I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 292

The meaning of this sentence does not sound like saying that the water tree is related to Russell.But on another thought, Luo Hao said that there are variables in reincarnation, does he dare not be completely sure?

Mizuki had such thoughts, Luo Hao continued to say, "But there is one thing, your King Kong is not bad, and your strength is somewhat of Russell's characteristics. If you want to verify There is only one way for your relationship with Russell!"

Text Volume 525. Verification

Luo Hao and Russell are both one of the only asuras in the world, and naturally there is a way to verify each other's existence.But this requires Mizuki's assistance. If she is unwilling, it may be difficult to guarantee accuracy.

This kind of thing made Mizuki hesitate, because she couldn't guarantee that Luo Ha was threatening to herself.If you leave it to him rashly, don't know if you take the opportunity to kill yourself?

It was when Shui Shu had such hesitation, Luo Yun saw what she was thinking and said, "If I wanted to kill you, I would have wiped you out. Where did I talk to you so much?"

Okay, this guy is reasonable. Judging from the previous character of Luohu and Raksha, the people of the Asura clan don't seem to have too much mind when doing things.

To be precise, with a single way of thinking, one thing will not change easily, such as making yourself stronger.They will do everything.

Luo Hao here is almost the same. The Shura clan are not good at playing tricks, just for all means to achieve their goals.Since he said that he had no idea, just believe it.

Mizuki asked, "What are you going to do? How should I cooperate with you?"

Luo Hao replied: "It's very simple, as long as you first seal the seal and absorb the chakra. I am here to cast spells and summon Russell's soul. If it can be combined with you, it proves that you are related to Russell. If it is not compatible with your body , Or the existence of rejection, it proves that you have nothing to do before."

It looks a bit similar to the ancient saying that a drop of blood recognizes relatives.If it is a biological child, it is considered compatible by blood, otherwise it is not compatible.I don't know if this method is scientific, but now it is Luo Yun who said this, and he can only assume that this is feasible.

Mizuki's hands are imprinted, and the chakra of the body is extracted.At the same time, Luo Hao also sealed the seal, and separated the Chakra on himself.The two chakras collided with each other and reacted slightly.

Seeing such a situation, Luo Yun's expression was a little serious, and he already felt it.But I still want to make a confirmation: "It's started, you are ready, don't resist."

Now it started, Luo Hao transported his chakra to the water tree's body.This can't help but make people worry about whether this guy will take the opportunity to control it.

Shui Shu's psychological aspect is guarded, always alert to the other party, if she really intends to do so, she will immediately use the nirvana, and attack him with an Asura Bahuang punch!

But soon it turns out that this is a little bit redundant.Because Luo Hao might also want to confirm, is the water tree related to Russell?Waiting for the Chakra to be sent to the water tree, and immediately see a change.

This is his own body. Mizuki feels that his body clearly has a kind of lightness and pleasure, and its ability to sense the whole body has been greatly improved.For example, she does not need to look with her eyes, and she can sense the energy of Chakra flowing in nature.

Such a state made Mizuki feel that there was an inexplicable induction: "Yes, this feeling: soul mode!!!"

Mizuki remembers clearly that in the game of "Ragnarok", there is a profession: a spiritualist.This profession has a unique skill, which is described as summoning the soul of the strongest.Attached to the target, the corresponding skills and abilities can be greatly improved.

For example, after adding souls to the Asura class, when the Raptors exaggerate skills are used, they can change from a single damage skill to a range-based skill centered on the attack target.

In order to test whether this is really the soul mode, Mizuki used a raptor to exaggerate when he saw a forest. As expected, the fist hit it. Not only the target tree was beaten into fibrous shape, but also the surrounding trees within a certain range. , All turned into plant fibers!

"I didn't expect this to be true, soul mode!" While Mizuki made a happy voice, he actually forgot the existence of someone.She hadn't reacted yet, but Luo Yun took the initiative to hug Mizuki in his arms, so Mizuki was caught off guard, and he slapped him up: "Hey, what are you doing, respect it!"

Damn, dare to take advantage of my old lady?

When I pushed him away, what I saw was a sad and tearful face, because this has already proved that there is a certain connection between Mizuki and Russell!

Luo Hao said: "I didn't expect it, I thought I would never see you again."

The water tree in soul mode is a bit different from just now. This is a normal phenomenon. After all, even in the game, there are special soul effects.

However, the water tree that I see now should be said to be much more mature. The teenage girl now looks like a royal sister, she has a slender figure and quite sexy, and her face is full of charm and temptation.

There can be no mistake, Luo Hao knows this person, and this is Qingtian Asura: Russell!

When Mizuki saw him like this, thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with the guess just now.There are some special feelings between this person and Russell?

But Water Tree is self-conscious and has no memory of Russell, so although Luo Yun's behavior can be understood, it is really unacceptable.

Luo Hao quickly realized this, and his mood quickly calmed down.But you can see his expression, there is still a complicated expression: "Russell chose you, I think it was her intention?"

It seems that there is nothing wrong with the existence of Water Tree and Russell.But why can't I feel it?If it was Russell’s reason, let yourself come into this world and become a daughter.Why haven't you seen her before?

Luo Hao pondered this question for a long time without answering any questions.Still asked by Mizuki: "When you occupied my body, it seemed to say that you were hated. Is this matter related to you?"

Luo Yun still did not answer, and even more silently, it seemed that there was a problem.

But for the emotional matter, Mizuki couldn't know the reason from the perspective of a third party.But there is a strong feeling that Luo Hao should have done something to sorry Russell.

Of course, before getting any information, all of this can only be a guess.

This matter is a bit related to personal issues. Shui Shu is not a gossip, and when he sees Luo Yun's unwillingness, he just won't talk more.

But at this time, Mizuki saw Luo Yun's body, there was a leak of Chakra, and starting from the lower part of the body, it was getting darker and darker.I think the chakra is about to disappear, right?

Text volume 526.More

Luo Hao's Chakra comes from the natural world, and because of the existence of formations, he can preserve himself without losing.But now the formation is destroyed, and he can't exist for a long time.

Seeing the changes in his body, Luo Yun sighed helplessly: "It's a pity, I almost came to this world."

The original plan that everything went well was still miscalculated.

But he didn't have too much regret, because he saw the person he wanted to meet, although it might not be the real person.If you really want to say you have regrets, it should be this, right?

When Mizuki saw his situation, of course he realized what was going on: "Are you going to disappear?"

"Yes, there is nothing wrong." Luo Yun nodded and said, "Isn't this what you want? I disappeared between heaven and earth, which is also a good thing for you, because as long as I disappear, there will be no There is a threat."

He wants to descend into this world, no doubt, like Luo Hu and Raksha, he has the idea of ​​conquering this world.After all, as an Asura clan, their only meaning is to make themselves stronger.

But Luo Hao here is a bit different, with his own personal feelings.This was the first time Mizuki saw this, at least in Luohu and Luosha, but she had never seen it.

Mizuki said, "Of course I want you to leave this world, but I still have a lot of problems."

"Mother-in-law, I hate this the most." After saying this, Luo Hao looked at the water tree and said, "For Russell's sake, let's tell your question!"

It seems that Russell should occupy an important position in this guy's heart?

But seeing him look impatient, Mizuki somewhat understood why Russell would hate this guy.Which girl doesn't want boys to love her, this guy shows such a bad temper all day, really deserves to be hated!

Of course, this kind of thought will definitely not be said, Mizuki said: "I want to learn, you give me this ability to use."

Mizuki wants to learn: Soul Mode.Because she has a feeling that whether this skill is perception or can improve the release effect of the skill, it should be her own fairy mode!

"Do you want to learn this?" Luo Yun refused, not that he didn't want to teach, but even if he wanted to teach, Mizuki couldn't learn now: "If you want to learn the soul mode, you must die and become a soul before you can learn. . Have you ever died?"

With such a sentence, Mizuki remembered saying similar things when he asked Luohu and Rakshasa in the country of vortex.It's just that they thought they were joking at the time, how could they have to die?

Now that I heard Luo Yu's explanation, I started to understand a little bit.It seems to be a cultivation environment, not suitable for cultivation, right?This point can be referenced, Naruto still needs a suitable environment for the start of the fairy mode.

But this condition is too harsh, right?Actually said that he wanted to die once?If this Nima dies, can it still be reborn?Transverse text becomes rebirth text?

Luo Hao said indifferently: "If you can practice successfully, with the help of Russell's presence in your body, it is very possible to regenerate into an Asura. Why not? Our Asuras are the strongest race!"

The Asuras are brave and fierce by nature, and are the most talented races. Moreover, according to the introduction of mythology, the Asuras have repeatedly fought against the gods, and they have beaten the gods to the ground.

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