I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 181

Fortunately, this call caused Mizuki to react immediately, catching a figure with a blank eye, and slashing at her with a ninja knife.

If Mizuki is an ordinary ninja, I'm afraid that the corpse will be cut off with this knife.However, the other party did not expect that when the knife was cut, the sharp blade of the hair could not be cut down?

In the weird scene, a knife slashed the neck, but the water tree was not only harmless, but also stood up hard, his face became colder and colder: "Good speed, are you using the shadow clone?"

Yes, the shadow clone, just now Mizuki rushed into the air, it was a shadow clone, but this is not the end, the masked ninja in the temple turned out to be the same shadow clone.

This person's strength is definitely very strong. If it weren't for the fact that Mizuki had white eyes, it would be difficult to capture the figure. This speed is a bit similar to the speed at which Xiao Li opened the eight doors that time.

Seeing my own sword, unable to cut Shui Shu's head, the unexpected result left the other side in a daze. Later, seeing Shui Shu stiffly resisted and straightened up, looking at his gaze coldly, it was really a bit irritating. Feel the fear.

A ninja knife grabbed the opponent, and another punch flew in the backhand, watching the opponent's shadow clone explode.However, immediately afterwards, he threw the seized ninja sword to the ninja who was fighting Yuhihong-sensei on the other side.After stabbing the opponent's body, the shadow clone also exploded.

Teacher Yurihong has used illusion techniques to control the two samurai in front of the temple, and said to Mizuki: "It seems that the other party has been prepared long ago, and the plan should have been leaked earlier."

This is supposed to be expected. The last time Yunokuni’s own rebellion operation had failed, and it was said that there was a power gap that caused the failure.But like the current situation, it seems that the other party has known it a long time ago.

If I said that, I was afraid that I would be in trouble, Mizuki said hurriedly: "Since we already know our plan, the other party still let us in, there must be a problem!"

Needless to say, I have seen it with a blank eye, and many figures rushed over.There really is an ambush, not to mention that hundreds of warriors armed with swords rushed from all sides.

The water tree is not afraid of knives, guns and sticks, but this number is too much. There is an old saying: ants kill elephants!Of course he didn't dare to fall in love with war, and tried to get out of the siege.

Fortunately, Yurihong's illusion is so powerful that he uses Nami's technique to hypnotize the large samurai. Taking this opportunity, Mizuki uses brute force to continuously break the wall, and this is how to escape the castle cleverly.

However, this is not over yet, this island is the other side's lair, and his people gather from all directions.There is no way, only to rush out desperately.

Putting on his own fighting gloves, Mizuki fisted to fight without fear: "Many people count as scum? Hard fists!"

The quantity advantage is a little troublesome, but the premise is to have the strength. The Mizuki here knocked this guy into the air with a fist, and by the way brought down a few rushing enemies.

Xi Rihong made several seals on both hands: "Phantom Technique: Mirage!!"

Using illusion to change an image, anyone who thinks about it will be recruited. At this time, she called Mizuki and left quickly and didn't continue to love the battle.

Originally, Mizuki was getting angry and wanted to beat a few more people, but seeing the enemies rushing over was really a bit scary, so she consciously escaped with Teacher Xi Rihong.

But don't think that there will be no chasing soldiers. The other party allocated a team of ninjas, and exactly four people chased them.Mizuki's white eyes observed that these people were chasing very fast, and the steps under their feet were very steady. They should all be ninjas with a bit of strength, at least at the level of Zhongnin.

Mizuki couldn't help it a bit, and said to Xi Rihong, "Would you like a fight?"

Because of the perceptual ninjutsu, Yurihong is also aware that the ninjas who are chasing after are good, and feel that it is not safe to fight directly like this: "No, not now, according to the original plan, let Hinata and Ka do it. Get ready, and then face the enemy together!"

It stands to reason that the strength of Mizuki and Yurihong should be enough to fight the ninjas who are chasing after them.But considering that this island is an enemy's territory, if it is not possible to make a quick battle, the enemy's reinforcements will come at any time, and it will be troublesome when it encounters a strong enemy.

It is best to use a plan for the sake of safety. Fortunately, I thought about it beforehand. What if the plan to kill the leader fails?Therefore, Hinata and Ya have been arranged, and they are ready to support as a support.

If it were just like this, it would be fine. I didn't expect to be disrupted by a big explosion.It turned out to be a ninja from Yunokuni. He noticed that the castle had changed, and many samurai were mobilized, thinking that it was Mizuki and others who had succeeded.

As a result, he did not wait for the signal to come out, just to fight the opponent, a tragic fight would not be less.The ninjas on both sides used ninjutsu to bombard, which was the source of this explosion.

The chasing ninja, seeing a conspicuous explosion near his lair, immediately abandoned the chasing and rushed to the explosion to support.

Seeing this, Yurihong immediately looked at Mizuki and said: "We can't let them go back. We can fight here to attract the enemy's attention and it can also reduce the pressure on Yunokuni!"

Of course, this Mizuki understood that, without saying anything else, he would kill him reflexively, and he would directly pounce on an enemy and punch him. No matter whether he was defensive or not, at least it would be okay to be blown out.

"Asshole!" Seeing that his companion was injured, the rest of the ninjas immediately fought back.Someone Jieyin: "Feng Dun: Suppress!"

Suppression, the B-level ninjutsu in Feng Dun can sweep all objects with extreme super high wind pressure.If used by a ninja whose nature has changed to the extreme, the vortex-forming storm will explode in a large area, causing huge damage to the target and its surroundings.

The King Kong of Water Tree is not bad and is not afraid of physical damage. The super high pressure of this wind escape can still be sustained.But it certainly wouldn't feel much better. After being hit, he flew out and broke several big trees before he fell to the ground.

Body 335.

Being hit by a powerful Fengdan ninjutsu, if it were an ordinary person, it would be almost serious if not dead.Moreover, the characteristic of Fengdun Ninjutsu is to split, which can tear the human body if it is not done well, but fortunately, Mizuki's body is not bad, and the defense is strong enough!

"Mizuki, are you okay?" Teacher Xi Rihong, seeing her being hit by ninjutsu, said nervously: "Be careful, these people are good, don't be too careless."

Listening to teacher Xi Rihong's worried voice, Mizuki got up from the ground and patted the dust on her body: "I see, I have nothing to do."

When talking, the guy who was beaten by Mizuki just now has actually stood up again.This is a bit unexpected, but this is not the time to be surprised.

The current scene is four-on-two, and it seems that the opponent's strength is good, I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle.Mizuki looked at Mr. Yurihong, and whispered: "The power of ninjutsu just now is good. The smoke and dust from the explosion should be seen by people in the distance. Are we fighting now or what?"

Xi Rihong nodded clearly, and looked at the strength comparison of one party: "We are two to four, not very dominant. The movement is making a lot of noise, and then we will act by chance!"

I understand, Xi Rihong's meaning should be to fight first, otherwise the opponent will chase if you want to run, or it will be back to help, anyway, it is not a good thing, it is better to fight first.And Hinata and Ka could see the opponent's ninjutsu just now.

The eyes of the two exchanged, Mizuki disappeared first, but appeared among the opponents in the next second, and a fist hit it directly.

The four enemy ninjas were also exchanging tactics, but when Mizuki's figure disappeared, they immediately reacted and jumped away.

Boom——!A fist hit the ground, and the earth was shaking and cracking, stirring up a lot of dust.

Taking this opportunity, the red knot seal of the evening sun was completed, and the figure disappeared illusoryly, that is, when the enemy avoided the attack of the water tree, her illusion was already activated at the same time.

Something broke out of the soil on the ground, which looked like plant-like vines, and soon grew into trees.But this is not a wooden escape, but an illusion: "Tree bound kill!!"

Enemies that are under control will fall into illusion. At this time, the people under control will lose the power to fight back, and then they can only be slaughtered!

"What a troublesome illusion!" The famous enemy cursed secretly, and slowly lifted the fingerprints in his hands: "Fire Dun: Fire Claw Art!!"

I don't know what kind of ninjutsu this is, but it looks similar to the art of phoenix fire, except that the fireball turns into a line of fire, leaving traces wherever it passes, as if it was caught by a claw.

Of course, ninjutsu can't break illusion, but if it is used as a means of attack, it is still enough.

Seeing the chaos created by Hong's illusion, the vine that broke through grabbed two of the enemies.It's a pity that it was too late to use the ultimate move, and this fire claw technique was used.

After all, illusion is a mental attack on people. In the face of the raging fire, it is impossible for Hong to avoid it, so he can help his companions to solve the illusion.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Just when the opponent cracked the red illusion technique, Mizuki rushed over again and slammed a powerful fist. Even if the enemy reacted and interacted with his hands for defense, he still flew out with a punch and broke one. Stopped after a tree.

Because he saw the opponent's defensive action, and was afraid that this fist would not kill the opponent, Mizuki rushed over and prepared to make a punch.But a black shadow flashed through it, and it shot Kuwu, very tricky at the eyes of Mizuki.

He has self-confidence in his defensive power, but here are his own eyes, so I don't dare to take a risk here. Mizuki put his hand in front of his eyes to resist the shot Kunai.

Unfortunately, the result of this is that although the guy who was beaten up was a little injured, he was saved by his companion.At this time, the ninja who had just used Huo Dun has already formed a handprint: "Huo Dun: The Art of Phoenix Fire!!"

This is a very low C-level ninjutsu, as long as the ninja who can use fire escape is basically a ninja, although the power is relatively limited, but the victory can be controlled, and if it is a powerful ninja, you can also put the shuriken in it to increase attack power.

The flames of Fengxian Huo were not just to the water tree, but also to Yurihong. Seeing that the situation was not good, the two hurriedly retreated, watching these flames hit the ground just now.

In the two-on-four situation, even if Hong is the Shinobu, Mizuki's strength is also very strong, but the opponent's strength is also good, and every two people are very cooperative. This is the trouble that was worried about in advance.

"Tsk, it’s more trouble than expected. These people are no less advanced than the Anbe Ninjas." Yuri Hung suddenly remembered. The intelligence said that the leaders of these ninjas, the ninja captains of the assassination department before. Are the ninjas from the assassination department?

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