I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 323

Zi Luo agreed with Mizuki's words and activated his chakra to start his ninjutsu.I saw Chakra rushing into the sky in a moment, almost the same as I saw at the time.

The last time I saw it, I was still watching from a long distance, and the feeling was not very personal.But now in front of this, the strong wind caused by the powerful Chakra is enough to make people unstable!

Seeing the strength that burst out like this, Mizuki realized at this time, why in the introduction, he said that Ziluo's self-made ninjutsu had the strength comparable to the eight sects.

When fighting against Li at that time, due to his physical injuries, he could not display his full strength.But after taking the medicine given by the water tree, he can temporarily suppress the recurrence of the injury, and he can exert more powerful strength.

Mizuki couldn't help but think of the last time, during the Zhongnin exam qualifier, Li broke out for the first time with eight gates. At that time, Kakashi said: When the eight gates are fully open, they can be obtained in a short time, which is more powerful than Hokage. the power of!

The Ziluo here has not yet reached the level of full eight doors.But already had the strength close to the shadow, and even in terms of proficient physical skills, it might surpass the average S-rank ninja.

Such an astonishing strength made the onlookers chill.But facing such an opponent, Shui Shu gave birth to a kind of excitement: "Yes, your strength is stronger than me, and I originally wanted it. It's worth my full strength!"

Mizuki's straight body stood upright on the spot, his fists began to be placed on his waist, and at the same time the body made a forward leaning movement, posing a pose that was about to attack.The shape is like a tiger lying on the ground, and the released chakras also have the same breath.

Such a display of strength may not have the same attention that Zi Luo released Chakra and reached the sky.But all those present are ninjas, they can see that Mizuki's posture has its own uniqueness!

Everyone understands that the use of Chakra is different from the use of ninjutsu and illusion.Physical attack is close combat, and Chakra is more about strengthening physical fitness.

Even if it is you, the chakra released is powerful, here can only prove your body, the stronger the bursting power.After all, you are not using Chakra to kill your opponent!

But the water tree here gathered the chakra into the body, forming an aura like a tiger. The chakra released in a vague manner seemed to give people a tiger about to hunt.

The pros and cons of the comparison between the two are actually obvious.

The most touching person here should be the ninja from the Frost Country and the Rain Country, especially at the foot of the mountain here, he has seen the strength of Zi Luo.But I didn't expect that the really powerful person was actually the person who had previously aligned with him.

Shanxia suddenly realized: "It seems that Mizuki wants to form an alliance with him. It should not be as simple as he thought?"

Text volume 576.Refund

In the beginning, Yamashita had been thinking about it, worrying about exposing the secret technique of his village.But now he has discovered that the motivation is not simple.

It may still be there. Mizuki wants to hide his strength, so he wants to form an alliance with a team that has no conflict of interest with him.In this way, you can take advantage of the power of your allies to help a cutscene by yourself, without spending too much effort.

Of course, it doesn't matter what Yamashita thinks now.Because everyone's attention is already focused on Shuishu and Ziluo, they have already used all their strength!

"It's going to start!"

"bring it on!"

Mizuki and Ziluo shot at the same time, and the ground under their feet was cracked at the moment they moved.

Every onlooker was serious, only two black shadows were seen, because their speed was too fast, it was already suffocating.Before the naked eye can see it clearly, the fists and feet of two people are already there, and I will go for multiple rounds soon.

First, Mizuki made an uppercut, but it was blocked by Zi Luo's hand, and he hit back with a kick.Because the opponent is doing his best, even with the protection of King Kong, Mizuki still chooses to use protection for the sake of insurance.

At the same time of defense, Mizuki uses the punching technique of steel punches, similar to a boxing match, where a boxer uses a stormy punch to force the opponent to passively defend or into a dead end.

During this crazy blow, you need to know the power of the water tree. If an average person takes the damage, the bone must be broken how many times.

But Ziluo here is worthy of a ninja of physique skills. He understands that even if his physical fitness is stronger, he still can't bear it even if he is physically strong and gets hit more often.

But here he knows how to use it, a four-two-stroke technique, that is, noticing each punch of the water tree, and using a similar movement after making a prediction, the power of the water tree's blow will shift.

In this way, even if it is injured, there are at most a few more bruises, which will have little effect on oneself, especially if it can retain more physical strength.If you adapt this to the opponent's attack, you might find a flaw in it!

Of course, this opportunity was not given to him. Mizuki kicked him out with a single kick.The power of this blow was also not small, but Zi Luo didn't suffer too much damage, and also did not have the power to rigidly connect this foot, and chose to fly out in accordance with this power.

Wait until it falls back to the ground and retreat a few steps in succession to let out the power of the blow.Zi Luo took a look at the scars on her body, and had to admire: "Looking at you as a girl, I didn't expect to have a lot of strength. If you are an ordinary person, I am afraid that you will be immortal or disabled."

Just a round of quick punches, this is considered to be active and physical.

The water tree moved his bones and made a crisp sound. At the same time, he replied: "You are not bad, you know that you can't make it hard, and use your skills to offset my striking power?"

She was not very surprised by the strength of the other party. It should be said that the judgment of his strength against Li was the same as the last time he saw it.It's just that when fighting against each other, he felt that his strength was a little bigger than expected, but that's almost it.

This is still a water tree, and it has the advantage of having intelligence.Because he knows the opponent's strength, he can deal with it easily. In contrast to the opponent's battle with himself, he is still judging and evaluating his own strength level.

In this way, the fight between the two obviously gave the water tree the upper hand, and it has a great advantage!

However, Zi Luo here is not afraid, he is still very excited, because here only his opponent is stronger, so he can take the Zhongnin exam.

He said: "I can feel it, you probably haven't fully used your strongest strength? Can you let me see it?"

Because it is also a ninja of body skills, Zi Luo can perceive that Mizuki retains strength when fighting against each other.This is not the result he wanted. Everyone is the same ninja, he wants to see what is really strong!

Such an attitude was expected by Mizuki, but it was not what she needed.However, looking at the longing look of the other party, knowing that this was his last battle, so he raised his ninjutsu to a higher level.

Seeing his wish, Mizuki was silent for a while, and regretfully refused: "You and I are not enemies of life and death. If I were to make the strongest attack, someone would be harmed. Konoha and Sagakura were Allies, your Fengying-sama, Gaara and my friend have a bond."

Asura Tyrannical Fist, this is a special skill that will only be used when starting to fight with the enemy.Mizuki and Ziluo are not enemies, let alone desperately hard.

For an exam scroll, the relationship between Shayin Village and Konoha Village was cracked, and Mizuki couldn't bear this responsibility.If there are no problems, it’s good. If there are problems and go back, wouldn’t Tsunade be scolded to death?

Of course, Mizuki here even remembers that the results of this Zhongnin exam did not develop into a formal competition last time.It is just based on past assessments to determine whether he can afford Zhongren to promote.

Therefore, whether to draw the scroll of heaven and earth is not an absolute important factor. It is necessary to know that Ning Ci's team has not made up the heaven and earth and got two "Book of Heaven" scrolls.

Mizuki refused the request of the other party, but did not stop there. Instead, he turned to look at the foot of the mountain and said to him: "You guy, telling you to betray me? Now I want to punish you and take out what you stolen and return it to him. they."

Hearing Mizuki's words, his face turned pale at the foot of the mountain.You know, for this thing, I went to hide in Tibet one day, and now I am still covered with injuries.

Wouldn’t it be too unjust if I had to pay it back because of one sentence?However, the opponent's strength is in place, and he is hurt. If you want to resist, this is definitely not a wise move.

Reluctantly, I can only take out the scroll of heaven and earth that I have snatched, and hand it to Mizuki's hand, pass her, and return it to Zi Luo's hand: "Is this my defeat?"

Looking at the lost and regained Book of Heaven and Earth in his own hands, Zi Luo was very puzzled: "Your strength will not be lost to me, and you will definitely be stronger! Why is this?"

Mizuki replied carelessly: "I want to snatch your scroll, but I want to give it to my partner. But they have betrayed me before, so I decided to take back this idea. As for my share, you don't have to worry about it, because Someone has already delivered it here!"

When he said this, he turned his eyes to the ninja of Rain Country.

Text Volume 577. Must kill?Spike!

Return the Book of Heaven and Earth obtained by the mountain under the thief to Zi Luo's hand here.Mizuki's eyes began to shift to the ninjas of the Rain Country, and asked them to hand over their scrolls: "Hand over!"

Mizuki didn't have much favor for the ninjas of Rain Country.One is that she had suffered from the loss of the Ninja in the Land of Rain before, and Jiraji also died in the Land of Rain, which is a very sad place in Hokage.

Another is this country, which has always been too dark and closed. Even if you want to give birth to a good impression, it may not be an easy task.

By the way, according to the timeline of the plot, Mizuki has to know that there is intelligence. Maybe Akatsuki has already taken over the country of rain. These ninjas sent by the country of rain are definitely a pretense to take this Zhongnin exam.The real task is to collect information from various countries, especially information about the tail beast!

Zi Luo didn't interfere with the affairs of Water Tree and Rain Country, because it had nothing to do with him.But what he wondered was Mizuki's attitude, which seemed to be a different person from just now?Is it because of the people of the country of rain, are there any holidays?

Seeing Mizuki shifted his attention to his own body, and said such annoying words.The ninjas in the Kingdom of Rain became alert immediately. They saw the strength of Mizuki and admitted that she was very strong.But this can't be said that I am a soft persimmon and can be pinched casually!

The Ninja of Rainy Country, headed by Kunai, shouted, "Want to take our scroll? Don't think about it!"

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