I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 204

Because everyone is considered acquaintance, there is no need to hesitate if there are.Mizuki said to the calamus, maple and bellflower, "Indeed, I have a feeling that there is something in the country of Uzumaki that may have something to do with me!"

There is no other reason. In Shui Shu's arms, there happened to be a scroll with something recorded on it: Shura Field!The legend is the place where life and death fight.

According to what Jiaodu said, this thing originated from this extinct vortex country.Here is a hypothesis. If these things are recorded in the Uzumaki Kingdom, does it prove from the side that these exist?And it was discovered!

This question is a bit weird. Feng asked about this: "Have you told Master Naruto?"

Mizuki thought for a while, and shook his head in denial: "No, I just thought of this, but Tsunade-sama should know about me."

They are already far away from Konoha, and now there is no point in going back and reporting the situation.And now I can’t be sure, after all, it’s just Mizuki’s personal conjecture, and it will be troublesome if I get it wrong.

Feng thought for a while, and said to Mizuki, "Forget it, don't think about these things. Our task is very simple. As long as the safety of the local residents is guaranteed, it is enough. As for other things, leave it to the Shinnins. "

I hope so!

Their task is simple, other things are naturally completed by the Shinobumen, and they don't need to be considered.

Waiting for the journey all the way to the beach, renting a boat, and going to the country of the vortex the next day.Although it was a country that was once extinct, as a place with abundant islands, there are still many residents there.

Text Volume 374 Chapter 371. Arriving at the Confluence

Come to this former Uzumaki land, walk into a local inn and find the ninja staying here.

Unexpectedly, there are people Mizuki knows here, Yurihong and Sarutobi Asma are here!After greeting the two of them, by the way, I got acquainted with the other two ninjas: "Inuzuka Claw, Yume Muda."

Inuzuka Claw is the mother of Inuzuka Toa, and there is a talking wolf dog: Kuromaru.The oil girl Mu Tian and Zhi Nai are from the oil girl clan. There should be nothing to say. The two of them have the strongest abilities in perception and search, and each possesses family secret skills. Their strength is definitely not to be underestimated.

Everyone is Konoha's ninja, and they perform similar tasks, so you can share information.Here Sarutobi Asma lit a cigarette, and from the intelligence of the mission at the beginning, she said concisely: "We came a few days earlier than you. We didn't find much at the beginning, but every night, weird things would always come from time to time. sound."

This information is already known. It is said that a local resident is missing, and the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling can be heard at night.Because things are very strange, they invited Konoha's ninja.

Feng has this information in her hands. She wants to know other things: "Is there anything to discover?"

"I haven't found the source for the time being, but there are other discoveries." When talking about this, Asma took a deep breath and exhaled the turbid smoke. Yu Rihong looked at it disgustingly, and smiled a little embarrassingly. Then he continued: "We found out that there are missing local residents, but they are either dead or crazy."

This is in the intelligence, it hasn't appeared yet.

But this kind of information is not of much value. It is just strange to the dead and crazy people. Has anything happened to them before?

Regarding this question, Yurihong gave an answer: "I tried to use illusion to check the spiritual world of crazy people, but found that there was almost nothing, as if it was deliberately erased. There were reasons to think, This is caused by some kind of ninjutsu, but the development of the time is a bit beyond our expectations!"

Last night, no, it should have been the night before. At midnight yesterday morning, the four ninjas who were resting encountered external violations.

Although the battle was not very fierce, and the very short strokes ended hastily, but this has made them realize that they may not be fighting against people!As for what would you say?Because the opponent is not using ninjutsu, it is more like saying some strange language, and then they can send out various escape attacks.

"Weird language?" Hearing the water tree here, I was a little stunned. How could I feel a bit like the magic in the fantasy novel, and the magic can be activated by chanting obscure spells.But if I think about it again: "Isn't it such a coincidence?!"

Of course, this idea can only be thought about in the psychological side. If it is really magic, Mizuki is still not sure, after all, he does not know magic, and he has never seen it. Who knows?

This is the time when there is a little cranky in the mind of Mizuki.Feng and these Shangren told about their own mission: "Master Naruto ordered us to ensure the safety of the locals as much as possible. If necessary, we will take necessary sealing measures to let us transfer all the local residents out. ."

It should be all expected. If even a few Shangren join forces and cannot control the development of the situation, it will definitely be quite serious.Especially when Konoha collapsed a year ago, and the country of fire has not yet recovered its vitality. For this lonely place overseas, there is not much energy at all, so the use of sealing technique is the most direct way.

Several of them said that they understood: "We will first find a way to solve the situation, if it is not a last resort, it is best to handle it with caution. For the time being, we must first find a way to comfort the local residents. If the people here become panic. To everyone. Task execution will be unfavorable!"

"We understand this!"

The mission of Kaede and his team is to protect the safety of local residents. After all, Tsunade's blood relationship is very close to this place, so there is no surprise that there is such a request.

However, this division of labor is also clear, because with the help of reinforcements, several Shangren are ready to set off. In the evening, they will go out to look for clues and hope to find the source. If possible, they can directly seal it!

Originally, Mizuki wanted to go with him very much. He wanted to see what it was. He could attack by chanting a spell. Is it really magical?It is a pity that she came with Feng, so her task is the same, to protect the safety of local residents.

Besides, these Shangnin have been here for a few days and are familiar with the surrounding environment. The perception of the Inuzuka clan and the Yunv clan should be enough, so there is no need to add another person. .

There was no way, since they all said so, Mizuki didn't force it.Anyway, regarding this task, she is not very motivated. She was originally just for a commission. That sum of money would be fine for dinner: "Don't worry, stay here and give it to me. If anything happens, you will use fireworks to contact me at night. All right!"

Make an appointment for a contact signal, which is much more convenient.

When several Shangren left one after another, the last light of the sun disappeared, and the night fell completely.It was only eight or nine o'clock at this time, but all the local residents had closed their doors, as if they were very scared.

But it's strange to say that the people such as Mizuki and Feng didn't notice any abnormalities. Didn't it mean that weird ghost crying and wolf howling would occur at night?

Kikyo curled his lips a little: "Sister Mizuki, what's wrong? Are you afraid? Hey, come, come into your sister's arms."

Because they are all ninjas, they basically don't believe in ghosts and gods, let alone scared.And I heard that they had done some weird spiritual removal missions, but they didn't see the farts.

Feng and Changpu also have similar attitudes: "Don't be someone pretending to be a fool, right?"

This kind of conjecture cannot be said to be unreasonable. After all, this is the former country of the vortex, a village that is good at sealing art. Maybe there is something that has been taken by some people.

Of course, although it cannot be ruled out whether there was something, the originally sealed thing ran out.But if someone pretends to be a fool, it should be more reasonable!

Regarding this question, Mizuki didn't say much.After all, in the world of Naruto, there are many things that can't be explained by scientific means.I guess even if there is a supernatural phenomenon, it doesn't seem to be strange, right?

Text Volume 375 Chapter 372. Impossible

Nothing unusual or horrible happened as soon as the night fell, but the wind, light, clouds and starry sky were exceptionally bright.If there is Shangnin, search outside. If there is something, there should be a signal.

So the group didn’t worry too much. In addition, they had been on the road for a while. They decided that if nothing happened at night, they would simply take a good night’s rest. When Shinobu came back the next day, they would see if they found anything.

Sitting by the window, Mizuki looked at the stars in the sky and could not help but sighed softly: "The night view of the starry sky here is much clearer than Konoha. It's so beautiful!"

The air quality in this world is obviously much better than that of the three-dimensional, after all, there is no PM2.5 haze that obscures the sky.

However, looking at the night sky from different places, especially the night sky above the sea, feels much wider than on land, and even the whole view of the Milky Way in the sky is fully revealed.

I am enjoying the beautiful night scene. I have a pair of white arms around my neck, and at the same time I feel that there are two soft and elastic things behind me.

The person who came was the calamus. How long has it been since I haven’t seen him, the pair of murder weapons has become more upright, and the water trees I saw secretly swallowed: "I said, Sister Changpu, what do you do?"

Changpu's behavior was a little affectionate. He rubbed against the cute face of Mizuki, and then said: "Nothing, I just want to sleep together at night, how about it?"

Because I have known each other before, Mizuki knows that Changpu has known Feng and Kikyo since childhood, and the relationship between them is very close.There is never a place to look outside, and there is often a habit of sleeping together.Are you inviting yourself now?

The female voice was blowing a pleasant fragrance, and felt that her bones were crisp, especially when she felt the huge and elastic parts, and pressed tightly against her body, her psychological side was even more hungry and thirsty, and she subconsciously replied: "Good~ good!"

"Wow, blushing, sister Mizuki, her blushing look is so cute!" Changpu was very happy, especially when she looked at the blushing Mizuki, she liked it so much. She screamed and kissed him again. : "It's great, I decided to sleep with a water tree!"

Hold, yourself, sleep?Mizuki's a little happy mind is dizzy, it is too sudden!

I remember that for a long time before, what I liked the most was to sleep with Hinata in my arms. It felt like holding a doll.

That's right, don't see the outside here, isn't there a sentence in three dimensions?——"When I was young, boys liked electric toys, and girls liked playing with various dolls. When they grew up, boys liked playing with various dolls, and girls liked electric toys."

How many people don’t understand the meaning of the connotation here?!

But what I didn't expect was that my current self would actually become such a doll?

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