I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 389

Nan Zhen stopped, turned around and saw the water tree, his eyes were indifferent, he didn't speak, and he turned to leave.

But at this moment, Mizuki was about to force her own strength, and the brilliant light enveloped her body. She, who was also of the Thunder Dunge attribute, actually absorbed the thunder light that trapped her and surrounded her body surface.

The electric current stimulated the cells of the whole body, and then forced all the Chakras out, a light that entangled the thunder, and even rushed straight to the sky!

How strong is this power?Mizuki himself is not good at judging, but if he borrows the second Zhongnin exam and sees that Xiao Li has opened eight levels, he should be stronger!

Seeing the amazing power emanating from the water tree, Nan Zhen has finally realized that it seems that the few fights just now are just the usual form of the water tree, and now it is the full strength of the water tree.

Can let him see this kind of power, he doesn't seem to have any fear, but a knowing smile appeared: "Very well, come on, let me take a look, your real strength, right?"

The water tree's current outbreak has its limit. The sequelae in the body have not been completely eliminated. Otherwise, using conventional attacks, it might not be impossible to defeat Nan Zhen.

However, she didn't expect that the same Thunder Dunn, she combined the opponent's power with herself, and actually resonated with the Thunder Dunn attribute, stimulating her body cells, and gaining the same power that was the same as when running away.

"Well, I'll let you know, my true power!" Mizuki was also willing, and took out his full strength, began to pose, and chanted every word: "A! Xiu! Luo! Ba! Phoenix! Fist!!!"

Mizuki didn't have the patience to spend time with the other party, and he didn't have more time. Although he knew that the result of doing so, his physical strength would be very high, but one of the four people was solved, and the forbidden operation could not be activated.

At this time, Nan Zhen saw the explosion of a blow that broke the sky and the earth. Although the activation was time for accumulating power, in theory, he had time to escape.But when he wanted to take action to avoid, he found that he couldn't even move!

Because the power of this blow was too powerful, all the pressure after locking him down completely suppressed him. It was too late to run, so I could only watch it, and the fist fell on him.

But when he made his strongest blow, he was about to land on Nan Zhen's head. Mizuki seemed to have seen it. Nan Zhen had a smile of relief on his face?But before she understood why, she saw everything turned white, which was the light bursting out of thunder.

It was another blow that destroyed the sky and the earth. The surrounding buildings were destroyed, and the rising light shot straight into the sky, almost illuminating the sky above Konoha into daylight.

Waiting for the explosion to disappear, the shock wave dissipated, and the light was once again engulfed by the night, the original Nan Zhen of the water tree had disappeared, and he was not aware of his breath.

Mizuki sighed, thinking of that smile, and shook his forehead uncontrollably: "Those who died for their faith, did he have no regrets when he died? The death now is just his prologue."

Text volume 672. Too tired

After successfully killing one of the members of the Lei Dun quartet, the ban was successfully broken.

After hitting the Asura Bahuang Fist, the sequelae swept through his body again, and the water tree suddenly fell weakly to the ground.He breathed a few breaths to ease, and reluctantly took out the military grain pills to take it.

Forget how the plot is resolved, but you want to defeat one of them to be able to resolve this crisis, right?

Finally, due to excessive consumption, I couldn't get rid of it even after taking the liangliang pill. I simply lay down on the ground, thinking about what I should do after I recover my mobility for a while?Should I go to Naruto first, or report that the crisis is over?

Mizuki lay on the ground feebly, facing the sky numbly, but at this moment, he felt the ground tremble, and a strong explosion sounded from one direction.

I really don't have the strength to get up and look at it. I don't know who is fighting the enemy, right?But it didn't take long for Mizuki to see that the barrier that originally covered Konoha had gradually disappeared.

"The barrier disappeared?"

According to the common sense learned in the ninja school, if it is not destroyed, it is a problem with the operator.Thinking of the shock just now, it is very likely that someone killed this enemy.

So Mizuki felt at ease: "It seems that even without me, there should be no problem, right?"

In the TV version of the relevant original plot, although Konoha village suffered a little loss, it is far less serious than Konoha's collapse. Not only these enemies only have four people.The plan to use forbidden techniques to destroy Konoha also went bankrupt, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

However, this does not mean that the crisis is resolved, because it is clearly remembered that there is still a hole card in the enemy's hand, which is to let the power of Sora run away!I remember that it was also successfully blocked by Naruto.

"It looks like you still need to find Naruto first, right?"

Mizuki doesn't want to miss the plot. Although there seems to be nothing good, it is always part of the plot, right?

He climbed up from the ground with difficulty, patted off the dirt and dust on his body, and saw the dress on his body, because the battle just now broke again, and he was going to be drunk on the spot.

He couldn't help but sighed again: "Mother B, the clothes are broken again, just put it through!"

Because he is a ninja with physical skills, he often has to fight close to the enemy, and he likes to fight head-to-head, but the wear of his clothes is too great.

Alas, it seems that you need a wear-resistant clothing. Remember that as long as you become a ninja, you should be able to apply for one, right?

But now is not the time to think about this, and continue to take a pill and a sip of water, and the water tree will recover a little bit.

I checked my physical condition, and I didn't see any obvious injuries. There were only a few minor injuries such as abrasions. Fortunately, it would not impair my combat effectiveness.

I feel very tired, after all, I have used the nirvana twice.This is reality, not a game, as long as it has a state, you can use it whatever you want.

Powerful skills also have a burden on one's own body, and there is a strong sense of fatigue. If possible, it is best to rest.

But I think there is still a little plot, now is not the time to lie down and rest.So I still worked hard, jumped to the top of a high-rise building, and used the terrain to easily overlook the whole village.

The enchantment covering the entire Konoha Village has completely disappeared. The crisis seems to be resolved, but if you look closely, you can still see the direction of the main entrance, and there is still a battle going on.

The person who wants to use the enchantment may not be the same enemy as the person who summons the dead body.In this way, only one is killed, or is there an enemy that has not been killed?

Mizuki used his eyes to observe, and soon he noticed that there was also a battle in the village.A tall tree grows into it. There are people who use Mu Dun in this direction. I guess it should be Captain Yamato, right?

When seeing this tree grow up, did you want to kill an enemy?Sure enough, he waited until he turned to the front door again, and saw that the battle there stopped abruptly, and the dead bodies did not disappear one after another. This was the result of the defeat of the operator.

This should be considered good news. The feint at the front gate was broken, and the threat of the ban was gone, so that the last one was left empty.

It is estimated that the leader of the other party has also noticed that his plan has failed, and he simply does not stop at will, untie the seal on Sora's body, and the Chakra energy from Nine Tails is unscrupulously released.

It is not the first time that Mizuki has seen the power of the tail beast, and the power of the nine tails has an ominous aura, which is very easy to be noticed by him.

She saw the ominous tailed beast Chakra on a cliff outside Konoha's side door. She reacted immediately and hurried over at the fastest speed.

In the process of approaching, before arriving at the place where the incident occurred, there was a very strong anxiety coming. Mizuki was able to realize that it should be the nine-tailed Chakra who was liberated.

Mizuki's eyes were cold, and he wanted to know this a long time ago, so he should follow Naruto, maybe he could arrive earlier.But at this distance, and in his own situation at this time, there is not even a Chakra who can adapt to the shadow of the bow.

Not only that I didn't travel far, but the sequelae also had a great impact. It felt like I was in a three-dimensional world, staying up late to play games online, and not sleeping for three days and three nights.

The reaction of the body became dull, and he jumped from one house to the top of another house. Unexpectedly, because of the tilt of the roof, the agile water tree fell and then fell directly from the roof of the house.

Fortunately, when I slipped and fell, I was shocked. Seeing that I was about to fall to the ground, my brain responded vigorously and adjusted my body movements to land smoothly.

The effect of the sequelae was too great. As soon as the water tree fell on the ground, he noticed that his vision suddenly became blurred, and his head was very dizzy, knowing that it was estimated to be two nirvana skills.

The previous nirvana was played, but the body was not fully recovered. Although the last time he forced his strength, he played the nirvana again, but his fatigue was cumulative.

Mizuki's first reaction was that he still took another liangliang pill to hold on first, but realized that he had eaten it before, and now it was useless to look like his body, and it was really overwhelming.It's not about eating this kind of thing, you can fight for energy.

There is no other way, it seems that I can only rest first, watching the light shining in the distance, and what kind of ominous breath there is, the water tree is really helpless.

Fortunately, she remembers this crisis, but she passed through it peacefully. Wouldn't it be a problem?Thinking of this, Mizuki's spirit was sent away, and then he fainted on the ground with his head tilted.Because she is so tired!

Text Volume 673. Akatsuki's Invasion

I don't know how long I have slept, anyway, when Mizuki got up, I found myself lying in the hospital, and she was the only one in the empty ward.

Mizuki held down his forehead, feeling that he had slept for a long time, his head was still a little groggy, and he didn't have much energy.So I closed my eyes and rested for a while, and finally a nurse came to round the ward soon.

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