I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 206

Because he didn't know what it was, Mizuki couldn't make accurate judgments, so he could only use his white eyes to see the road ahead clearly in this direction: "Where is the place ahead, I seem to see ruins?"

After more than ten minutes' journey, I came to a place where there was a charm and rope forbidden to pass. I found a sign that had been crooked.It said: "Forbidden land, whoever enters, must die!"

Text Volume 377 Chapter 374. Unable to find

"here is--"

The calamus and platycodon, who came here first, can't help feeling a cold chill when looking at the place that has been turned into ruins.

After seeing this place, most of the Shangren who caught up with him frowned and said, “This is the Uzushio Village destroyed by the war. Because the damage was too serious, the people who were here either left or left. It's moving away, no one lives here anymore."

Did Feng come here in this weird place?

Black Maru sniffed the smell for a while, and said: "She stayed here for a short time, but the smell stopped here."

Hearing what Kuromaru said, Changpu and Kikyo looked at each other, and they already knew what it was: "The shadow picture is more!!"

This is a kind of Konoha-ryu, which can move according to the shadow. Although it is not the ultimate instant ninjutsu such as Thunder God and Bullet Shadow, even if the place is separated, as long as there is a shadow, it can pass through. Very ideal means of assassination raids.

But this is a bit difficult. Looking at the surrounding environment, there should be only the ruins in front.Teacher Xi Rihong looked at Mizuki and said to her: "Mizuki, you can check with your eyes to see if Maple is in this one?"

Mizuki nodded clearly, condensed Chakra and opened his eyes.She quickly swept across the ruins with her white eyes, but unfortunately no signs of life were found.

He shook his head helplessly: "Nothing was seen, and there was no reaction from Chakra."

This situation was confirmed by Mu Tian: "My bugs were not found, there is no breath of life here."

But what is the situation?It was obvious that Kuromaru smelled maple before, so everyone rushed over.How could there be nothing?

Inuzuka Claw was also aware of this problem and used his nose to sniff the scent, and found that the scent of Maple was the same as Kuromaru said, but it ended here.

"Could it be that this is to specifically guide us to this place?" Sarutobi Asma guessed a possibility: "We set off from that place as if we were instructed. If the guess is correct, Maple Maybe something was discovered at the time."

This idea is endorsed by Mizuki, because judging from the current situation, this possibility is the greatest!Said: "There should be nothing wrong. Feng and I have performed tasks together. She can fight two ninjas alone, and her strength can be confirmed. Even if there is an accident, there is no room for resistance at all."

It's just that everyone here is trying to think about the good things, after all, now that Feng has not been found, no one can be sure of her safety.

"What should we do now?" Yurihong said to Asma: "This is the Uzumaki Village in the Uzumaki Kingdom. It is a forbidden area! If we trespass, will there be trouble?"

Considering that it's getting late now, and it's hard to start any action without even clarifying the situation.So the Shinnins decided to go back and wait for dawn for the time being, and then come back again to make plans.

But because they are their own good sisters, Changpu and Kikyo are a little reluctant. Feng hasn't found them yet. How can they go back like this?Immediately protested and wanted to continue searching.

However, such a choice must be very unwise. Mizuki was the first to stand up and object: "No! This is very dangerous. Sister Feng was acting alone and lost contact. Now everyone is acting together at last."

Of course, in order to make the two of them feel at ease, Mizuki also helped analyze: "Think about it, if it is really Feng Sister who finds out what she thinks, what would she do with her personality? Besides, none of us found out She, can the other party find her?"

There is some truth in the words. They lived with Feng since they were young, and they knew her character very well, like a mature sister.Do things seriously and carefully. Since there is something to be discovered, I will surely investigate the information.

As mentioned earlier, Feng's strength is very good. If even they didn't find out, the other party should have not found it, otherwise they won't be allowed to find it here.

They thought about it carefully, and they felt that what they said made sense, and there was a blind spot here, even if they really wanted to find someone, right?So nodded clearly: "Well, let's go back for now!"

Mizuki breathed a sigh of relief secretly. Fortunately, the two of them have deep feelings for Maple, but at least they are still ninjas who have a calm mind and know the priorities, otherwise if it is Naruto’s bullish character, don’t turn this place. Isn't it right?

But when I went back, I went back. By the way, I took the bodies of the children back to the place where I lived.When I saw my child die unknown, don't mention how uncomfortable the store owner was crying.

I don't know what to do if I want to be comforted. After all, people can't come back to life after death.Especially looking at Da Lang's corpse, who was just over a dozen years old, it was really heartbreaking and sad.

Seeing such a scene, Xi Rihong couldn't help but grabbed Sarutobi Asma, who also wrapped a hand around her, comforting her softly: "Don't worry, we will definitely be able to do it!"

Looking at the relationship between the two of them, it seems that they have become intimate, which is really enviable.Sarutobi Asma's sunshine is good, and he can find such a good wife and mother.

I remember that just two or three years later, Sarutobi Asma was killed by Hidan. Yuhihong endured the grief in his heart and sent Asma’s posthumous girl down. This was true for an upright, young and beautiful woman What a price to pay.

But it is not difficult for people to think of their current mood.Shui Shu couldn't help sighing, looking at the boy who was only a little younger than himself, he was also sighing.

He stepped forward and tried to comfort the store: "Boss, please~ Sorry, after all, people cannot be resurrected after death, but those who live must be strong.

There is no good comforting language, only that Mizuki can think of.

As soon as the words of comfort were finished, Mizuki was silent again, and continued: "We have a companion who has also disappeared, and now we have lost contact. We have the same mind as you, and we hope that this kind of thing will not happen again. However, finding our companions may be the key to finding the culprit!"

The child of my own family has died. For the store owner, he has almost lost hope of living.But if you want to find the culprit, of course you also need to find out and avenge your dead child!

The shopkeeper wiped away his tears and nodded vigorously: "You are right, as long as you can find the culprit, you can tell me what you need!"

Text Volume 378 Chapter 375. Problem

In order to avenge his children, the people in this store are desperate enough, and the parents of those children are also willing to help.

The first is to ask some questions clearly. The first is about the children who died, because if it were not for these children, Feng would not disappear for no reason.

Thinking back to their children, their family members will inevitably feel sad, but in order to provide convenience, all the things they can know are told: "This matter should be said at the beginning, the first missing person , Is actually one of their companions!"

Children, especially boys, are always very energetic and like to run around and play crazy.

The first missing child was one of their playmates.When the incident happened, these little children had told the adults, saying: "Your companion was swept away by the wind!"

However, everyone can imagine hearing such words, and they must all smile.After all, a group of children, what do winds say about taking people away?typhoon?tornado?Please, if that's the case, who can't feel it?

Maybe because of this reason?The children didn't believe it when they saw the adults, so they decided to solve it by themselves.But now that the tragedy has happened, everyone understands it in their hearts.

"Wait, I just heard: Did you say that people were swept away by the wind?" There is a detail in this, which was caught by Sarutobi Asma: "Does this happen every time someone goes missing? ?"

Is this the second question?

Everyone thinks back carefully: "Maybe? This phenomenon has always existed. The sea breeze blows up every day, so it is difficult to distinguish clearly.

By the way, this reminded Mizuki. Last night, there was really a cold wind blowing.There is a very big problem here!We must know that the country of the vortex is a pirate, and it is completely affected by the oceanic climate. Because of the high heat capacity of the sea, the sea breeze blowing should be warm. How can it be cold?

"There is a problem!" This was Mizuki's first reaction, but she did not interrupt, just continued to hear the following questions.Because it is about the ruins, that is, the thing that used to be Wuchao Village.

Wuchao Village was attacked by outside forces. There shouldn't be any problem with this. Why do you see the talisman for exorcism and the notice to warn the coming?

This answer is a bit cryptic, it's been many years ago.It is said that there is a group of thieves who know that Wuchao Village is good at sealing, and think there will be something good in it.

But I don't know what the reason is, this group of thieves who wanted to steal unexpectedly died one after another inexplicably, and what was even more terrifying was that their hearts were all dug out of their chests!

If that's the case, it's fine, after all, those thieves deserve it and want to steal things.But soon afterwards, anyone who is close to this place will also suffer a heartbreak and a heart dug out.

The locals panicked and invited Konoha's ninjas to seal the place with the seal of bondage, and then the matter died down.

It sounds a little weird, but I think that Tsunade also said that there were records of similar tasks in the third generation. Is this one of the tasks mentioned earlier?

But if you think about it, can you connect with this incident?Kikyo couldn't help asking: "Is there any connection between this time and the last time?"

Changpu also asked, "The ninja of Uzumaki Kingdom said he is proficient in the art of sealing. Has he sealed any monsters?"

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