I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 222

But at the same time, Mizuki didn't hesitate. Seeing the ghosts and gods were beaten by their own fists, they had to step back.

To seize this opportunity immediately, we must strike a stronger blow!

Originally, Mizuki wanted to use Ashura's Bahuang Fist, a nirvana that could set the universe with one blow.But rationally curb this impulse, because she can't guarantee her safety, after all, these two Shura are not fuel-efficient lamps.

If after hitting the Asura Bahuang Fist, he enters a weak state, will it be possible to take advantage of it?So she will take the attack from Li and use the skill of Rank 3 Shura: "Ssangyong Swinging Tail!!"

A continuous two-foot attack can also produce amazing power. Although the attack was still blocked by the shield, it was hit by a huge force, and the shield was penetrated, and the back kick passed through and kicked on the ghost mask. So that the ghosts and gods' bodies crooked.

The ghost and god roared angrily, and slashed with a knife. Is this trying to launch a counterattack?But the water tree did not give it this opportunity!Soon a new attack skill arrived: "Sledgehammer crashes!!"

The attack effect of this skill should be to use the shoulders and fists to hit the target into the air before causing huge damage.The larger the target's size and weight, the more damage it causes.Enemies that are injured will temporarily be unable to move, or fall into a stiff state.

But now it is used to smash from top to bottom, after avoiding the attack of the knife, attack the key point of the ghosts and gods, and smash the knife to its connection.The mask I was wearing was shattered, but it was quite hard. After the protection of the mask was broken, a new combo skill: "Tiger Cannon!!"

The skills of Rank 3 professions also have a combo. After the "Double Dragon Swing Tail" is used, the "Sledgehammer Falling" attack can be connected, and then the "Tiger Cannon" and "Raksha Broken Phoenix Fist" attacks can be added to improve this. The damage of two skills.

Water Tree chose to play the "Tiger Cannon" skill, which is a double-damage skill. When this skill is played, it will also be damaged. In the game, the percentage of health and mana is deducted, but here it becomes Spit out a mouthful of blood, and a lot of Chakra was consumed.

But fortunately, there is the power that Luo Hu lent. This one occupies most of his own. So when it comes to injury, someone took a lot of money for himself, and the negative injury deducted was reduced, but he felt a little discomfort in his body.

But the effect of this punch is really surprisingly good. It hits the skull directly through the mask, regardless of the strength of the Skeleton King’s bones comparable to steel.But when taking damage, facing the "Tiger Cannon" attack that got the damage bonus, it seemed too weak.

Mizuki saw that the flame in the skull of the Skeleton King was shocked by his own attack and almost extinguished.But this guy is also very tenacious, he is not willing to give in like this, but fight back with all his strength!

"Interesting, don't you give up?" Not afraid to fight back, Mizuki has a way to respond: "Bengquan!!"

Bengquan is Shura's "active/counterattack" skill. According to the opponent's attack, he tries to launch a counterattack, knock back the target, and cause damage to the target.

Although it was a blow from the ghost and the gods, blood was spit out in the mouth, but the counterattack skill was activated, using a punch as a counterattack.A blow hit the ghost and god's head again, and the collapse of the fist had a repulsive effect, and its body was shocked.

"Isn't this down?" The power of the punch was excellent. I didn't expect the ghosts and gods to still exist, and the skeleton of the Skeleton King did not disperse.In this way, Mizuki sighed inwardly: "It seems that this guy's defensive power should be stronger than imagined!"

However, this kind of performance has already surprised Luo Huo: "You, a human being, can actually penetrate the defense of the'Pioneer Shield', you can also penetrate the'Death Mask' and the body that shocked the Skeleton King. I underestimated you."

Mizuki coughed out a mouthful of blood. This is the effect of "Deep Dragon Ascends to Heaven". The duration is about to expire, and the effect will automatically disappear.

Unexpectedly, these are all Rank 3 skills. Adding all the BUFF skills and Luo Hu's power blessings did not even defeat this ghost.He sighed helplessly: "This is still a ghost, and it has exhausted me. You said that Rakshasa can summon more than a dozen, how strong is the real strength?"

Luo Hu here seems to have a little interest in the water tree, and replied: "You are already very good, the ghosts and gods are not real gods, but the strength still exists, and being able to hit this level shows that you are very strong. Potential. Well, I decided to help you once!"

Text Volume 401. Giants

The ghosts and gods have not been killed, they are still standing here, and they are about to be cut off. However, a set of Shuishu skills are played out, and they are all combo skills, and the BUFF effect of "Deep Dragon Ascends" is attenuated. Too much fighting power.

Before he had time to communicate with Luo Hu, Mizuki felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling.This feeling is very obvious, like being burned in a fire!

"Luo Hui, what do you want to do?" Mizuki was shocked, thinking that this guy wanted to take his body.

However, this conjecture quickly proved to be wrong, because if she really wanted to seize her body, Luo Hu didn't have to wait until now, but his own interest came: "I think you are very interesting, just help you. And I don't like it. Rakshasa, as a whole, is accompanied by skeletons and ghosts, and I don't want you to be killed by her, so that I will not escape."

When Mizuki heard what Luo Hu said, he believed him first, right?Asked: "What are you going to do?"

Luo Hu forced blood out of his whole body and put a bloody coat on the water tree. At this time, he replied: "The possession of ghosts and gods is time-effective. Now that Rakshasa is not in the body, there is no way to maintain it for too long. You have already beaten it. It’s almost done, let me help you finish the final touch!"

Wow~ Another mouthful of blood came out. Mizuki felt that his eyes had become blurred, just like when he was congested.This kind of feeling is extremely uncomfortable, especially the large amount of blood loss, which makes her nerves appear trance.

"Hold on!" Luo Hu reminded, and urged his own power to activate the power that should have been used earlier: "Blood release!!"

The fingers worn by Shui Shu's hand opened a different-dimensional crack at this time, and the blood that had killed countless villagers' hearts was released and applied to his body to form a blood coat.

In an instant, the water tree became bloody, and what was more cautious was the roar of a beast. The forelimbs prostrated on the ground like a vicious beast. The front hand was covered with blood, forming a pair of sharp claws.

Seeing the Rakshasa here, he cried secretly: "Damn Luohu, do my good deeds!"

To reach this state is to enter the final form of "Blood Rage", but the more blood is obtained, the strength can be theoretically infinitely powerful.It is better than the devil gods!

However, such madness is very dangerous. The majestic vitality will not only overflow the whole body, but also erode their spirits.The illusion of the blood demon from purgatory will continue to wreak havoc in the mind, even torn and devour people's ideas, until the use of a powerful will to fuse the illusion of the blood demon, it will be considered to be terminated.

Ordinary human beings can't achieve such a state, but if it is controlled by Luo Hu, there will be no problem with this.Because just like Luo Hu's name: Prison Blood Shura!

"Have you turned into a blood demon?" Luo Sha sneered: "With this little blood, it seems that you haven't responded much, Luo Hu?"

Mizuki's consciousness has been lost, because she can't control her bloodthirsty thoughts, and now it is Luo Hu who controls the body, using the blood of a gorilla to be full of feverish bloodthirsty, staring at the Skeleton King possessed by the demon god.

Hellblood Shura can control his own thoughts. Hearing Raksha's ridicule, he responded without annoyance: "Ah, yes, but to defeat your demon god, it should be enough!"

The two Asuras are one of the remaining three and four Asuras, and their strengths are pretty much the same, so the contest between them should end in a tie.

However, there is a shocking scene that happened here, that is, the blood demon transformed by Luo Huan with blood, borrowing the boiling of blood to burn to the top, the size of the skeleton king does not need to be small, and then he rushes straight to the demon god of Raksha.

The latter is also fearless. After all, he is a puppet under control, rushing with a knife in one hand and a shield in one hand, protecting his body with the shield, and at the same time using the knife as a slashing attack.

The Gorefiend slammed the shield with his paws, and at the same time bit the skull king’s head with his mouth. As a counterattack, the skeleton king slashed with a knife. The defenses of the two behemoths are not weak. After all, the skeleton king’s body is covered with the armor of the demon god. The tree tried its best to break it.The blood in the blood demon's body is the best protection. The blood is a famous non-Newtonian liquid. The more vigorous the attack, the less damage it receives.

The battle between the two behemoths is as real as a duel between two tail beasts, but the process and beauty are nothing but brute force and blood.

The ninjas who watched such a scene, and the ships that have already evacuated from the island, have all seen them.Especially due to the destructive power of the battle, the original villages were turned into ruins, the peaks were hit repeatedly, and the shaking rocks collapsed.There is no doubt that this is definitely a battle comparable to the tail beast!

The Shinnins took the stunned Maple back to the ship and handed it to Changpu and Kikyo: "She is fine, don't worry!"

Confirming that Feng had just fainted, and there was no other serious problem, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.But there is still one missing: "Where is the water tree? Why didn't you see her?"

Pointing to the two behemoths fighting on the island, Inuzuka Claw said to both of them: "The red monster is changed by the water tree. It's really terrifying—"

This kind of battle is beyond imagination, at least not to the level of their ability to match.

But if this is the case, what should I explain after I go back?The ninjas are very clear in their hearts that if this kind of thing expands, it will inevitably cause big waves in the ninja world, and there may be war.

No one dared to make a joke about this, just imagine something comparable to or even stronger than the tail beast!Originally, the five major countries had tailed beasts to contain each other, and they were in a strategic balance of power. Although the previous three wars were tragic enough, none of the countries was shaken at all, relying on the existence of tailed beasts.

If it were to be known, there are tail beasts in this place, so terrifying combat power.It is inevitable that people will be jealous and peeped, just like the collapse of the country of the vortex, of course they dare not make jokes!

"Here, hand it to the people in the sealing class. The sealing technique will be completed soon."

Sealing technique seals the entire island and prohibits anyone from setting foot on this place. However, we need to consider how to block news later.

Later, according to news, all the people who were evacuated here were placed in a suitable place, in a picturesque valley, after providing such a place.Naruto asks everyone to sign a confidentiality agreement: "You are not allowed to reveal half of the word, otherwise you will be hunted down by Konoha's ninja on the charge of treason!"

Text Volume 402. Clue

The battle between the ghosts and gods of Rakshasa and the blood demonization of Rahu did not last for too long, because the time that the seal squad won with the help of the water tree has actually almost completed the seal formation.

Whether it is on the sky or on the ground, the texture of the seal technique has been completed and connected to form a complete formation. The two in this large formation are Shura, and at the same time, the strength of the seal technique has been greatly weakened.

At this time, Mizuki's consciousness regained the shackles of control and regained the initiative: "You two guys, it should be enough!"

Subject to the opening of the seal technique, Shura, who does not belong to this world, and does not even have the body, is definitely difficult to resist the shackles of the seal technique.

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