I traveled through the days in Naruto World

My Days In Naruto World Chapter 230

But regret at this time, it's too late.Seeing Kurama Yakumo's smile, Mizuki felt like being played with.

She wanted to continue to explain that she couldn't like Naruto, after all, she couldn't accept it in her heart and soul?But judging from the current situation, it is better not to explain.

Text Volume 415. Open Class

You chatted with me sentence by sentence. Although Mizuki was speechless behind him, fortunately he went to school.In front of Hokage, it was an arrangement and task, and it needed to come to participate in the public class.

This task is a bit strange. After all, Mizuki himself is a newly graduated Shinnin, but since it is a task, there is no other way but to perform it.

Fortunately, there are wages. In terms of compensation, Mizuki doesn't resist too much.Kurama Yakumo didn't seem to oppose, but he was even more eager.

It turned out that when she was young, her health was not particularly good, so she was taken home and asked Mrs. Yurihong to teach her after she didn't take long classes at school.What happened to Yakumo before was also from that time, but this is Yakumo's personal affair, and there is no need for Mizuki to ask more.

The school should have received the news earlier, even though it felt that the visitor was a bit unsuitable, it used to be forbearance.But since it's Hokage's order, of course it's not easy to refuse: "We will make adjustments to the course next week, and we will send you a copy at that time."

The public class of Ninja School is not like a three-dimensional world, the kind of class that can be heard by many people in universities.I mentioned earlier that it is similar to physical education, but the difference lies in the actual combat of normal learning.For example, learning Jiyin and releasing ninjutsu are carried out in this situation.

Generally speaking, sometimes they will be invited, Shangren will come to learn to guide students, and will impart a little task experience.The tracking technique Mizuki used was also a skill learned in school.

There is not much problem with this, and the water tree is resting for a few days.

Back then, the pommel horse clan has long ceased to exist. It is said that there was an uncle.But for some reason, Yakumo can only live with Mizuki for the time being.

But this is not a problem. Both of them are girls, and there seems to be no inconvenience.

In recent times, she has also received a lot of commissions. The generous Mizuki often goes shopping with Yakumo and also buys some nice clothes for her.In particular, I have bought a lot of sexy clothes, but Yakumo, who has been weak since he was a child, seems to have been affected a little in his body development, and the bigger part is not obvious.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter, anyway, she is a girl who is light and easy to push down, as long as this is true.However, Mizuki soon realized that Yakumo didn't seem to have a cold with him, and seemed to be between the same sex. He didn't feel like boys and girls, right?

Alas, knowing this situation, the water tree has become less interested.When it comes to the next week, the school will send the timetable. Seeing familiar things, it will inevitably make people forget: "Does this thing seem to have not changed?"

Because a large number of Shinobi are all being sent out to do tasks these days, many public classes are either taken by the school teacher or left behind as a last resort.

Most of the teachers in the school are Zhong Ren. Normal teaching is of course no problem, but compared to the frequently performed Shang Ren, both the strength and the task experience are worse.

After the arrival of Mizuki and Yakumo, according to the school's consideration, let the students in one class first give them to teach them. If there are no problems, then consider the following teaching plan.

"Sixth grade, second class."

The public class was on the playground. I thought it was a teaching. The class led by Mr. Iruka might be able to toss Konohamaru. I didn't expect it to be a group of students about to graduate.

The head teacher of this class, Mizuki, does not seem to know him. When he introduced himself, he was called Shimada. He was explaining to the students in his class: "Listen well, today’s open class, special instructor: Mizuki Hyuga. She is Your predecessors, although they are only one year older than you, graduated, but in Konoha’s collapse last year, they killed at least two Shinnin personally, and just a while ago, she successfully completed S-level tasks, she will teach you how to use them. Physical skills and fighting skills."

At the beginning, I knew that Mizuki was their special instructor, but most of them didn't believe it, because she didn't look very good at all.But when he heard Konoha's collapse last year, he had already killed two Shangnin enemies, and he had already performed the S-level mission, and suddenly he sighed.

But when they heard that they were only taught physical skills and fighting skills, many people were not very interested.After all, compared with the yearning of ninjas, I hope to learn more and more powerful ninjutsu.

Seeing that everyone's interest is not high, this is within Mizuki's understanding. When Shimada saw his students, when he was so rude, he just wanted to teach them.But at this time, Mizuki stopped him and said, "Master Shimada, can you give it to me next?"

This class was an open class, Shimada nodded after thinking about it, and then stood and watched.

Mizuki stood in front of the group of students and looked at their unscrupulous appearance, really like him when he was in school.But today, her identity is different. She clapped her hands to attract everyone’s attention and calmed everyone down for a while. Then she said: "Looking at your appearance, she doesn’t care about physique? But do you know that physique is What is the easiest and most effective way to actually fight the enemy?"

Here is an invitation to one of the students present, who has already learned ninjutsu, Mizuki and him to do a simple test: "Use your skills to attack me!"

The entire test almost ended in an instant. The reason is very simple. At the same time as the boy got the seal, Mizuki had already reached him in front of him, strangling his neck with one hand, and at the same time twisting the backhand, making it easy. Will defeat him.

Everyone exclaimed when everyone saw such a situation. Seizing this opportunity, Mizuki said to the students: "Everyone sees that the release of ninjutsu needs to be completed by Kaiyin. However, physical attacks can be done directly. Activate, when you release ninjutsu in Jieyin, the attack of physique may have already hit. If this is on the battlefield of life and death, he will be killed by me now!"

Of course, there are people here who are not convinced. The young man who was knocked out just now stood up and said, "What's this? Because I'm in the seal, you can have a chance. If my attack comes first, you might fall. It's you."

"It's okay, come again!"

The two people will try again. This time the young man is the first to throw a number of shurikens, causing the people present to exclaim, you know this is a killer!At the same time, the young man Jijiujie quickly released his ninjutsu.

But the Mizuki here is after all a veteran of many battles, and seeing such a habitual trick, he doesn't change his face at all.

Simply turning sideways, and then using a Z-shaped movement, almost instantly, Mizuki appeared in front of the boy. Before he could react, a dog who threw him over his shoulder chewed on the mud.

Text Volume 416. Ninja?patience!

The strength of Mizuki and this boy are obviously not on the same level.In any case, I graduated for more than a year, have done many tasks and played against many enemies. Such growth is definitely not something that the school can learn.

The felled boy struggled for a while before he got up from the ground shaking. The water tree here is merciful and has collected strength when he fell, otherwise it would be enough to break his spine if it was used against the enemy. !

Seeing the boy's dangling appearance, it is estimated that his brain was also fainted, Mizuki hit him with a healing technique, the light hit his brain, and he stood firm in the next second.

Mizuki said to him: "You are very good. The combination of shuriken and ninjutsu, and your speed at forming seals is very fast, you should have worked hard, right? Your name."

"Xiu Shu."

This was a boy's hit, and Shimada later said that he was still the monitor of this class.It's no wonder that if you don't have the ability to keep the people at work, this squad leader is not good, right?

Xiujiu's eyes were very unkind, and it seemed that he had been thrown into a dog to chew on the mud just now, making him embarrassed in public.But knowing that he is not an opponent, he did not take his own humiliation anymore.

Seeing Xiushu's unkind look, Mizuki thought of someone: "The handprints you made just now should be the use of'Water Escape: Water Turbulence'? The technique you used reminds me of me. One of his companions."

Because it's not the first time I saw this ninjutsu, I remember Szuranbo's handprints very clearly.

This sentence successfully attracted Xiusuki's attention. The other students whispered to each other, and they were probably discussing: "So from the beginning, Hideki's ninjutsu was seen through!"

When Hideki heard everyone talking, he blushed for a while.

But this is not over, because what Mizuki said next made everyone present silent.Here it is said: "My companion died during the'Konoha collapse' attack last year."

The disaster of Konoha's collapse occurred last year, and no one here does not know.

Because of the betrayal of the ally Shayin Village, Otonin Village surprises the village.Three generations of respected Hokage sacrificed, and countless outstanding ninjas died in battle.

The death of a large number of outstanding ninjas is definitely an incalculable loss for any ninja village, even Konoha can hardly be said to be rejuvenated.

Seeing everyone’s silence, Mizuki continued: “I was also there at the time, participating in the battle to defend the village. Who of you can imagine that when your companion who was talking and laughing with you just now appeared in front of you again, Has it turned into a cold corpse? Even being trampled under the feet by the enemy, and then watching his companions be killed in front of them?"

Last year, the water tree was only twelve years old, exactly the same age as the students here. Although it is said that he has graduated from school, it seems that there is not much difference.

Mizuki squeezed his fist, seeming to be telling, and as if talking to himself: "In the day when Konoha collapsed, my companions died and my teacher died. Since that day began. Since I started, I have thought more than once, if I have enough strength, can I change anything? Even a little bit!"

Speaking at this time, Mizuki picked up a shuriken that had just been thrown out, held it in the palm of his hand, and just clenched his fist. When he opened the palm of his hand again, the shuriken had become a pile of iron. pimple.

"I'm stronger now, but can everything change again?" He took the iron lump in his hand and gave it to the student to see.At the same time, I asked them a question: "You will become ninjas, but does anyone of you know what a ninja really means?"

Upon hearing this question, most of the students hesitated, and there was still whispering discussion, but the answers were not inconsistent.Some people say: "Shinnin and Naruto are strong like!" Some people say: "There are many powerful ninjutsu!"

None of these answers are inherently wrong, and the water tree also gives approval: "Yes, what you said is correct."

But no one knows the answer to this "ninja", right?Here again, Mizuki said: "I was fortunate enough to spend some time with Jiraiya-sama, one of the "Three Ninjas". He said: Ninja refers to people with tolerance!"

Speaking of such an answer, many people present must have expressed that they cannot recognize it.

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