I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 342

But Chiyo said: "He has been an important person for four years."

It is said that he has been serving as the guard duty of the village for several years, and the plan to guard against Akatsuki before was proposed by this person.

Here Mizuki knows a little bit of inside information, but he has no choice to say it. After all, if he says it, how can he explain how he knows it?There may be troubles, so just follow the plot.

Text volume 604. Thoughts

I didn't expect it to be such a result, but the intention was obvious, and it could already be analyzed. This is a means for the other party to delay time.

However, the water tree here was not surprised, and said indifferently: "We can't delay time. The other party does this to delay time."

Everyone quickly understood that if Gaara is not rescued quickly, he will be drawn out of the tail beast and die!

"Split-tailed beast?" Chiyo and Kakashi should know.Mizuki knew the plot, but Sakura and Naruto didn't know the reason, so they asked, "What does this mean?"

This question should be said to be a taboo topic involving tail beasts, but now there is nothing to hide, because Akatsuki may be doing this thing!

So Chiyo gave a brief explanation from his own perspective: "Human Zhuli is to control the tail beast, so as to control the tail beast it holds, and seal it in the human body."

It can be sealed, and of course it can be peeled off.

When talking about this, the water tree actually wanted to add something about the real existence of the tail beast.But when I think about this kind of thing, I don't want to say anything.

The tail beast is the power that the six immortals stripped from the ten tails in the Hokage world thousands of years ago, in order to prevent the ten tails from waking up.

But this kind of thing is incredible, at least for people who have not known it now, and it is difficult to find a basis for them to believe.

Thinking of this, Shui Shu had to sigh secretly: "I can't say it, it seems that the self-development of the plot is still needed, otherwise such things are said nonsense, and God knows what consequences will happen?"

Speaking of tail beasts and Renzhuli, Mizuki also consciously paid attention to Naruto, thinking of the nine tails in his body, because of the existence of this thing, it really made him suffer a lot when he was a child!

If it is a peaceful age, it is considered to be such a discrimination, if it is changed to a war age.As mentioned before, all countries want to transform the tail beast into their own combat power.

As Naruto’s friend, Kozakura can’t accept it at all: “People use Renju’s power to start many wars, right? Then become a Renju’s person~!”


Mizuki interrupted her, and then cast his gaze on Naruto.

Realizing this problem, Sakura hurriedly stopped.To control the tail beast?Waging a war for the sake of human strength?In such a battle.

Kozakura didn't ask, but changed the subject and continued to ask: "How to separate the tail beast?"

Chiyo's answer: "It needs to be stronger than the sealing technique, and it takes a long time. But after the separation, the human column power will be ~."

"Death right?" The sentence was added by Mizuki.

Anyway, everyone can imagine that if an ordinary person does not have a chakra, it is also equivalent to death. Without the power of a tail beast, he will naturally die.

Originally, I was thinking of pulling the beast from the tail, maybe it can get Naruto out of the sea of ​​bitterness, but I didn't expect it to be like this. If pulling away is equal to death, wouldn't it be the tail beast and the manjuli? , Can't be separated forever?

Kozakura felt that she had said too much, and she shouldn't have asked such a thing.However, Naruto did not blame her, but comforted her: "You still cry like this? Don't worry, we will definitely rescue Gaara."

But Sakura couldn't understand, she bluntly said: "Naruto, I'm worried~"

"I have to leave now." Naruto understood Sakura's meaning, but interrupted her, and then left directly.

Mizuki looked helplessly at such a scene, and at the back of Naruto's departure, feeling a bit lonely to bear?This feeling is not very good, but the attitude of Kyuubi should be related to Naruto himself.

Think about it, Mizuki pretended to say to himself: "I've heard a samurai's philosophical saying: The sword can kill the enemy, but also hurt yourself. The key is the person who uses the sword!"

The prototype of this sentence should come from the weapon of the three-dimensional world: a double-edged sword.

However, everyone can understand the truth of this philosophical saying. The water tree is alluding to the relationship between the "tail beast" and the "human pillar power". How to use such power depends on the person who masters this power.And the person who masters the power of the tail beast is not Renzhuli himself?

Of course, that's how it is said. How to use it depends on Naruto himself. This is also in the second half of the Fourth Ninja World War, did you begin to experience the communication with the tail beast?Prior to this, Naruto had forcibly captured the nine-tailed Chakra in order to gain strength.

Recalling the events of these plots, Mizuki waited a moment and people had already walked a short distance. During this period of time, Kakashi noticed the appearance of Naruto.Because it was affected by Uchiha Itachi's illusion, and also used the immature Oyu spiral pill, the consumption was a bit too big.

So when you see that the sun is about to set and enter the evening, let everyone stop and rest for a night.Such a proposal was not approved by Naruto, because his heart wanted to save people as soon as possible, and said: "Why? I said that there is not enough time. Isn't this Mr. Kakashi? How can I stop now?"

Kakashi's decision was very wise, at least it was also a wise decision by Chiyo who was also concerned about this issue.

In order for Naruto to settle down, Kakashi said to him very seriously: "We have been fighting against the ninja who faked Uchiha Itachi, and our state has dropped. A night’s rest will relieve fatigue, which is more conducive to the next day. Action."

This point was also approved by Mizuki and Kozakura: "It's true, we will have to fight the enemy tomorrow. It is not in a good state, but it is very dangerous."

Needless to say how strong the opponent can take Gaara.Anyway, according to the existing information, one is the "Red Sand Scorpion" from Shayin Village, and the other is a ninja from the Earth Kingdom, and is also a disciple of the current three generations of Earth Shadow. Their strength should not be underestimated.

When resting at night, Naruto fell asleep quickly because of the excessive wear during the day.

The water tree was originally leaning against the tree, and was about to fall asleep when lying down, but was called out by Kakashi, and carefully left the camp for a certain distance, making sure that there were no people around.

Kakashi said to Mizuki: "During the day, I paid attention to you. Do you want to talk about the tail beast?"

It might be that I didn't expect that my little actions would be discovered by others?Mizuki was a little surprised secretly.

But speaking of this question, I don't know how to answer it.Because the development of the plot hasn't arrived, if she previews it in advance, how can she explain how she knew it?

So I’m not blunt about Mizuki, think about choosing to use a tactful way, and make an answer: "I did a survey of Akatsuki. I want to come to Kakashi, do you know? I have warned, do you think I will say anything about the tail monster and Naruto?"

Text Volume 605. Empathy

Such an answer is definitely not satisfactory to Kakashi, but the meaning in Mizuki's words is very clear, and Hokage is warning about this.In fact, he told Kakashi secretly, don't ask more about this matter.

Kakashi, who has experience in Anbe, should be able to understand Mizuki's words.He looked back in the direction of Naruto, and continued to say to Mizuki: "As for Naruto, you grew up with him. When the three generations of Hokage were alive, they saw you walking very close to him. Dislike his Kyuubi status?"

After listening to what he said, Mizuki pondered for a moment before repliing: "I am a casual person, especially dislike being restrained, and like to do things according to his own wishes. Although because of this character, my father and Master Naruto, I haven't criticized me less, but I don't think it will be corrected."

I'm already dozens of years old in my heart, and I guess it won't be easy to correct it.

But the answer to the question is to say: "I paid attention to Naruto's body at first, maybe it was out of curiosity? Because many elders have said that Naruto is a monster, Kyuubi. But at the time, I felt that he was no different from other children's children. So I wanted to get to know him, and became friends with him once and again."

Kakashi could not have known what happened to Naruto.Because of the orders of the three generations of Hokage, Konoha's attitude towards Naruto, although they dare not say anything, they all regard him as the Kyuubi who almost harmed the village.

Of course, when talking about this question, Mizuki said one more thing by the way, right?Said: "The elders said that Naruto is a nine-tailed monster fox, but I asked my father, he said: Naruto's biological father is a hero."

When this sentence was said, Kakashi's expression was obviously moved, as if he was thinking of something.Then he said to himself like he agreed: "Naruto's father is indeed a hero!"

The fourth generation of Hokage in Konoha Village was not born in a noble family. It was entirely due to his own talents and talents. He created the miracle of "golden flash" and turned the situation of the third Ninja World War with one person.In the end, it is to protect the village and do all of my strength!

He is an undeniable hero, and Naruto seems to have the shadow of this hero!

Mizuki showed Kakashi's expression, of course it was completely in his eyes.Because of the understanding of the plot, it is clear that Kakashi's former teacher is actually Naruto's father: the fourth generation of Hokage!

There are no extra words overnight.

Kakashi seems to have been determined. Mizuki is not dissatisfied with Naruto. It seems that the expression he saw at that time should be related to other reasons, right?

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