I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 329

The power of nature is really terrifying. In such a sandstorm, it looks like the plot should be the same. This time the Zhongnin exam was forced to be interrupted.

Mizuki sighed helplessly: "I'm afraid this exam is out of play. I don't think long, there should be rescue."

I hope so?The three people in the Kingdom of Rain had no objection.Such a ghostly weather, even if you want to continue, you can't do it.

It was during such a time waiting for rescue that several girls began to think of ways to hug each other and use all possible means to resist the dust, so as not to inhale a large amount of sand and cause suffocation.

But at this time, a voice came along with the howling of wind and sand, and it was vaguely distinguished that it was a call for help?It seems to be shouting: "Help?!"

"Did you hear anything?"

"Well, I heard the word'help', is anyone calling for help?"

Listen carefully to the water tree here, why is this sound a bit familiar?Thinking carefully in my heart, isn't this the voice of several ninjas in Frost Country?

There are sensory ninjas in the ninjas of the rain country. They can tell that they are a few hundred meters away, and there is really a team of people who are struggling in the sandstorm. These people want to find a safe haven. But saw that one person had fallen.

The situation looks very bad: "Someone is in trouble. It shouldn't take long for this kind of ghost weather to be buried by sand and dust?"

Now everyone dare not move, because of this kind of weather, it is extremely difficult to move.Not to mention the low visibility, it's just such gusts and sand, it won't take a while to bury them.

The girls are hiding under the rock wall. This is already very reluctant. I don’t know if they can survive the arrival of the rescue, and how can they rescue another team?

It seems that the three people in the country of rain, they chose helplessly.The water tree here opened his eyes, and he saw the situation outside: "Sure enough, it is a ninja from the Kingdom of Frost. The mountain has fallen down?"

Directly exposed to the environment of sandstorms without any protective measures, the probability of survival is quite low.

Mizuki frowned involuntarily. If he didn't know, it would be fine, but now someone's life is hanging by a thread, and they may die at any time, and it is in front of his own eyes.

Think about it, if you don't go to the rescue, is it really appropriate?

The ninja of Rain Country, seeing Mizuki’s attention look, kindly said to her: "Don’t be delusional, people outside can’t hold on for a few minutes in this environmental situation. We are very reluctant to hide here, no I know if I can wait for rescue."

This is not wrong. If it is an ordinary person, there is definitely no way.Because of the power of nature, almost no one can do it.

But for the water tree here, estimate the distance and think you can, at least you can try!She said: "Untie my rope, I have to find a way to save people."

Such a bold idea immediately shocked three people.

They disagree very much and think this is impossible.A person said: "I see your chakras, they don't seem to be very powerful, so you want to save people?"

That's right, this is a sensory ninja, and very sensitive to Chakra.

But maybe this person doesn't know that the water tree chakra he perceives is actually converged in the body deliberately, which is an illusion.

Because Mizuki had already thought of it, the people of Akatsuki's organization who wanted to collect information would definitely be sent to a ninja with perception.So it's the one-handed preparation to carefully control the intensity of your chakra.

The reason why the ninjas in Frostland wanted to cooperate with them before was because Mizuki wanted to provide a cover for himself.But then everyone learned that this idea failed halfway through the implementation.

Mizuki observed the situation of Yamashita and others, and said very solemnly: "We are ninjas, not cold-blooded animals. We can't save ourselves. Watching them die, will you be happy?"

Even though I said that, as long as people have a little kindness, failing to save them will inevitably make their conscience uneasy.

They will not be hard-hearted, but such weather conditions are already hard to protect themselves. Where can they be able to save people?

The hydrangea here said: "How do you plan to save it? Are you alone?"

There is no way, the power of nature is too strong, they are not sure that they can save people.

The water tree here is actually a bit unpredictable, but I think it should still be very promising, at least if you burst out of your own strength and have sufficient Chakra guarantees, it may not be impossible to rescue.

So Mizuki nodded confirmingly: "You untie me, I can find a way to save people."

Seeing her persistence, the three people in the Kingdom of Rain finally stopped hesitating and worried.Untie the rope for Mizuki and let her move freely.

Mizuki saw the distance to the Ninja of Frost Country, and made a final estimate in his heart.Both hands Jieyin: "Open!!"

The cells of the whole body refine Chakra, and the full power covers her body, which forms a protective armor for her, which should be able to resist the sand and dust temporarily.

It may be seen that when the chakra was extracted, the power of the water tree seemed to become stronger, so that the ninja of the perception system realized that the previous water tree had hidden power!

However, I didn't say much about the current situation, because I thought that if she went to save people, she would definitely show her stronger strength, and then she would naturally be able to see what happened.

Text Volume 586. Rescue

Directly resist the forces of nature, water trees must be careful.According to her only knowledge of sandstorms, she knew that the most deadly threat was suffocation.

Sandstorms contain a large number of fine particles, once inhaled into the body, the damage to the body is almost irreversible.Even in the three-dimensional world with relatively advanced medical technology, there are still few feasible treatments, and most of them are delayed by washing the lungs.

This kind of damage caused by breathing into the body is absolutely impossible to defend even if the diamond is not bad, and if you inhale too many small particles, no matter how strong your body is, you will soon be unable to withstand it.

Use your own chakra to form a protective armor outside your body.This is the best method that Water Tree can think of and can use now.

With such forceful resistance, the water trees rushed into the sandstorm with the violent wind speed exceeding 25 meters per second.Don't question this wind speed. According to the scientific level, this level of wind is ten levels, which is enough to pull trees and destroy houses!

Speaking of the power of this level of violent wind, Mizuki immediately learned its power as soon as he walked out of the sheltered rock wall.A stone wrapped in a sandstorm hit her directly at such a speed.

Fortunately, it was protected by Chakra's armor, and he was not seriously injured.But he staggered a bit, almost falling to the ground.

"Damn it!"

Mizuki cursed secretly, stood firmly again, and carried the storm forward.

The wind was still whizzing, and I had to worry about it from time to time. It could be said that the action was quite inconvenient when a rock came again.It seems that this kind of ghost weather is more troublesome than expected.

The two ninjas in the country of rain, sensing Mizuki's actions, immediately noticed something weird: "Her strength is indeed hidden. In such a windy weather, her footsteps are still steady. If it is not a strong person, she must do it. Not so stable!"

A team has two ninjas of perception type, and they evaluate the water trees.I have already sensed the strength of the water tree, it must be hidden to a certain extent, but judging from Chakra, do you think it should not be the case?

Because through the perception of Chakra, there is no strong feeling from the water tree, it seems to be a little mediocre, only about the level of normal tolerance.

However, it is now certain that the strength of the water tree is hidden, so from the judgment here, to be able to converge his chakra to such a perfect level, he must be a very strong character!

But who would such a person be?This couldn't help making them think.

Just when they were thinking about it, the current Mizuki was already tens of meters away from the ninja in the kingdom of frost against the strong wind.But it has been seen here that one of them has fallen down again. Facing the terrifying force of nature, they have no ability to resist.

It seems that they can't hold it anymore, which is very dangerous. Fortunately.Because in the face of such a strong sandstorm, if they can't stand up persistently, once they fall, they will be buried by the sand.Then waiting for their destiny is definitely to be buried alive!

Shui Shu's white eyes saw this situation, and immediately called out loudly: "Don't fall down, let them stand up, otherwise once buried, they will suffocate and die!"

The other party doesn't know if he heard it, but in such a sandy weather, I am afraid that even if he hears it, he may not be able to make an ideal response.

In this way, Mizuki shouted loudly again: "Use your body to block the direction of the wind and sand, and you can buy them some time!"

The sound should be able to pass through, and the water tree mobilizes Chakra to spread the word. Even in such bad weather, it can still be spread.

Sure enough, it seemed to hear the sound, and the only person left, moved his body, and pulled his two companions by the way, so that they could also bear the wind, so that they could barely hold on for a while.

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