I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 350

Silent said this, and both Mizuki and Sakura reacted.What she said is not wrong. The current time period is very special. None of Akatsuki's people are idlers. Naruto is the target they want to capture!

Text Volume 616. New Target [Next]

It's not unreasonable to mute it. If Naruto is allowed to go, there must be a problem.Sakura and Mizuki are no problem, Sakura is one of Tsunade's proud disciples, and Mizuki has good strength.

But the question is about Naruto. His identity is very important. The case of Shayin Village is an example. Who can guarantee that there will be no problems?Of course Mizuki knows best. Naruto's tail appeared when Shayin Village rescued Gaara.

This time, the Tiandiqiao mission will even appear to be a tail beast. Although the target of the attack is the Oshemaru, if it is really rampant, even Sakura has been hurt.

There is no way, it seems that we can only wait for Tsunade's ruling.

Tsunade appeared with obvious considerations, was analyzing the information he had obtained, and then began to say: "Silent, your worry is not unreasonable. But Sakura and Mizuki are just like you. They are from the bottom of my heart. Trusted ninja. I think this task is very suitable for the two of them!"

For this answer, Mute must have refuted it, because it is too risky. If you do it, it’s okay to have the ninja of the Anbu?

However, Tsunade quickly gave a reason: "Sakura, Naruto, and Mizuki. They have a deep entanglement with Osamaru. For Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto have stronger beliefs than anyone else. However, because of Konoha’s collapse, the hatred of Mizuki and Oshamaru was not shared. If they hadn't come to perform this task, I think they would be very unwilling, right?"

Phew~ It looks almost the same as in the plot, and the final task is left to Class 7.

Mute heard this explanation and seemed to think of something.What happened to Naruto is to leave aside, Sakura and Mizuki were definitely hurt by what Osaimaru did.

Realizing his mistake, Silent lowered his head involuntarily.But regarding this task, Naruto and he--

Tsunade sensed it and said directly: "You have heard it all, what do you want to say, Naruto?"


Mizuki and Sakura turned around and saw a guy standing on the high platform behind them.Damn, when?

But this is also his temperament. Regarding the strong desire to find Sasuke back, he is the strongest person, and no one knows Sasuke better than him.

By the way, speaking about Naruto, Mizuki also has something to report to Tsunade.

When he accompanied Tsunade back to Naruto Palace and came to the office to make sure that there was no third person, he said about Naruto's Nine Tails: "It seems that the seal in Naruto's body is the same as Mr. Jilaiya was worried. The strength is weakening, and his emotions are easily affected, unable to control such a force."

Mizuki’s mission is to protect Naruto, but it’s okay to protect him from injury, but Naruto’s character is uncontrollable, just like when he is recovering Gaara.The second tail appeared. If Kakashi didn't have the "forbidden" character in his hand, and Jilai also gave it, I don't know how to control it?!

After hearing this question, Tsunade also thought deeply.

Tsunade said to this, "I already know what you said. Konoha's senior management has also come down recently to inform and demand that Naruto be strengthened. You know the reason!"

Konoha's high-rise?It seems that Danzo is at fault.

Speaking of this Tiandiqiao mission, Danzo has done a lot of homework and put Sai in his way.

Mizuki thought about this, and at the same time Tsunade said to her: "I have already figured out a way to deal with it, but it seems that they are not giving up."

The rights of Hokage in the village of Konoha seem to be restricted by all parties. The daimyo doesn't care about Konoha village.However, Konoha's two advisory groups have considerable real power.

They have gradually managed the village since the second generation. The third generation is the same generation as them, and there will not be a lot of trouble.

But the current Tsunade is three generations of disciples, and they are the first generation. The consultant has been in charge of the village for decades, and the foundation is self-evident whether it is a network or a relationship.

The Mizuki here is very clear. I remember that he was next to Lian Danzang, and there were also people with consultants. You can think of their abilities, even Hokage has to be jealous.

Mizuki is also a wise person. As Tsunade's disciple, she respects Tsunade as her master, and she is regarded as a person under her.In response to this question, she asked: "Master, is there any influence from Danzo?"

Tsunade nodded, and said clearly, "That old guy will never rest in peace."

Danzo wants to place the "root" member beside Naruto, and he can think of any reason even with his toes.So Tsunade certainly won't be passive!

Her approach here is very simple, because Kakashi's hospitalization needs someone to replace it.Danzo forced one person in, and Tsunade had to join another person.

The candidates have been decided, and an Anbu ninja appeared and specified: "You know the situation. Your task is to replace Kakashi. There should be no problem, right?"

The ninja of Anbe confirmed: "It's an honor to be able to replace Senior Kakashi!"

Shui Shu saw the visitor and already knew who it was.

Tsunade looked at Mizuki and said to her: "You have had several contacts with people from Anbe before, I don't think I need to say more."

The same water tree nodded and replied, "Yes."

Two people are responsible for protecting Naruto, but at the same time there are people sent by "Gen", so here is the order: "In any case, you must ensure Naruto's safety, and pay close attention to the "Gen" ninja. move--"

The people in Mizuki and Anbe understand this, oh, yes, this ninja from Anbe, after taking off the mask, is of course Yamato.

As the character who appeared in Shippuden, he replaced Kakashi's position.Speaking of the birth of this guy, it seems that there is a ninja in the Kakashi Biography. He was once a ninja at the root, and was later incorporated into the Anbe of Hokage by three generations, and has been playing until now.

He was definitely a reliable person, so Mizuki would feel relieved.Because she also knew that Yamato had the cells of the first generation of Hokage, who could suppress Naruto Nine-tailed Chakra, and he could control Naruto, so there was no need to worry about Nine-tailed running away.

When Mizuki saw Yamato, he nodded to him, and Yamato nodded likewise.Then I got Naruto from Naruto, and the two of them disappeared in an instant, and the next step was to meet Naruto and the others.

Text volume 617. Expression

When Naruto and Sakura came to the meeting place, they thought they were one step ahead.But in fact, Mizuki Yuda and Sai had already arrived.

But because of something, Mizuki and Sai said a few words, the basic ones are warning words: "Don't make any ideas. If you dare to betray the team, my fist will break your bones. !"

But the warning was a warning, but now Sai didn't know that he was afraid, and the smirk on his face was really unpleasant.

Here is Yamato obstructing: "Miss Mizuki, don't be like this, Sakura and Naruto are here, shall we go out too?"

The three of them walked out one after another and saw Sakura and Naruto waiting at the meeting point.

Seeing this guy from Sai, Naruto seemed to have discovered something and pointed at him: "Why are you? The guy on the roof just now!"

Yamato walked out and briefly introduced: "From today, I will replace Senior Kakashi, and I will act as the captain of this class during Senior Kakashi's hospitalization. My name is: Yamato, please give me some advice."

But the introduction here does not seem to have a very harmonious start.Because Naruto's attention was completely focused on Sai. When he was with Shikamaru just now, he said that he found Sai's attack?

Yamato saw this situation, both of them had to take out Kunai and prepare to draw their swords, and immediately said: "Everyone will be the same team from now on. If you don't get along well, it will be very headache!"

Seeing this, Mizuki looked at Sajing in a blink of an eye, with some thoughts in his mind.This guy is now the root person, so he must be treated with care.But after knowing it, Sai still became Naruto's friend, and after Naruto became Naruto, he became a profitable helper.

Then he persuaded him: "Well, this guy has such a character now, I also want to hit him when I look at his smirk. But in the future, I want to perform tasks together, or get along well?"

"I'm sorry about what happened just now." Sai's smile was stiff, a smirk without emotion, but he still explained: "Because I am going to be a companion, I want to find out about your strength."

What's said here is still good, it seems to be an explanation.But the next thing to say is to make Naruto unable to bear it.

Because Sai said: "Because of this, I no longer doubt whether you have a ***, you can be sure that you are a trash here."

Khan, these words are really enough, if Sakura hadn't hugged Naruto, it would definitely be how he would fight.

However, Sakura discourages Naruto. Sai is so dying that he has to say, "You ugly girl who feels good about yourself~"

Mizuki looked at him and shook his forehead. It was really taken.

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