I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 294

To come up with such an answer, I saw that there was a basis, that is, when the water tree punched the enemy, there was a "sonic boom" phenomenon.

This is a very typical physical phenomenon. As mentioned before, the fist of the water tree can already play the "sound barrier" effect of "shock wave". This is the sharp increase in air resistance when the speed is close to the speed of sound.

If the bottleneck of the "sound barrier" is to be broken, it is necessary to break through to the limit of sound barrier formation at the level of speed and strength. After breaking, there will be a loud explosion. This is the appearance of the "sonic boom".

Everyone knows that what Mizuki specializes in is power, and at this level, there were very few opponents in Konoha's Shinnin.Later, it was the strange power of the fifth generation of Hokage, which could barely compete with it, but it still couldn't achieve the effect of breaking through the sonic boom, but now Mizuki has done it!

Watching his fist attack, he flew out Le Zhengli directly.Even Mizuki herself was a little surprised, but she knew in her heart that the punch just now was due to her strange power.

If you want to make a reasonable explanation, it is because Mizuki is in the state of soul mode, her control of Chakra is not a perfect flaw, and it has become almost perfect.Originally, his own strength is strong, coupled with the speed of the explosion and the strange power he plays, it is possible to produce a sonic boom.

But anyway?Anyway, this kind of fist might not be able to find a second one in this world.Of course, it is necessary to exclude certain monsters that have died and have not been resurrected. After all, many of them are at the later BOSS level, so they are not counted as alive.

Le Zhengli got up very hard, and he was in an indescribable embarrassment. He really had to say that he was unlucky, and he became the first "soul mode" experiment.But it should also be said that he is a bit lucky. One is that when the water tree appears, he hardens his body and strengthens his defense.And he was bestowed by Luo Yun, so he was not knocked out by a punch.

Shaking his body to stand up hard, Le Zhengli had a painful face, and at the same time there was a hideous look: "Damn, I didn't expect that things would turn out to be like this. I knew I should kill you first! "

What he said is correct, because Mizuki has played against Le Zheng many times. He once had several chances to overwhelm Mizuki, and with the help of rich combat experience, it was not that there was no possibility of killing her. .

But all because of various problems, he didn't do it in the end.Shui Shu's strength is now obviously stronger than him.

"How about? Give up?" Mizuki looked at him and said, "surrender. You are only forced by the situation. As long as you do it yourself, I promise you won't embarrass you."

The environment is changing a person, and Mizuki feels a little sad for Le Zhengli. Although she has been proven to be related to Russell, she should have something to do with Ashura.But Mizuki has never been as bloodthirsty and warlike as Asura. He is not a person who loves killing, and there is no reason to embarrass those who surrender.

But it is a pity that Le Zhengli here already knows that he has come this far. If he loses, he will really lose everything.So even if he was willing to face death, he would not be willing to surrender with nothing!

Le Zhengli coughed up a mouthful of blood with his hands together, and even though his heart and lungs were damaged, he still shouted: "Edden: the art of earth dragon bullets!!"

A B-level ninjutsu, Mizuki saw his angry Chakra, so the intensity is probably not worse than A-level?Seeing an earth dragon appearing from the ground, he opened his mouth to the water tree and swallowed her!

There is a trace of embarrassment on Mizuki's face. I wonder why she is embarrassed?But she still reacted very quickly, pointing the direction of the virtual grip towards the earth-dragon bullets that came towards her face, and she also shouted: "Inhale!!"

The skill of inhalation is in the game of "Ragnarok". In addition to the competition with professional PVP, there is a certain chance of stealing SP when dealing with monsters, which is mana.

Because of long-term head-to-head battles, Mizuki prefers to use his fists to solve problems, so he has never used this ability to deal with enemies.And the success of this skill is probable, there is no need to waste an action to do boring things.

However, the current water tree is in the soul mode, and the effect of all the skills is stronger, with a 100% chance of being absorbed.The game is magic value, of course this world is chakra!

The chakra used by the earth dragon bomb was easily captured by the water tree's inhalation skills.And grasped in her hand, turned into a sphere energy bomb: "It's useless, now I, you can't defeat it! There are no more than three things, so I will say it again at the end: surrender!"

Zhuge Liang had captured Meng Huo seven times, and Mizuki had given her a third chance. If she couldn't understand, she wouldn't have much to say.

Seeing his own ninjutsu, Le Zhengli could be cracked in this way. His complexion instantly changed. It seemed that he might not even dream of a dream. He would fall so ugly, right?

Everyone here looked at Shui Shu's face with fear, and even Le Zhengli's men lost their intent to fight.But he still refused to surrender, and chose to persist in resisting.

Finally, a mudra was formed, and he wanted to extract all the chakras and incorporate them into his ninjutsu.He gathered all the clay figures together and merged them into a mud creature comparable to a tail beast: "Forbidden Art: Jizo!!"

The powerful chakra spewed out, releasing a terrifying breath.The water tree in the soul mode feels very clearly: S-level forbidden technique!

It seems that the other party is going to die, because the more powerful ninjutsu, the greater the price to pay when used!Le Zhengli is using his life as a medium to perform this technique!

"Even if it's dead?" Mizuki shook her head helplessly, she understood in her heart that death was fearless for him.He couldn't help but squeezed his fists, and put on a familiar fighting posture: "Axura Bahuang Fist!!"

Text volume 529. Mission completed

The collision of Forbidden Skills Ninjutsu and Ashura Bahuang Fist caused an extremely powerful explosion, the effect was to form a terrifying shock wave, almost even the ground was lifted up on the spot.

While waiting for everything to end, Le Zhengli was already lying on the ground without breathing.

Mizuki was affected by the sequelae of his nirvana, and became a little sluggish mentally.There were scattered light spots on the body, and it quickly returned to its original appearance.

The main criminal is dead, and the water tree has successfully retaken the villain's island, even if this task is completed.

The next step is to take a moment to explain the rest.The first is about this villain island, Water Tree has decided to hand over to Water Country to manage.

As a window to the outside world of the Land of Water, this is of great significance to Terumi who wants to end the "Blood Mist".She deepened her belief in creating an "open country of water"!

In this way, Mizuki's original idea was formed inadvertently, because she was recognized by the country of water, which allowed her to go back and explain to the daimyo.

There was another thing afterwards, that is, the prisoners who followed the water tree, gave them freedom as promised.As long as he doesn't do anything that hurts the world and harms the interests of Konoha and the country of fire, he will not be chased by the Konoha ninja.

In order to give them something to do, Mizuki pointed out a clear way to them: "I have already contacted the country of fire, and promised to open the port and customs so that everyone can undertake maritime business. The country of fire, the country of water, and the country of wind Country, Country of River, Country of Wave, Country of Bear, Country of Sea, Country of Wave, Country of Tang, Country of Thunder, Country of Vegetables, these are the trading partners I have contacted before, and you have enough orders to satisfy Your job needs, I hope you can cherish your life now and in the future!"

Mizuki chose to let go, restore the prisoners' freedom, and return their future to them.

Such an approach naturally made the prisoners very grateful. After all, they were once locked up in a dark prison, and many of them thought that they would die like this.

Now that they have a chance to start a new life, how could they not be moved?

After all the affairs of the villain were explained, Mizuki left with Konoha's ninja.

A few days later, return to the land of fire and return to Konoha Village.Reporting the mission to Master Naruto was divided into two parts by Mizuki during the period. One was the process of eliminating the forces occupying the villain's island and killing the enemy boss.One is to connect the villain's island with the water country, and get a bridge formed by the fire country.

The former is to be easier to say. Tsunade didn’t ask too much, he just said: "The Island of the Evilman is far from the mainland and closer to the country of water. Our country can’t get in there. As long as it doesn’t become a hazard to our country, nothing else will happen. what."

What Konoha Village needs most is to develop and grow. After all, the country of fire is the only country surrounded by four of the five major countries, and it needs a relatively peaceful national environment.

The sand hidden village in the country of wind is Konoha's alliance. As long as the country of water does not become a worry for the country of fire, it can maintain the peace of the country of peace and land and the country of thunder, which is conducive to maintaining the current state of strategic balance.

The Tsunade here at will pay more attention to the latter. Tsunade asked Mizuki separately: "The country of water is different from other countries because it is isolated from the overseas geographical environment, coupled with the closed and bloody policy, it has always been The origin of the name'Blood Mist'. Are you sure we can build a bridge to communicate with the Water Country?"

Mizuki knows this question and knows how to answer it: "Hokage-sama, when I was on Villain Island, I used to have contact with people from the Water Country, and learned that there are people in the Water Country who are standing in hope of opening up. So I think that in the country of water, internal fighting should happen soon, and the open party will inevitably win!"

Based on the development of the original plot, Mizuki probably remembered clearly that Terumi Ming took over as Suikage before Naruto returned to Konoha.That is to say, it is very likely that in the next year, the water country will produce unimaginable, but expected changes.

Of course, the reason given by the water tree here is definitely not that he knows the plot.Instead, I chose to come up with a few analyses to express my confirmed views.

The main thing is to cite three examples. First of all, the first point is: "The scary color in the blood fog will instinctively make people feel resistance. As long as one person leads the resistance, it will inevitably become a prairie fire. Power."

Without the basis of public opinion, this is the first point of failure!

The second example: "Now there is a voice in the Wuyin Village that wants to open up, and I heard it the last time I went. It's not a day or two. The long backlog can't be vented. This is the most obvious fuse!"

One fuse is enough to detonate an explosive!

The third example: "We are now in contact with a villain island in the country of water. Through such a window, people in the country of water are bound to see the gap between them and our mainland. Then they are naturally Will strengthen the determination to pursue the openness of the country!"

The three examples Mizuki gave are definitely very clear and direct.Without the basis of public opinion, there is a fuse for change, and the changes and gaps that can be seen, without exception, are all right to the point.

Tsunade here nodded his head in a very reasonable way: "That's right, so it seems that our country of fire and water still has a possibility."

During the Second and Third Ninja Wars, the Nation of Water was located overseas on the other side of the Nation of Fire. For a time, the hands and feet that held the Nation of Fire could not be expanded.

It has been an elbow and arm pain for a long time, but if a connection can be established, the two sides can communicate and communicate with each other. With the geography of the fire country and the water country facing each other across the sea, it is completely possible to become an ally.

In this way, we can see that the alliance of the nation of fire, the nation of wind and the nation of water, and the alliance of the three of the five powers, the status of the nation of fire will inevitably be in the forefront of the nations again!

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