I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 187

It seems a little strange, who are these ninjas?

Because he didn't know the identities of these ninjas, the Mizuki here hesitated a bit. He didn't know whether he should choose to chase after him to find out the situation, or go back and call his companions immediately.

However, there is not much time left. These ninjas who do not know their identity are moving very fast.Obviously, if you go back and call your companions, then it must be too late to rush over: "Forget it, go take a look!"

The figure of Mizuki disappeared from the spot in the next second, chasing after the ninjas, and he kept the distance very carefully so as not to be noticed by the opponent.

These people move very fast, like they are rushing to do something. Although they are cautious, they don't have a sense of ninja.Not aware of keeping a certain distance from them, just staring at their water trees with white eyes.

Chasing a distance of more than ten miles, came to a small forest off the beaten track.

Coming to such a place made Mizuki even more confused, because this is Yunokuni, if it is a ninja from Yunokuni, there is absolutely no need to be so careful.But if it weren't for the ninjas of Yunokuni, this place is a little too close, but what are they waiting for?

But soon the answer came. It turned out that these ninjas were here to meet someone secretly.And this person is not someone else, it is the Captain Yunokuni Kamino Shinobu who did the anti-rebellion mission the other day!What is even more shocking is that these unknown ninjas seem to be still saluting him?

This is incredible!There are many questions and conjectures in Mizuki's mind: "Who are these people?", "Why do you want to meet with the captain?", "What secret mission is the captain performing? Or is there something else hidden?" Human matter?"

In short, there are a lot of various guesses, and my head is full of questions.But Mizuki didn't dare to get too close, so he could only observe from a distance with his white eyes. After all, these were not ordinary people, and the ninja was very vigilant.

Of course, there are good ninjas who understand lip language, that is, as long as they watch the squirming of their mouth, they will know what the person said.It's a pity that Mizuki doesn't know anything about lip language, but he seems to have heard teacher Iruka talk about it during school.

However, as a ninja's instinct, Mizuki felt that the captain was a bit confusing for her.Even though the two of them are full of calculations, it seems that they have only seen each other a few times, but remember that every time you see him, you always feel that he is hidden deeply?

This kind of hiding is actually not a problem.After all, even ordinary people do not necessarily want their privacy to be leaked.Not to mention the personal information of the ninja?If it is acquired by one's own enemies, wouldn't it be that all of his weaknesses will be exposed?!

Mizuki carefully observed and found that the captain should have issued any orders. His words were concise and short, and he had obviously practiced: "It doesn't seem to be simple? If I remember correctly, Konoha's support, The meeting should be there until the day, what is he doing at this time?"

Because of the lessons of the failure of the previous operation, Mizuki and Yurihong reworked a new plan, but in order to prevent another mistake, they did not report this plan to Yunokuni.

However, he stated that he would wait for Konoha's support, and when reporting to the daimyo of Yunokuni, he proposed a rough time.

It's done now, it's almost pinched!Is it possible-Mizuki suddenly had a guess: "This Captain Ninja, may he be a spy?"

Of course, guessing is still just a guess.

If this guy is really a spy, then these are the people who have been arranged by Daimyo's side. If that guy really wants to overthrow Yunokuni, just let this spy do something.

Thinking of these problems, the water tree was a bit uncertain for a while, and his eyes fluctuated a bit. Seeing the other party finished placing orders, he disappeared quickly.

These ninjas who were ordered by him also disappeared one after another.Mizuki chased for a while, wanting to explore more available information.But it was a pity that they didn't get any more. These few ninjas, who were not identifiable, arrived at a hotel in a nearby town to rest, and then there was nothing more.

Similarly, using the shadow avatar on the other side, the ninja captain who was chasing after returned to his garrison, there was also no movement.

Body 344. Inadvertently

Working in a large circle, wasting almost one night's time, without getting any valuable clues, had no choice but to go back first.

After returning to the hot spring hotel where she was staying, Mizuki happened to meet the companion who was looking for her.Because there were no people in sight all night, and I woke up early in the morning and searched around, and I didn't see her. It would be strange if I was not in a hurry.

Hinata, who slept with her here, asked what was going on: "Where did my sister go last night?"

Regarding the matter last night, Mizuki went to meet Jiaodu and Fei Duan. This thing cannot be said.So if you lied for a reason, right?Said: "I always think about spiritual practice. I really can't sleep at night. I got up and went outside to practice."

Mizuki is not very good at lying, and there is an obvious flaw here, that is, the clothes on her body are clean and free of sweat.If it is a normal practice, it will definitely get very dirty all night.

Observing the exquisite Hinata here, you can definitely see the problem, but it should be because of the lie that her sister, who knows her own, is unwilling to tell, definitely has her own reason, right?

Thinking of this, I didn't follow up, just said: "Earlier, Teacher Xi Rihong received a letter saying that the support would be there before noon."

It turned out to be like this. If the support can come before the morning, then the battle plan can be implemented in the afternoon, and if the opponent is caught off guard by that time, it will definitely achieve extremely difficult results!

Mizuki asked, "Where are the supporting teams?"

"It's not clear. When the book came, it seemed to be in a town dozens of miles away, but I don't know it now." Hinata said, "Teacher Yurihong will ask you to prepare, and then wait for the support team to arrive. You can start the action directly."

The failure of the last battle, although to a large extent, was related to the leakage of information and the adequate preparation of the opponent.But it is undeniable that there is also a certain gap in combat power.

If there were more people who acted at that time, it might be impossible to win by attacking.So as long as the support arrives, the combat power is guaranteed, coupled with more careful planning and arrangements, the possibility of completing the task is still very high!

Upon hearing this news, for the smooth success of the mission, we must start to prepare something.

Learning from the previous failure, Mizuki prepared more smoke pellets. Although this kind of thing was not lethal, it was practically good. Whether it was a sneak attack or an escape, it was definitely a good thing.

Smoke bombs need to be purchased. Fortunately, there is also a ninja village in Yunokuni. Naturally, there is a ninja supply store, but because it is too peaceful, this kind of place seems very desolate, and it barely provides weapons and maintenance for the samurai of the daimyo.

When buying smoke bombs, I bought some iron tribulus along the way. This thing may not be ideal for ninjas, but considering that the enemy has a group of young people, if you are under siege, sprinkle a handful of this thing, hehe ~!

Time flies quickly to prepare what you need.The sun in the sky is almost rising above the head, and it looks like it is about noon.

But it's very strange that I didn't see the arrival of support. To know that keeping the time should be the basic quality of anyone, let alone a ninja?

"Is it because something has been delayed on the road?" There should be such a thought in my heart, but it still makes people suspicious: "If there is an emergency, shouldn't it not be notified at all!?"

No reminder was needed. Yurihong immediately noticed something was wrong, and immediately said to the three people, including Mizuki, who was packing his backpack and eating, "We set off immediately. Those who support the army may be in trouble. Up!"

The water tree, who just came back from a stroll outside, of course didn't want to move, but also wanted to get more rest. After all, I didn't sleep last night.

Of course, there may also be a water tree here, and I don't think there is anything that can cause trouble to the ninja.Generally speaking, in a group of three ninjas, the lowest is the three middle ninjas, if there are three lower ninjas, there will definitely be upper ninjas as the captain.It is estimated that even if there is some trouble on the road, it may take some time, right?

But I can say that. If there is any way to delay the actions of a few people, it is indeed possible that I have encountered a relatively big trouble.

There is no other way, the water tree will buy the smoke bombs and the iron briers into the pockets: "Okay, let's go and see!"

Led by teacher Xi Rihong, several people set off from the hotel where they were staying and rushed to the marked place earlier.However, as soon as their front feet left, a figure came out from the dark behind, staring coldly at the backs of several people, and then the figure disappeared into the darkness again.

It’s a bit boring when walking on the road. Although the environment in this world is very good, you can enjoy the surrounding scenery along the way. After all, the environment in Yunokuni is excellent.But if you watch too much, it will become dull and a bit tired.

At this time, Mizuki saw the puppy in his teeth and said to Akimaru with great interest: "Come, Akimaru, come to my sister!"

Kittens and puppies, water trees prefer kittens, but they also like cute puppies very much.What's more, Akimaru is very smart, as if he could understand people's words.

However, when he came earlier, Mizuki once threatened to eat dog meat hot pot, making Akamaru fear her, and instinctively retracted into Fang's arms. Seeing it shivering, Fang protested with dissatisfaction: "Hey. , Akamaru is my companion, you are not allowed to do this!"

"Cut, stingy!" Being rejected made people a little unhappy: "Don't you give me a hug?"

Did not find Akamaru to play, Mizuki had to come to Hinata's side, watching her body gradually plump, some unhealthy thoughts appeared in her mind, such as the beautiful pictures of close relatives Kayuri~Two sisters with exactly the same appearance and posture~ Chiguo's body hugged each other~ the pink lips collided and the fragrant tongue intertwined~ well, it's so beautiful!

As for human beings, when you have sex in your mind, you will inevitably get a little distracted, and you will have evil emotions, especially the thoughts of YD in your mind.

Originally, it was the time when I was fantasizing about YY, but I was disturbed by a series of dog barking. Needless to say, Akimaru is the dog here, and I disturbed my beautiful fantasy: "You damn bitch--!"

He was about to scold him, but at this moment, Ya understood Akimaru's call and immediately told everyone to stop: "Akamaru said, there is a strong smell of blood around here!"

Text Volume 345. Ambush

"Smell of blood?"

The water tree tried to smell it, but unfortunately it didn't smell anything.

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