I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 232

Admit wrong?Haha~ Mizuki glanced at Yakumo, then looked at the punches of the students, and whispered: "How is it possible? I hate being disciplined. I always eat soft or hard. I ran away that day. Run away from home, right? Stayed at a friend's house for several days."

Speaking of this friend, it's actually not someone else, just ran into Naruto's house.As for the later development of this matter, Hyuga, as a parent, must be shocked and furious. How can a girl go to a boy's house casually?Almost smashed Water Tree's ass.

Fortunately, the three generations came forward in time and warned them to spend their days privately.Because of the face of the three generations, the Japanese football didn't really beat him. Of course, Mizuki must admit his mistakes, otherwise the trouble would be too big and the ass was not guaranteed.

Hearing these words of Mizuki really surprised Yakumo, thinking that she was so bold: "If it weren't for the third generation to come forward, wouldn't you be very dangerous? Nissu-sama, you must be a serious person, right? ?"

This is indeed true. Mizuki didn’t deny it, but when it comes to danger, she doesn’t mind very much: "My cheap father, I don’t know what I’m thinking. The Hyuga clan wants to carry forward, how can he use his fist alone? Can you succeed if you are so powerful?"

The Japanese football’s favorite thing to say all the time is: "Konoha's strongest Hyuga clan!"

However, there was a living lesson a few years ago. The big family of Konoha Village and one of Konoha's founding families, the Uchiha clan, suffered the demise.

If you want to become the strongest Konoha family, the price must be to fight against Konoha's high-levels, because Konoha's high-levels are not fools and will not watch you sitting here, so they will definitely try their best to clean up you.

However, the Uchiha clan was also unlucky, because they wanted to rebel, so they were targeted by the senior management.However, the demise of the Uchiha clan made the Japanese foot smell something. Combined with the death of his younger brother, he knew very well that he chose to withdraw from the struggle for rights to protect himself.

"The higher the station, the colder the wind will blow." Mizuki said in a deep voice, "If it is unpopular, the final outcome is death!"

Because the soul of Mizuki is an adult, and comes from a world with a lot of information, she knows certain things well and can avoid things, of course she will not touch the thunder.

For the Hyuga clan who really want to become the "Knoha strongest" family, the best way is to wait with time. Naruto's rise will be unstoppable. Then Hinata will marry Naruto and become his wife, as long as Naruto becomes the new one. There is no reason why the Hyuga clan will not be the strongest!

All this was seen by Yakumo. This girl is also a girl from a big family. She should understand Mizuki's thoughts a little bit: "I really envy you, I can think so well."

In contrast, Yakumo was much worse. Although she was a young lady born in a family, she had already fallen.Although there was hope to put it on her at one time, it was ruined for her own reasons.

But it was just when the two of them were chatting, the girl who asked the question just now seemed to have encountered something and came over and asked Mizuki: "Sister Mizuki, do you know Naruto, is that Naruto Uzumaki? ?"

Mizuki looked at her and nodded: "Yes, what's the matter?"

When talking about this, the girl nodded silently, her cheeks were a little red, and she said shyly: "Last year, I took a leave of absence with my family, and I went to the Zhongnin exam competition, Naruto Jun is really amazing!"

In the first game of the Zhongnin exam, the battle between Naruto and Neji was indeed a very exciting battle.

Obviously on the weak side, relying on his perseverance and not succumbing to fate, he is inspired to become Hokage.In front of all the audience, he defeated Neji who thought he was a genius.

This is really an interesting girl. Mizuki asked, "I haven't asked your name, right? Can you tell me your name?"

The girl nodded and replied, "Yunli Qingyu, just call me'Qingyu'."

[Thanks to the book friend: Sad.Mo Qing, role provided: Yunli Qingyu]

[At the same time, the characters behind will come out one after another.

[By the way, if you consider the previous roles and discard them when you use them, is it too "humane", so if possible, I will give a chance to play...

Text Volume 419. Recognition

Speaking of Yunli Qingyu's concern about Naruto, he should still transfer the topic to last year's Zhongnin exam.After all, there is the last descendant of the Uchiha family, if you miss it, you may not see it for a lifetime.

At the time, the Ninja School was in class, but there were leave to watch the game.As everyone knows, the first game was Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyuga, a contest between a crane tail and a big family genius.

The excitement of this battle is not the gorgeous ninjutsu confrontation, not the superb skill confrontation, it is completely a duel with fate.

Naruto's crane tail is not much. The school is a famous troublemaker. He even dares to scribble on the Hokage Rock. He is almost hated by the whole village.

On the other hand, the genius teenager of the Hyuga clan, this is the first graduate of the previous year. Needless to say about his genius, and in the course of the competition, he showed that he had learned what he learned without being taught by anyone. "Back to Heaven" is absolutely defensive!

Everyone originally thought that Naruto Uzumaki would end in regret, especially the acupuncture points that had been sealed off by gossip fists, and no one thought he could still have hope.

But at the time, Qingyu in the stands saw the blond boy, climbing up from the ground with difficulty. He vowed to become the Hokage of Konoha Village and change the fate of the Hyuga clan!

Yes, after the two people collided fiercely, Naruto fell to the ground. Although everyone was impressed by his spirit, they all showed regrets of failure.

Yun Li Qingyu thought, "He mustn't give up! He mustn't!"

Sure enough, at this moment, Naruto broke out of the ground, ended the first game with a punch, and greeted the cheers of the audience as a winner.

Of course, there is also Yunli Qingyu in it, but at this time, Qingyu's personal feelings for this blonde boy may not only be subdued by his perseverance, but a kind of worship from the heart, right?[Reader: Sad.Mo Qing, what you want is crazy like Naruto~]

Mizuki and Qingyu probably also knew what happened during the exchange, and I had to admire this fool, but he was a woman!Let’s not talk about my own sister Hinata, and the princesses of the former Nai no Country. If you count the sisters you have encountered in the various, there are also the sisters in the movie.Even if there are no more than ten people, it is probably not less than Wei Xiaobao, right?

But after listening to what Qingyu was telling, the impact on Naruto was in the Chunin test, and it seemed that there was no development afterwards.She wanted to go to school, and Naruto often went out to work.

Qingyu also admitted to this: "My parents have great expectations of me, and I don't want to let them down. In fact, I have seen Naruto-kun after the Zhongnin exam, but I just passed by and saw it, and I didn't have time Talking."

It seems that Qing Yu is an active type. This Xiao Nizi is for Naruto. Does he have any thoughts of pursuing it?This was the first thought that Water Tree came out of his mind.

But if you change your mind, it shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?Naruto's elm head, do you know what to like?Hinata has liked him for so long, everyone around him can see that he is just this fool who doesn't know.Girls like it again there!

Seeing the look of Qingyu's yearning, Mizuki didn't want to hit her either. He thought for a while and said, "Naruto and I happen to be classmates. If you want to know his information, I can tell you!"

A little temptation caused Yun Li Qingyu to move, and it was obvious that there was a feeling of joy.But soon he was suppressed again, but soon his face turned red again.

But a little bribery is needed. Mizuki demanded: "At dinner, we go to the Yile Ramen Restaurant. You should know the location, right? Ask me to have a bowl of ramen and I will tell you the information about Naruto!"

There are not many things in class.

Mizuki will teach everyone his actual combat experience and training techniques, so that everyone can understand and experience by themselves. You don't need to pay too much attention to other things.

For the content of the entire open class, a little bit of practical fighting tricks will be explained in the front, and the boxing technique in the back will be the basis for training.What is needed is perseverance and intense practice over the years.

If someone has three minutes of enthusiasm, there will be no way. Anyway, what should be taught, Mizuki will come out without reservation.As for the question of whether they can learn in the end, it only depends on their own efforts.

Mizuki can tell that most of the students should not be able to learn.Because many people hit their fists once or twice, they became less interested, and they didn't make any difference in each stroke, and they looked like they were weak.

However, among these students, I saw a big man who looked very sturdy. He was estimated to be at least 1.7 meters tall. He should be twelve years old, right?

This big man's steel fist was really very hard. He looked at his fists very hard. Maybe his posture was a little bad, so he would adjust it and fight again.

Pointing to the big student, Mizuki asked Qingyu next to him, "Who is this student?"

After taking a look for help, Qing Yu replied: "A big hand Shiyou, he is usually an honest person, often bullied by his classmates. It seems that he is not very good at studying, but he is a hard worker."

Mizuki observed this student carefully and felt that he was a little talented. This is not about ninjutsu, but similar to his own physical skills.So after thinking for a while, asked Qing Yu to call this Shi friend over, and then said to him: "Seeing how hard you are punching, can you tell me why?"

This Shiyou's big man really said honestly: "Because I want to be stronger!"

Very good answer, and very real. I heard that his house collapsed during the battle of Konoha’s collapse last year. Although his family was evacuated early, the lesson of homelessness has already been printed on him. In the heart.

Upon learning of such a situation, Mizuki nodded in agreement with him: "You have perseverance, but you must have the determination to make yourself stronger. It is not a matter of overnight, do you understand?"

Shi You nodded vigorously: "Yes, I want to become stronger!"

This attitude is very good. Mizuki likes such people very much, so he decided to give him a little help: "You are very good, I hope you continue to work hard, if you have questions about spiritual practice, just come and ask me."

Instructing others to practice, it is not a problem, but the people on the side see it strangely, why would Shuishu look at him?While waiting for Shi You to leave and continue to fight hard, Yakumo asked this question in a low voice.

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