I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 383

Mizuki was aware of this problem, and Asma nodded intentionally, and then immediately said: "The guards have already fought the enemy, and Konoha's gates are guarded by troops. My task now is to find the space, and to He was arrested."

I heard that it was Sora just now, who wanted to assassinate the firepower. Fortunately, Naruto's timely appearance made Tsunade a thrilling rescue.

But this is not the point, Hokage has already ordered Asma to arrest him.But such a signal already expresses a clear meaning.

Squeezing his fist, clasping his fist to squeeze his bones, biting his teeth, Mizuki said coldly: "This damn guy, see if I don't break his bones!"

She is a little angry about this. Tsunade is her master. This is the same as the relationship between Naruto and Jiraiya. If you do something like this, don't beat him half to death to be a ghost!

Seeing Mizuki's tendency to become angry, Asma was already aware of something, and immediately said, "Tsunade's order is to arrest. Naruto has chased it, right?"

"Yes, this direction!" The water tree pointed in a direction, and a faint sound of fighting could be detected.I guess I realized that Naruto and Sora may have fought.

The two of them didn't hesitate much, and immediately rushed to the direction of the sound.

But at this time, Konoha had a tremor of shaking the ground and the mountains, and you could see the barriers of closed villages around Konoha Village!

"This is a defense barrier?"

Seeing the signal light, Mizuki realized the seriousness of the problem. This meant that Konoha Village had been forced to cut off from the outside world.Even if you come back with support from all directions, you may not be able to support the village.

Seeing such a situation, Asma said in a deep voice: "When such a defensive barrier is opened, people who cannot enter can not enter, and those inside cannot escape. What does the enemy want to do? Want to trap us. Die here?"

If she didn't know the plot, Mizuki would definitely be full of doubts, but because of her understanding of the plot, she already knew the reason.

Text Volume 663. Crisis

Fighting outside the village is taking place, and from the constant signals that the enemy is approaching.

But at this time, Asma and Mizuki were not paying attention to the fighting outside the village, but immediately followed Naruto's direction, because they could hear the sound of metal colliding and breaking objects from time to time.

Soon Mizuki rolled his eyes and saw Naruto fighting against Sora one after another. They seemed to be fighting, but while they were fighting, they were moving fast.

Mizuki told Asma about this situation: "I see, Naruto and Sora are fighting each other."

Asma nodded: "Okay, let's catch up!"

Naruto and Sora, where the incident occurred, were fighting each other. The two clinked, and their weapons collided with several metallic flowers.

Naruto said to Sora, "Why are you assassinating Granny Tsunade?"

Sora fled back, avoiding Naruto's attack, and at the same time asked rhetorically, "What do you know about me?"

Seeing that he was about to run away again, Naruto from behind continued to pursue him and asked: "What I don't understand is who these people are and why are you doing this!"

Because I have heard of some things that happened before.Naruto has a similar past to him, but can't understand why he wanted to assassinate Tsunade just now.

Mizuki said to Naruto that Tsunade originally intended to oppose imprisonment and obliteration. Those who really wanted to kill Sora were actually Konoha's high-level ideas and the ninja at the root of Danzo.

But Sora here doesn't seem to understand this. Instead, he thinks that they are all a group, gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't Konoha that wants to kill me first?"

The two people turned back and collided with their weapons, making a crisp jingle sound.Naruto hit Sora with a kick, and while flying away Sora, he replied, "Ms. Tsunade wouldn't do such a thing!"

The two people fought one after another, without seeing a high or low, and the weapons fought together again.

This time Sora said, "Of course I did!"

During the day, Sora had overheard that Konoha's high-level and Danzo deliberately wanted to get rid of his threat.But in the circumstances at that time, when Tsunade was about to say his refusal, Sora was brought down and interrupted by the people of Anbe.

This gave him the illusion that everyone who thought it was Konoha wanted to wipe him out.

Sora thinks what he is doing now: "It's just that before you get killed, you must act first!"

There is nothing wrong in the original sense, but the situation is completely wrong, just a one-sided understanding and out of context.

It was at the time when they were fighting each other, Mizuki and Asma finally caught up.

Seeing the arrival of support, Sora jumped away for the first time. He saw Asma and Mizuki, especially towards Asma in front of him, with an expression of hatred: "Damn traitor: Asma!"

In order to prevent Sora from running away, Mizuki had already squeezed his fists to launch an attack, and directly captured Sora and brought him to justice.But Asma stretched out his hand to stop here, and gave a look, which seemed to say: Let me solve it.

After understanding his eyes, Mizuki closed his hands and hugged his chest, watching the development of the next plot.

Asma's expression was serious, and he said to Kong: "Why did you assassinate Naruto-sama? If you want revenge, it should be ~ me."

The relationship between these two people is a bit too complicated.

how to say?Yuansora's father is a member of the original guardian of the Twelve Ninjas with Asma, and the relationship can be said to be very good friends.But because the final belief was different from the standpoint, he finally had to go to the opposite side.

Asma is the one who killed Sora and gave the final blow to the horse. The vengeance of killing his father is not shared. You don't have to think about it. How can Sora calm down in the face of his own enemy of killing his father?

Kong said with a sneer: "Whether I am imitating you, you will kill my dad to protect your chosen jade."

I don't understand what Kong said, what is the protection of the chosen jade?

Mizuki knew about the original guardian of the Twelve Ninjas, so it was not completely clear.But Naruto didn't know, and asked, "What on earth are you talking about?"

"No, he was right." Asma stared at Kong coldly and asked, "You just called Master Hokage'Jade', didn't you?"

Asma at this time seems to have understood it.

Naruto asked what was going on, and Asma replied to him: "If I'm not wrong, Konoha is in crisis now, I'm afraid those people want: wanton slaughter!"

When this sentence was said, whether it was Naruto, Mizuki, or Sora, they were shocked.

Especially the Sora who chose to stand on the other side, and absolutely didn't want to believe it, vetoed: "Damn, don't lie here, do you want to scare anyone?"

However, it can be seen that Asma said very seriously: "Why did the tomb raiders act on the remains of the Thunder Dungeons, that is because they thought of getting the ninjutsu of the Thunder Dungeons. Those are only very familiar people. , They can understand the Tao. They want to use such power to destroy the village in one blow."

It means that it should be some kind of taboo ninjutsu?It is said that in order to calm down the judgment, the four companions of Asma sacrificed their lives.

If it is really a large-scale destructive ninjutsu, once it is released, it will be as horrible as a nuclear weapon!

Naruto couldn't believe it, he asked Kong: "Is this true? If you do this, it means that all the people in the village will die!"

This kind of thing is totally unimaginable. Peace in the three-dimensional world is based on the deterrence of nuclear weapons, because no one wants to evolve into a global nuclear war.

No one person or country wants a nuclear bomb to fall on their heads because everyone understands the horror of nuclear weapons!Of course Mizuki knew in his heart that if it were that group of people, in order to wipe out Hokage, using such a wide-ranging attack would inevitably cause a lot of innocent damage.

Sora didn't dare to think about it anymore: "No, it's impossible, I don't know, I don't know anything!"

People tend to be good, not to mention Kong is a novice monk. He knows the consequences of doing so, and how many sins he will attach.

Unable to face such consequences, Kongyan watched as he ran away again, and Naruto wanted to launch a pursuit.But because of the urgent situation, Asma said decisively: "I have to stop it, otherwise the situation will be even worse."

He already wanted to understand the reason, so he had to stop it, otherwise the entire Konoha Village would be in danger.

Text volume 664. New appearance

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