I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 244

Here Mizuki agreed. She thought for a while and said to Yakumo again: "It's time for you to go out again. This time draw a dragon, the kind that calls the wind and the rain!"

"You guy, I really like to call me over the past two days!" Yakumo protested with dissatisfaction: "Do you know that painting is very troublesome! You must inject your will into Only by painting it can it be released with Chakra."

From the first day, Yakumo had been drawing with the drawing board, and the commander was very upset at the time. Now he heard that the water tree opened up, and I couldn't help it.

Yakumo is a genius of the Kurama family. He has extremely high illusion talents and can realize illusion, but this is not without limitation. If there is no one's own will and cannot be controlled by one's chakra, there is no way to form an entity.

However, the water tree here does not know the principle of release. Maybe this is what Yakumo painted in her opinion, isn't it the same as the "super beast pseudo-painting technique"?

This is definitely different!Because as long as you observe carefully enough, there are still many differences.

Because Yakumo uses illusion, the creatures summoned do not come out of the canvas, but can directly descend and appear where they should appear.

On the contrary, it is Sai's "Super Beast Pseudo Painting" ninjutsu. The ink used is all specially made items, which should be regarded as a special kind of ninjutsu.As long as the chakra is injected, you can directly activate the ninjutsu.

I remember there was an example in which Sai poured all the ink into the water, and then directly poured the chakra into the water, which reduced the painting steps, and also increased the number, creating a large number of ninjas.

Well, these words are a bit redundant.After hearing Mizuki's command, although the dissatisfaction was a little bit of dissatisfaction, Yakumo quickly executed it, drew a flying dragon carefully, and then launched his own illusion!

Text Volume 444 Chapter 441. Trial Exam [17]

A flying dragon descends from the sky, twisting its body can turn the clouds and rain, coming off the attacker and defender by surprise.The visual effect of lightning and thunder is excellent, accompanied by the attacks of thunder and water escape!

Because it was flying above their heads, everyone could see clearly that the monsters that came this time were obviously different: "Are they monsters with two attributes?"

At the beginning of the first day of the game, the tiger that appeared was able to escape from thunder, and the giant python that appeared later used fire to escape, and no monsters with two attributes have been discovered.But the flying dragon that appeared now, able to call the wind and rain in the sky at will, obviously has this ability!

"The combination of Lei Dun and Water Dun is the same as the combination of Fire Dun and Wind Dun, and the same two complementary ninjutsu attributes."

The first time the flying dragon appeared, he first spit out a large amount of water flow, and then added thunder attributes, and the current was transmitted through the water. Any student within this range would definitely be admitted to the hospital for treatment.

Thinking of avoiding such an attack, the students had to run as high as possible. The students in Class 1 jumped into the trees to escape, while the students in Class 2 were protected by shelters.

But the matter will definitely not end like this, because under the influence of the flying dragon in the air, it has already started to rain heavily.The environment here is getting very bad, and knowing that there is an attack from Thunder Escape, it will become more and more dangerous if this continues.

Some students tried to fight back, throwing kunai and shuriken attacks, but the effect was not ideal.The reason is that this dragon fly is a bit tall, not to mention the appearance of nearly a hundred meters.

Kuwu and Shuriken were controlled by gravity, and fell down almost without energy after flying halfway, and could not cause harm to the flying dragon in the sky.However, at such a height, should only be able to attack by thunder escape and wind escape?

Mizuki sat in front of the monitor and looked at the picture above. While eating popcorn, he said coldly: "Dual-type creatures can fly. How can you deal with it?"

Because the time of the game has entered the third day, it is almost half of the past, so it is necessary to increase the difficulty.

This ninja in the Naruto world remembers enemies with the ability to fly. Except for the theater version of Sora Shinobi, the only way to use ninjutsu and summoned beasts.But here are all students who are not even Xia Ren, and they definitely lack such coping methods.

Seeing such an unmanageable situation, the Thunder Gate of the first group decisively issued a retreat: "Let's go!"

Fight, you should still be able to fight in the end, after all, this is not to defeat them.But because he fought an offensive and defensive battle with the class two classmates, Chakra was at a loss.

What's more, Leimen also considered whether the students in Class 2 would take the opportunity to attack them if they took action against Flying Dragon?Therefore, he considered very clearly, put a step back for the time being, and proceed from the long-term plan!

Seeing the students in Class 1 retreat, if they rely solely on the strength of Class 2, I can't say whether they can be taken down, but they must bear the battle losses.

But fortunately, at this time, Mizuki asked Yakumo to transfer the flying dragon away, and let both parties take a sigh of relief for the time being, "Relocate the flying dragon back and stay near our central tower."

The flying dragon hovered above the central tower, and the dragon could be clearly seen everywhere in the entire death forest.

On the third day of the battle, the first half of the day was an offensive and defensive battle between the first and second squads, which was barely evenly divided. The second half of the day was disrupted by the flying dragon, and the battle on this day had to be terminated.

When the first class was returning to his residence, Leimen counted the classmates in his class: "There are twelve left."

Fortunately, everyone is a ninja. When the flying dragon attacks appear, everyone is ready, otherwise the loss will definitely be greater.

But even so, after a day of fighting, everyone has a bit of injury. For example, Leimen's own arm has a scar cut by a branch.After some simple dressing and rest, the next day should still be able to recover a certain degree of combat power.

Calling up the class cadres in the class, Raimon is ready to discuss tomorrow's combat plan and arrangements: "Have you noticed? As long as we and the people in Class 2, there will always be a creature coming out to disrupt the situation every time the fight is the most intense. "

This can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye, but every time after defeating these creatures, some good things can always fall out, so it is natural to be recognized, and it should be a rule set by the examiners.

However, Leimen here, after thinking about it, has a different view, thinking that this kind of spoiler is purposeful: "If it is a normal game, do you think it is necessary to do this?"

Normal competitions have to be divided into winners and losers. According to the competition organized in the school, it is more to win as long as you win, and you will not consider the accidents on the way.

But this time the game started from the beginning. Whenever the two sides hit the fiercest, such a creature would always jump out. It was obvious that someone did it deliberately!

Of course, this is certainly done by the examiner, but what is it for?What is the purpose?

Leimen observes his class cadres here. Either you look at me or I look at you, or they just bow their heads and think about it.

It seems that the Thunder Gate here has already seen it. They hadn't noticed this problem at all. If it weren't for the reminder now, they might have noticed it.

However, a thoughtful cadre here still puts forward his own opinion: "Every time in the fiercest battle, such a situation will occur. If it is not to reduce the possibility of casualties, I think the greatest Possibility, I don’t want to see us fight out the fire, causing the battle to lose control, right?"

The sword has no eyes and has various ninjutsu attacks. If you really get angry, it is difficult to avoid major casualties.In fact, such a situation really happened a few times. For example, someone was popular yesterday.

When Leimen heard this cadre's words, he did not make any statement, but fell into a kind of contemplation.Maybe this matter is in his heart, and there shouldn’t be much bottom line: “There is such a possibility that you said, but I don’t think it is like this. If it’s just to prevent accidental casualties, the nearby examiners monitoring our battles should Enough to deal with it, there is no need to do anything more. So I think there is still a possibility!"

Speaking of Leimen here, he has already made up his mind: "Tomorrow I want to find someone from Class Two. I am not going to fight again, but to find the answer!"

Text volume 445th chapter 442. Trial exam [18]

Because during the day on the third day, both sides were very tired from fighting. There was no fighting again that night, and the fourth day of the game came safely.

At the dawn of this morning, the second class students who had experienced the fighting the previous day were suddenly broken by a cold light while they were resting.

I thought it was another group of people who had killed, but when I reacted, I fixed my eyes to see that it was a kunai. It seemed that there was something tied to it?

Handing this thing into the hands of the class cadres, Yun Li Qingyu saw the above content: "See you at noon, Dijiehe!"

Could it be the battle book from the first class?Many students in Class 2 think so.After all, everyone only fought once yesterday, and both sides were at a time when they were at war.

Some class cadres think that the people in Class 1 are really deceiving people too much. They did not say that they launched a sneak attack the night before, and they came and ran a big fight yesterday. What do they want to do today?Are you going to fight with real swords?

Yun Li Qingyu heard everyone talking, even if she is a girl, but if she wants to be despised and underestimated, this is something she can't bear: "It's noon today? Want a decisive battle?!"

Everyone is preparing, thinking that since the other party wants to fight, they should just finish the fight. If they can’t fight, they just read one month’s book. Is anyone really afraid of whom?

But at this moment, a voice rang, Shi You heard this incident right after his morning exercise, so he rushed over to take a look.Knowing that everyone was preparing for the battle, he made a point: "I don't think that the first class of people sent this notice to mean an appointment."

Shi You gave an explanation: "Judging from the fights in the past few days, the strength of our class and the opponent is actually not much different. Hideki said that Raimon is a shrewd person. If he plans to yin us, Why are you here to send us a letter?"

This explanation sounds a bit popular, but it’s not unreasonable if you think about it, but if this is the case, it is still not very convincing.

A class cadre retorted: "The other party is making a date. This doesn't conflict with us, right? Besides, there was a surprise attack and a strong attack in the first two times. It is hard to guarantee that this time there will be no plans?"

The words of this class cadre have been recognized by many people. How can I say that this is an exam, and it may be a matter of concern to everyone, and it is definitely not to be careless.

However, seeing someone holding different opinions, Qing Yu thought in silence for a while, and then asked Shi You: "Why do you think that people in Class 1 didn't ask us to make an appointment? If it's just the reason you just said, it's not enough. To convince everyone."

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