I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 210

It turned out that at that time, when they encountered an enemy, Maple and Mizuki attacked both of them.

Fortunately, because they were aware of the problem, they were ready to retaliate immediately.When dealing with Feng, she was a little better. When she disappeared, she didn't carry a sabre.In addition, they are familiar with Feng's ninjutsu, and when they look at her Jieyin, they know what ninjutsu is about to be launched.

But the thing that is a bit troublesome here is Mizuki, because she is not afraid of any weapon threat, even if she fists with a fist, it is useless to defend with a sword.Instead, she was hit by her fist, and rebounding would cause more damage to herself.

But how do you say Changpu and Doraji, they are also friends who have lived together all the year round, so there is no need to say more about the tacit understanding between each other.They are unwilling to attack their companions, but they also understand that to rescue their companions, they must find a way to obtain relevant information, but they know that there are scrolls on the water tree.

Just to win this scroll, Kikyo’s hand was interrupted, and then when the cover was retreating, the calamus was injured by Maple again. If it weren’t for the smoke bomb in time, and then throwing the shuriken to cover, I’m afraid I might not escape. The return is a problem.

Hearing their answers, none of the Shinobumen frowned, and Xi Rihong even said: "Didn't we remind you, it's best not to act alone, and come back as soon as possible before dark?!"

When talking about this question, Changpu and Kikyo were a little silent, because this happened, they were still trying to find a clue to Maple.But who can know that where there has been nothing wrong, such a sudden change occurs, which is what they don't want to see!

"Well, now is not the time to talk about this, we should figure out how to do it!" The eldest person here is Inuzuka Claw, she said next: "If my guess is correct, if the other party can control Maple He Shuishu, there must be more means, and you must not be able to go out at night."

When talking about this, Xi Rihong thought about Mizuki: "That kid, but he has white eyes and is very strong. I am worried that he might be attacked at night!"

It is conceivable here that, as mentioned earlier, the opponent fought against them briefly, but then disappeared. Maybe it was just a test at the time, but now it is assisted, and the result is afraid that it will not be the same.

But fortunately, there is one thing that the scrolls obtained by Changpu and Kikyo gave them an intelligence understanding of their enemies: "Sura!"

Text Volume 384 Chapter 381. Know

The ruins of the Wuchao Village in the Kingdom of Wuxi, inside that dilapidated temple.Rakshasa, one of the recorded Asuras, was enjoying the service of Mizuki and Maple, and kissing them in turn, but this should be very fragrant and beautiful, in fact, there is not much beauty.

Because this kind of kissing has no temperature, on the contrary, you can see the Rakshasa, drawing energy from the mouths of the water trees and maple bit by bit. According to the world, it is absorbing Chakra!

Raksha enjoys this feeling very much. After absorbing the chakras dedicated by Mizuki, he seductively licked his lips with his fragrant tongue: "The little girl’s spirit is pure. Look at this lovely face and excellent body. A beautiful embryo, it is definitely a very good choice to use as a spare body in the future?"

When he said this, he stretched out his bright red tongue and licked Mizuki's face.

If you are consciously hugged and kissed by such an alluring beauty.Mizuki will be very happy, and will even take the initiative to cater.

It's a pity that the water tree at this time has no consciousness of its own at all, and the hot and humid tongue slips across his cheeks, even if the body is being played with, there is no ripple at all.

However, when Raksha was happily playing with the doll that she had just got, she found the flipper worn on Shuishu’s finger. When she saw this thing, she was instinctively stunned, and then she took Shuishu’s hand. He took it in front of his eyes and looked at it: "Hell blood? I didn't expect your baby to be in her hands!"

Rakshasa, who is also one of Shura, recognized this thing at a glance, and knew that the owner of this thing was another treasure of Hellblood Shura.But judging from her expression, she seems to be full of desire for this thing?

That's right, since it can be said to be a baby, of course there is something eye-catching.Raksha touched the thing on the water tree's hand, and whispered with great interest: "The blood of the magic prison devours the blood of creatures, enhances his own bloodthirsty, and enters a state of madness, that is, a state of violent blood, even if it is a god. Don't dare to fight with it!"

It's a pity that he knew this thing, so even though Raksha was very hot, he didn't dare to take it from Mizuki's hand.Because if it weren't worn by Hellblood Shura, it would definitely be backlashed by this thing, just like the water tree at that time, turning into a bloodthirsty beast that only knew how to kill.

"That's fine, let this human be a container to nurture this baby. At that time--" Rakshasa's scarlet pupils have already appeared more enthusiastic eyes.Embracing Mizuki's body, with smooth lips and tongue, tasting her taste: "It's really delicious meat~ body!"

This treasure needs blood to cultivate, and Raksha needs a soul to restore his power.She can't wait any longer!Called the maple and the water tree on the side, at the same time they issued an order: "Kill all the creatures, absorb all the souls of life-feed me!"

On the other hand, in the village at this moment, the Shangren people have already understood what Shura and Shura's abilities are. Although they don't know what their weaknesses are, they have already thought of countermeasures.

They have already guessed that it is very likely that they will be attacked at night, so they have already begun to prepare.

Muta said here: "I have spread the bugs and set up traps according to the plan."

"Very good, local residents, how are the arrangements?" Sarutobi Asma asked: "This should be handed over to them, let's go and do it!"

The original task of calamus and platycodon was to ensure the safety of local residents.Here is the affirmation of Xi Rihong: "I have helped to arrange the illusion enchantment, even if I roll my eyes, I can't see through."

Fortunately, he had previously performed tasks with Mizuki, and his student, Hinata, would also roll his eyes, so Yuri Hong knows white eyes very well. Although the enchantment does not necessarily deceive him, he can at least block detection.

With such an arrangement, a few of them can respond to the enemy with peace of mind: "If it doesn't come, it's best, as long as a few days later, reinforcements will arrive. Everyone should be careful and stick to it!"

The black pill raised by Inuzuka Claw was clever at this time. The perception ability of animals surpassed that of humans: "I perceive someone approaching, two people, no, three! Two of them are Mizuki and Maple, as for the third. Who it is, I cannot detect the smell."

When talking about this, Kuromaru continued to Inuzuka Claw: "The third guy is very strong, I can't perceive Chakra."

Even the Ninja Dog couldn't perceive the existence of Chakra. If this guy doesn't have it, it must be too powerful.

I don't know if there is Cao Cao in this world, but Cao Cao is here.Several Shangren glanced at each other and nodded to each other immediately: "Follow the plan!"

What kind of plan they have arranged, this Raksha who just arrived has no way of knowing.But when Shuiguo's eyes looked at it, he found that the people who had lived here had disappeared.Even if you think with your toes, you must know that there is a problem!

"Ah~ Really cunning humans?!" Raksha sat on the treetop with a smile, and exclaimed: "Is it already guessed that I will come to harvest the soul? Gee, let's take a look. !"

With a sharp snap of his fingers, the maple and water trees, which were standing by under the tree, disappeared in place at the same time.

"Come!" At the same time, Heimaru had already sensed: "Maple and Water Tree, their scents, are approaching quickly!"

Inuzuka Claw nodded clearly, and then said to everyone, "Ready to fight!"

For the first time, Mu Tian's hands were sealed: "Fang Explosion Magic Array!!"

At this moment, the light outside the village lights up, and then you see more explosions. These are the detonating talisman traps prepared in advance. Several detonating talisman form a group of square arrays. As long as a target enters, it will be instantaneous. explosion!

Normally, it takes a certain distance to activate such a magic circle, but Moutian is an insect control expert in the oil girl clan. He is proficient in using insects to control, so it is not a problem to remotely initiate detonation. Possible thing.

Seeing the explosion, Sarutobi Asma asked, "How is the situation?"

Hei Wan sensed it, and shook his head regretfully: "No, it's still approaching at extreme speed. The moving speed is too fast, and it may be too late to react to the explosion."

This is within the expected range. After all, this is lagging, but Mutian is not discouraged, and Jieyin once again launches ninjutsu: "Secret: migratory locust!!"

There is a ninja vessel in Mutian. This is a huge jar that he usually carries on his back. Thousands of worms are released from it, and they rush out like locusts in the sky.

Text Volume 385 Chapter 382. Two-on-Four Fight Part I

The overwhelming migratory locust came to kill, and pounced on the water tree and maple.However, the latter is not afraid, his hands quickly seal, and he uses ninjutsu, saying: "Fire escape: the art of dragon fire!!!"

I saw a big fire dragon spit out from Feng's mouth, roaring at the flying insects.Regardless of the large number of these insects, they were helpless in the face of the hot flames, and they were burned into charcoal and fell down.

A fire dragon blazed a path among the worms.Seizing this opportunity, Mizuki followed this path and rushed directly to several Shangren.

"Attention everyone!"

Sarutobi Asma took out the prepared kunai, attached his own wind escape chakra, and immediately threw it at the rushing water tree.

If it's just ordinary Kuwu, Mizuki can completely ignore it, but her white eyes can clearly see that there is Chakra on Wukuwu, and it is also the wind escape that has the ability to restrain Lei Dun!

Thinking in a very short time and making the right choice immediately, Mizuki did not choose to resist, but used the "z"-shaped route to cleverly avoid the attack.

When he approached these Shinnin, he immediately fisted back.Knowing the power of Mizuki's fists, the Shinnins jumped around to avoid them.

Boom!——Mizuki's punch hit the ground, and the terrifying force shattered, and soil and rocks splashed.

"It's a terrible power, it's almost the same as a strange power!" Inuzuka Claw secretly sighed: "How old is this, if he grows up, he will definitely be stronger?"

But now is not the time to say this, Mu Tian has already made mudra again: "I control her!-Secret Technique: Chongyu!!"

Countless insects climbed on the body of the water tree, not only to restrain the target, but also to swallow Chakra, making it incapacitated.

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