I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 184

These samurai and ronin thugs were hit by Xi Rihong's illusion. After a while, they all fell to the ground, leaving only the ninjas to solve the puzzle of the illusion.

"But the enemy still has the upper hand. Such a trick is useless to them?"

A group of young people can solve it easily. In fact, even a large-scale attack ninjutsu can achieve a similar clearing effect.

But the trouble here is the opponent's ninja. Although Mizuki's performance was very eye-catching, she shouldn't be able to fight for the second time based on her current state, right?

The ninjas of Yunokuni took out kunai one after another, and they were already ready to fight desperately.There are a few bullets in the sky. As long as you have a bit of common sense, you can tell at a glance that these are the smoke bombs commonly used by ninjas!

A few smoke bombs exploded in the sky, and the smoke filled the audience. Before the other ninjas used ninjutsu to blow the smoke again, they heard the voice of the tooth: "The teeth are through the teeth!!"

The tooth and the changing Akamaru formed two tornado-like attacks rotating at high speed.

Because they are obscured by the smoke, these enemies can't even see them. After all, they don't have white eyes and a keen sense of smell, and it seems that they don't even have a sense of ninja.

With the help of smoke and tooth support, Hinata responded: "Go, here!"

Waiting for everyone to escape before the tooth attack stopped, but at this time the smoke was blown away by the wind, and when I wanted to chase you, I found that the ninjas of Yunokuni and Konoha had already fled to the sea. .

The sea is flat and wide, and they want to catch up and surround it, which is obviously not realistic anymore.And the mainland on the other side is Yunokuni, who knows if there will be support, and the pursuit is no longer possible.

I could finally catch my breath, and the water tree stood on the water, looking at the enemy on the island: "They are well prepared, it doesn't look like a temporary arrangement."

The operation failed, even though he had collected a little intelligence, and he had a little understanding of the enemies he faced in the mission.But I always feel that something is wrong.

Think about it, it seems that it is about the leader of the other party, and it seems that he has not even seen him?This is a bit strange. Almost all the people on the island have been mobilized, but the target person cannot be seen.Is it a bit too unusual?

Reminiscent of the information I got first, I can burn all my own information in one fire. Obviously, this will not be an ordinary person with a very calm personality. Only in this way can I hide myself so deeply!

Yurihong said: "This opponent is a bit troublesome, and there are more subordinates than intelligence, maybe there are other hidden things, we need to consider asking Konoha for help."

This mission was a little bit beyond expectations. It was only the first time that I was facing threats. If I hadn't had a thorough plan in advance, I would have to confess it if I didn't say anything.

Mizuki agreed: "I agree!"

Text 339. Short Practice Part I


Not only was it a failure, but it was a complete failure, and he didn't even see the opponent's face.Although I can think of a problem, this inevitably makes the daimyo of Yunokuni disappointed and worried.

Fortunately, Yurihong gave the name of Yunokuni a reassurance: "I have passed the book back to Konoha. It will not be long before there will be reinforcements, and we will carry out another crusade!"

There is no other way but to wait for reinforcements. After all, there are more enemies than intelligence. An attempted assassination fails. As long as the opponent is not really stupid, it is extremely difficult to have a second chance.With the strength of just a few of them, it is clear that they cannot make a strong attack.

It will take at least a few days to wait for Fei Ge to send the letter back to Konoha and let Hokage-sama mobilize reinforcements. It will take at least a few days, and this period of time cannot be wasted.

Because there was an operation, I went to the island and entered the castle, I still collected a little bit of intelligence.Based on the information obtained, a new combat plan was drawn up.

Of course, in order to prevent another possible leak of this battle plan, neither Mizuki nor Yuhihong mentioned it with the ninja of Yunokuni.And only when they wait for reinforcements to arrive and are ready to launch a storm.

After deciding on the battle plan, Mr. Yurihong ordered Mizuki: "During the battle, you consume the most. Take a good rest these days, and support you in a few days. When you want to carry out the crusade, you must be the main force. "

Seen in the eighth class, the most powerful is perception, and there are various secret techniques.There used to be an "undefeated record" Shino, but now it is the replacement Mizuki, this should be no problem.

Mizuki nodded clearly: "I see, my body is recovering quickly, and the time for these few days is completely enough!"

Because of year-round exercise, your own physical fitness is good, and you will rarely get tired from doing things.What's more, she also has the skill of "Luck Regulating Breath". As long as the sequelae of the Asura Bahuang Fist has passed, she can quickly fully recover herself.

However, it is good to have a few days of rest, so that you can adjust to the best condition.But if it is a few days idle, I don't know when the support will come back. According to Mizuki's restless personality, he definitely doesn't have much patience.Here is an incident that comes to mind: "Teacher Yurihong, can you guide me in my practice?"

It is reasonable to say that when you come to Yuno Country, which is famous for its hot springs, the best choice these days is to bathe in the hot spring every day.Think about the wonderful scene, alas~ the saliva is going to flow down.

It is a pity that Mizuki had promised Hinata before that he could not have any crooked ideas about Yurihong.And even if you can soak in hot springs, you can't run all day long, right?So now that you have free time, you must hurry up and cultivate to make yourself stronger!

Yurihong was not Mizuki's guidance on Shinobu, but he did not refuse the request: "Okay, but what do you want me to teach you? Is it the cracking of illusion?"

"No, it's not this." The Mizuki here hesitated a bit, because it involved personal secrets.But after inviting others to teach myself, after thinking about it, he said, "I am studying a new technique, but in a normal state, there is no way to practice."

As mentioned earlier, in the current state of the water tree, there is only one skill that has not been learned-the real sword is a hundred!

The special feature of this skill has already been mentioned.Unless one party dies, this skill will not be cancelled.So if it is used in reality, unexpected troubles may occur.

So according to the method Mizuki thought of, could it be carried out in a fantasy world?Because Mizuki remembers that hallucinogenic ninjas can also fight, just fighting in illusions.

Of course, saying that you need to use illusion to practice?Even Xi Rihong heard this strange thought for the first time.But she did not refuse, maybe she also wanted to see the ninjutsu that needs to be practiced in illusion!

Enter the world of illusion.

There are only Mizuki and Yurihong. In order to ensure that his skills can be effectively used, Mizuki reminds me: "My new book is not offensive ninjutsu, nor physique or illusion. As long as I successfully perform it , One party must die before it can be destroyed, and any other methods are invalid!"

The characteristic of True Sword Hundred Po Dao is that as long as it is in the "True Sword Hundred Po Dao" state, both sides can be attacked by other targets, etc., and the state will not be lifted.Even if the two sides are knocked back and knocked into the air, the state will not be lifted.

The only way to dispel is that the caster uses specific skills: "finger magical power", "penetrating power", "linked whole body palm", "ashura tyrant fist", and the surviving party can be dispelled.

Hearing Mizuki's reminder, Xi Rihong understood why illusion is needed.Because only in the case of illusion, can you guarantee that using this new surgery will not harm others, if it is performed in reality, it will indeed be very troublesome.

Xi Rihong said: "Your new technique is very special, what are you going to do?"

I have already thought about it here: "The theory of the new technique, I generally only have soft fist, and I can penetrate my chakra into the opponent's body to achieve a similar effect of controlling chakra. So I guess the Peugeot I practiced should be me With this skill, while controlling the teacher, the illusion is cracked!"

The two parties are only in the world of illusion, and there is no physical contact, so if Mizuki can be in the world of illusion, if Mr. Yurihong is controlled by the real sword, then he will directly come out of the world of illusion, which means he Practiced his new skills!

This theory works, but it doesn’t sound like a problem.

By the way, this is the world of illusion. It seems that this also means that even if you have an intimate behavior with Yurihong, does it mean that Hinata can't find it?

The true sword is Hundred Podao, which needs to be used at close range, and physical contact is inevitable.Thinking of being able to be alone in this world of illusion with a plump beauty, and then having skin close, I really want to be "happy" when I think about it!

Ahem, evil, evil thoughts.

"Well, let's get started!"

Considering that there is not much time, the support will come in just a few days, so it must be at least the entry stage before that.

Adjusting your state, trying to use your own skills, Mizuki shouted in a low voice: "True Sword Hundred Podao!!"

According to the assumption of Mizuki theory, True Sword Baipodao, like a soft fist, punched his chakra into the teacher's body, but there were no accidents-the first time, it failed.

Text 340. Short practice [below]

Failed again and again, tried again and again.

Although it is just a simple action each time, as the frequency increases over time, it quickly becomes almost dull and weary of failure.

The only thing that Mizuki can feel a little bit consoled is the patience of Teacher Yurihong.Every time after using the real sword Baipodao, she will feel the feedback from her body: "Your new technique is like a soft boxing. You can control the flow of Chakra by closing the acupoints."

Mizuki's current learning of new skills still somewhat refers to this world's system, hoping to find a breakthrough in learning through reference and comparison.In fact, the previous skill practice had similar considerations.

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