I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 325

Others are their companions, who noticed their eyes.I understood in my heart that if he were to be killed, he would definitely have a bad reputation.

Text Volume 579. Don't speak directly

The last is to choose to let go of the mountain. One is that it is no longer necessary. If it is to make yourself feel better, kill the ninja in the Kingdom of Frost, which will definitely leave a bad reputation.

Another is that Mizuki observed that Konoha's companion said to Yamashita's last wish, showing corresponding admiration.I think he is a person who cherishes his companions, a bit like seeing the shadow of Naruto.

For selfishness, just to make my heart happy.Maybe no one will say anything about killing the mountain, but if there are any other ideas, no one can say anything about it.

Thinking of the water tree here, he loosened his clenched fist.The tone became calmer, but the feelings still said coldly: "I hate the bastard who deceives the trust the most, and there is another bastard who betrays his companions. Your luck is good, although I deceived my trust, I still know how to cherish my companions. Today I will bypass your life first!"

Mizuki chose to let them go. After all, even if he killed the mountain, it was meaningless.

But before letting him go down the mountain, he added another sentence: "I hope you can remember what you said and the lesson this time. Deception and betrayal are the two things I hate the most. If you are discovered by me, you still don’t want to repent and there is another next time, I will absolutely interrupt it mercilessly, all the bones of your body will make you die in pain!"

This can be regarded as a cruel remark, because she was deceived of her trust, which made it difficult for her to let go.But in the end, Yamashita and his companions finally left peacefully until they disappeared from the field of vision.

After today's affairs are over, Mizuki's body can no longer support it, and will fall down when it becomes weak.This is not the cause of the injury, but the sequelae, because the strength and Chakra were emptied, and the spirit became sluggish.

When I finished the nirvana just now, the sequelae had already occurred.This is because Mizuki's physique is excellent, and he is clenching his teeth secretly, and he needs to show his strength.Otherwise, it would have been dying, now it is completely relaxed, and the body can no longer support it.

Fortunately, Hinata here responded very quickly, and he quickly stepped forward to help him: "Sister, how did you hold on to this moment? Sit down and rest!"

Mizuki was supported and sat on the ground, she was really tired.There was a lot of sweat on the face and back, which were signs of weakness.

Hinata took out a soldier's grain pill from his pocket and gave it to the water tree to give it some relief.Hanako took out a clean towel and wiped off the cold sweat on Mizuki.

The same was worrying and said, "Miss Mizuki, you really love to be aggressive, is it good for you to kill the ninja in the Kingdom of Rain? Why do you need to spend such a lot of effort?"

Nirvana!The nirvana just now was so powerful that it was terrifying.

But the disadvantage is very obvious, that is, the burden on the body is too great, after the fight, there will be sequelae, and there is no way to alleviate this, it is completely a way of killing the enemy one thousand and eight hundred.

Of course, there are still ninjas from Sandyin Village and Frost Country. If they see something, wouldn't they expose their evil intentions?

The water tree here has eaten the soldiers' grain pills, and his spirit has been somewhat restored.After taking a sigh of relief, he waved his hand and said, "You know my personality. If it is not meaningful, I am basically too lazy to do it. There must be a reason for this!"

Because it was a secret about the mission, Mizuki was not good at telling it directly.But now the people here, everyone is Konoha's companion, want to come to hide too much from them, this seems to be too strange.

So think about it, Mizuki tactfully told them what he could say: "You should all know some things about Naruto in the past, right? His past life experience has been taboo for a long time, this is the third generation of Hokage himself. Orders."

The relationship between the people present is not ordinary. All of them are classmates who graduated together. It can be said that they have been playing together since childhood.And if speaking of it, Ya in Class 8 has been a bad boy since he was a child, and his naughty character is at the same level as Naruto.

I believe he must have listened to the elders and talked about Naruto, saying that Naruto is a monster!

But whether Naruto is a monster or not, everyone knows.But such a rumor is now confirmed by a side, because Mizuki said: "The order of the three generations is to protect Naruto, because there is a mysterious organization that wants to seize things in his body."

When I said this, I could no longer speak.Because if you say more, this is about the task, and the matter related to the tail beast is absolutely the secret of any village!

After hearing Mizuki's explanation, you probably understood a little bit.Does the water tree have a mission?

Shino, who had a very low sense of existence, immediately thought of a question: "No wonder, shouldn't your mission be related to the country of rain, right?"

Shino remembered that Mizuki and the ninja of Rain Country had a few short conversations, in which there was a mention of the existence of an "Angel Lord".Then let the ninjas of the rain country be alert, and desperately to launch an attack.

Of course, if he had foreseen a little further, he might have guessed that in the first written examination, he had noticed a ninja who could have a messy response to his worms.

But whether he thinks this way, it is unclear.Mizuki also said here: "You are right. My mission is related to the State of Rain. It is to monitor their actions. But I don't think things will be that simple, so I still have my own considerations. These are all tasks, and I cannot tell you."

There is no way, when it comes to tasks, especially the tail beast, it must not be nonsense.Otherwise, it will leak mission secrets at a slight level, and it will be more uncomfortable if it is heavier, and it will be unlucky to receive any punishment.

Everyone can understand this, so I didn't dare to mention it again soon.

Because the time is running out, it is already dark by nature, and Mizuki's body is in collapse, and he needs to take time to rest and regain his strength.

Wait until the third day of the game, and then it is time to consider the plan for this day.

According to Mizuki: "Hanako and Axia, you two don't need to follow me next. Take our scroll of heaven and earth and accompany Hinata to the central stronghold. There is no need to worry about my safety, my strength. You also know that even if you encounter an enemy you can't beat, you will definitely run away if you want to escape! So if there is no problem, I will be there before the 72nd hour."

Text volume 580. Separate and do the task

Hearing that Mizuki wanted to act alone, everyone would agree at first. After all, even if it is a task, it is best to have a team so that they can take care of each other.

However, when he was vetoed very severely, Mizuki said, "This task was given to me by Hokage secretly, and it must be because I don't want too many people to know it. Moreover, the intelligence is still unclear. The more people who act, the easier it is to expose. You should also I have learned in school that why ninjas keep the number of people in the team for easy concealment and convenient action!"

If you are graduating from school, you will not have much experience in performing tasks, and you will also ask if you have a team assigned to you.But now that more than two or three years have passed, Mizuki has become more and more accustomed to acting alone.

Here is Hinata Akira’s affair, and she has great confidence in her sister’s strength: "We know, Hanako, Axia, my sister’s strength, you two have also seen it, no one has seen this exam. Can threaten her."

In the end, this explanation is the solution to this small problem.

Shui Shu separated from everyone temporarily and went to other places alone.According to the plan she envisaged, the ninja of the Rain Country is a member of the Akatsuki organization, so the most likely task is to find information about the tail beast.

This time, the Zhongnin exam happened to be met by a man Zhuli.And if there is nothing wrong with the memory based on the plot, Fu was killed by the "zombie duo" not long after this Zhongnin exam.

Soon after, the accompanying Shippuden unfolded, followed by Gaara's incident, and then the battle with Akatsuki, followed by the "Penn Attack" and the "Fourth Ninja World War".

So if possible, Mizuki wants to find Fu, or it is to get rid of the ninjas in the Kingdom of Rain. This might change the plot a little bit and affect Akatsuki's collection of information on the tail beasts!

But the plan is already in place, but the area of ​​the Demon Desert is not small. If you want to find someone, even if it is a specific team, and the opponent must be constantly moving, how easy is this to talk about?

Thinking about the problem in this way, the water tree also walked a distance, unconsciously feeling a little thirsty.Alas, in this desert-destroyed environment, the food is pretty good. The army ration pill on my body is unpalatable, but it is okay to supplement protein and physical strength.

The water source is the only problem that needs to be solved. The water in the kettle has been almost consumed in the past two days from the previously replenished water source.Now that I finished my last sip of water, I shook the empty kettle and sighed helplessly: "It seems we need to find some water first. I hope I can have better luck. Otherwise, what can I do if there is no water source until noon? "

Finding the source of water is an urgent delay. People can live for a week without food, but they can't last for three days without water. What's more, in a hot environment like a desert, you need to always consider the water lost by evaporation.

Khan, this is really troublesome, but who told his kettle to run out of water?If you don't pay attention, it's hard to bear the thirst.

Turn on: "Grow your eyes!!"

Mizuki hopes that luck will be better and an oasis can be found nearby so that it can be directly supplemented.

But it is very regrettable that the goddess of luck did not knock on the door today, and within the range of the white eyes, no ghost shadow was seen, let alone an oasis.

I didn't see the water source I needed, but this couldn't let the water tree be discouraged.Maybe you are mentally prepared?After all, here is the desert, and the most lacking is water resources.If it is really easy to find, and water resources are everywhere, it won't become a desert.

However, this is not difficult for the water tree. Anyway, she is also a person who has watched "Survival in the Wild". Although the environment like the Devil's Desert is bad, as long as you know the survival skills, it is not a big problem to find a water source.

Recall that the survival skills in the desert, the water tree remembers to climb high and look into the distance, looking at the terrain for visible green spaces, or places with vegetation.

Of course, I didn't see such a place with my eyes, so I can only retreat, if you can't find green space, you can look for low-lying areas, because if there is rain, it will inevitably gather in low-lying areas.

Here comes the luck, no oasis can be found, a low-lying area, is it always easy?Mizuki's eyes quickly saw that in the direction of about 1 o'clock, there were obvious neighboring walls and cliffs. The probability of rainwater collecting in this kind of place was higher.

"I hope I can find water!"

Determine the direction you want to go, Mizuki will speed up his journey.After all, today is already the third day, less than 24 hours, and the second exam is about to end, she must rush to the central stronghold.

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