I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 202

However, the red star here, following his own words, also explained one thing: "We will definitely surpass the five ninja villages to become the strongest!"

Mizuki can be heard, this is to use everyone's love for the village, and then complete his own plan.

Many people are uncertain about the relative remarks of the red star and summer, and they do not know who to believe.But at this moment, Mizuna came out from the side: "I have something that I want to show everyone!"

Speaking of the water vegetables here, he opened his clothes to reveal the eroded body: "Master Red Star, I have always wanted to revitalize the Xingyin Village. Even if I suffer from pain, I will persist in completing the cultivation of the star. Is it like this, you Do you want to say I don't love the village enough?"

Because of the facts before them, all the ninjas were shaken.And from the condition of Mizuna's body, it is absolutely impossible to be lying.

If you have to think about it again, in fact, for a long time, the three generations of star shadows have been prohibiting the cultivation of stars for a long time. Now it seems that there is such a reason!

Seeing that everyone had been shaken, Red Star wanted to kill after snatching a crossbow.

But this kind of behavior made people more suspicious. More Xingren made dissatisfied voices: "What do you want to do!", "Stop, they are not betrayers.", "Are you crazy? He is a child in our village." what!"

The situation has begun to develop in a positive direction. Everyone has lost trust in the red star and has chosen not to support the "fourth generation" star shadow. Even the children are protecting Mizuna and Beidou.

Children can make such a move, and the adults on the side are all dumbfounded.On the contrary, Red Star is still obsessed: "Those who betray the village should go to death! Put all these people to death!"

Crazy, this guy is completely crazy.And it's unreasonable!

Someone directly refused: "If there are no children, the village will have no future."

Such a crazy decision, not to mention that others will not be able to implement it, even the follower with Red Star obviously does not stand on Red Star’s side: "Hey, this is too much, Red Star?"

Both of them persuaded him not to be obsessed, to consider the confidence of the people present, and to take a step back and everyone can speak well before things are too big to deal with.

But the next thing is the point. Now the Red Star has gone crazy, completely ignoring everyone's persuasion, and said to his two companions: "Why are you so pretty now? We are already on the same boat!"

This guy is really stupid, because of inconsistent political opinions, he thinks that Xingyin Village has stars and can grow into the strongest village.Kill the star shadow who forbids the cultivation of stars!

What a foolish decision, Konoha's Danzo is dark enough, right?It's not just that you can only act in the dark, because once you do this kind of thing, it is tantamount to putting yourself in a place of right and wrong, and you will not see it for a lifetime!

Unexpectedly, the fellow Red Star was bold enough to turn himself into a target of public criticism. Now the truth has become clear.Without everyone's support, Red Star is about to die, and it seems that there should be no problem.

But to be happy, it seems a little too early.Because the fellow Red Star did not admit that he had lost, he took the crossbow in his hand and shot towards Beidou, but at this moment, Mizuna furiously blocked it.

If you die to a certain level, is this a talent?There is something more exciting here, Red Star embeds the treasures of Xingyin Village in his chest.

Gaining the energy of the star, the red star felt the power overflowing, and a dragon-shaped chakra appeared. With just one attack, the ninjas in Xingyin Village almost fell!

Text Volume 371 Chapter 368. One Punch

This guy is completely crazy, even the people in his own village will not let go.

After gaining strong power, this guy would think he was invincible, and attacked unscrupulously.Amid Naruto's shouts, she was hurt when she saw Beidou holding Mizuna.

But in the process, Red Star spotted a group of people hiding in the water tree and attacked without hesitation.The dragon-shaped Chakra spit out an attack, and the obscured rocks were shattered by the explosion.The splashing stones hit the water tree and it hurts, not to mention the other people.

"This guy actually launched an attack. Don't blame us!" Water Tree jumped away from the place just now, there was a lot of dust all over his body. Seeing Tiantian might be hit by a stone, he has now passed out.Check the situation quickly: "Hey, how do you feel every day, where did you hurt?"

Sister, don't have anything to do!

Naruto also dodged fortunately, but Neji was injured by the splattering stones, and he had just watched in front with his white eyes, and the impact damage was the most.

This is a hornet's nest. If it were the previous case, as Konoha's ninja, you must consider missions and diplomacy, and should not interfere with Xingyin Village.

But now we don't take action, but we are attacked by the red star, so we can be regarded as legitimate defense!

Mizuki looked at Naruto, nodded to him and said, "The situation has changed."

Tian Tian and Ning Ci were only hurt by the attack, and they were stunned for a while without any major problems.

The two stood up at the same time, before they could even take the dust off their bodies, they attacked the red star near Mizuna and Beidou. Mizuki used his magical skills to attract Red Star's attention.

At this time, Naruto leaped from the ground, using the technique of multiple shadow clones.However, the dragon shape controlled by the red star changed into a pair of wings and directly swept towards the shadow clone.

"Idiot, how can such an attack be effective!" Mizuki was also convinced, and helped him attract attention in vain.He rushed towards the enemy with his legs and feet, thinking of Red Star and threw a punch: "Ha-soaking strength!!"

Red Star uses powerful chakras to protect itself.Similar to the defense mode of Susanenhu, the external defense of Chakra is formed.

A punch on this is very powerful, and protection plays a certain role.But with Mizuki's powerful fist attack, this defense seemed a bit reluctant.

However, it is also necessary to know that the attack of Soaking Jin is not an attack on the surface, but a method of attack that can be similar to a soft fist and aimed at the inside.

The fist may be blocked, but the attack power from the punch is still transmitted to Red Star.It's just that the power may have diminished, and he just staggered a few steps.

At the same time, with the help of the shadow clone, Naruto rolled out the spiral pill and rushed towards the red star.After being hit by Mizuki, as soon as he stabilized his body, Red Star saw Naruto and charged from behind him.

In the case of not being able to take precautions together, Red Star decided to solve one first.He judged that Mizuki's strength was stronger than Naruto's, so he focused his main attention on Mizuki.As for dealing with Naruto, just use the simplest way!

The Chakraron who controlled himself, hit Naruto who used Helix Maru, and even the attack of Helix Maru was destroyed with just one blow, but Naruto's whole person flew out.

"Naruto!" Seeing Naruto being attacked, if Mizuki is not nervous, it must be impossible.But now that you have to concentrate on the enemy, she can't help it.He gritted his teeth and said: "Red Star, you have lost everything. Do you really think that thing can give you everything you lost?"

Red Star showed a cold expression: "As long as you have power, you can get everything!"

It's ridiculous, yeah!With power, you can get many things, including your own dreams.But the abuse of power is not at the cost of losing something, but to gain more.

"You may be right. You can get everything you want by having power. But the strength of power will only blind your eyes and make you unable to see what power itself is!" Explosive, enters the state of preparation for the release of nirvana, and the lightning of thunder surrounds her body. This is the power she cultivates: "You don't know anything about power! It's not your power, you can't control it after all! "

Because after a period of practice, the water tree is now stronger than in the past, and the electric charge can disturb the magnetic field just by the chakras that erupt from itself.

At this time, the red star sensed the power bursting from the water tree, and secretly gritted his teeth.Forcibly urging his chakra, the dragon opened its blood basin and threw directly at the water tree.

Five "balloons" have already been accumulated. In order to ensure that one move will kill, Mizuki is adding "Blessings of Angels" for himself to obtain higher attributes: "Now you can go to death!"

No one would help him when he became a red star in the land of arrows, so as long as the water tree here can kill this guy, there is no need to worry about subsequent battles.

Facing the oncoming dragon, Mizuki showed no signs of fear, but began to mutter silently: "Ah! Xiu! Luo! Ba! Huang! Punch!!!"

The collision of the water tree's nirvana with the dragon, and the powerful shock wave carried by the fist made the dragon distorted, although under the control of the red star, there was a tendency to fight it down.

But don't underestimate it here, Mizuki's trick is a must.As a magic skill with a random punch every second, how many bosses fell under this punch.Don't say that it is the role of the red star, even if it is the shadow-level and s-level rebels, you may not dare to fight with one!

"Go to hell!" Mizuki roared, all the power and Chakra hit in his fist, forming a terrifying force, and hitting the unexpected pressure.

The dragon head made by Red Star couldn't resist such pressure, and it burst directly on the spot.Even the protective Chakra defense was penetrated in one breath.

Even if you break the dragon's head and smash the Chakra defenses, it consumes a lot of power.But even so, it is not Red Star's body that can bear it.

However, with such a mortal punch, Mizuki actually missed it selectively, because at the end she realized that what Red Star had done was still something that belonged to Xingyin Village and needed to be handled by Xingyin Village. .

Therefore, in order to avoid disputes, Mizuki's fist did not hit the red star, but hit the ground from the side, causing the earth to shake and shake.But even if it wasn't a frontal strong attack, the power erupted from the nirvana has already stunned this guy.

Text volume 372nd Chapter 369. Back to the village, no money!

Konoha Village, Hokage Building, Hokage Office.

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