I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 289

The water tree violently violently used chakras that he could still use, and forcibly tried to fight the chakras pouring into his body.

But her body has been traumatized, and it has been eroded a lot, and she cannot extract too many chakras.She couldn't resist for too long at all, but after exhausting her few chakras that could be used, the erosion of her by this force became more relaxed.

Text volume 520. Replace

"Is it done?"

When Le Zhengli saw that the water tree was affected, his consciousness had become blurred.And at this moment, her white eyes were dyed black.

Mizuki's body exudes an unspeakable weird breath, and the vague consciousness is replaced.The eyes turned dark, bursting with gray light.

There is nothing wrong, it must be a success!Seeing such a situation, Le Zhengli was very excited.

The dark eyes scanned the environment, deliberately looking towards the ceiling above, as if they could see the fighting outside, but they didn't pay too much attention.

Recently, I focused my gaze on Le Zhengli's body and watched him become respectful. Mizuki's throat made a hoarse voice: "You are too slow, too late than expected!"

Hearing this hoarse voice, Le Zhengli appeared more respectful: "My god, I'm very sorry to make you wait, but you can hear it now. I'm in trouble."

There was a sound of fighting from outside, which was very clear.

The hoarse voice hesitated for a while, not pursuing the problem, but said to him: "What did I ask you to find? Did you find it?"

Hearing this question asked by his own god, Le Zhengli's face was embarrassed, and he said humbly: "I have been to the place you mentioned, but it is already empty and sealed by a strong seal. Shrouded, I have no way to crack it alone. I can only find a way to wake you up first!"

I don't know what they are talking about, but I heard that he didn't find it.This made the attitude of the hoarse voice appear unpleasant: "You didn't manage the things I gave you!"

The angry mood swings, like a hammer, hit Le Zhengli's chest, almost making him breathless.

This is just an emotional fluctuation, if it is replaced by the explosive power, it is impossible to believe what kind of terror it will cause!Le Zhengli hurriedly knelt down, not even breathing loudly.

The hoarse voice was extremely annoyed by not getting what I wanted.Just when he wanted to punish him, there was a strong shock on the ceiling, it seemed that he had suffered a strong attack from Dao, and he was about to collapse.

Seeing such a situation, I know that now is not the time for punishment.The hoarse voice was softened, and to the person who was kneeling on the ground, he said: "I just woke up now and can't act for the time being. The person above will leave it to you."

Of course, the owner of this voice can tell that Le Zhengli needs strength.So give part of his power to this guy: "Go!"

With powerful power, a smile appeared on Le Zhengli's face.The figure disappeared in a flash!

The above is Ning Ci used Huitian, revolving to open a hole, but at the same time, it was also the defense that was thrown by the enemy from the kunai.

Use Huitian to defend against an enemy's attack, and Tiantian helps to kill remotely with hidden weapons.But at this moment, an enemy appeared unexpectedly.Moreover, he threw many shurikens at the beginning. Fortunately, Tian Tian here is an expert in hidden weapons. He took out a three-section stick from the scroll and danced it into a circle to block the shuriken attack.

But at this time, taking the opportunity to complete the handprints of ninjutsu, the enemy who appeared shouted: "Tudun: Tutaka Spear!!"

Swishw~a series of soil guns appeared, Ningci could see with a blank eye, and could make a prediction in advance.Tiantian's response method is to take out a shield, even if the shield is shot by Tulong, it can still give her some protection.

Ningji and Tiantian here were fairly quick to react, so they didn't get hurt.But after seeing this enemy, Kai on the side jumped up: "Ah, it's this guy!"

All the Kaiban’s people arrived, and Xiao Li appeared from behind. He found a tricky angle and attacked with a single blow "Konoha Tornado".

The power of this kick is not bad, anyway, kicking the tree is no problem, but the hardened part of this kick will greatly reduce the effect.

Le Zhengli grabbed this guy's legs and feet with his backhand, and smashed Xiao Li to the ground.However, Xiao Li's reaction was quick. After returning to the ground, he reflexively kicked it back, but it was a pity that this guy had already prepared.

Taking a pat of the dust on his body, Le Zhengli looked at the Konoha Ninja in front of him and said, "Unlucky for you, you are going to be the first person to try my knife!"

"You guy, what lie?" Kai asked Li to come back to him, stand up and look at Le Zhengli, and asked: "Hey, what is your name, let the water tree go quickly, otherwise I will ask you for a while good looking!"

Just now Mizuki was captured by this guy because it happened so suddenly that he didn't have time to rescue him.But no matter what, we must find a way to rescue the water tree.

But this kind of thing, but Le Zheng has been away from planning for a long time, and it is not easy to succeed, how can it give it back?Of course Le Zhengli refused.The best way to answer is to pat the ground after forming a handprint!

At this moment, twelve sculptures made of mud rose from below the ground. This is the thing that has been summoned just now.But now it is possible to move, they form a circle, thinking of a few people from Kaiban attacking.

Seeing such a siege, Le Zhengli sneered: "I won't give you the person you want. If you want to save her, it depends on your ability!"

Several people in Kaiban were entangled in clay sculptures. They were all ninjas of body skills. It was not easy to deal with these clay sculptures.Because although their attacks can smash these clay sculptures countless times, these clay sculptures will be restored again, and they cannot be destroyed at all.

This unfavorable form of fighting has affected all members of the assault group.Seeing them falling into a bitter battle, the ninjutsu team began to use ninjutsu to output long-range firepower.

However, before using a few ninjutsu, the feet of the members of the ninjutsu team turned into a soft mud swamp.Many people get caught off guard, and it takes a little effort to get out if they want to struggle.

Fortunately, the leader of the ninjutsu group is Kakashi, who happens to be also good at earth escape, and immediately Kieyin patted on the ground, providing a solid platform for everyone: "Don’t panic! After standing firm, make a group of two. , A coordinated attack."

Because there was a battle plan before, the ninjutsu team didn't need to rush into the battle directly, it was specifically to provide long-range fire support to the assault team.Moreover, it can be seen from the current situation that Kaiban can still cope, and they do not need their support for the time being.Another thing here is that you need to wait for a signal!

Text Volume 521. A Name: Russell

Originally Le Zhengli's strength was good, but now that he has gained even more powerful strength, it is even more difficult to deal with.In the face of the siege of several people, it was easy to deal with.

But just outside, while the fighting was in full swing, a fight was also taking place underground.

Mizuki's body was occupied by a certain power, but she did not give up resistance. After all, this but her body cannot be occupied by others anyway!

"Do you still want to resist me?" a hoarse voice shouted, but due to the influence of the water tree's will, the seizure of body control progressed quite slowly: "But a human being dares to be an enemy of God!"

In a pair of dark pupils, there was a ray of white light, but this light was very dim.And soon it was submerged by darkness again, but every time it appeared, the will of the water tree would be a little more sober.

Her will is very firm and she absolutely allows this guy to completely control her body: "Don't dream, what about you even if you are a god? I won't let you succeed!"

The tug of war over the control of the body continued.

The resistance of Mizuki's will is very tenacious, but due to the influence of the formation, the power of the spell is constantly impacting.With the passage of time, the spirit has become more and more tired.

This can be clearly felt, and the hoarse voice makes an unpleasant laugh: "You are a human being after all. No matter how tenacious your will, you still have to be affected by your body."

As a being who claims to be a god, there is no doubt that he possesses a powerful force that exceeds humanity.This is not for comparison with human beings, even if the water tree is excellent, but without departing from the category of humans, it is difficult to compare with God.

However, no matter how powerful this god is, Mizuki will not give up lightly. If she gives up when encountering such a setback, she is not qualified and not worthy to be a ninja!

Mizuki's body was temporarily controlled, but her will did not shrink.Still fighting against it, trying to regain control of the body: "Human beings are not as fragile as you said, no matter how great the difficulty is in front of them, as long as they can't kill us, human beings will definitely climb over."

Having mastered the control of the body, only suppressing the will to resist, the hoarse voice came mocking: "Do you think you still have a chance?"

It is very easy to have the advantage now and suppress the will of the water tree.If it weren't for consideration, the strong suppression would cause the body's strong rejection reaction. Wouldn't it be swallowed?Therefore, this god has strong faith in this voice!

It was already noticeable here, Mizuki's excellent physical fitness.After long-term high-intensity exercise, the condensed flesh and blood is quite strong, and you can break hard rocks with a single punch, which is nothing at all.

With the powerful suppression, Mizuki's will feels the breath of death, and the connection between body and spirit is being severed.If the two break away, it will be equivalent to the soul leaving the body!

Consciousness began to blur, and Death's sickle for reaping the soul had come silently.

Perceiving the resistance of the water tree, it began to weaken.The power of the hoarse voice is digging into the brain of the water tree, beginning to encroach and control.

Everything is developing in a favorable direction. Because of the occupation of the brain, the information in the brain of the water tree can be read, and an important information can be obtained: the mission of the country of the vortex a year ago: "Raksha? Rahu? This human being, Have you seen them?"

The owner of this hoarse voice has a name: Luo Yun!That's right, Daan Shura, he is talking about.

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