I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 340

Everyone is starting to hurry, the mission to rescue Gaara, but time is not waiting!

According to the information given by Parker, Kakashi has marked a specific location on a map, and just rushed to this location directly according to the label on the map.

However, on the way to rush, Sakura thought of a question. The people of Akatsuki's organization appeared and robbed the tail beasts of various countries, which means that Naruto must be targeted.But what about this specific reason?

Sakura asked Naruto: "Do you know?"

The last time, probably more than three years ago, Mizuki broke into the development of the plot by accidentally hitting it. He saw Uchiha Itachi and the dried persimmon ghost shark, and when he wanted to attack Naruto, he was caught Jiraiya's intrusion was forced to stop.

But the specific reason is the taboo topic about the tail beast.

Sakura here is not very clear, and Naruto can't explain why she was targeted by Akatsuki, even if she doesn't even know when.

Kakashi is more of a guess, there should be the emergence of Ji Lai Ye, so that they have to give up and leave.But this view was opposed by Chiyo. She seems to have more intelligence?

Chiyo has his own opinion on this issue: "According to my information, there should be another hidden story. Let a sealed tail beast revive!"

Ten tails!Mizuki knew what Chiyo was talking about.

This is the fuse of the fourth Ninja World War, what we want is to wake up the tenth tail!

But in order to wake up the tenth beast, a lot of preparations are needed, which is a waste of time.In the meantime, the Akatsuki organization had been operating secretly, but now that it has risen to take action against major powers, it is clear that the preparations have been completed.

Kozakura heard what Chiyo was saying and asked, "Did you just talk about the'tail beast'?"

Chiyo didn't know why she asked, he was obviously a disciple of Tsunade, didn't he even know the tail beast?

Regarding the reason for this question, Kakashi explained: "Kuu's matter, this is forbidden to discuss in Konoha."

Mizuki didn't speak much. She knew about this and there was no need to say anything.Instead, she focused her attention on Chiyo, wondering what she explained to the tail beast and Akatsuki?

The mother-in-law of the thousand generations began to say: "Tailed beasts refer to the beasts with tails, and one tail is the Shou crane whose wind shadow is in Gaara. There are nine tailed beasts in this world, and each tail beast can be judged by the number of tails. Each tail beast is a combination of powerful chakras. This kind of existence makes in the Ninja World War, in order to turn it into its own military power, every country will seize it by any means."

The news is very clear. For the first, second, third, and fourth Ninja World Wars, although the causes of the wars are not the same, there are more or less the shadows of fighting tail beasts.

But when it comes to controlling the tail beast, it is difficult for anyone to control such power, and the tail beast runaway things happen from time to time.

In response to such a problem, you can follow along. Although it is still unknown what Akatsuki's purpose is to obtain the tail beast, such power is too dangerous.

Akatsuki's motive for catching the tail beast is definitely known to the water tree here, and it has not been used by Jue.It became an opportunity to resurrect the Ten Tails, and eventually it almost caused a worldwide disaster.

After listening to Chiyo's narration, Mizuki combined his own vision and said: "The tail beast is a strategic force among the big countries. Akatsuki's motive for capturing the tail beast is obviously to break this strategic balance."

Saying such a sentence is a signal to everyone.Regardless of the fact that Akatsuki organized and snatched the tail beast, it was very against the peace of this world, and it was extremely easy to break the fragile balance.

This point is recognized by Chiyo: "You little girl, you are thinking carefully~! That is not wrong, so Gaara must be rescued!"

At the same time Kakashi saw it, of course he thought so too.And Gaara prefers to be friendly with Konoha, neither public nor private want to see him having problems.

Not to mention Naruto, he nodded and said, "Yes, Gaara must be rescued!"

A group of people accelerated, but unexpectedly, their actions were discovered.

Jue's clone is hard to be found, and Bai Jue in the Fourth Ninja World War has the ability to restrain various perceptions.

The Akatsuki members have to delay time and concentrate on drawing one out.Not only sent people to intercept and reinforce the Kaiban squad, but there was also a guy who blocked the way of Mizuki and others.

Seeing the other's eyes: writing round eyes, even if you think with your toes, you should already know it.His name: "Itachi Uchiha!"

This is Uchiha Sasuke, the good brother who wants revenge the most.

It was really a trouble. Mizuki was not afraid of any physical skills when he encountered an opponent he didn't want to meet, but he couldn't perfectly defend against ninjutsu and illusion.

Uchiha Itachi has one of the best illusions, which may be inferior to Shisui, but for such a person, if he wants to use illusions to deal with water trees, he should still be more than enough.

Text Volume 602. Lu Yu Uchiha

"I didn't expect the enemy's reaction to be so fast. Will we send a difficult opponent?"

Mizuki's heart was a little nervous, although there was no need to worry about Uchiha Itachi as a killer, but if it was to delay time, it should be very simple for them to perform an illusion.

After Konoha collapsed, Uchiha Itachi went to Konoha once. Kakashi was not an opponent at the time, and was defeated by Uchiha Itachi's illusion.

The water tree here does not have a round eye, and it is impossible to have resistance. Only the method of disrupting the chakra is used to passively release the control of the illusion, so it is inevitable that it will be a little passive.

He noticed that Uchiha Itachi was moving. He stretched out his hand to make a seal from his sleeve. This is a simple refinement of Chakra's handprint, but Kakashi immediately reacted. This was in preparation for gathering Chakra: "Be careful, everyone. Don't look directly into his eyes!"

Zhuanyan is a typical pupil technique, and nothing can happen without looking at Zhuanyan.

But this kind of fighting style, no one has encountered how, regardless of how the opponent fights?

Kakashi obtained an intelligence from Kay, by judging the opponent's physical movements.But this way of fighting is not easy. It's easy to say that Mizuki has white eyes. You can use a 360-degree angle of view instead of looking directly at the writing wheel.

But it's hard for others to say, Sakura can clearly feel the difficulty: "This is really quite difficult."

"Are you the Uchiha clan?" The thousand-generation mother-in-law here, recalled: "I haven't fought against Shalulanyan for a long time."

Once in the second and third Ninja battles, the Uchiha clan stood in Konoha and had a war with the country of wind.So if Chiyo participated in the battle back then, he must have had combat experience.

According to Chiyo's statement, when dealing with the writing round eyes of the Uchiha clan, in a one-to-one situation, one can only choose to escape.But if you switch to two-on-one, you can use sneak attack tactics.If it doesn't work, you can also support your teammates and release the control of the illusion.

The original words of this sentence: "One to one, you must escape. Two to one, attack the rear."

If it is to deal with the general writing wheel eyes, using this trick must be very effective. Unfortunately, Uchiha Itachi's writing wheel eyes have a more powerful advanced: kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes!

Kakashi was very cautious. There were problems with this method everywhere, and the illusion that he had used before, so he knew the "Kaleidoscope Writing Round Eye" was more powerful.

Mizuki understands this problem, otherwise how could he be careful?But speaking of kaleidoscope writing round eyes, it is still an advanced version of writing round eyes. If it reaches the shape of the round eyes, it will have the power of the six realms.

Of course, speaking of kaleidoscope writing round eyes, it might be flawed.Kakashi has a writing wheel by himself, opening the forehead that covers his eyes.He said to Uchiha Itachi, "How far has your eyesight deteriorated?"

Strong moves must first hurt themselves. Shui Shu has a deep understanding of this. The more powerful moves, such as his own "Asura Overlord Fist", even though it has the power to kill, the more powerful it is, the more powerful it is. The burden on the body will be greater.Every time this blow is completed, the water tree will enter a state of weakness, and the body will be affected by sequelae.

In the same way, Metkai’s eight-door Dunjia, all the power that bursts out, and the Uchiha Madara in six states in time, are all admired and called: number one.But the price is your own life!

When Uchiha Itachi heard Kakashi's words, he immediately realized one thing.If the guess is not wrong, he already understands that the kaleidoscope writes the round eyes, it should have been opened by him.

If there is no problem with the plot timeline, Mizuki must know it.But now is not the time to talk about this matter.The task is to save people, but there is no time to waste time here.

Mizuki here thinks about it and puts forward his own tactical plan: "I used to fight against one of Oshemaru's subordinates. The opponent was implanted with a writing wheel. Although it is definitely not comparable to him, I think it can Try. Senior Kakashi, you come to attract the other party's attention positively, I need to find a time to approach him!"

Real sword one hundred Podao!!

This is the method Mizuki thought of, because of the particularity of this skill, even if it is affected by illusions, as long as it is successfully used on the target, it still belongs to the effective range.

There is a time limit in the game, but this world is different. Unless one of the players dies, it is absolutely impossible to be lifted.

It is precisely with his own characteristics that as long as the water tree can approach the enemy, use the real sword to control the enemy, and then be able to hit the "Asura Tyrant Phoenix Fist" again to kill the target!

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