I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 321

However, this trick has the advantage that it belongs to a large-scale intensive attack. As long as it is within the attacked range, there is basically no room for evasion.

Yamashita and the others were already injured. Naturally, they couldn't escape even if they wanted to escape.And it fell to the ground, and I wanted to struggle to get up, but it was soon buried by Chibon.

Seeing such a scene, Mizuki was a little bit disbelieved. Could it be that the level of Shanxia and others is only this little?Can't help frowning: "I see these ninjas in the country of rain, their strength is better, shouldn't you just kill them directly?"

Just thinking about this, Axia who was with Mizuki reminded: "Miss Mizuki, have you forgotten? What are the ninjas of the Frost Land?"

Hearing what Axia said, Shui Shu woke up. It is probably a problem!

Seeing that Yamashita and others were shot into the pitiful appearance of a hedgehog by their own ninjutsu, and all of them were lying on the ground motionless, it was estimated that they were shot to death.

The ninjas of the Rain Country stopped attacking, and waited a while to observe the scene and made sure that they didn't see any movement. They nodded to each other when they were probably dead.Carefully approaching the mountain and the others, it seems that they are preparing to find the scroll.

But they didn't have time to do it. As soon as they approached the corpses of the other people at the foot of the mountain, suddenly something strange happened.It was just that the corpse under the mountain exploded, releasing a lot of smoke.

In the dense smoke scene, the naked eye can't see the situation inside, but Mizuki's white eyes can see clearly.It turned out that the mountain under the shot was just a changed clone, with a large number of smoke bombs hidden on his body.

When the smoke was released, Yamashita and the others quickly launched a surprise attack with the help of cover, and then drove the ninjas of the Land of Rain!

For a while, I heard the collision of weapons, which came out of the smoke one after another. In the environment of chaos between the two sides, everyone was injured.

Mizuki shook his head helplessly: "Such a chaotic fight is unstructured, and the result is bound to be defeated."

If this is the battle of Mizuki, she would definitely not choose to use such a desperate play.Although her fighting style seems to be a head-to-head confrontation, but at any rate, there is a King Kong that does not damage the body.And if you meet an opponent, you will inevitably use your bow to shift your shadow, and you won't really think of playing with your own life.

Of course, judging from the situation on the scene, Shanshita is actually waiting for a few people. If you don't work hard at this time, you may not be able to escape.After all, injuries on the body are real, even with the help of smoke, they can run away for a while.However, the physical strength will be exhausted soon, and I am afraid that there will be no chance to work hard.

Seeing such chaotic battle scenes, Hanako came to Mizuki's side and reminded and asked: "Miss Mizuki, I think it's time. Both of them are injured. Now we can take advantage of the fisherman's profit!"

Hearing Hanako's suggestion, Mizuki thought about it in silence, and felt that there was no problem.So nodded and said, "Well, let's go from the front. Hinata, you detour to the back and help us surround them."

The two teams one after the other, wait until they suddenly appear.

The two teams fighting in the chaos reacted only after the smoke dissipated. Seeing that the coming was Konoha's ninja, they quickly understood what was going on.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

Konoha's ninja appeared, disrupting the battle between both of them.Regardless of the opponent who was fighting just now, they faced Mizuki and Squad 8 separately.

The water tree here is looking at the bottom of the mountain with a very cold expression, and said to him: "It's fast! Dare to deceive my trust. Do you know how much the price needs to be paid?"

Mizuki is not afraid of fighting or fear of any enemy, but it hates being deceived most, and it is a deception of trust.

Because in the three-dimensional world, Shui Shu has been deceived and trusted. When she was in college, two classmates and roommates in the same dormitory scam her money with trust.

Although the loss of money was not much, only a few hundred dollars, Mizuki had a deep grudge against trust since then.If it's a familiar friend, she still wouldn't say anything, it's a bit difficult to help each other, this is nothing at all.

But if anyone dares to cheat, especially cheating their own trust.In the three-dimensional world, there was no way for the water tree without the ability, but now the powerful water tree must make people who deceive themselves pay the heaviest price!

Squeezing his fist, making a demonstrative noise, Mizuki said coldly: "Even if I won't kill you for this matter, how about seeing you break your leg like this?"

With the thought of revenge, Chakra's power surged and the invisible killing intent was released.If you know that Mizuki really killed people, combined with her absolute repressive strength, it must be beyond the reach of Yamashita and others.

Text Volume 573. Chaos

Seeing the sudden appearance of the water tree, even if the mountain was thinking with toes, he must have understood that there was a problem.

What he did was naturally clear in his heart, and if he was changed to be himself, and was deceived by someone he trusted, he would also be very hard to say in his heart.

The foot of the mountain here understands that it is still a trivial matter to be caught by the water tree and snatching the scroll. It seems that there is still a fight.

He was not willing to give, he could only think of ways to postpone: "Miss Mizuki, don't get excited, let's talk about it slowly."

"Speak slowly?" Angrily appeared on Mizuki's face, and he yelled: "You guy, I'll help you when you say yes. After you find a scroll, you can help us win one. The result? After grabbing it by myself, I ran away? Huh! Where is such a good thing, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation now, today next year will be your memorial day!"

The killing intent permeated in an instant, like the gaze of a predator, staring at his prey.Want to escape from her hand?Unless it is the sun in the sky, come out to the west!

Yamashita is a smart person, he can only relax when he sees the situation is bad: "I, I said, can you listen to me explain?"

Mizuki didn't speak, nor did he directly act, it seems to be acquiescence.

Here the foot of the mountain continued: "Miss Mizuki, you should know that our Frost Country is a small country. It is no better than your Konoha, with many powerful ninjas, and no more than your big families. There are not many blood heirs and secret arts. In order to protect our only little ability, the ninjas of our country will never show their strength easily. As a ninja, you should understand the meaning of ninjutsu concerning your country. Right?"

Hearing this explanation, I think it makes sense.

But this is not enough to convince the public, especially for things of deception and betrayal, Mizuki is absolutely intolerable, she still is not ready to forgive and said: "This is the reason for your escape? Well, if you are worried, leaking your country Why don’t you just refuse to cooperate with me earlier? Or do you just use us? Help you find the team that snatches the scroll?"

The most ruthless thing about Mizuki is deception, which is even more hateful than the direct traitor.When you are a traitor, everyone will be enemies in the future.However, using trust here to deceive the trust that others have given you is absolutely intolerable!

If it is the reason that Yamashita just said, it is not enough to reach the limit of being let go. Of course, it is not necessary to be killed. It is better to interrupt one of his legs first.Chakra gathered in his hands, ready to start using force, and clinching his fists must teach him, let him understand that trust can not be deceived!

The power exploded in an instant, and everyone knew that the fight was about to start, and the mountain was a very helpless passive defense.His method is not very clever, that is, at the moment when he encounters the fist of the water tree, he uses the substitute technique to exchange his own body.

"Do you still have a good escape technique?" Mizuki didn't care very much when he saw his own punch. He just stared at the bottom of the mountain again to prevent him from escaping under his nose: "But you If you want to hide today, it is absolutely impossible to avoid it!"

With successive fists swinging and continuous dodge under the mountain, his physique is not coming, it seems that physique is a bit level.But when it comes to attacks, it's really far from satisfactory.

A few fist counterattacks hit Mizuki's body without any pain or itching at all. Instead, Mizuki seized the opportunity, grabbed the fist with a grappling technique, and threw it to the ground with one over the shoulder.Fortunately, this place is relatively soft sand. If it is a relatively hard ground, it might be able to break human bones.

At this time, the comrades under the mountain in the country of Frost also fought with Hanako and Asya, and they were more or less at a disadvantage.This may be related to their injuries, of course, it is because of the relationship between Hanako and Axia, who have learned Hyuga Karouquan, but they have an advantage over ordinary physical skills.

The ninja in the country of rain saw a fight from one side, and originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, so as not to lie down in the muddy water.But when they were about to escape, the eighth class appeared in front of them.

Hinata said to them: "Want to escape? Leave your scroll!"

"court death!"

The ninjas of the Rain Country come from a small country among the three countries. They are in a closed environment all year round, and they have experienced their bloodthirsty personality.The strength can not be underestimated, they naturally did not hesitate to shoot when someone dared to stop them.

But Hinata here is not afraid, she also has a companion by her side, Shino opened his arms to release the insects, and the sky of insects flew towards the ninja in the country of rain.At the same time, there are Ya and Akamaru, who have changed the simulant beast and anthropomorphic methods, using "tooth through teeth" to jointly launch attacks.

For a while, the ninjas of the Land of Rain and the Land of Frost were fighting, but now they are fighting with Konoha.The latter as the strength of the new break-in, whether it is energy or state, and the retention of Chakra, it is definitely better than the ninjas of the first two countries.So the result of this battle should be predictable.

But the end of this chaos is far less simple than imagined.Because I was thrown out by a water tree at the bottom of the mountain.And he has accelerated to follow up, when he is ready to punch the mountain down.A figure appeared and rescued him unexpectedly!

When Mizuki saw who the person was and was ruining her good things, a corner of her mouth split: "Interesting, the people from Shayin Village also want to join in the fun?"

Unexpectedly, it was Zi Luo's team. It turned out that their scrolls were stolen, but they didn't give up their intention to hunt down, and they always chased after them.Because the fighting here was too loud, and the number of people was discovered by the big-eyed girl, they naturally speeded up.

Seeing Shuishu, Ziluo didn't say any other nonsense, just said: "We just want to get back our own things."

Scroll of Heaven and Earth?Sure enough, it was all for this.

But it is really a pity, everyone is fighting for this thing, that is to say, if it seems that there is no fight, I am afraid it is impossible.

Mizuki squeezed his fist fearlessly, and showed an indifferent smile: "Book of Heaven and Earth, every team here wants to get it. Do you really think it will be yours? If you want it, you have to rely on your strength. Seize!"

It is now robbing this thing, and Mizuki will definitely not let go. Since Ziluo is also here for this, then fighting is inevitable.

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