I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 192

"Be careful, stand up, don't panic!"

It's a pity that just after the sentence was finished, and the voice just fell off, I heard a voice coming from each word: "A, Xiu, Luo, Ba, Huang, Fist!!"

All the power and chakra burst out, and even the shock wave from the blow was clearly visible when Mizuki's fist hits. This state is an effect that only appears when a supersonic fighter breaks through the sound barrier.One can imagine the power of this punch!

People like them can of course judge, but when they want to move and jump away, they find that their body can hardly move.

This is not controlled by illusion or anything else. Everyone can clearly feel that this is pressure from the outside world, which suppresses them to death and cannot move.

Escape, it's already too great, and dodge is not enough.Only desperately resisted!The masked ninja decisively knots the seal at this time, slaps his hands on the ground, and raises a thick earth wall, hoping to resist the attack.

It's a pity that such a passive defense doesn't make any sense to the water tree. There is no direct contact with the fist at all. It can easily penetrate the wall with the fist wind wrapped around the fist.

Thinking that it was just this guy who used the detonation talisman to blow up her, Mizuki's heart was full of anger, and he unrelentingly displayed all his strength: "Go to death!"

The power of this fist is extremely astonishing, although it is also defensive, it can be regarded as weakening a little attack power.But this was obviously not enough, and he was hit hard on him.

Not only was he alone, but the shock wave formed after the fist hit, the power should not be underestimated, and the people around him were blown out by her with one punch.

Asura Tyrannical Phoenix punched out, Chakra was completely exhausted, and his strength was also exhausted. Mizuki also collapsed directly. Fortunately, his sister Hinata held him back, and then took out a pill to restore his strength from his pocket.

A frightful punch!The ground shook the mountain and the ground was cracked.But the enemy who wants to withstand this punch head-on will almost have to suffer what kind of damage.

It is no wonder that although it will have to pay a great price and will have very strong sequelae, Mizuki is still willing to use it as the final card.

Seeing the scene of destruction, Ya said in astonishment: "This fist, I am afraid that it will kill someone?"

Taking the bingliang pill, how much can be strong all at once.Mizuki denied: "Don't worry, I have the power to control, and this guy has made defenses, whether it is a soil wall or a rock armor, how much weaker the damage is."

As AB's signature skill, Mizuki certainly knows the damage formula of this trick, ten times the power and all the chakras.The stronger the power, the more chakras left, the greater the damage caused.

This guy is lucky. In the previous battle, the Chakra of Water Tree was a bit exhausted, and when he played his skills, he had control.

Of course, the soil wall and rock armor have a little damage weakening, and the human blood is a non-Newtonian liquid. When it is strong, it hits the fist. The stronger the hit, the greater the rebound force. This That's why when I hit someone with my fist, I feel pain to some extent.

To die, it must be impossible to die, but in the middle of the nirvana, the half-life is gone.The remaining ninjas were also stunned by the shock wave of Mizuki's fist, and it is estimated that it would be difficult to wake up for a while.Yurihong said to Akamaru and Hinata, "You two, tie these people with a rope. Remember that the knot should be used to deal with the ninja's hair."

Then Yurihong came to the masked ninja and looked at him basically half-dead. Mizuki also walked over slowly, looked at Teacher Yurihong, and then helped to uncover the ninja's mask.

I finally saw this guy’s face clearly: "This, you are—no!"

According to Mizuki's guess, this guy will not be the leader, because she thinks that a person who is good at hiding herself will not risk revealing her identity again.

Regardless of the person you see now, even though there is only one portrait for comparison, what you can see is that the person in front of you is not wrong.

"Are you the bandit leader? Le Zhengli?"

It is this guy!There is nothing wrong.But why is this?

Le Zhengli, lying on the ground, should be puzzled by seeing the water tree. He has more air intake and less air, but he still insists on speaking: "Yes, I didn't expect it? You would actually think that here is It's not me?"

Mizuki looked at him calmly, his thoughts had been reorganized, and it seemed that this guy was quite wise!

But there are so many things that make her puzzled: "You are a smart person, how can you betray you? You should know that in an environment like Yuzhiguo, big countries are definitely not allowed to be broken?

This guy is very smart and very good at attacking his mind.Because from the previous characteristics, it proves that he is a person who is good at disguising himself and will not easily expose himself, so he is most likely to be a leader behind the scenes and control the overall development.

Unexpectedly, he would do this, putting himself in danger, and from the very beginning, in the most dangerous situation.

Le Zhengli vomited blood, one mouthful after another. He knew that his injuries were serious, and he was afraid that even his internal organs would be broken.Knowing that he has little time in his heart, he didn't hide anything: "You think we are treason, but it comes from the mission, but how do you know whether we are treason or patriotic?"

His words revealed a kind of helplessness. Is this helplessness to the status quo?But there seems to be a detail revealed here. There may be a problem with this task!

Text Volume 352. How to solve

It stands to reason that if the bandit leader and his subordinates are handed over to Yunokuni, the task should be completed.But this is the beginning of another conspiracy!

But on this issue, as foreign ninjas, Mizuki and others are a bit difficult to get involved.Because if you want to go deeper, it is actually Yunokuni, the result of internal rights struggles.

The reason is that the peaceful environment of Yunokuni has harmed the interests of some people, especially the development of Ninja Village, which is shrinking due to funding constraints.A series of influences caused by the dissatisfaction of many Yunokuni ninjas.

Of course, Mizuki can only make such a conjecture. After all, this is Yunokuni’s own business. They are ninjas from the fire country. They are inconvenient to participate in the internal affairs of entering Yunokuni unless they are requested by the other party again.But it can also be thought of here, I am afraid that this task is an arrangement by one party to eradicate the other's forces, right?

Yurihong also saw this problem: "The imbalance of interests will lead to such differences. The Ninja Wars many years ago were also the uneven interests between countries. The environment like Yunokuni is quite good. , At least it was a peaceful life, not a fierce war."

This should be considered a blessing in misfortune, right?The peaceful form of Yunokuni has not been destroyed by the country's infighting, at least for civilians, this is already very good.

"Is everything for my own benefit?" Mizuki thought of a sentence: "The world is booming, all for profit; the world is hustling, all for profit."

However, there are many questions and mysteries here. One is the mentioned Thunder Country. It is said that they have had contact with Thunder Country, but according to the information they have now, there is not much intelligence in Thunder Country.The other is at night, after tracking the findings of the night, who is the Captain Ninja doing for?If it was Le Zhengli's subordinate, why didn't he show up in the end.If not, why did you make what kind of "inappropriate" actions that night?

This made Mizuki realize that the matter here is more complicated than imagined!Fortunately, Mizuki and his party are ninjas in the land of fire, so they don't need to participate after completing the mission.Only half an hour before leaving, the water tree disappeared for a while, and there was an episode in this time.

First of all, in order to understand the doubts in her mind, she quietly approached the ninja captain, but to her surprise, as soon as she arrived at his residence, he had been waiting for a long time: "I know where you are here, but this is soup. The internal affairs of the country of fire, the intervention of your country of fire, are now enough."

Yes, this made Mizuki even more shocked: "The country of Yuno is a neighbor of the country of fire. It is in the interest of our country to maintain peace in the country of Yuno. After all, you are connected to the country of Thunder and you are connected to the country of Thunder. Facing each other, if there is any problem in Yunokuni, do you think our Fire Congress sits idly by?"

The other party can be regarded as clear, as a small country caught in the middle of a big country, Yunokuni needs to rely on the existence of a big country.Seeing that Mizuki wanted to know something, he cryptically revealed a little bit of information: "You also noticed it? Yunokuni's internal fighting is fierce. The Ninja Village wants to develop, but the country wants peace. This is our soup. The conflict point of the contradiction of the country!"

There is nothing wrong with peace, but it loses the value of a ninja.Mizuki actually considered in advance that a peaceful country, if it loses its sense of external oppression, will inevitably focus its excess energy on internal consumption struggles.

There should be nothing strange about these things. How many great dynasties are decayed, isn't it just after the peak, there are no warriable enemies around, and gradually transformed into internal conflicts?During the Anshi Rebellion of the Li Tang Dynasty, the Mongol Empire split into multiple khanates.

Mizuki can understand a little bit, what is the struggle of Yunokuni.It seemed that his mission this time was nothing more than being used as a knife to kill.But no one can blame it, after all, this is a mission, and she is a ninja from another country, as long as she completes the mission.

However, after learning about this with the ninja captain, I felt that we could fight for it.Said to him, "You are also a ninja, you should belong to the same faction as that Le Zhengli, right? You and him directed what happened that night? The hotel where we stayed, even the boss and waiter inside, They should all belong to you too, right?"

Regarding this relatively private question, the other party did not answer.But this can be regarded as a tacit consent. It seems that when a group of people from Mizuki came to Yunokuni, they were already under the surveillance of the other party.

It’s no wonder that, Mizuki continued: “Yunokuni is a peaceful country. It would be a shame to be broken. Of course I can also understand what peace means to ninjas, so I can point you to one thing. Road. Hope to resolve your struggle!"

This road is very simple, because Yunokuni is close to the sea, and to the east is the sea.From here, going north is the country of thunder, and going south is the country of fire, just in the middle of the route.

Mizuki hopes to draw Yunokuni into the development of Villain's Island, and the external expansion can somewhat ease the internal contradictions.Although it is difficult to guarantee that there will be internal fighting again, at least it can be guaranteed that in the near future, it can definitely alleviate the internal contradictions of Yunokuni and transform the problem into external development.

Of course, this can only be a proposal. As for whether the other party will accept it, it depends on whether there is any will in this regard.Talking and playing these things, the water tree will not stay much.

Because their mission has been completed, there is no need to stay in Yunokuni.Finally, after a few days, he returned to Konoha, who had been away for more than half a month.

But even though it was back to Konoha, in the mission report with Hokage, this aspect was still mentioned.After all, the stable situation in Yunokuni is also beneficial to the fire country.

In this case, Tsunade’s support is also supported: "Mizuki is right. The peace and stability of Yunokuni is also beneficial to our country. Especially the current village needs to maintain such a stable situation. Now several The country of Thunder is the only country left, and it is still actively increasing its strength. As the country of Yuno, which is close to the country of Thunder, it has also become a barrier for our country."

With the support of Hokage-sama, the next thing will be much easier.Just send an envoy to contact Yunokuni as a third party to intervene in the forces, draw up the infighting forces to start shipping trade with the outside world, and consume their infighting energy.

In this way, there will be a three-way profitable result. First of all, the country of fire will enhance its international influence, and it can draw Yuno country as its own barrier.Then there is the Ninja Village in Yunokuni, which uses shipping trade to obtain financial income and ensure its own existence.Finally, Yunokuni itself can achieve more peaceful and prosperous development.

In short, the peace of Yunokuni is guaranteed, the interests of any party are not lost, and the results they want can be obtained. Is it a better ending?

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