I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 387

Appreciating the beauty of Sakura's concentration at work, a female medical staff soon sent a dress for Mizuki, but it seemed a bit wrong at first sight: "Why is it a hospital gown? And it looks a little big ."

Dizzy, what and what is this?Do you wear a hospital gown and then run to the front to fight?

The medical staff here frowned after hearing this, and said, "A lot of people are evacuated now, and there is no way to get suitable clothes for you."

According to the emergency plan, when encountering foreign enemies, people will be ordered and villagers will be escorted for safe evacuation.Now there is basically no one to find, and there is no way to find her clothes specifically.

It is understandable for Mizuki to think about it, but he can't wear a hospital gown to fight, right?So I can only ask: "Nurse sister, I am a ninja, if I want to go up to fight, I can't always wear this, right? Ask my sister to do a favor. If you can't find good clothes, you can come with a ninja costume! "

The medical staff felt that what was said was right. Although it was a waste of time and trouble to find a piece of clothing for her, they had already said so. There was definitely no way to fight in a hospital gown.

However, the ninja suit is definitely not available. This kind of thing is equivalent to the military uniform of the three-dimensional world, but it has quite strict management.The only way I can think of is to find a suitable dress from a clothing store nearby.

Of course, this must be paid, and the money is placed on the counter according to the price of the clothing.

But after seeing this dress, Mizuki fainted again, because this is not a dress, but a very beautiful women's dress.Uh, it’s a skirt to be precise, a very nice skirt~

"What's the situation? It's not about clothes?" Mizuki's face was full of black lines!Put on a skirt to fight?If you don't go away, who believes it!

Take a look at the beautiful female nurse. She should be between 18 and 20 years old. She is looking at her with her eyes blinking. She seems to be looking forward to it.

Mizuki felt that she did this deliberately, and took a look at the skirt that was delivered to her hand. The style had a strong youthful atmosphere of a girl, and it was considered a clothing suitable for her age.

However, the fancy embellishments on such a skirt are cute, and even the cord buckles are bows. Wearing such a dress, where is going out to fight, is it definitely not going to sell cute?

Body Volume 699. Dead Corpse

Seeing the clothes he got, the water tree was going to be drunk too, not knowing what to do.If it were a normal girl, maybe she wouldn't refuse it. What's more, pretty and nice dresses would be liked by many girls, right?

However, this makes Mizuki very distressed. Let alone she is not used to the skirt, the feeling of emptiness underneath is very strange to her. Another one is thinking of fighting. Is it possible to wear this?

Mizuki asked the doctor with a strange look: "I am a ninja, how can I fight with this?"

The nurse thought about it, and said somehow, "I am not a ninja, so I can't find a ninja suit. Miss Sakura said you are hurt and asks you to rest as much as possible. This dress is also pretty, it's better than you. The fallen clothes should be better, right?"

I feel a little dizzy, and Shuixu really takes it.I'm going to fight, this dress is pretty good-looking, and very young and girlish, but if you want to fight, don't you want to go out?

What should I do?Do you want to find it yourself? Anyway, if there is a bullet, you should not be seen by others.

When I was still hesitating in my psychology, I suddenly heard someone shouting: "Dead!"

The sound immediately attracted the attention of all parties, and Mizuki also looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a dozen dead corpses swaying by. This strange and terrifying scene made people shudder.

In the three-dimensional world, Mizuki hasn't seen "Resident Evil" and "The Walking Dead" and other movies about zombies.But movies and TV shows are fake, but what you see now is real!

The terrifying zombie had a hideous appearance, and the nurse beside the scared Mizuki yelled. This medical staff is just an ordinary person, not a ninja but also a little girl, so she is naturally afraid of such things.

This is a temporary hospital, and most of them are injured and sent.There were only two escorts of their injured companions, and the ninjas who came over rushed to meet the enemy: "Fire escape: the art of phoenix fire!!!", "Wind escape: the art of wind cutting!!!"

A dozen dead bodies were killed one after another, but the crisis was not resolved.

Because there can be dead bodies appearing here, it has already shown that the previous battle may be very stalemate.With this awareness, Mizuki couldn't care about anything.

Well, the skirt is a skirt, it's better than the clothes that are torn on the body.

I just changed into a new dress. Although I can't see myself without a mirror, I think my appearance is not bad, it should look good, right?

When I was thinking about it this way, I accidentally saw that Yamato arrived and Sakura was talking about sometime.Because there are too many injuries and sicknesses here, the voices of wounded and wailing one after another, Mizuki couldn't hear what they said.

However, it didn't take long for Kozakura to leave with Yamato after a few words with the people around her. It seemed that there was something urgent, and she ran away all at once.

Mizuki felt a little strange, so he walked to the doctor who had had a conversation with Sakura just now.When he approached, he saw that it was a medical ninja wearing a protective forehead from Konoha Village. He saw Mizuki coming and asked, "What's the matter?"

Because he was not very familiar with this doctor, Mizuki directly asked what happened just now: "I saw Dao Sakura just now, did she tell you something?"

The medical ninja looked at Mizuki up and down. If she didn't think Mizuki was a ninja at first glance, because she was not wearing a ninja suit, she looked more like a civilian in her beautiful dress.

However, wearing Konoha's forehead can still prove Konoha's ninja's identity, so she told Mizuki: "She has something that is very urgent."

The details of this medical ninja are not too clear.Maybe Sakura didn't explain, what is she going to do?How about urgent matters?

Mizuki didn't know what was going on. The first reaction was to chase after him to check the situation, so he disappeared in place, chasing the direction where Sakura and Yamato had left. It shouldn't be too far, right?

Because of the presence of the slingshot, the natural movement speed is much faster. After the two uses of the slingshot, the water tree can see the two of them.

At the same time, Yamato also noticed that someone was chasing him, so he simply stopped to guard, but he didn't expect that the person was Mizuki.Without waiting for Captain Yamato to speak, Sakura said first: "Didn't I tell you, should you rest as much as possible? The sequelae don't get better so quickly, right?"

Khan, this little Nizi is really too. I asked the medical staff to send the hospital gowns and the dresses of my own. I'm afraid she did it intentionally, right?

It's just a sequelae. Is it so weak?Mizuki patted his chest and said, "Look at my appearance, can any sequelae affect me?"

The nirvana of the Asura Bahuang Fist and the sequelae left behind are mainly due to the fact that all of the body's strength and chakras are consumed within a short period of time after the fight, so it will temporarily lose the ability to move.

However, during the past period of time, the body will gradually recover. Now the water tree is very young. With the advantage of usual physical exercise, the physical fitness is very good, and of course the recovery will be very fast.

Of course, it’s not easy to say how much combat power can be played. Although it seems that there is no problem, if the sequelae are not fully recovered, if you encounter a strong opponent or a stalemate, the stamina may be slightly insufficient.

Yamato stood aside and looked at Mizuki. He hesitated for a while, but he still said, "Sakura, let Mizuki come with you, too. One more person has more strength, and you know her strength. ."

The three people started walking together, and by the way, told the water tree what had happened just now in detail.

It turned out that Asma encountered Konohamaru on the way, and asked them to find a ninja above Zhongnin, and immediately went to the direction of the power station.Because there is previous information, I can think of the reason.

Mizuki quickly understood and nodded: "It seems that there is nothing wrong with the Lei Dun quartet of four being resurrected! Do those guys want to use the forbidden technique to destroy Konoha Village?"

I don’t know what the forbidden technique is. I don’t even remember the name, but since it’s Thunder Escape technique, how many can I guess a certain possibility, and the direction to go is the power station?

Konoha under the curtain of night, the world without electricity is dark, but in the direction of the power station, there is a dazzling electric light.And heard a sound similar to an explosion?Such an anomaly would of course not be ignored, and the three people soon arrived at this place.

Text Volume 670. The Resurrected Person

[The serial number of the previous chapter is wrong.669 was written as 699, because it is a VIP chapter, there is no way to modify it.Here is an explanation for everyone.

When I came to the power station, I happened to encounter Asma and a strange ninja, but Mizuki saw it at a glance. This person was wearing a "fire" sign.

Needless to say, this man is a resurrected ninja, a member of the original guardian ninja!

"Teacher Asma!" Seeing that Asma was knocked down, Sakura hurried to help guard the enemy. Seeing the enemy in front of him, she couldn't help asking, "This is?"

Mizuki already knew who it was, but did not speak. Asma here explained: "The Beiyin in the hidden tomb of the Twelve Ninjas who guarded you in the previous mission."

They are really resurrected ninjas. There are four coffins here, but there is only one person, so where did the other three go?

Sakura here also noticed, the corpse in the coffin was resurrected?He couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is it the reincarnation technique? What a difficult ninjutsu this is."

There are types of reincarnation techniques in the Ninja world, such as the reincarnation used by Oshe Maru and the ninjutsu used by thousands of generations.But the levels are quite high, and there will be a great price.

But now is not the time to talk about these things. There is only one person in the four coffins. Where did the other three people go?Mizuki asked Asma, "Why is there only one person here?"

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