naruto had a ghost in his heart. He couldn't help but became scared and said in fear, "Mizuki, why are you with Sakura?"

"I always stay in the ward with no air circulation. Can't I go out for a walk with Sakura?" Mizuki looked at Naruto and Hinata, and looked back and forth for a while: "My sister is a good girl. You can't bully her!"

When saying the latter sentence, Mizuki's tone was a little strange.Those with a higher EQ can understand that this is a bit of entrusting to the other party.

However, Naruto's reaction is really too ridiculous. He thought Mizuki was saying that he was bullying Hinata!Quickly denied: "No, no, I'm looking at Hinata, is there a fever? Her head just now is so hot! Look--."

I'm dizzy, this big idiot, can I pry my mind?!It's really maddening.

Don't say it's Mizuki here, even Sakura was crying stupidly by this guy, but it's really Naruto's character if you want to come, you don't need to think about it at all?

Seeing the water tree, I can't wait for it, so I must teach this guy first.But at this moment, Hinata stopped Mizuki: "Sister, you were outside just now, did you meet Sister Silent? I asked you to prepare for a medical examination?"

Hinata's obstruction is obviously to protect Naruto, and he really loves his future husband very much!

Forget it, for the sake of Hinata's face, he simply won't be held accountable.

Because Mute sister has already notified, it is not a good thing to keep her waiting, so accompanied by Sakura, we went for a medical examination together.As long as you confirm that your body has no problems, you can go to Master Tsunade for cultivation.

Regarding this Naruto and Hinata matter, although it did not achieve the desired effect, Hinata understood that this was his sister's intention.Although I felt this was superfluous, I finally expressed my understanding.

Of course, when it comes to this incident, Mizuki always has regrets.You know, Hinata likes Naruto, but it's not a day or two, and even she is worried about this situation.

Naruto's elm head is really going to be pissed to death. It stands to reason that when he is fighting, he is actually easy to find problems and find the weakness of the enemy. He should be considered a very smart person.But how come there is no feeling or consciousness at all when it comes to feelings?Annoying!

Well, forget it, this time the plan failed, and we can only think of a solution later.

Mizuki completed the physical examination accompanied by Sakura, and got a satisfactory result. Silent took the physical examination report and said, "The physical indicators have basically returned to normal."

The good news is that physical recovery means that I can find Tsunade-sama to study and practice.

"Great!" Don't mention it, Mizuki was very happy: "When can I go to Master Tsunate and let Master Tsunate guide my practice?"

Mizuki asked to study from Tsunade-sama, and Sakura knew about this, so she didn't feel any surprise.

Mute sister who got this medical report, smiled mysteriously and replied: "These Masters Tian Tsunade, there is still a lot of work to do, and there is no way to teach you for the time being. But I will leave the basic medical books and ask you to read them all. Again."

When talking about this, Sister Mute searched for a while and delivered the packaged basic medical books to Mizuki's hands.It seems that the volume is not too much, just like two or three books, but the thickness of each is terribly thick: "Odd Meridian and Eight Vessels", "Human Muscles and Veins Medicine", "Motor Nerve Vessels".

They all seem to be books on meridians and veins?Mizuki didn't know what this was useful for: "What I want is to learn how to build strength. What are these books for me? Should I learn acupuncture?"

Mizuki knew Sister Mute, but she was good at using flying needles like Qianben. After all, she was using hidden weapons.But what's the use of getting this yourself?Is it true that when dealing with the enemy, you also use needles to pierce people?

This answer is silent without explanation, just a deep smile.It’s the mystery that Sakura thought of: "Mizuki, you have learned soft boxing, and know that you can control chakras by hitting acupoints with soft boxing? The same is true of Tsunade-sama’s strange powers, using precise chakra control ability to perform Stimulate and exert supernatural power."

Hearing this, Mizuki quickly understood that it looked the same as the official description, the precise control of Chakra was concentrated and then all burst out.

Okay, but that's what I said, but seeing the thick medical books, I guess I will be dizzy for a while.

Body 324. Study

A thick book, placed in front of Mizuki, looked like a big head.She was not good at reading at first, so she would be easy to learn in the three-dimensional, otherwise she would not become a dead house.

It's the same after coming to this world. I don't have any interest in learning. When I do the exams, I cheat by blindfolding.

It's better now. I have to read the book all day long, and I don't need to finish reading this, because I need to use actual combat later, so I still need to read it clearly.

"Acupoints-Meridians -" The introduction on the book is very careful. There are illustrations for reference, and the text is considered detailed. Even the effects of certain stimulations are indicated: "Shengmen, brain and body The connection between the spine of the neck and the body?"

Shui Shu tentatively touched the place where this Shengmen acupoint was located. This was the acupuncture point opened by Bamen Dunjia, and from then on, green chakras could be surging.

Because I have been in contact with Li, I know the effect of the Shengmen. This is the last safe area to enter the Eighth Door. Only when the Shengmen is opened can it hit the wounded door below.

It can be determined that opening the life gate can stimulate the chakras in the body. Last time in the country of rain, I asked Tiantian to help with acupuncture and moxibustion stimulation. There was also acupuncture through the life gate to force out the chakras contained in the body cells.

The green chakra energy, this world is considered to have life energy, like the chakra of medical ninjutsu, it is very green when you can see it.

Walking down the life gate, what you see is the wounded gate.In Bamen Dunjia, only the wound door is opened to enter the Bamen state, but at this time, the body cells may be hurt, so it is called "sound door"!

Touching the acupuncture point that hurts his body, it is really on his back spine: "The medical book says that stimulating this acupuncture point can be used to increase the strength with pain? Hiss, it seems a bit interesting."

The back door goes down the spine, which is the position of the Dumen and Jingmen in the eight gates, but when the Jingmen is reached, Chakra can penetrate the entire spine, filling the whole body with Chakra energy.

Shocking door is the seventh door before the dead door, because the chakra all over the body is burst, it will force the whole body to sweat, which is to turn into blue steam.As for the last dead door, it is undoubtedly the heart, all bursting out of chakras, but it will consume the blood of the body, and the steam will turn into blood red.

Of course, studying the acupoints of Bamen Dunjia is actually driven by the curiosity of the water tree.In fact, it can be regarded as the spine, which is the main backbone of the human body, so it starts from this aspect.

If you make an analogy, the human body is like a city, the spine of the human body is the central axis, the meridians and blood vessels are the main roads of the city and the roads of the streets, and the acupuncture points can be compared to stations that need to stay and pass.

To put it more bluntly, if Mizuki wants to become a veteran driver, he needs to know every main road, every street and lane, and station. Only in this way can he arrive accurately when needed.

But it's easy to say here, but it's really difficult to do it. Anyway, Mizuki has tried it. Every time I check the book and feel the pulse, although I can't say that there is no effect at all, it is like memorizing English words in three dimensions.It’s fine when reading a book. Once you put it down, you’ll be dumbfounded. Even if you memorize it hard, you will forget it quickly if you don’t want to, and you have to look at it again from the beginning.

This kind of pain is beyond words: "It's just a mouse flipping through the bookcase-chewing words!"

It’s too difficult to learn by rote, and it’s totally unsuitable for water trees.It's more painful than going to a fight and getting hurt!

I have no choice but to find sister Mute. I want to ask if there is a way to quickly memorize the contents of the medical book?It’s a pity that the results are not ideal, and Mute said, "I follow Tsunade-sama, and I haven’t seen any shortcuts. Let’s take the prescription for prescription? I can only follow the prescription over and over again, but only need to prepare this one. The medicine takes a long time, even if I don’t need to look at the prescription, I can make it."

The meaning is obvious, that is, typical practice makes perfect. Doing the same thing for a long time will naturally be handy.That is to say, Mizuki wants to find a shortcut, it may be something that doesn't exist, so he can only watch and do it slowly by himself?

Sakura was helping Mute at the hospital, and Mizuki also ran to her and asked her to see if she could have some learning experience.Unfortunately, the answer is the same, and Sakura doesn't agree very much. Mizuki wants to be opportunistic: "Medical ninjutsu requires rigor. Just imagine if you don't practice by yourself, but use it to treat diseases and save people?"

Okay, this is correct.

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