I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 257

After listening to Mizuki, he felt that there was no problem: "Well, this plan is very good, I will go back and tell everyone. But as long as the people in Otonin Village are not a bunch of fools, they will definitely find a way to stop us, so we must Be fully prepared!"

Text volume 463. Fishing for "fish"

Mizuki returned to the place of Damingfu and told Feng of the plan he had made: "The specific plan is like this. As long as we sign the document with the country of Tian, ​​it means that our country and the country of Tian will confirm diplomatic relations, and then we will have The reason can be shot!"

The plan is very clear, and Maple nodded clearly: "Very well, if it looks like this, our task is to ensure that the daimyo is not killed before then. As long as the diplomatic relationship is reached, then the Otonin Village will be dealt with. Thing."

Kikyo followed Mizuki and said, "What should we do next? The daimyo can't die now, at least to ensure that before the document is signed, the ninja of Otonin Village must not be assassinated."

The maple had already figured out a solution, and she said to Kikyo: "Don't worry, I have already figured out a way to plant the calamus next to the daimyo."

Tian Zhiguo's daimyo refused, and Feng's opinion was correct.But there is a bad habit, that is, he is very greedy and lustful.Man~ Everyone seems to understand it, right?!

With the help of men’s common problem that men love beautiful women, Feng sent calamus to seduce daimyo. Although they may think this is a shameless act, they are all ninjas after all, and it’s not undesirable for female ninjas to make good use of their appearance. thing.

But when he said this, Feng also said one thing: "There should be calamus next to the daimyo, so there shouldn’t be many problems. But our task is to ensure the object, but the eldest son of this daimyo, his safety is the top priority. weight!"

But the problem lies here. It's not a big but a little question: "I found out about the eldest son of this big name, and he is not interested in ordinary women. He seems to be only interested in younger girls."

Does it sound like you want to arrange a ninja to protect the eldest son of the big name?However, it seems a little weird, this guy is still a lolicon?

Mizuki noticed something, and subconsciously replied: "How old is the famous son you mentioned?"

"One year younger than us, maybe a little older than you." Feng looked at the water tree, obviously looking at it: "How about it? Have you thought about it?"

I was fainted, and Shui Shu really found out. I remember that when she was twelve, Feng and several of them were fifteen or six years old. Now Shui Shu is almost 14 years old, and Feng is already seventeen or eighteen. .

Feng said that the eldest son of the big name likes girls who are younger, and he is probably between the ages of fifteen and sixteen.

It's a bit troublesome now. It's definitely unwilling to choose this kind of thing.After all, Mizuki's character would not have thought, what about himself and another man?

If it's ordinary friends and brothers, this kind of relationship doesn't matter much. After all, I and my classmates are almost like this kind of relationship, and they get along very well.However, if it is a relationship between men and women, then she can only forgive her for not accepting it.

Mizuki replied: "If you want me to protect his safety, this is not a problem. But if there are other factors, I might not agree."

Although it has become the current gender, more than ten years have passed.However, whether it is personality or way of thinking, it has already been set, and this is difficult to change easily.

I believe that the maple here should be able to hear the meaning of Mizuki's words.Said: "I understand what you mean, and I will not force you to make any sacrifices, but we are ninjas after all, and we need to prioritize tasks."

In this case, there is nothing wrong. Now Hokage intends to restore the relationship with Tanokuni, absolutely trying to suppress the expansion of Otonin Village.You must know that the founder of Otonin Village is the leader of Konoha's collapse plan-Oshemaru!

Because of Konoha's collapse, Mizuki's companions all died.There is also the task itself, which involves the relationship between two countries, so she must complete it whether it is public or private.

Mizuki's psychological aspect was tangled, and after figuring out this matter, he finally nodded and said, "Okay, I understand!"

Wanting to get close to the eldest son of the big name, Feng has already inquired about the information. This guy is like his father. He has no personal abilities, but he is very greedy and loves to be cool.

Every time I go out of the famous mansion, I am either molesting the cute little girl or I like to go hunting.He almost never does serious things, so it is not very difficult to meet him.

Set a certain time, when he learned that the elder son ran out again, Feng asked Mizuki to come in contact with him, and at the same time reminded: "Pay attention to your disguise. You should have learned it in school, right? Don't show yourself. The flaws, especially be careful not to be discovered by the ninjas of Otonin Village."

It's hard to say whether there is a hidden spy in the daimyo mansion, Tanokuni Ninja, so he definitely can't be exposed.

The process of Mizuki approaching this elder son is easier than imagined. Actually, I have already said that this guy likes little girls. It just so happens that Mizuki is not very old, and she is still less than fourteen years old. From the standpoint of her figure, it is even more prominent: Tong Yanju~ ahem~!

Another point is that Mizuki himself, because he was once a boy, he has a clearer and better understanding of the psychology of boys than the average female ninja.

As the heir to this position, the eldest son born to the wife of Daming Masahiro, is generally honored as the eldest son. The meaning of this word can roughly be linked to the "prince".

Because he was born in a daimyo family and grew up with a golden key in his hand, he is used to the situation of accommodating Baishun.But this is a completely different matter here in Mizuki.

After all, in terms of personal feelings, Mizuki would definitely not have a feeling for a boy beyond ordinary friends, let alone a guy who just met, and is far less emotional than Naruto and his classmates in school.

Without any emotion, everything is just bullshit.Mizuki wanted to complete the task, but just stayed by his side to protect his safety.

Mizuki turned a blind eye to this guy's favor, but in order to leave a hope for the other party, so as not to make him disgusted and alienated, he would also find ways to give friendly hints.

If you use any words to explain such a relationship, it should be a three-dimensional world. Girls often use the method to keep a spare tire.It just won't deliberately get close to boys, but it will give boys the illusion of "feeling about themselves".

Especially the water tree here, knows the boys very well. This way of keeping a distance can maintain a hazy relationship, but it can also stimulate a certain desire of the boys for themselves!

Text volume 464. Fake

There is a calamus planted by the daimyo, and a water tree is next to Shizi. Both of them disguised their identities very well, and they have direct protection. This should be no problem.

Soon after, according to the plan of action, the official diplomatic mission of the country has already arrived in the territory of Tanokuni, and it is about to start diplomacy between the two countries.

Because the former daimyo of the country of Tanokuni was used by Oshemaru, his ninja village launched an invasion operation against the country of fire and the village of Konoha.Although it can be confirmed afterwards, the daimyo had no knowledge of this matter at all.

So in order to ease the relationship between the two countries, in fact, as early as a few months ago, there was a plan to resume diplomacy, and now it just happens to be natural.

During this period, Feng summoned everyone to explain the situation: "As long as the documents of the two countries are signed, the country of Tanokuni will be protected by us. When Otonin Village wants to subvert this country, we have reason to participate. Therefore, the letter of the country The signing ceremony is very likely to be disrupted!"

Although the information was not collected temporarily, because there was no movement from Otonin Village, Kaede could not be found in a short time.

However, it can still be analyzed here. After all, Konoha has intercepted the information that Otonin Village wants to betray.This matter is definitely unavoidable, and it is impossible to stop it.

So the most likely way is to break the signing of the agreement, and at this most critical time, launch a rebellion to get rid of the daimyo of Tanokuni directly!

Feng arranged the task and said: "Changpu, Mizuki, you must pay attention to your surroundings during the signing ceremony. You must protect your daimyo and the son."

Needless to say, the two nodded their heads immediately.

At the same time, Feng added another sentence: "I and Kikyo will provide support at any time outside the court. If anything happens, we will give a signal in time!"

no problem!

Of course, when the signing ceremony took place, because they were not officials of the country, the two were not eligible to participate.But this doesn't matter. You must know that the water tree has white eyes and can be observed in the dark.

Two days later, we waited for the arrival of the diplomats from the Land of Fire and began the official diplomatic signature.

Mizuki's white eyes could see the maple and platycodons deployed outside, and said to the calamus who was with him: "Maple and platycodons are outside, and there is no abnormal situation around them."

After getting this information, Changpu nodded: "Okay, continue to observe."

Turning his gaze to the scene, Mizuki saw the country's messenger, as if there were only four people. The leader was a thin and tall man with a mustache.He seemed to be his adjutant next to him, a young and beautiful woman, who was taking out the documents ready for signing.

From the costume point of view, the two remaining ninjas seem to belong to Anbe?Mizuki felt a little strange. If it was to escort a diplomatic envoy, would Tsunade need to send Anbe?One upper ninja or two middle ninjas, shouldn't it be enough?

However, thinking of this task, it is very likely that it will become an S-level task. Is it because of this reason that an experienced Anbe ninja was sent?Mizuki didn't feel any murderous aura on these two ninjas, and could only watch the changes for a while.

"The signing ceremony, seems to be about to begin?"

The daimyo of Tanokuni and his officials had already sat down with the envoy from the fire country. The diplomatic agreement was already placed on the table, and the two parties began to review the contents.

It looked quite formal, and didn't notice anything abnormal.The two parties also discussed the contents of the agreement with each other in an attempt to gain more benefits for themselves.

However, in this process of fighting for benefits, the two sides inevitably have differences, so that there are contradictions.The people of Tanokuni believed that it was not their country’s problem that caused a rift in the relationship between the two countries, because the Oshemaru who led all of this should also be said to be the ninja of Konoha. They did not know when the incident happened, so it was completely It has nothing to do with them.

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