I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 380

If you want to use torture, the water tree here is also very willing to help, she is very willing to do anything to crush bones and break her legs.

But when it was about to be executed, the door of the interrogation room was opened.The ninja who can pass through the Anbe, the one who enters with an unmoving look, who else is there except Konoha?

Seeing who came, Tsunade knew that things were not good, but these two old guys, whose identities matched the three generations of Hokage, were a generation younger than them. Of course, there was nothing to do.

"Princess Tsunade, as Konoha, Hokage needs to stay focused. Even Ibis is called, but I won't agree."

This is not over yet, one of the senior officials went straight to the undercover, put one hand on his shoulder, and comforted: "Okay, okay, you have suffered."

Text Volume 658. Source of Disaster

Unexpectedly, this time is not only Danzo’s undercover agent, but also Konoha’s high-level undercover agent. It can be seen that Danzo’s face has changed.

Unexpectedly, the story of Mission Impossible could be staged in the world of Naruto, and Mizuki's face also changed.It seems that there is an old saying that is really true: "If you want to be ignorant, you must do nothing!"

The lesson this time is very profound. It seems that Konoha's senior management is the real person who has the real power.No matter where their tentacles are stretched out, maybe a friend next to them will be their spy.

Fortunately, the matter this time is not about Tsunade's problem.

The senior executive turned his gaze to Danzo: "Dachi is not your undercover agent alone, he also passed on information to us at the same time."

When talking about this, the senior officer smiled heartily: "Everyone is from Konoha, so I can't say that they are double undercover agents."

The meaning of this high-level person's words, Tsunade's face was cold when he heard it, but he didn't say much, it should be that he also heard the overtones.

Regarding what happened during this period, the high-level officials already have precise information: "The recent domestic attack has nothing to do with Yuyin Village. In addition, according to Dat's intelligence, he is stealing the Temple of Fire the day before. A group of people in the hidden tomb nearby are on the task of tracking and monitoring."

In this way, the context begins to become clear.

What happened recently was indeed not done by Akatsuki, but by another group.Deliberately, I want to bring the disaster to the east and put the blame on the country of rain.

Danzo and this group of people seem to have a certain connection, but what is the specific relationship? The information we know now can only prove that there is one thing in common between the two: the other faction of the original guardian of the Twelve Ninjas , And Danzo are all armed forces!

At the same time, there is another thing here, that is, the goal of these people is not only to support the martial arts faction, but also to get the emptiness of the temple of fire.

The reason is still unknown, but one thing that happened many years ago was that a horrible incident occurred in the Temple of Fire about ten years ago, which caused Sora to expose the power in his body.

"Because of something in the empty body?"

What did Mizuki think of, lit his chin, and recalled the nine-tailed Chakra he had sensed in the empty body at the time?But is Naruto no longer the ninju-li of the nine tails?How could Sora also have the nine-tailed chakra?

Although I don't know what happened, it may be very dangerous to let Sora stay in Konoha Village. If there was a fire temple incident, the whole village would be in danger.

But what can be done?The proposal of the high-levels is imprisonment, if not for direct obliteration.

It was when discussing this issue that the ninja of Anbe rushed up a yelling person. Mizuki heard this sound familiar, and fixed his eyes to see that it was empty.When did this guy come?

He seemed to have overheard something, and as soon as he came up he said, "Does my power make you hate so much? Do you want to kill me like the people in the Temple of Fire?"

Mizuki looked at him helplessly, what should I say now?He is like Naruto when he was a child, but he has to be sad.At least Naruto has a good teacher to enlighten him, and then there are more and more companions.

But from the beginning to the end, Sora was a person, because his body was full of unknown power, just like Danzo said: "This is the root of the disaster."

Of course, what is the source of the disaster?Rather than say it is the desire of the human heart, it should be more accurate.

When Danzo said this, Tsunade interrupted in time. Mizuki also wanted to say something, but he heard Sora say: "Damn it, everyone is like this. Talking about partners. Me. I was touched just now, will it be erased soon?"

"Calm down, empty."

Mizuki wanted to stop him, but Sora ignored him and said to Asma: "Is it you who killed my father?"

This guy, where did you hear this from?Mizuki dared to swear that it was definitely not herself, because she had not met with Sora the day before yesterday.

What happened that year had too much suffering.Asma hesitated for a while, but Mizuki wanted him not to say it. At this time, Kong's mood was very unstable, and telling the truth would make him lose his mind.

But Asma replied: "It was me, the one who gave the last blow to the horse, no, it was me who killed him."

Oh, why is this?The hatred of killing his father was not shared. Seeing the anger on Kong's face, Mizuki felt a little speechless.

Sora was so excited when he knew who his enemy was, that he seemed to go crazy.Unexpectedly, he forcibly broke free from the suppression of the two Anbu, one of his hands turned into a terrifying claw, screaming to kill Asma.

Of course Asma was on guard against the battle and took out her own weapons to fight against it. Chakra's collision caused an explosion, and the people present had to make precautions to resist the shock wave.

Mizuki originally wanted to make a move, but before she blocked the middle of the two people, the time was too late.Waiting to protect his body, blocking the shock wave of the explosion ended, using Chakra with one hand to disperse the smoke and dust, watching a hole in the wall has been broken.

Seeing that the situation is not good, he will chase it out, but at this time, it seems that he heard it, and Tuan Zang said coldly: "Did you see it? Unknown power, the source of the disaster."

This guy, Mizuki cursed in his heart: Does he think what he did is right?

Turning around, looking at Tuan Zang coldly, if she didn't maintain a little sense, she would really like to get up with a fist and blow his head directly.

Of course, reason made Mizuki hold back, and just said to him: "Master Danzo, do you think you are doing the right thing?"

Danzo replied indifferently: "Isn't it? Everything I do is for Konoha. The boy has terrifying power. What happened in the temple of fire ten years ago is the best evidence. ."

"Huh, this is your reason? You keep saying that it is for the village?" Mizuki appeared with a disdainful expression, even though she was only a teenager in physical age, but a minority of her mental age was already forty years old, and her mentality was already very serious. mature.

At the same time, there was even more contempt on his face, and Mizuki said straightforwardly to Danzo: "This is the reason for you to kill the innocent? Now you don't understand why you lost to the third generation. Isn't it you who became Hokage? ?"

Once in the three-dimensional world, when watching the plot before Tuan Zang's death, I still felt a little bit about his death because he said: "I am the root of Konoha."

However, with the accompanying contact now, it has become more and more profound that Danzo is not wrong in considering Konoha, but his methods are despicable and will not be recognized by people.

The human heart is always oriented towards the light, and even the mediocre person will try to whitewash himself.But what Danzo did was not only for Konoha, but also for his own desires.

If there is any evidence to say, it is a memory in the plot that the second generation of Hokage has encountered a crisis, and who decides to be the bait.Although Danzo had some ideas, he hesitated in the end.So it was Sarutobi Hitoshi who became Hokage, not him!

Text Volume 659. Precautions

In the three-dimensional world, Mizuki has heard a Western philosophical saying, and once said to Sasuke, it is: "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares at you."

The meaning of this sentence is self-evident. Danzo said that he is the root of Konoha, and the root organization exists for Konoha, but in fact it is just himself who wants to testify for greater rights and desires.

If I had some understanding and sympathy for Danzo before, but now I gradually know him, the only psychological side left is disdain and contempt.

Of course, people are creatures with desires and selfish interests.It can't be said that he was wrong, but the reason Mizuki hated it was just the yearning for beauty in her heart that made her spit on the dark side, right?

I didn't pay attention to Danzo. Mizuki chased Tsunade out, but he didn't see Sora, only Asma and Naruto who found him lying on the ground.

Mizuki hurried over and saw that Naruto was injured. At least a dozen shurikens hit him and fell behind him.Such a scene scared her: "Naruto! Naruto, are you okay?"

Because I came out a step late and didn't know what happened just now, he asked Asma, "Teacher Asma, what's the matter?"

Tsunade came over to check the situation and immediately ordered Silent to call the medical ninja. First, he calmed down Mizuki and said, "Don't worry, Naruto's injuries are all skin injuries. Although the injuries are not minor, they are not fatal. According to him His physical fitness will be cured soon."

A well-known medical expert in the ninja world said that, Mizuki also feels relieved.But what happened here just now depends on Asma's answer.

Asma said, "Anbe, no, it should be a ninja from the roots. He wanted to kill Sora, but Naruto appeared in time."

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