I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 228

Fortunately, the country of vegetables is a country with excellent folk customs, which is also thanks to Princess Chanel's father.Although Chanel sent her hostage to other countries when she was very young, she hated her father very much.But now I can see how much my father is loved.

Seeing people in this country being mobilized, Mizuki also showed enthusiasm.

There is no cement in this world, let alone asphalt. Generally, all paved roads are stone roads, and it is impossible to use gravel. It is necessary to mine the rocks and pound them into stone strips, or to put together the same bricks.

Don't talk about the ninjas who let the earth escape technique. Most of the earth escape technique uses soil with strong maneuverability. The soil is used to build roads. What is the difference between this and ordinary dirt roads?

Fortunately, the country of vegetables is a country in the mountains. It is not difficult to mine rocks, but it will definitely be very heavy.Many of the local people's transportation and handling are still manual, and almost use animal power.

It is natural for Mizuki to take on the next step. Anyway, she has no other abilities. She only specializes in strength. This kind of heavy physical work can be used for her cultivation!


With a loud shout, he smashed it down with his fist, bombarding the mountain to split a part of the boulder.

Ordinary people can handle stones that can be moved, so they can use baskets and transport them bit by bit to polish them.As for the larger and heavy rocks, they can be completed by supporting ninjas.

The water tree is more straightforward. Finding a rock that is a little bigger than a house, I guess less than two or three tons of weight?In the past, when I practiced myself, I ended up with a weight of less than a ton, but if it explodes, I wonder if it can be lifted?

Attaching the chakra with one hand, Mizuki let out a loud shout: "Get up!"

At the beginning, I didn’t move. It seemed that the weight of two or three tons was a bit difficult by strength alone, but this was not a problem, because the water tree had not violently raided the chakra, and surging his chakra all over his body, just in the crowd. He was lifted in his stunned eyes.

Borrowing this method, Mizuki can estimate his own strength. When he is in a sealed state, he has a certain degree of enhancement, but his physical strength alone is still the limit to lift a ton of heavy objects. To weigh two or three tons, chakra must be used.

This kind of strength cultivation base looks very good, after all, how big is the water tree now?There is still greater potential for progress, but this is not a joy for Water Tree.Because all of his skills depend on the output of strength, only the greater the strength, the higher the damage.

Because I already knew about Akatsuki's intelligence and got more and more information, I noticed that Akatsuki became more active.In fact, if you count the time, Mizuki is already thirteen years old, and Jilai will soon return to Konoha Village, and then take Naruto out to practice for more than two years.

When Naruto returns to Konoha Village, Shippuden begins!This made Mizuki realize: "I have to work hard!"

Text volume 411. Two things

Taking the opportunity of building roads, Shui Shu is also training himself, because knowing his strength cultivation is the most important thing is the damage of his skills, so he must cultivate strength desperately.

It's a pity that I was too rushed when I acted for the task. If I could have that piece of clothing, it should be more useful, right?But even so, it's enough.

I have to temper myself every day and move the heaviest boulders as much as possible. Although the boulders weighing more than a ton make her feel extremely difficult to move, but the polishing over and over again can finally achieve a good training effect.

Mizuki didn't have much insight into road construction, but in order to save man-hours, he proposed a method of simultaneous paving in sections.Divide the roads that need to be built into several sections, and divide the corresponding manpower to build on these sections.Later, there was a construction team sent by Hokage to build roads from the country of fire, which saved a lot of time.

But even so, the road construction is not a day or two. The original plan was to take at least three months to build a connected road.With the help of the construction team sent by Hokage and the construction of the upper section, it was only shortened to the estimated time of one month.

During this period of time, two more things happened outside.

The first thing is that after Silent returned to Konoha, he told Tsunade about Akatsuki's event that appeared in the country of Nana.And what Mizuki said, the absurd idea of ​​wanting to find the leader of the other party, by the way, I also said: "Akatsuki's activities are getting more and more frequent, and she has paid attention to Mizuki. Their actions have changed. Obviously."

Originally, Akatsuki's investigation had already been entrusted to Jiraiya.Tsunade must have some intelligence in his hands, knowing that Akatsuki organizes this group of S-level rebels wanted by various countries, but none of them are simple good things.

After listening to the silent report, Tsunade nodded calmly, and said, "Yes, you did a good job. The little girl Mizuki is usually very smart, but a bit ~ too capricious."

Mizuki thought that what she was doing should be very secretive. In fact, many things were all known to Tsunade: "During the mission to the villain's island, someone from Anbe reported that she had met the people of Akatsuki. , The task entrusted to her was still done by the help of people from Xiao Xiao’s organization."

"Hmph, this little girl, I really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, if it weren't for me to suppress this matter, if something happens, see how she can explain it to me!"

It is possible to know that the water tree at that time had already contacted the people of Akatsuki's organization. In fact, a certain deal reached later was of course cleared.

Fortunately, Mizuki himself was a little sure, Tsunade did not pursue it, after all, from the surface of some information.The people of Mizuki and Akatsuki seemed to have had conflicts, which meant that they weren't deliberate contact.

Of course, the reason why Tsunade was not held accountable in the end was that he knew that Mizuki would not do anything to damage Konoha.The other is also considering Naruto, and his own teacher for three generations, who have had a good evaluation of Mizuki, and when Konoha collapsed, the actual merits were not said.

But for the matter here, Mizuki actually wanted to see the other party's leader, let alone what this intention was.But just because the other party is a group of S-level rebels, such a meeting is full of danger. One is the possibility of being killed, and the other is how to explain?There is also the old fox in Tuanzang. Don't look at it in normal times, but what is the method, who can make it clear?

So thinking of this, Tsunade said to Silent again: "You did a great job. Mizuki is really too small, and I don’t think about everything. After the task of Nayoko is completed, I decided to leave her in the village. Then let you train her well."

There are a lot of considerations here, but for the time being, being able to move is a kind of forbidden foot, which saves you from doing unmanageable things.

After speaking, there is the first thing and the second thing.

Judging from the information obtained earlier, Akatsuki had obtained the intelligence of Mizuki, especially when Mizuki and Feidan had a conflict before on the villain's island.

With absolute strength, he broke the bones of Fei Duan's body and defeated it.If the opponent is Kakashi, such a Konoha elite, Shangnin, it is not difficult to understand.

But from the information obtained, it is found that the water tree is just a ninja?Hidan was defeated by a Konoha's Shimonin, which was unimaginable at all.

A towering spire in the Ninja Village of the Rain Country.

Tiandao Nagato, leaning against the window, looking at the rain outside, with a voiceless voice, said to Xiao Nan next to him: "Have you heard of it? A little girl from Konoha Village defeated Fei Duan and only used one fist."

"Well, Hyuga Mizuki, a member of the Konoha Hyuga clan," Xiaonan said with intelligence: "The Konoha collapse plan led by Oshemaru, she has defeated at least two Shangnin. Kawa no Kuni fights with Hanzo's subordinates, but also Raiya, who has the seven Ninja swordsmen, is said to have been convicted and imprisoned because of an incident, and then appeared on the island of villain, ending the chaos in that place. The flying section is also unlucky, and the attack is invalid, otherwise if it really moves Really, it might not be defeated, right?"

Flying section has the ability to be immortal, if you pay attention to it, it is not easy to defeat.

Nagato didn't say anything about this. After all, the flight defeat was a failure. This is indisputable.But here I want him to be curious: "This Hyuga Mizuki, I have recently learned that she has been to the place where the country of the vortex was once, and she is now shrouded in a huge sealing technique. I have heard from the corner that she is looking for it again. A clue to something?"

Xiao Nan asked suspiciously: "Do you need to investigate her?"

Nagato was silent for a while, and finally replied: "No, she is not our goal, and now when the action is critical, there is no need to pay too much attention to Konoha's Shinnin."

Of course, the water tree matter must have been noticed.Although Mizuki is not the human pillar of the tail beast, there is no need to spend too much energy, but intelligence shows that she has a very good relationship with the nine-tailed human pillar, and there may still be useful value.

After saying this, Nagato walked to the door of the window, watching the rain in the country of rain, and said coldly: "This world needs a change!"

The suffering of childhood and the death of a close friend made him understand the pain of war.It is believed that as long as there is no real peace in this cursed world, and people will never understand each other, in order to make this peace, choose to go to an extreme.

Body Volume 412. Canned Food

About a month later, the road built between the country of vegetables and the country of fire was finally laid down on the last stone brick.

The original dirt road was replaced by a stone road. It looked gray and white, and it didn't seem to be very beautiful.However, from a practical point of view, the hard stones are quarried rocks to ensure that they can experience the wind and sun.

With this external road, the country of Caizhi is finally not a country alone in the mountains, and the smooth road is enough for carriages and horses to ride, even rickshaws can be more labor-saving.

But the road was built, and Princess Chanel was very happy, but it didn't take long for her to look sad again.

Bai Zhicheng, who has been following the princess all the time, asked carefully: "His Royal Highness, why do you show such an expression? Is it because you are worried about the quality of the road?"

It shouldn't be this question. Princess Chanel replied: "I watched the road construction with my own eyes, so naturally I feel very relieved. But the road is built. What can our country have that can trade with the outside world?"

According to the most conventional thinking: relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to draft water.The Land of Vegetables is in the deep mountains. Of course, it is necessary to rely on the mountains to eat. This should also be no problem.

However, the Princess Chanel here considers a bit more long-term: "Our country of cuisine does not have a developed industry, only a few local specialties, and there are many precious medicinal materials in the mountains. But if you want to trade with foreign countries for a long time, you can’t just Rely on local products and excavated medicinal materials to sell?

Mizuki also listened very clearly. After listening to Princess Chanel's words, she felt that she was right in thinking, and it could even be said to be very far-sighted.

Local products can only be used as a commodity and cannot attract many merchants.Old medicinal materials in the deep mountains are good things, but it is difficult to achieve large-scale and long-term mining. Let alone the damage to the environment, the growth rate of medicinal materials may not be able to catch up with the consumption of being picked?

For this question, the water tree from the three-dimensional world, of course, can see clearly.But she couldn't think of a way, after all, the national conditions of the country of vegetables are like this.

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