I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 319

If one’s own military intelligence is stolen, it will be their negligence as a ninja, and in the worst case, it may cause their own troops to suffer unimaginable losses.

A few of them are also ninjas. They have graduated from school for a few years. Should they have this consciousness?

Seeing that they were all aware of the mistakes they had made, Mizuki continued at this time and said: "It just so happens that I also encountered an incident that requires you to provide me with a little convenience."

Because I thought that the investigative ability of the eighth class should be the most prominent team in the same grade, if you can get the help of the eighth class, it might be easier and easier to find a ninja in the kingdom of frost.

Simply narrate the matter and let them know what happened.If this thing succeeds, in return for help, Shuishu will return the things taken from Caoyin Village to Class 8.

Is this a deal between the two teams?After all, even if there are two teams, they are from Konoha Village, and everyone is very familiar.But now it’s the Zhongnin exam and is going through a game, and the same is considered a competitor.

The eighth class has no choice, because if there is a conflict with Mizuki, they are unlikely to win.Shino is certain that he can use insects to infiltrate Mizuki's body, but this method is not desirable. Everyone is too familiar with it. Moreover, Mizuki and Hinata have a close relationship. No one will be happy if anyone gets hurt. .

So after a brief thought, the people in Class 8 agreed: "Well, we are also to help. Mizuki regained the grace of the scroll for us?"

Everyone is a ninja in Konoha Village, and the relationship and friendship are not shallow. This is naturally no problem, and there is no need to look at other ninja villages. When you cooperate with each other, you need to target each other, which can be said to be much better.

But when it comes to helping, there is a problem.There is no clue at hand now.

Toga and Akamaru's nose need smell to be able to track with smell.Shino needs to be marked with a female, and then a male can be used to find it.Hinata hadn't even seen anyone, and he didn't know the nature and appearance of Chakra, and he couldn't find it.

At this time, it was a bit deadlocked, but fortunately, I quickly thought of a way.You should know that in the previous time, the observation of water trees took almost a whole day, and you can see the terrain here very clearly.

Take out a simple sketch of the location of each place and say: "We are in this place now. This is the area where the ninjas of Frost Land disappeared. If they have already won the scroll, they must go to the central area."

Point out the current location and make a simple mark.Then mark the original location, and then draw a line, so that the intuitive picture becomes clear.

Because the game time is given for three days, the time is a bit difficult and urgent, so the most likely choice is to head towards the central stronghold so that you can see an obvious path.

"This is the path they are most likely to take. If they choose to take another path, it may delay time on the one hand, and it is easy to meet other teams on the other."

Seeing this simple drawing drawn, everyone thought it should be like this.But in the case of uncertainty, it is better to investigate first.

The easiest way to do this is to leave it to Shino.Because he is the only one here, he can release a large number of bugs and search for targets on a large scale.

Because of the relationship between distance, everyone decided after discussing it to move towards the central stronghold.In this way, maybe you can meet other teams and win a local book.

Anyway, Shuishu's goal is very clear. To seize a local book is the first thing.But she couldn't help it. Someone dared to deceive her, even if she didn't steam the steamed buns, she had to fight for her breath, otherwise she couldn't swallow it!

Is this Mizuki's character?Because it is too casual, if someone makes herself unhappy, she will easily remember it.If you don't let this breath out, she will definitely feel very uncomfortable in her heart, so Mizuki has a vengeful mentality, which is not difficult to explain.

Seeing Mizuki's expression, Ya and Akimaru were afraid to speak subconsciously.Because at a few years old, Ya has already learned, if anyone dares to deceive and play tricks on the consequences of water trees, no one is not beaten full of bags, thinking about it now, it feels full of pain.

The person who knows Mizuki's character best here, Hanako and Hinata also understand: "It seems that someone is going to be unlucky!"

Text Volume 570. Road encounters blocked

The result of the search was not very smooth, at least before the sun was slanting west, no ninja in the country of Frost was found, instead, he encountered another group of ninjas from Sandyin Village.

Unexpectedly, this world is really small, and the group of ninjas in Shayin Village I met was the two teams that were beaten away by Ning Ci and others.They admit their failure and have no choice but to find other teams to plunder.

But they didn't expect that their luck would be extremely bad, and the object of ambush was someone who was afraid of even Ning Ci.

Originally, Mizuki didn't pay too much attention, because at the time, he was thinking that after finding the ninja in the Kingdom of Frost, he would give Fatty a beating at the foot of the mountain to relieve the sulking in his heart.

At the same time, he is still not molesting Hinata, like this look of blushing.No matter how old you are, every time you see Hinata's blushing cute look, it is really a spiritual enjoyment.

This kind of unintentional vigilance almost gave people an illusion.But when she encountered an ambush, Mizuki reacted for the first time because she perceived: "Murderish!"

How can I say that since graduating from school, Mizuki has completed missions many times, and there are also ninjas who have been assigned difficult ninjas. Although it is said to be assistance and support, with the increase in strength, he has also participated in the mission of hunting down Rennin.

No longer than when they first came out a few years ago, when a ninja wanted to kill someone, the killing instinct released by the ninja could have long been distinguished.

When faced with countless Kuwu shoots, Mizuki directly blocked the front with his body, relying on his own King Kong to be undamaged, and to block them all without injury.

Of course, her body is not injured, but her clothes are miserable, although the three-dimensional world, there are holes in the "beggar costume" fashion trend.But this does not mean that Mizuki likes it. Someone breaks his clothes.

Mizuki angrily shouted, "Damn bastard, another piece of my dress has been destroyed!"

A piece of clothing was broken in the previous period. How long did it take to get a new one?In the end, it was broken again, and it was unlucky to get home today.

Someone has damaged their clothes and it is definitely not justified not to pay compensation.Mizuki opened his eyes and found the enemy there, and a bullet shadow appeared in front of them.

There was nothing to say in the rage, and rushing up was a fat beating, and the fists and feet fell like raindrops, and the people who beat them wailed all over the ground.

Of course, they weren't caught with one's hands. When Mizuki was attacked, there was a ninja from Shayin Village, holding a bow and arrow, trying to get a distance, and then shot towards Mizuki.

But this ninja underestimated Mizuki a bit. Before he could draw his bow and arrow, when he saw this man's small movements, a projectile popped up in his backhand: "Finger magical power!!"

Because the control of chakras has approached perfection, the chakra projectiles condensed with the magical powers of the fingers are condensed perfectly.

It is like an extremely reduced version of the spiral pill, but its lethality is weakened compared to that of the spiral pill. Instead, the penetration ability is strengthened.

The magical power of the snap finger broke the opponent's shoulder bone, making it impossible for this person to open the bow with strength.Solving one person so easily!

This person’s companion has a puppet master, whose attack method is similar to that of a scorpion, and can use the controlled mechanism puppet to launch a powerful attack on the enemy.

If it is for the average ninja, it might be very effective, because the average ninja is definitely not as good as a machine.But here is Mizuki, she will frown embarrassingly if she changes to ninjutsu.But want to say more strength?Hehe!

Mizuki squeezed out his fist and let out a loud shout: "The Raptors exaggerate!"

The fist wind from the fist, the strong pressure formed and crushed everything, even this person's puppet could not withstand such a strange force, the armor cracked and then shattered.

Seeing that this person was beaten out, losing the puppet almost lost combat power.

Unexpectedly, when he encountered a hard idea, the ninja in Shayin Village was a little flustered, but after the initial panic, someone finally released ninjutsu: "Wind Dun: Sand Dance!!!"

The wind lifted the yellow sand on the ground and pressed it against the water trees. It was like experiencing a sandstorm, and even better was the possibility of being buried alive on the spot.

Seeing such a picture, everyone was sweating for Mizuki. Hinata knew about Mizuki and knew that his sister was not afraid of physical attacks, but there was no good way to ninjutsu and illusion.

The ninja, who is also Konoha, just wanted to help, but only saw Mizuki stretch out his hand, as if to stop them from helping.The Mizuki here wants to see himself. If he can't solve this group of silly characters, wouldn't it be a waste of cultivation for so long?

The water tree uses the "explosive gas" state to activate the cells to unleash their potential, and the power of the whole body gushes out.Shouted: "The qi exploded!!"

Because of the blessing of power, the surging power formed an invisible wall to withstand the attack of the sandstorm. Before the yellow sand hit her, it was blocked by the power surging from the water tree.

That's right, this situation is extremely similar to the previous "waterfall practice".At that time, she was able to do it, reverse the flow of the waterfall, but now it is just blocking the yellow sand.

Waiting for the ninja in the sand hidden village to put all his chakras away, but the result was nothing, even the water tree that was not contaminated by dust, his complexion suddenly turned pale.

The Mizuki here is calm, crushed with absolute strength. Of course, it cannot be said that the people in Shayin Village are weak. According to Mizuki's estimation, it will not be worse than the average Zhongren.

But it is a pity that it was kicked to the steel plate, and finally got beaten up and couldn't escape.

The only lucky thing was Mizuki. He didn't want to kill people in anger because of his clothes. He beat the people in Shayin Village to get fat and succumbed.

Looking at these people who were blocking the way, they were beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces. Just now I was worried about Mizuki's companions, and couldn't help but begin to sympathize with these people: "She is still like this, she is so cruel!"

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