I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 198

Secret Ninjutsu, the reason why it is called Secret Ninjutsu, is definitely not let more people know.Random questioning will only get you into trouble, and you will get killed if you don't!

But here comes the words, now that the things that need to be protected are lost, it seems that they need to find a way to retake it.

Ang asked Red Star to give him an order to take back the stolen treasure.But there are too many problems here, and Konoha's ninja is here, and Neji also expressed his wishes.

The red star here considered repeatedly and decided to give the task of regaining the star to Konoha's ninja, and let Ang take care of his injured companion.

At this point, the task of recovering the treasure was handed over to Mizuki and the others, but they didn't even have any useful clues. After all, they had not seen the scene of the crime.

When I first went out, Ang's involuntary attitude was somewhat annoying.Naruto kindly asked about his companions, and what he said: "Be nosy, you are outsiders after all, not companions."

This ass attitude is a bit speechless.

Forget it, ignore this guy, and Mizuki said to Ning Ci, "Where do you plan to start next? We haven't seen what happened at the scene of the theft. And the ninja who knows the "peacock trick" should be Xingyin. People in the village, but from the attitude of Red Star just now, it seems that they know something, but they are not willing to tell us."

Without clues, I don't know where to start, especially this is Xingyin Village, not their Konoha Village.

Ning Ci also had his own considerations: "What you said is not wrong. Red Star knows something, but it didn't tell us. Maybe it has something to do with their Xingyin Village, but this matter is very important, and our mission is also that star. Li He Tiantian, go to monitor the Red Star, I will check nearby to see if there is any clue.

It seems that this is all there is to it. Mizuki felt that there was no problem: "Well, I will go to the thief and chase in the direction of escape, and see if I can find it!"

Li and Tiantian were not dissatisfied with the task, and responded naturally.It's Naruto, who still doesn't understand anything: "What should I do?"

Is this idiot unresponsive at all?

Ningci had no choice but to say, "You can start with Ang."

Naruto, the impatient, ran away after answering.

Seeing him leaving, Mizuki sighed with his forehead: "This is so violent, it's no wonder you don't understand anything!"

Such a carefree personality shouldn't change in the next few years. The impression is that it started to mature gradually after the accident happened.

But these are things for the future, and now is not the time to talk about them.

Seeing that Naruto was already in action, Li and Tiantian also left one after another to monitor the movement of the Red Star.Mizuki said to Ning Ci: "I think this fellow Red Star is not easy. He doesn't tell what he knows, and he deliberately wants to hide it. You have to remind them both to pay attention. I will go outside to find some clues. If you have any information, use the secret signal to communicate."

Ning Ci nodded understandingly: "If you have any information, remember to contact you in time."

After that, Mizuki stopped his head in agreement, and then his figure flashed and disappeared directly in place.

Remembering the direction that ninja fled, Mizuki crossed the valley full of poisonous gas, carefully looking for possible clues.It should be said that she had little hope, after all, that guy was flying in the sky, basically leaving no trace.

From day to dusk, to sunset and dark, no clues were found nearby.

Of course, there shouldn't be much hope from the beginning. It's just a memory that doesn't affect much. Knowing that this ninja who steals the Star-Hidden Village is actually not a bad guy.

So it is not so much looking for clues as it is to find this ninja.

If a person wants to live alone in the wild, it is impossible not to leave any traces of life, such as tools used to fetch water, burnt fires and coke, and even inconspicuous branches on the ground, all of which can receive feedback.

Through the investigation of the vicinity, the water tree was quickly harvested and found a pile of animal internal organs, which seemed to have been carefully buried.If you remember correctly, this approach is to prevent wild animals from smelling blood.

Seeing the remaining traces here, Mizuki was even more convinced of his judgment, but at this moment, a strange feeling appeared.I didn't dare to jump away from the spot carelessly, and in the next instant, an attack fell on the place where I just stayed!

Following the direction of the attack, Mizuki just saw a ninja: "The magic of the peacock? Are you from Xingyin Village?"

There was no sound, and the answer was the second round of attacks.

The chakra of the peacock's magic transforms into a bear and slaps it directly.Mizuki was also direct, with a hard fist in his hand, and with his own strength, he forcibly blocked the blow!

Now Mizuki has resisted. If she really wants to fight, she won't be polite: "Nothing but three things, don't irritate me!"

I only woke up at noon and found that the computer was malfunctioning...

Text Volume 362. The price of meeting and practicing

Mizuki let out ruthless words coldly. Although she didn't come to fight, if she really wanted to fight, would she really think she would be scared?

The other party seemed to hesitate, or said that seeing the water tree, he could block his own skills with his fists, and there was no certain mentality.Moreover, hearing the meaning of this sentence, it seems that it is not to come to fight, and to withdraw his skills.

"Yes, it didn't disappoint me!" Seeing the other party withdraw ninjutsu, does that mean you can communicate?Mizuki continued, "Hey, you guy in the mask, the unknown ninja who stole the stars, you should be right? It seems that you also use the ninjutsu of Xingyin Village, why do you do this?"

The look of this gas mask is really ugly. It was originally just to prevent the poisonous gas in the valley, but it is still being worn. Don't you want people to see your true face?

The other party should have been looking up and down at Mizuki for a while, and then a voice sounded: "Ninja of Konoha, what are you here to do? Did you get that thing back?"

The voice was blocked by the gas mask and lost its original voice a little, but it could still be heard that the owner of this voice was a female.

It seems there should be nothing wrong, because in Mizuki's memory, this story is about this mother.I heard that it was ten years ago when Xingyin Village was attacked by a foreign ninja in order to seize the treasure.

However, there is a bit of hidden secrets, but there is no need to break it now.Mizuki replied: "If you can return it to me, this is of course the best. Our task is to protect this thing!"

"This is impossible." The other party refused very strongly: "I have hidden the thing, and I will never hand it over. This thing is very dangerous and must be sealed up forever."

She said it was very dangerous, did she mean the meteorite she was looking for?

Mizuki pondered for a moment, and cast his mouth: "I heard your people in Xingyin Village say that that thing is the key to cultivating the peacock magic method. What you just used was also the peacock magic method. If you say that thing is dangerous, then steal that Don't you, who are things, have to be more dangerous?"

You said that this thing is dangerous, but you have to snatch it. How can anyone believe such a simple logic?

Of course, as I have already said before, Mizuki was not here to fight, otherwise the fight had already started.He said directly: "Don't worry, I am not malicious. If there is a fight, I will accompany you at any time. But there is one thing, I still want to tell you: What you are worried about, if there is a possibility of getting worse, no matter how likely it is Small, it always happens."

Murphy's Law: Things that can go wrong will always go wrong.This person wants to protect the star, but this result will only intensify the conflict.Because according to another law of Murphy's law: if you are worried about a certain situation, it is more likely to happen.

What's more, Mizuki had already noticed that the acting Red Star of Xingyin Village did not seem simple on the surface.And his behavior is a bit like a guy.

After these two sentences were said, I didn’t know what the other party thought. At first, I was a little stunned, then fell into a little thought, and finally said to Mizuki: "You came here on purpose, didn’t you want to take back that thing? Just to tell me this. thing."

It seems like this~ Mizuki thought for a while, it should be like this: "Forget it, because I know that even if you want to take it back, you won't be as I want. Instead of breaking out a meaningless battle, you can just meet honestly. All right!"

When speaking the last sentence, Mizuki pointed to the other party's mask.

This person seemed to think for a while, and after deciding to take off his gas mask, his beautiful long hair fell down.Seeing makes Mizuki's eyes lit up: Yes, it's a beauty!

"My name is Hyuga Mizuki." Mizuki also reported his name, and then asked with interest: "Where are you? Your name."

The beauty looked at the water tree and reported her name: "Summer Star."

Because there is no festival between the two, there are some things that are not taboo.

Mizuki said directly: "Our Konoha ninja received the help from Xingyin Village. The mission is to protect what you took. But after being taken away by you today, the Red Star who heard the news didn’t react a little bit. That's right. Especially when I heard the ninja stealing, after also using the peacock trick!"

The peacock magic method is the unique secret technique of Xingyin Village. If someone who knows the stealing of treasures would actually use such a secret technique, according to common sense, it must be inferred that it must be a ninja in Xingyin Village.

If you are really worried, how can you not tell the information here to Konoha who needs to find treasures?So it can be easily inferred that there is something concealed in it.But since they were all the same, it would definitely not work to ask directly, otherwise Ning Ci wouldn't let Li and Tiantian monitor the movement of the red star.

"Red star?" Xia snorted coldly, "Do you want to know something from me?"

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