I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 338

Sakura here knows that she has followed Tsunade's practice for the past two years, and of course she has read many important documents.Knowing a certain situation: "The person Sasuke wants to kill, Itachi Uchiha is a member of Akatsuki organization. So he wants to get power from Oshemaru, and Oshemaru was also a member of Akatsuki."

She seems to have her own ideas, but it seems right to think about it.

Because in this mission action, Sakura got relevant information from the red sand scorpion, and learned that Dashemaru had his undercover by his side, and later found Dashemaru through this.

The development of the plot seems to be like this, but the result is not very satisfactory. Dashemaru is not a waiter!

Sakura is talking to Naruto, telling things about Akatsuki, Oshamaru, and Sasuke.Mizuki came to Kakashi quietly, and whispered to him: "I heard about Sasuke at that time. Teacher Kakashi, about Itachi~"

The water tree here is very cryptic, but how much Kakashi knows, the water tree has already noticed it.And I encountered it when I asked Tsunade to return to the village as Hokage.

At the same time, because of the investigation of Akatsuki, it should be said that he is someone who knows part of the truth.The massacre of the Uchiha clan was just the cause of one thing, and Akatsuki was the focus of important observation.

Kakashi understands the meaning of Mizuki, but now he is not talking about this, and he concealed a reminder: "A lot of things happened back then, mostly from high-level secrets. It's fine if you know it psychologically."

Mizuki understands this, Danzo instructed Uchiha Itachi, and three generations let Uchiha Itachi organize undercover Akatsuki.All are things that can't be said nonsense. The former will cause a crack in Konoha's unity, and the latter will expose Uchiha Itachi's identity.

But for such a result, Mizuki could only sigh from the bottom of her heart that she really didn't want to see the matter about Uchiha Itachi.He obviously loves Sasuke deeply and wants to protect his safety, but he has to be hated by the one he loves. This kind of suffering and pain is unimaginable.

Kakashi beside Mizuki naturally paid attention to her expression, not knowing how he felt.Perhaps for those who have performed the Dark Ministry missions, he is not surprised by such a thing, right?

Don't say much, then we have to concentrate on the journey.

The first half of the journey didn't have many problems, but it reached the boundary of Shayin Village, and it was difficult to encounter the sandstorm. Although it was not as good as the last time in the Zhongren exam, the scale was also not small.

Reluctantly delayed for a while, but fortunately, the impact was not particularly big, but on the third day after leaving Konoha Village, he arrived very punctually.

There is already at the door of Shayin Village, and the two Shayin Village ninjas standing guard have been waiting for them for some time.Only then rushed to the Fengying Mansion in Sandyin Village, and heard another situation: "After Master Fengying was taken away, Kankuro failed to pursue the pursuit and was unfortunately poisoned in the battle."

The poison of the Red Sand Scorpion has yet to find a way to detoxify!

Hearing such a news, I couldn't help but worry about it. Fortunately, Sakura followed. She had followed Master Tsunade to learn about pharmacology very early.

Sakura understands the importance of the matter, because he heard that Kankuro was tracking Gaara, which caused the battle to be injured and poisoned.Later, I heard that the rest of the tracking troops had lost any contact, and I was afraid it might be more or less good.

But that was the case, everyone hurried to Shayin Village, and Sakura immediately went to check the situation.But at this moment, an old woman suddenly rushed over.

"This old woman is~" Mizuki recognized who she might be at first glance.

But the old woman didn't stop her hand, but directly attacked them. Seeing that her target seemed to be Kakashi?

Mizuki recognized people, so he didn't do it.But Naruto reacted and immediately stepped forward and used the shadow clone to block Kakashi's body and make two moves with the opponent.

Regardless of how old this old woman is, she is quite agile, and she hits Naruto's shadow clone with two blows.Although it was the shadow clone to deal with, the attack was quite clean and neat, obviously the strength was quite good.

Naruto fought against it, and said very indignantly: "You old lady, suddenly attacked Teacher Kakashi, what do you want to do?"

But he should have felt that this old woman's skill is not ordinary, she is definitely a good master.And seeing her age is not young, if she is younger, she will be even stronger!

The old woman didn't care about Naruto. Her eyes focused more on Kakashi, pointing to him and said: "At that time, how dare you~, the hateful Konoha White Fang, my son's hatred, now I will end it!"

When she said this, she was ready to do it again.

Konoha White Fang?Mizuki glanced at Kakashi, only to see that he wanted to explain.But the old woman didn't give him this opportunity to explain, she was about to do it again.

Fortunately, at this time, an old grandfather stood up and stopped her: "Sister, can you take a closer look? Although they are very similar, he is not Konoha white teeth. And Konoha white teeth died a long time ago. I learned that After the news of his death, did you cry for a while because you couldn't avenge your son?"

The misunderstanding seems to be resolved, but what is this hands-on?We are invited to support, and fight with allies without encountering enemies?

But let alone here, the way to resolve this embarrassment, this old woman is really cute: "Just kidding, I was scared? Hahaha~"

With her expression and movements, Mizuki was considered drunk.But it also reminded her that her grandmother in the three-dimensional world also has the same naughty personality as her. It can be said to be a typical "old naughty boy" character?

But at this moment, the pain from Kankuro broke the atmosphere here.

Text Volume 599. Participate in Surgery

Kankuro here wailed, and it seemed that the situation was quite bad.

Sakura hurriedly stepped forward to help, and asked Kakashi and Naruto and other unrelated personnel to go out temporarily so as not to disturb her.Originally, Mizuki wanted to wait outside, but was called to accompany her to diagnose.

Want to stay and help yourself?Mizuki is really a bit speechless.Although she has learned a little bit of medical ninjutsu, she is actually only a half-hearted person, not very knowledgeable in pharmacology.

However, she was stopped here, so she didn't leave first, staying and looking at Sakura, and began to check Kankuro.

In the past two years, Sakura has won Tsunade's medical skills personally.He has been admitted to Konoha Hospital and has cured patients on the operating table many times.

The method of checking the condition is very professional, although sometimes I feel nauseous, such as opening my eyelids and looking at my eyes, which kind of painful and stern look.And put your hands into your mouth to see the performance of the tongue coating.

Of course, thinking of the three-dimensional world, it seems that when going to the hospital, the doctor who sees the doctor does the same.They are all professional doctors, and they have seen a lot of blood and severed limbs on the operating table. Naturally, such summary will not care too much.

Mizuki looked at Sakura, and after some inspections for Kankuro, he immediately concluded: "What is in it is a toxin that destroys nerves, a type that penetrates into the body's meridians to destroy cells."

In order to verify the accuracy of what she said, Mizuki deliberately re-examined with white eyes. Although the toxins cannot be seen with white eyes, the disease can be understood by judging the human body.

What he saw in his eyes seemed to be correct: "Kankuro’s muscles are relaxed and cell activity is very low. This is a manifestation of the penetration of toxins into the muscles. The situation is really bad. If you don’t do it as soon as possible. After the operation, when the heart muscle can't keep beating, the patient will be in danger of life!"

Such an answer made the two people’s opinions coincide. At the same time, the medical ninja in Sagakura Village also came up with an analysis sheet for toxins. If you compare the toxin components above, I believe that Sakura’s pharmacological level can definitely be configured. The antidote comes.

But Kankuro's heart beats weakly, and Mizuki said it clearly just now that it has penetrated to the level of the muscles.The same is true for the myocardium of the heart, which means that if you can’t fix it, you may not be able to wait for the preparation of the antidote.

There is no other way. The only option is to perform surgery directly and find a way to remove the most toxins. This can also delay Kankuro for a while until the antidote is deployed.

Kozakura quickly said: "I will prepare what I need immediately, and the operation will begin immediately!"

Mizuki agreed with this decision, and everyone quickly acted, following Sakura's instructions and preparing for the operation.

Prepare a usable aqueous solution, which contains some soothing agents. The hands-on is very quick here, because the commonly used detoxification agents will do.

The next step is to ask everyone to control Kankuro, who is struggling, to infiltrate the aqueous solution into his body, and then use Chakra to suck out the poison.

This kind of medical treatment seems to have an almost identical method in the three-dimensional world: dialysis!However, the three-dimensional world uses sophisticated medical equipment, but here is Sakura alone. Through the control of Chakra, the toxin is directly extracted.

I really want to admire Sakura for being able to use Chakra to a level of precision comparable to "molecular".Anyway, for Mizuki, he still needs a lot of concentration, and he can barely speak at a level before he can barely control it.It seems that Tsunade would choose to be arrogant, it makes sense to be a direct disciple!

Of course, while Sakura here was concentrating on treatment, Mizuki also didn't have anything to do.On the one hand, to cooperate with everyone, to forcibly suppress Kankuro’s struggles, and at the same time introduce chakras into Kankuro’s body to help him protect his heart from damage, and use weak chakra currents to stimulate cells to regain certain vitality.

It was during such a stressful operation that Naruto, who was doing outside, was a little boring. He was curious about what Chiyo said just now, "Kinoha White Teeth", and asked: "Mr. Kakashi, this old woman just said that' Konoha White Fang'Do you know who it is?"

This question made Kakashi pay attention to him and put down the "Intimacy Paradise" reading in his hand.Of course he knows who it is, because this "Konoha White Fang" is his father!

Knowing such an answer not only left Naruto in a daze, but even Chiyo and his younger brother showed an expression of astonishment.

But this can also explain why the first thousand generations of mothers-in-law would admit the wrong person. After all, there are too many similarities between two people as father and son.

When they were discussing this issue, Sakura and Mizuki were also working hard. In order to extract as much poison as possible, Kankuro's body was cleansed.There is no doubt that it is very exhausting. Mizuki thinks that it is extremely difficult to do. Fortunately, Sakura has a talent in this area.

Mizuki's white eyes observed the dynamics and clearly saw Sakura's Chakra. The control was extremely delicate, and it could be said to have reached a level that was almost not bad.Thinking that I am a very demanding practice, but still no match for others, it is unavoidable that I feel a little bit irritable in my heart.

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