I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 215

Another swarm of bees carrying a rotten odor. The odor is as toxic as last time. Although it is not necessarily fatal, it will ulcerate bare skin.

Using such an attack to wash away the bad bugs on Maple's body, Maple was able to escape, and Jieyin immediately issued ninjutsu: "Fire Dunge: The Art of Fireball!!"

No one can withstand the scorching temperature wherever the flame goes. Even the battle between Mizuki and Kai has to be avoided temporarily.

The battle between the two physical ninjas may not be as gorgeous as the various ninjutsu. After all, the fist attacking each other is really lacking in beauty.Especially Mizuki didn't move at all, but silently withstood Kai's attack, and then seized some opportunities to strike back with his fists.

Kay hit three fists again, but Mizuki didn't move. He was only hit in the face and shifted his head in the process of a fist, but there was nothing else.Seeing this situation, Kay was a little helpless: "Hello~Hello! Can't you give me something?"

Mizuki had no expression on his face, and there was no brilliance in his eyes, like a walking dead, fighting completely with instinct.Without saying a word, he rushed up after chasing him and slammed his fist at Kai!

Here is the attack of the water tree and the battle of Maple. Kakashi can see clearly. In the vision of the wheel, it is not difficult to distinguish the two chakras. They are definitely controlled by the latter, but this is not similar to puppetry. The control of the instigator requires the instigator to control their bodies, because from the way of fighting, the two of them still retain their own fighting consciousness.

Perceiving this situation, Kakashi immediately said to everyone: "The two of them still have self-consciousness. Their fighting style is not controlled. The problem should be the enemy."

The analysis should be correct. If Mizuki and Maple no longer have their own consciousness, they should not retain their own fighting style.You need to know that several people had fought with each other in advance. When the enemy controlled Maple, the tactics used were actually different.

Therefore, it should be the most likely choice to lock the problem on the enemy.

Text Volume 392 Chapter 389. Back and forth

Well, the problem must come from the enemy. This may be nonsense. After all, if it weren't for this enemy, Mizuki and Maple would not have such a situation.

The solution that is needed now, theoretically speaking, the person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell, as long as the enemy in front of him is defeated, it should be possible to cancel the applied technique.

Here, Asma and Xi Rihong have joined forces and have launched an attack first.Yurihong uses illusion: Sanjue Sakura, although through previous battles, he knows that this enemy has a strong ability to rebound illusion, but if it is only used for confusion, it is still enough.

"Small bugs!" Raksha was affected by illusion, and immediately used: "Solution!!"

The illusion of the illusion was lifted, and then came the thrown three kunai, with chakras with the wind attribute attached to them, with the penetrating power that even the absolute defense of the water tree can hurt!

Knowing how powerful this trick was, Raksha waved his hand at will, and a bony shield appeared to resist an attack for her.

However, there are three kunai here, one of which is blocked, but there are two behind, which are defenses penetrating the shield. However, at this moment, Raksha waved his hand again and said silently: "Come out." , My slave!"

A sturdy skeleton emerged from the ground, just using his body to protect the people behind him.

I don’t know what ninjutsu is used by Raksha, or what other abilities. You don’t need Jieyin and you only need to wave your hand, or just read a sentence, you can attack and defend, and even be able to summon such a weird skeleton?

There was a smoke bomb exploding here, producing a lot of smoke, and then I heard: "Teeth through teeth!!"

Surprise attack!

Because Rakshasa's attention was first attracted by Xi Rihong's illusion, and guessed that he responded to an unexpected attack.But I didn't expect that after evading once, there would be another attack.I saw two revolving attacks coming, very accurate hits.

"Did you succeed?" Everyone exclaimed. If it succeeds, the task is complete.

It's a pity to wait for the smoke and the agitated dust to dissipate. When it appears, the skeleton changes into a skeletal armor all over the body. This is basically similar to that of Water Tree and Maple.

Raksha was hiding under the protection of the skeletons. The bone shield called out just now happened to block Inuzuka's claw's attack, so that she was not injured.He slapped the dust that fell on his body and snorted and laughed: "Humans, you want to kill me? This is not a wise choice. The wise choice should be to escape immediately!"

Now she hasn't gotten real because she doesn't want to kill her prey all at once.You have to tease to have fun like a cat and a mouse!

In the battle between Kaede and Muta, ninjutsu used ninjutsu to pull the distance apart. As Muta who possesses the secret technique, he should be stronger. I don’t know when he hatched some fire-resistant insects, although he can’t say that It can't be burned, but it has good resistance to fire ninjutsu.

Pushing his sunglasses, Mu Tian said coldly: "As long as one bug survives, more bugs will hatch."

The oily women who raise insects have the strongest insect control secrets and are highly adaptable, just like insects can survive almost anywhere in the world.As long as you survive hardships and pass on from generation to generation, you will have this gene.

Therefore, in the battle between two people, Mu Tian has the upper hand, and an overwhelming advantage is emerging.Especially when more and more insects have climbed onto the body, Feng has no time to clean up. The bad insects will cling to her body and devour her chakra.

Chakra is a combination of physical energy and spiritual energy. As long as the chakra is swallowed up, this person is almost there.Perceiving such a situation, Mizuki, who was fighting Kai, originally hit you and me, and when it was up and down, suddenly retreated.

Kai was taken aback: "What the hell? Did you run away!?"

Of course not to escape!Mizuki is going to the rescue.

"Qi burst!!" Coming to Feng's side, Mizuki used this skill to help her get rid of the bugs on her body, and then the two of them retreated at the same time.

Their actions are so consistent, it's really hard to imagine that they are two people.It seems a bit troublesome now, because they are back to the enemy, but then there is something more troublesome.

Raksha hugged the two people and pulled them to his side, showing an indifferent smile: "Humans, are you ready?"

As the initiator of this incident, this guy has already got rid of the predicament. With the gradual recovery of strength, his confidence is becoming more and more sufficient.

But it is precisely because of this that Raksha has a more cat-playing mouse mentality.After all, it's boring.And from what happened just now, she had already seen the purpose of these human beings.Of course they won't let them succeed!

With a light wave of his hand, dozens or hundreds of human-shaped skeletons appeared on the ground, and Raksha summoned them out in one breath: "You should move your muscles and bones first!"

Surrounded by numerous skeletons, several Shangren were a little wary and tried throwing shuriken attacks, but either passed through or hit the bones. There was no effect at all. These skeletons did not respond at all.

Obviously these are summoned skeletons. There is no fear in the face of any attack. They are basically almost the same as the current Mizuki and Maple, but they are a bit more difficult to deal with, because Mizuki and Maple have a way of fighting. And know how to avoid attacks, but these skeletons don't need it.

Raksha calmly looked at the battle scene, like watching a drama: "How interesting? You say, right?"

There is no one else here, only Mizuki and Maple, but they can't talk to each other and still don't have their own thinking.But this does not hinder anything, and Raksha does not need them to have their own thinking.

Simply hug the left and the right, play with the expression, watching the battle in front of you.I was casual in public and had close contact with the two girls.

Of course, this is conceivable, not a good thing, but a chakra of two people!

As a result of this going on, this will inevitably be very unfavorable, especially as the enemy is still getting stronger.Faced with this situation, Asma stepped back and came to Kakashi's side and said, "Why, did you see it?"

Kakashi nodded: "Well, the two of them are under deep control. It should be because of what the other party has used. It is a bit difficult to forcibly capture."

Text volume 393rd chapter 390. Cooperation

There were dozens or even hundreds of skeletons standing in front of them, blocking the path of several Shangnin, and constantly forcing them over.The ninjas held weapons and kept fighting.

In fact, it is not too difficult to deal with these skeletons here, because as long as a heavy blow, such as a punch or a kick, it can almost fall apart.It is estimated that even ordinary ronin and samurai are not a problem to deal with.

But when it comes to difficult enemies, one is that these skeletons fight for their lives, and they just rush up and slash them like crazy, and even if they are broken up, they will quickly regroup!

Inuzuka claw Yuyin and Kuromaru perform ninjutsu together: "The teeth pass the teeth!!"

The two whirlwinds attacked wherever they went, almost clearing away all obstacles, but when they were about to rush to the enemy, the holding skeleton would block them with the bone shield in their hands.

Seeing that his attack failed, Inuzuka Claw retreated and cut and said, "What a troublesome guy, is this trying to consume us?"

I wanted to take back the two people directly, but now it doesn't seem to be easy. I need to go through a fierce battle first.

Looking at the broken skeletons, regrouping again, this is obviously not a solution.Kai kicked a skeleton away, and saw it get up again, leaning against Kakashi's back and said: "Hey, do you see anything? What did Naruto-sama told you, should you remember?"

After receiving information from Uzumaki country some time ago, Hokage thought that the situation might expand, so it tried to gather people.But since Konoha's collapse, Konoha's ninjas have lost a lot. It is not easy to cultivate good ninjas. Otherwise, they will not even have a lot of ninjas and will be sent out to perform tasks.

Later, when he learned that Feng and Mizuki had happened one after another, Hokage hurriedly sought out Shangren who was still in the village.To clarify the seriousness of the matter, one is that it is certain that something that has been sealed will come out, and it will be sealed again anyway.The other is that considering the identity of the water tree, we must find a way to provide rescue.

Of course Kakashi remembered, and nodded and replied: "I know, if this task is not completed, there is no way to explain it to the Hyuga family."

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