I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 336

Seeing that Naruto was hungry, Sakura thought about it and said: "Yes, after a day of drills, my stomach is also hungry."

I really served these two guys, but with that said, Mizuki himself had just completed the task today, and he hurried back without time to eat.

Just when he thought of this, Naruto had already decided: "Go straight to Yile Ramen!"

Alas~ Mizuki sighed involuntarily. This guy eats ramen, so he really doesn't have any worries.

But it’s okay to think of this. If you have something to eat, you can forget your worries. Is there anything easier than this?So Mizuki voted for it.

In order to celebrate the establishment of Kakashi's greeting card, everyone has to ask Mr. Kakashi to treat him.However, he is also savvy enough to pull out a reason: "Ah, I have to write the list of the new team, you can go by yourself, so goodbye~"

What Kakashi wants to go, I guess I can think of it, and I definitely want to watch "Intimacy Paradise".Naruto had already puffed his appetite during the exercise, and wanted to read the follow-up chapters of the new book, and now seized this small opportunity to slip away.

Come on, it seems that the treat is out of the question, and I can only spend my money to eat.

"Yile Ramen Restaurant!"

Long-lost aroma, delicious aroma.

Mizuki prefers to eat meat, but he never picks up on delicious food.Yile Ramen is already the signature of Hokage, and it can be said to carry the memories of a generation.

Tonight is almost here. Although Naruto wants to get close to Mizuki, it's a bit late now, and everyone will have something to do tomorrow, so you can't spend more time here.

Text volume 596. New day

Early in the morning the next day.

Temari, who had stayed in the village of Konoha for a few days, was finally ready to go back. It was a while after the Chunin test was over, and she stayed long enough.

As her escort, Shikamaru got up earlier than her to see him off, and kept sending Temari to the door of Kiba Village, and then left after seeing her off.

At about the same time, Mizuki had finished freshening up, put on his forehead, and was about to go out.Since the day Konoha collapsed, there has been no team of his own for a long time, and now I am really looking forward to it!

But when I arrived at the place agreed yesterday, I saw Naruto and Sakura here, and Mizuki asked strangely: "Hey, why is it that Mrs. Kakashi, hasn't it arrived yet?"

Naruto and Sakura here seem to be accustomed to it. They spread their hands and said, "I'm late, he used to be like this."


Mizuki's expression was stunned, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to remember that Kakashi would be late every time when the seventh class was just established.

The first time I was talking about the morning, the result did not appear until noon, a typical late mad!

Watching the time and waiting for a while, Kakashi was late.

"So slow!"

"You finally came."

When he finally came, Naruto and Sakura said in dissatisfaction.

Kakashi touched his head and awkwardly defended: "Sorry~, sorry~, this time it took some time to write the new team's information."

What is the reason for this?Mizuki seems to remember that he left first yesterday, and the reason he found was to write this, right?Is it written all night?

If it's really an explanation, it should be "It takes a while to watch "In Love in Heaven""!

However, Mizuki still gave him some face, and said pretendingly: "Really? This is really lucky~!"

However, Naruto and Sakura were obviously indifferent to Kakashi’s reasoning, and said very unceremoniously: "Hey, today is our new team, we have to do the first mission!"

In order to expose the true face of Kakashi, Naruto also explained to Mizuki: "Don't believe his explanation. Teacher Kakashi used to be this virtue."

Fainted, it looks like he has useless prestige.

A ninja has no sense of time, this is really rare, and according to Kakashi's appearance, shouldn't he be such a person?

Of course, for the understanding of the entire Hokage plot, Mizuki knew Kakashi as a child, and he still kept the agreed time very much. On the contrary, another person was not punctual.

But now is not the time to talk about this problem, Sakura interrupted their noise: "He has always been so listless, is it impossible for Kakashi-sensei?"

With such an opening, Kakashi's face was lost, and Mizuki felt a little tired for him.

But at this moment, there was a call from the sky. A flying eagle volleyed over his head and saw the vest of this flying eagle, like an eagle from Shayin Village!

It's not clear what is going to happen, but the allied powers ordered Eagle to come to Konoha Village. If there is no urgent matter, it shouldn't be necessary to use such communication methods.

After paying attention to Flying Eagle, Mizuki didn't care too much, anyway, he didn't need to care about himself.Follow everyone into the Naruto Mansion, ready to accept new missions.

Naruto was particularly excited: "It's been a long time since I did the task, but it's really exciting!"

In the past two years, Mizuki has talked about various levels, less than dozens of tasks, and no special expectations.But this guy is the first time in two years, it is normal to be a little excited.

But speaking of the task to be taken, Sakura reminded him: "No matter what task you receive, don't complain, that's it!"

Mizuki didn't speak, anyway, as long as it wasn't a boring D-class mission, she would basically not refuse.But when I think about it carefully, Kakashiban’s first mission in Shippuden seems to be a mission to rescue Gaara.

People from Akatsuki's organization in the Zhongnin exam, as long as they met Gaara, they would definitely recognize it.It is obviously a very bad signal to think of Murafu Takiguru!

"Go away, go away!"

A woman ran up in a panic, and everyone who was frightened hurriedly separated. Judging from her clothes, she seemed to be the one who decrypted the secret signal troops.Is this what happened?

I realized that something was going to happen, and I thought that the flying eagle just now did not come from Shayin Village!Kakashi seemed to realize the question Mizuki thought of.

But they didn't pay much attention, they still had the right thing to do, which was to take their own tasks.

Tsunade took out the task form, flipped through the content on it for a while, found a task that he thought was appropriate, and said, "Escort the gold nugget."

This task level is not high, it should be C-level or B-level.This is to see if there will be battle, if there is an attack by bandits, robbers and the like.It is a B-level task, and vice versa is an idle C-level task.

If the decision is made by the water tree, it will not express dissatisfaction, because it can be regarded as a free travel, and it can also be paid for nothing. Why not do it?

But Naruto doesn't have the leisurely nature of Mizuki. He has had enough places to go for more than two years. What he wants to take over is a challenging task.

Very dissatisfied, shouting here: "I don't want to do this kind of low-level task!"

But thinking about it here, it seems that it is also Naruto's character, and such low-level tasks are not rare to do.

With the same attitude toward Naruto, Tsunade was also very dissatisfied. The tasks assigned by him now are all commissioned by all parties. There are already too many things to do with her, and there is no idle time to talk with him.

Tsunade reluctantly explained: "Considering that you have just come back, I will assign you a simple task so that you can accumulate some experience."

However, the Naruto here does not appreciate, and said very bluntly: "Be nosy!"

Oh my God, with this attitude, the scared Sakura quietly held him: "I'm sorry, Master! I'll teach him a lesson later."

Really convinced, Naruto has no idea about Tsunade's strength at all?I don't know how terrifying the top ninjas who can be called the "Three Ninjas" together with Oshemaru and Jiraiya!?

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