I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 274

The description of fireworks in the original work is not particularly large.I only knew that it was Hinata Junior's five-year-old sister. When she was young, she originally admired Hinata, but later saw Hinata's weakness, which made herself want to work hard to surpass her sister and win a duel.

Later, there were two short memories of Huahuo, recounting the relationship between Huahuo and Hinata.So for this own little sister, Mizuki still has a little understanding.Know that she is a strong girl, and is targeting her sister.

Seeing that Mizuki agreed, Hua Huo quickly took her hand: "I want Sister Mizuki to accompany me in practice?"

what?Do you want to be your own training partner?Mizuki thought for a while and shrugged helplessly, "Isn't that bad? I don't use soft fists. The hard fist is very lethal. If you can't control it, you will be injured."

This is Mizuki who doesn't want to practice. If it's the control of Chakra, Mizuki still dare not say that it is better than Sakura's, but he is already familiar with his body and muscle strength. If it does not exist, he will not be able to control it. Power situation.

But even if he said that, Hua Huo still reluctantly said: "Sister, practice with me for a while, okay?"

Seeing the attitude of this little girl, I know that Huahuo's character is relatively stubborn and a very strong character.It is estimated that if she doesn't compete with herself, she won't let it go, right?

At exactly this time, Hinata and Neji were tired of fighting, and they retreated to rest.

When there was a free space, Mizuki had to answer: "Well, just a moment!"

Hinata and Neji watched, Mizuki and Huahuo walked to the center of the venue, and the two looked face to face.

Mizuki said to Huahuo: "If you click until you finish, you will shoot first."

Nodding his head and making a response, Hua Huo made a soft fist posture, and the meridians of his eyes burst.Didn’t expect that you can open your eyes without Jieyin?It seems that Huahuo's Chakra control ability is already very good.

Give priority to the fireworks, hit your own attacks, and hit with soft fists.There are strong chakras on it, which should be aimed at the acupoints.

The latter is used as the water tree to deal with, and the pinch is the inch fist in the fighting technique, and the chakra is also attached.The attacks of the soft fist and the steel fist collided, because the power of the water tree was greater, even if he controlled his own power, the fireworks still took it reluctantly, and he stepped back a few steps after being beaten.

However, as a backhand attack, the fireworks came again with a soft punch.The speed was a bit surprisingly fast. The water tree, who had been a little despised, had no time to defend, and was hit by a soft punch in his body.I can clearly feel that Chakra has entered his meridian!

Mizuki frowned subconsciously. It seemed that when Hua Huo came to his own absence, he should have worked hard, right?But if this is the case, it is not enough to hurt her.

It is when Kahuo is happy for his attack and hitting the water tree.On the contrary, Ning Ci, who was sitting next to watching, discovered that there was a problem for the first time: "The water tree became stronger, and the soft fist of the fireworks hit her meridian. Although it caused her injury, she did not even take a step back!"

In this scene, not only Ningci, but also the Japanese foot and the elders in the distance.Their understanding of Rouquan was of course the clearest, but the water tree's defensive ability had reached an impressive level when it was hit by Rouquan.

Seeing the powerful water tree, the elder turned around and said to the Japanese foot in a clear tone: "Are you still hesitating?"

Text volume 494. Fourteen years old

If it is to develop according to the original plot, it should be to cultivate the fireworks beyond Hinata as the heir to and from the clan.

But now there is the emergence of water trees, which seems to have caused unexpected changes in this plot.It was only because of Shui Shu's lack of interest in Rou Quan that he could not be sure of the successor to this clan.

Sunzu looked at Mizuki's figure, sighed, and replied to the elders around him: "I understand this child Mizuki. She is a casual person and doesn't like being restrained. She had already said at the time, thinking It won’t change. And she really loves Hinata and Huahuo very much."

Because of the understanding of the water tree, the Japanese foot understands the water tree. Since it is unwilling, it will definitely not agree.Moreover, whether it is a clan or a division, he has clearly felt the problems of the contradictions.

He is the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, but for the sake of his family, even his brother can't protect him.This is a kind of sadness!But Mizuki is different. She loves her sister far more than the whole family.

But the elder here said with a stern face: "You should know that our Hyuga clan has survived until now, not the Uchiha clan being slaughtered. What is dependent on! I understand that you are ashamed and always think Your brother’s Nikkei. I was also there at the time. All this was for the Hyuga family."

Listening to the elder’s words, the Japanese foot was pondering for a long time, but he still couldn’t decide: "The thing that year was the sacrifice of oneself by the Japanese errand. I still remember what he said: I did not die because of the separation of the family to protect the clan, but because To protect his brother and the village and die."

What happened back then is a thing of the past, but the sacrifice chosen by the day difference is to break free of the shackles.Regarding his own brother, the Japanese football can't let go anyway.

"This is the choice he made, and you are also for the family." The elder comforted the Japanese foot, and then continued: "Well, I know you can't let it go, so I will give you some more time until they finish their fourteenth birthday. I want to hear your answer when I am coming."

In a few days, it was Mizuki and Hinata’s fourteenth birthday.

It is a memorable day to change from a girl to a girl, and the Hyuga clan is a large family of Konoha, and many of the same famous families come to celebrate.

Even Hokage-sama was here on this day, because everyone knew the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, but she was learning from Hokage now.

The master-disciple relationship has a very special meaning in the Ninja world, which can be understood as an alternative "father-son" relationship, because it is also a kind of inheritance.

To cite the simplest example, the current fifth-generation Naruto Tsunade, the teacher is the third-generation Hokage.The teacher of the third generation of Hokage is also the disciple of the first and second generation of Hokage of Konoha Village.

This kind of inheritance is related to the major families of Hokage. It is very clear that even the fourth generation of Hokage who resounded through the Ninja world many years ago is still a grandchild of three generations.

It can be said that Konoha's Hokage-sama all come from the same inheritance system of master and apprentice.Now Mizuki worships Tsunade as a teacher, even if he has joined this inheritance system.

Regardless of Mizuki's identity, personal strength, or merit, she is very promising and can become the next generation of Hokage.

However, the water tree here doesn't have much idea about his birthday or something.But being able to meet my peers in the same grade is still very happy.

The three families of Zhuludie are definitely here, so Ino, Shikamaru, and Dingci also followed.Because of the long-term mission, Mizuki had less contact with them, but when I was young, I was a very good pair of little girlfriends.

There is a small memory here. In the flower arrangement class that year, Mizuki didn't know anything about flower arrangement. Later, in order to get through it, I asked Ino to help.As a result, the course was over, but I owed a debt. To find a way to help Ino find out what Sasuke liked.

Come on, when I think of the scene at that time, many people in the class wonder if they like Sasuke.The angry Mizuki went crazy, but did he ask for help in exchange?In the end, it can only be a dumb eating coptis, and there is hardship to tell.

Thinking of what happened back then, when I talk about it with Ino, everyone is happy.By the way, Ino also mentioned the reason why he was angry at the time: "I thought that when you were inquiring about Sasuke's intelligence, did you like Sasuke and then snatch him away?!"

This kind of thing is a small topic among girls, but now everyone is growing up, and the contradiction between the two people later, of course, is solved because of the proof of time.

Mizuki has never liked Sasuke at all. On the contrary, because he knows the plot, and can't understand the pretense of Sasuke, he didn't make him a pigtail. How could he have thoughts about Sasuke?

But these are all things in the past, and now everyone treats them as a small topic, and laughed after talking.

There are also Tiantian and Xiao Li here. They first met Ning Ci, greeted each other, and then came with Kai.

Of course, there are also Inuzukaga and Shino. They went to Hinata first, and then came to Mizuki with her.Because everyone is a partner in the same grade, as long as it is not too private, they can actually talk about it very openly.

Mizuki hugged Tiantian for a while, and then snatched the dog from Inuzuka's teeth. Poor Akamaru was afraid of seeing Mizuki, but it was useless even if he hummed, because even his owner couldn't beat Mizuki. Besides, it is this puppy.

"I'm in a good mood today, come, Chimaru, here are bones to eat!"

In the three-dimensional time, the water tree likes small animals, but cats, not canines.One is afraid of a dog biting someone, even if it doesn't bite yourself, biting someone else is troublesome.

But the kitty is different. One is that he won't get close to outsiders who he doesn't like, and keeps extremely vigilant at all times, and the other is a super cute appearance!

Oh, what a pity!Because there is a saying: Men don’t keep cats, and women don’t keep dogs.A cat in Shuishu's family ran away one day after getting old, and couldn't find it no matter how to find it.

The old man in my own family said that this is the cat who knew he was going to die, so he hid.I was sad for a long time and never raised any animals.

Seeing this Akamaru now arouses a little desire in this area.But I am a girl now, the so-called: good women do not raise dogs.And for puppies, it's not as good as kittens.

Text Volume 495. "Father and Daughter" Talk

With the arrival of Mizuki's fourteen years old, and the presence of Master Hokage in person, it is tantamount to let many people focus on Mizuki's body.

Because each family is powerful, of course, I have heard of the traditional system of the Hyuga clan.If it is to change to the past, after the age of like Mizuki, candidates for the clan have already been selected for training.

Although it is a relatively peaceful era, there is no need for the tension of the war period, but this is related to Konoha's existing, the inheritance of the largest family, the Hyuga clan, which will still attract many people's attention.

This time Mizuki celebrated its fourteenth birthday, and all parties came here to inquire about it, right?

On the day of my birthday, there is nothing to worry about, but it is rare and very happy.After all, it is very rare that the companions of the same grade are almost all present.

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