I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 238

Seeing their resolute expressions, Ibis nodded with satisfaction, then collected the transcript, hung the bell around his waist, and pointed to the bell and said, "Now, come grab it!"

Knowing that the other party is particularly forbearing, the strength must be far beyond them, Xiushu and his classmates exchanged eyes with each other.The other class cadres, at the same time, nodded clearly and quickly formed a formation of encirclement. They should attempt to use the tactic of siege.

Ibizi here sees her eyes, but there is no expression on her face. When the students are besieging themselves and attacking from all directions, countless shurikens shoot over.

Ibizi was not surprised when he saw this, and quickly reacted to Jieyin. The moment Jieyin was completed, he only heard a loud shout.Numerous wire ropes popped up from the ground around them. The students who had not had time to guard were immediately trapped by the wire ropes, especially when the slender thread was squeezed into the flesh and blood, the pain was unimaginable.

"As a general in the army, do you think there will be no defense?" Ibis said coldly: "If this were on the real battlefield, you people would have died several times."

These comparisons are still students, and the strength is a little bit one aspect, but it may also be stunned by the previous battle.I thought that if they worked harder, they could win the game.

What's more, judging from the situation just now, even though he knows that this is a special kind of forbearance, he will definitely have good strength.But there are a lot of people, and it is inevitable that I still underestimate the enemy.

However, not all the students were recruited here, at least Xiushu and a few of the class, the better cadres, when they saw the other party's Jieyin, they wisely jumped away.

Xiushu, who stepped back a few steps, looked a bit ugly, because almost the same class of students was controlled like this.According to the other party, they are completely "dead".

This made Xiu Shu very unconvinced, and took out a kunai to put on a fighting posture. Judging from this situation, he was already ready to fight a fierce battle.Said to his classmates: "This guy is not easy to deal with. I will attack the other side's temptation. If you find a way to save people, we will have an advantage with more people."

After the order was completed, Xiujiu Yuyin launched his own ninjutsu: "Shui Dun: Water Chaos!!"

As the simplest ninjutsu in Shui Dun, its killing power is very prioritized, but it is simple and easy to use, and it is excellent in terms of practicality.

The spouting water disturbed Ibizi's movements, and it was especially easy to stand on the water, but it was not easy to stand firm on the high waves.

Grab the examiner to stabilize the body, and the others immediately began to rescue the trapped classmates, but it is not easy to cut the wire even with a sharp blade.

At this time, it was still light feather, and quickly came up with a way to use the cutting characteristics of the wind escape technique to cut the troublesome wire.Because they are tight wires connected together, as long as one wire that breaks all the links, all of them will loosen together, and this will rescue the students.

Some students have some wounds, but fortunately, these are the scars of the steel wire, and they will not affect the next battle.But at the same time, during the battle between Hideki and Ibizi, when they wanted to capture the bell, they were trapped by the opponent's spell. Fortunately, the clever Hideki used water as a substitute to dissolve it.

However, this kind of battle made Hideki's Chakra look a bit heavy, and it seemed that he was breathing a bit thick.Fortunately, after eating the Bingliang Pills and drinking a sip of water, he recovered.

Text volume 430. Trial exam [6]

Unexpectedly, a special Shinobu is already so difficult to deal with. Xiusuki who has been slowed down, gritted his teeth and said: "This will be troublesome. Leimen and the people in Class I are not fools. If you find that we can't I will definitely come back."

Because I haven't found the Raimon Gate there yet, but judging from the current situation, if this "general" is going to fight them to the end, even if they try their best to grab the bell, it is estimated that they will lose out.

This is to prepare for the worst. They are not sure enough, but they have all reached this point. It is too late to retreat.Xiushu immediately said to the cadres around him: "I brought a group of people and attacked from the front. You attack him from the flanks and behind."

"Be aware of similar traps, but there should not be a second time. But be careful, especially if you find a group of people, if you rush back to support, immediately take someone to drive them away."

The current second squad still has an advantage in the number of people. After all, it is the main force. Compared with the harassment of the first squad that has no cadres and can only fight separately, there is no way to deal with them.

But what was scared was that Leimen returned with a squad of cadres. A fierce battle must be inevitable.What they have to do is to grab the bell first, then turn their heads and clean up another group, and the cadres of the other group such as Leimen, so that they will win the game!

After arranging the people under him, Xiushu needs to refine Chakra for the time being. He lets Qingyu next to him be the main attacker. Although Qingyu is a girl, he has a good grasp of Chakra. There are still many wealthy Chakras, Jieyin And release ninjutsu: "Wind Dun: Great Breakthrough!!!"

The strong wind spit out, and the bombardment was directed at the special upper Ninja Ibis. This is a low-level ninjutsu, and the power of killing is not very strong, but if you want to resist it, not ordinary people can do it.

Ibis here is similar, Jieyin summoned a lucky cat, which happened to stand in front of him to withstand the impact of the breakthrough.

But at this moment, several cadres of the second squad had already been killed from both sides. They thought of tactics and threw kunai on both sides at the same time, and there was a silk thread on it, and barbs could hang objects. .It's hard to say how much damage it can increase, but as long as something is hooked, it is definitely a good escape.

Ibis didn't expect the opponent to use such a tactic, but the kunai throwing from everywhere, the silk thread that had been dragged behind, was completely woven into a big net, and it was too late to escape.

Ibis here also snorted coldly, and threw many shurikens from her hands. These shurikens were not attacking the students, but the kunai thrown by them.Accurately hitting these unrefined quilts, the silk thread originally towed became messy, and finally became entangled and lost its effect.

Seizing the opportunity of this gap, Ibis successfully got out of the predicament, jumped to the head of the lucky cat, looked at the students in front of him, and said indifferently: "Good cooperation, and you can think of such a tactic, if you are trapped If you live, it's really hard to handle!"

Originally this was a task of fighting for the bell, as long as this thing was snatched, it was even a successful beheading general.The method just now is not bad. If it is entangled by the silk thread, the next thing to watch is that the bell was taken away by these students.

However, Ibis here is very decisive. Obviously, he did not give this opportunity. At least with such small means, he would not give any chance!

"Cut, damn it!" Feeling that he was underestimated, one of the class leaders couldn't help but rushed up with a handful of kunai: "Get me down!"

This kid's physical skills were good, and he rushed up with a stab at Ibis.The latter also took out a handful of unstoppable, hitting many metal sparks in a row, but the fight was not divided.

In order to support his classmates, some people rushed up behind them, wanting to join the battle.But there is trouble here, because there may be too many people on the head of this lucky cat.

Two people jumped up one after another, it was already very saturated.But the students in the back, still unwilling to show weakness, want to rush forward, this can become a melee.

Ibis, who seized this flaw, used his position as the highest point to beat these students down one after another.It seems that he alone is enough to deal with the students here.

Through the display, seeing the water tree in this situation, I can't help but frown: "It is good to take a serious exam, but in this case, wouldn't the second class be directly eliminated? After all, the cadres here will consume almost the same amount. , How do you fight with the first class?"

However, the next Mizuki saw a strange situation. She found a student next to Xiushu, whispering a little communication, and then said something to Qingyu on the side.

Because there is no sound collection, it can only be judged by lips, probably saying that there is a way.First, let the student just now use the ninjutsu of earth escape technique to raise the cone, and attack Ibizi to force him to leave.

When it's time for the beckoning cat to call, Xiushu uses ninjutsu to send a large water to the opponent. At this time, let Qingyu seize the opportunity and take the bell from the opponent.

How is this result?The answer is coming soon!

The first one is the earth escape technique. After the Jie Yin is completed, a slap on the ground turns the soil into a thorn, which stabs Ibizi very quickly.

Seeing such a situation, Ibis didn't dare to stay high, and could only jump from above.Because spiritism has a summoning time, I saw the lucky cat disappear with a "bang".

Hideki's handprint is completed: "Shui Dun: Water Turbulence!!"

At the same time, Qing Yu completed Jieyin: "Feng Dun: Great Breakthrough!!"

The water escape technique formed a torrent, which was blown up by a big breakthrough, and transformed into a water wall several meters high.

Ibis was also surprised to see that even if the water escape and wind escape were damaged, there could not be too much power.But this does not mean that he likes to be like a roar.

Immediately, he reacted and was about to start a defense with Jieyin, but at this moment, another light female voice was heard, which turned out to be after releasing the big breakthrough.

Qingyu Jieyin once again issued a new ninjutsu: "Wind Dun: Gale Palm!!"

Gale Palm is also a C-level ninjutsu, and compared to larger breakthroughs, it is actually easier to learn. The power is not too strong. When a single attack, only one person can be ejected.But one great thing is that if it is paired with shuriken and kunai, it can speed up the flight, and at the same time have a strong penetration.Power and lethality doubled and improved!

However, the creativity and thinking of students cannot be limited by conventional usage.Here you can see the water tree from the perspective of God very clearly.The palm of the gale that Qing Yu hit actually knocked Xiushu out!

Text volume 431. Trial exam [7]

"Nima, I really know how to play!" ——This is the first words Mizuki called out.

To be honest, Mizuki really has never used ninjutsu like this. Usually ninjas use ninjutsu and use various ninjutsu attributes to cooperate with each other very well.

For example, fire escape technique and wind escape technique can increase the power of wind and fire.Fire escape and earth escape can turn into magma to hinder the enemy, while earth escape and water escape can turn into mud and restrict the enemy's ability to move.

But it is really rare to associate escape technique with people.No, if you think about it, it seems that there is really a combination technique. I remember that it is Naruto and Toad Dragon. With the help of Naruto's wind escape technique, the auxiliary effect brought by it increases the impact of the water escape and produces a very strong power.

But which combination is ~ Oh, forget it, anyway, it is the water tree, which is definitely not going to do.

Mizuki didn't expect such a combination, and Ibis also didn't expect it, and Xiusuki, who was hit by the palm of the gale, was too fast to react.

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